Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1420: Knowing the Book

The maid took him around, making Song Qingshu a little doubtful whether what was waiting for him was a trap, but he didn't go to a remote alley along the way. Presumably no one was stupid enough to be in a crowded place. Set a trap.

After a while, Song Qingshu followed the maid to a teahouse by the river. There was a small bridge with flowing water and Yangliu Yiyi, which could be considered quiet and elegant.

"My son, Madam is waiting for you in the private room upstairs." The maid continued to make a request.

Song Qingshu became more and more curious, but he didn't get confused by the beauty. He didn't go straight up, but stood still and felt the surrounding environment quietly. When the Qi machine stretched to several tens of meters away, he didn't notice it. What kind of ambush? Then the handmaid smiled and followed.

The maid led him to the room upstairs by the river: "My son, please!"

Song Qingshu nodded and pushed the door in, and saw a simple and elegant, dignified and quiet young woman sitting by the window in a daze. He turned around when he heard the movement, and saw a hint of surprise on his face: "Song son~"

Song Qingshu had already recognized her as Li Wan, the grandmother of the Jia family, and couldn't help but smile wryly: "Madam can be mysterious enough."

Li Wan bowed his knees and saluted slightly, with a trace of apology in his eyes: "I am inconvenient for my concubine's status. The hard-working son made a special trip, and I hope that the son will forgive me."

"Understand and understand, how hard is it to be able to see a beautiful lady like my wife." Song Qingshu smiled. Li Wan is not only a young grandmother of a big family, but now she is young but living at home. Naturally, some people will make all kinds of vicious speculations. Chewing her tongue, in order to reduce these things, she had to be cautious in her daily words and deeds, so she didn't dare to openly find herself, and could only use this method to invite herself to a secluded place.

Li Wan couldn't help blushing when he heard what he said, thinking about him, a young man, why Meng Lang said such things to me, a widow.

However, noticing that the other person’s expression is normal, and not half of lewdness, I just realized that this is an alternative kind of compliment, and I can’t help but laugh secretly. ...

If the son-in-law in the capital treated her with words and deeds Meng Lang, she would have left her sleeves long ago, but today it gave her a novel feeling, probably because of the sincerity in the other party's tone.

"The concubine invites the son over this time because I want to ask the son..."

Before Li Wan finished speaking, Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and stopped him: "I've walked so far to see Madam, didn't I have a cup of tea?"

Li Wan slapped her forehead, pursed her mouth and smiled: "It's her concubine's rudeness." She had already sent her maid outside, so she simply poured tea for Song Qingshu herself.

"Thank you, Madam." Taking the tea cup from her hand and looking at her wrists whiter than porcelain, Song Qingshu secretly sighed, but it's a pity that she was born in this era when ethics is prevalent, I'm afraid she can't be like those women in later generations. Like pursuing their own happiness.

"The son-in-law said a few days ago that there was news about my eldest sister..." Li Wan asked hesitantly after sitting down again, and at the same time looking at each other nervously, for fear that they might not know.

Because Song Qingshu was always distracted by various things for a short period of time, he never fulfilled his promise to tell the Li family about their missing eldest lady. The Li family’s father and daughter even began to suspect that he was for the Li family’s help and deliberately found a reason. To fool it.

Now Song Qingshu has been promoted to the king of Qi, and his status is noble. Even if he breaks his promise, the Li family can't do anything about it. Therefore, Li Wan deliberately called him the son of the son from just now, and did not call him the king of Qi, just to close the relationship between the two sides.

"It's my negligence," Song Qingshu said apologetically, "I'm so busy during this time, I haven't had time to visit, and I'm really sorry that my wife came to see me in person."

"The son is polite." Feeling his sincere attitude, Li Wan's tense nerves finally relaxed slightly.

"I'm just guessing about your eldest sister's news. Although I feel confident about it, it may just make you happy, so please be prepared mentally," Song Qingshu said.

Li Wan nodded: "The concubine understands that the eldest sister has been missing for more than 20 years, and we have been looking for it for more than 20 years, and we have given up later, but this time I was fortunate to get news of the eldest sister from the son, so I don’t care. Can you find the eldest sister, the son is also the great benefactor of our Li family."

While Li Wan was talking, he got up and bowed to her, Song Qingshu hurriedly dragged her by the arm and helped her up: "Madam is serious."

Li Wan retracted his hand as if getting an electric shock, a blush appeared on his white cheeks, and he stood there a little uneasy.

Song Qingshu had to sigh that she was really a bit Meng Lang. The ladies of this era probably had no physical contact with other men except her husband, but she went to help her recklessly...

But he changed his mind to think about it, anyway, in those TV dramas, they are all acting like this. When a man is injured, the male protagonist will heal them through clothes. When a woman is injured, the male protagonist will take off their clothes to heal...

This is called adhering to the glorious tradition of our predecessors!

"I don't know if the eldest sister is well now?" Li Wan returned to his senses and lifted the hair scattered from the temple back to his ears, showing the feminine femininity.

"You can say good or bad." Seeing Li Wan's surprised eyes, Song Qingshu said with a wry smile, "Last time I chatted with you, from the age, appearance, etc., I guessed that your missing eldest sister should be Li Mochou."

"Li Mochou?" Li Wan looked blank, apparently she was very unfamiliar with this name, who was deeply in her boudoir.

"She also has a nickname called Fairy Chilian." Song Qingshu explained, but she quickly reacted, "Madam, such a lady, I must have never heard of these names on the rivers and lakes."

Li Wan looked worried: "Although I haven't heard of it, I think the elder sister is not doing well."

Song Qingshu said strangely: "How can you see it?"

Li Wan sighed quietly, his voice still very gentle: "A woman's nickname has the word Chi Lian, which obviously represents killing and hatred, but I believe that the eldest sister is a kind person, unless it is a major change. That caused her temperament to change drastically..."

Song Qingshu had to admire: "Madam is really clever, she guessed the matter with only a nickname, but Li Mochou fell in love with a man named Lu Zhanyuan when he was young, and later..." Then Li Mo Worry about the things in these years roughly said it again.

"That surnamed Lu is really hateful!" Li Wan bit her lip and said angrily, but she was gentle and not scary at all even if she was angry.

"It's really hateful." In Song Qingshu's values, it doesn't matter to provoke girls, but you can't provoke irresponsibility, so in his opinion, Duan Zhengchun, who is merciful but irresponsible, is more scumbag than stallion Wei Xiaobao. Well, Wei Xiaobao may be despicable, maybe just greedy for the beauty of those women and don't love them, but he has made proper arrangements for every woman, which has caused so many orphans and widows to lose their homes like Duan Zhengchun.

"But the eldest sister angered others and killed innocent people a bit too much." Li Wan suddenly changed his voice, although his voice was gentle, but very firm.

"Sure enough, she deserves to be the daughter of Guozijian Jijiu, who knows the book and rituals and distinguishes right from wrong." Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire.

Li Wan's heartbeat speeded up in an instant. She wasn't used to being praised directly by men, and hurriedly said, "Where is the eldest sister now?"

"She is doing things for me now," Song Qingshu explained, "I arranged for her to help me at the Sun Moon God Sect General Altar, so there should be no time to come to Lin'an for the time being."

"Huh?" Li Wan suddenly looked disappointed.

Song Qingshu replied: "I have recently been busy cooperating with the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions of the Kingdom of Gold. I was not able to do so for a while. When I am free, I will find someone to replace your eldest sister's job and let her come to Lin'an to meet you. ."

"Really?" Li Wan blinked a pair of eyes, filled with excitement.

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, madam, we are also our own, how can I lie to you."

Li Wan's face flushed, and he muttered in a low voice, "Who is his own with you."

Although his voice is very small, Song Qingshu's skill is still clear, and he can't help but laugh: "Li Mochou called my brother-in-law, and I'm your brother-in-law too."

"Brother-in-law?" Li Wan looked at him strangely.

"That's right, Li Mochou has a big sister who is my confidante..." Song Qingshu explained.

Li Wan pursed his lips and smiled: "I have heard that the romantic and suave son of the son is very popular with women. Only today I learned that the rumors are true."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but teased: "Does Madam like me?"

Li Wan's expression changed, and suddenly he stood up: "Wang son respects himself."

Song Qingshu regretted it, he was completely used to verbosity, and instinctively molested him, but Li Wan was young and widowed for many years and paid the most attention to fame, so how could he stand up to this kind of teasing.

"It was me who was abrupt." Song Qingshu was scornful.

Li Wan was noncommittal, and said lightly: "I saw the son today, and I have got the answer I wanted, so I'll say goodbye to my concubine." After speaking, he ignored the other party's retention, and walked out the door, taking the maid away gradually.

Seeing her slender back like a willow disappeared, Song Qingshu picked up the tea on the table and drank it, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"Why the son is discouraged, such a seemingly chaste martyr, how can he withstand the son's stealing tricks." At this moment, there was a coquettish laughter outside the door.

Song Qingshu looked up, and soon a woman appeared at the door with spring eyes, long eyebrows in her temples, and a smile at the corner of her mouth. She was about twenty-two or three years old, her eyes flowed and she was very beautiful. At this time, she had already taken off the usual Miao decorations and put on Han Chinese clothes, but what remained the same was her bright and white complexion.

"How do you know that I'm here?" The woman in front of me was naturally the iron hand after a long absence.

He Tieshou walked straight over, chuckled and sat in his arms: "I got your order and rushed to Lin'an day and night, and I was about to come to see you. I didn't know that you were taken away by other women in the middle. Seeing that girl's appearance is plain, I don't feel irritated that you shouldn't be so hungry and not choosing food. I followed my curiosity quietly, only to realize that there is still a dignified and beautiful young lady waiting for you..)

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