Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1424: Farewell eve

"These two people are too embarrassed!" Huang Rong suddenly thought of a thought in Huang Rong's mind, thinking that Ren Yingying, who is usually reserved and arrogant, would actually make such a shameful voice at this time. It was incredible and couldn't help but ignited a bear. The fire of gossip.

Although reason told her to leave here as soon as possible, she still moved in a wicked way and put her ears on the door just to hear the movement inside.

"What's the matter?" Ren Yingying asked lazily, feeling the strangeness of the man.

"Nothing." Song Qingshu smiled and looked thoughtfully towards the door. Although Huang Rong stood on tiptoe carefully enough, how could she hide it from him? He hesitated for a while and didn't tell Ren Yingying the truth. After all, with Ren Yingying's face-saving character, if she knew about this, she would be ashamed and angry to drive herself out, and it would be more than a loss.

Huang Rong stood outside the door for a while, and she felt her dry mouth and tongue were so dry, as if she was covered in fragrant sweat, and her close-fitting clothes became a little slimy, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

"These two people are really..." Although I couldn't see the situation inside, there were all kinds of thrilling voices from inside just now, and Huang Rong could fully imagine the shameful scene.

I subconsciously wanted to leave, but only then did I realize that I couldn't move my legs. It turned out that I was sweating all over my body and my legs felt weak when I stood up.

Ren Yingying inside the room suddenly stiffened, and said to Song Qingshu a little embarrassed: "There are people outside." After all, she is a saint of the Sun Moon God Sect, and her martial arts is similar to the elder of Sun Moon God Sect. Feeling flustered and breathing heavily, how could she not find out?

Song Qingshu knew that he couldn't hide it, so he nodded pretendingly, "It looks like someone is there."

A blush of shame flashed across Ren Yingying's face, and she bit her red lips and said, "Go and kill the person outside!"

"Ah?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, "Don't be so exaggerated." He then remembered that although Ren Yingying is a considerate **** weekdays, how could she be a little princess of the Sun Moon God Sect? No princess disease at all? Coupled with the fact that she grew up in a place like the Sun Moon God Sect, and the people who really provoke her will not be ambiguous at all to exile her with severe hands and feet.

"I heard such a shameful thing, do you want me to live in the future? If you don't go, I will kill myself." Ren Yingying bit her lip, as if she was so wronged that she would cry.

"But the person outside is Mrs. Guo." Song Qingshu had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Mrs. Guo?" Ren Yingying exclaimed, hurriedly covering her lips.

"Presumably she was waiting outside for too long, planning to come back to see the situation, who knows that she ran into us..." Song Qingshu was afraid that she was very embarrassed and was really murderous towards Huang Rong, and the matter would not end well.

"She... why is she like this!" Ren Yingying was embarrassed and embarrassed. After all, if she were an ordinary person, she would have killed her mouth, but for Huang Rong, she could never stop her mouth. Not to mention that she has always admired this heroine, she said that during this period Huang Rong unreservedly taught her about the Jiangnan Beggar Gang, and the relationship between the two is as good as a girlfriend.

"Okay, OK, I'll drive her away, OK?" Song Qingshu wiped the tears on her cheeks, and said pityingly.

"No!" Ren Yingying hurriedly grabbed him, saw the other person's puzzled expression, blushed and said in a low voice, "This thing is shameful enough, if it's not good for everyone, how can I talk to her in the future? Get along? It's better to just pretend not to know."

Song Qingshu was startled, and then realized that Ren Yingying is actually a girl with very high emotional intelligence. When the Songshan Conference in the original book was compared with swords, Linghu rushed to the younger sister and became fascinated. Afterwards, he realized that this might hurt Ren Yingying and tried to think. Explain to her, who knew that Ren Yingying was sleeping there, pretending that he hadn't seen everything just now, and eliminated the embarrassment and embarrassment of both parties invisible.

After contemplating Ren Yingying's careful thoughts, Song Qingshu no longer forced her: "Then... okay."

"You...what are you doing?" Ren Yingying suddenly blushed and pressed his chest tightly, as if to push him away from her.

Song Qingshu was stunned: "Didn't you say that you pretended not to know that she was outside?"

"I didn't let you continue... continue like that." Ren Yingying's cheeks were flushing and dripping.

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "Then I'll go and drive her away." He got up while talking.

"Don't~" Ren Yingying was taken aback, and hurriedly grabbed him, "Don't go out."

"Is it because her presence wants to interrupt our bridal chamber?" Song Qingshu looked reluctant.

"Then you... you continue to be fine." Ren Yingying hesitated, her voice as low as a mosquito.

Song Qingshu was overjoyed in an instant: "Great!"

Seeing his excitement, Ren Yingying became more and more shy: "Don't make such a big move."

"Okay." Seeing her star-eyed waves under the candlelight, Tao cheek was dizzy, Song Qingshu knew that she was clearly embarrassed but for her own sake, she felt more pity and gentleness.

Because of the presence of Huang Rong outside, Ren Yingying's red mouth opened seductively, but there was no more sound...

In the early morning of the second day, Ren Yingying came out of freshening up and just ran into Huang Rong in the yard, and said with some guilty conscience: "Morning, Mrs. Guo."

"Morning~" Huang Rong saw a trace of laziness exuding between her eyebrows, she couldn't help but think of the movements she heard last night, and her cheeks blushed involuntarily.

Seeing her weird look at this time, Ren Yingying didn't know what she was thinking, and took a sip in secret. It was a figure like a fairy concubine, but he was doing things so upside-down that he actually ran over to listen to the corner.

"I don't know when she left last night." Ren Yingying still focused on the outside last night, for fear that Huang Rong outside might hear some shameful movement, but when she arrived, she let it go. I don't have time to care if there is anyone out there, and I feel dizzy when I think of the situation last night.

Looking at the charming and charming woman in front of her, Huang Rong secretly sighed: "Miss Ren is so beautiful. No wonder that little pervert is fascinated by her."

Just as Ren Yingying raised his head at this time, the eyes of the two women collided, and they moved away at the same moment.

Feeling the embarrassment in the air, Huang Rong hurriedly changed the subject in order to conceal the embarrassment in her heart: "By the way, why didn't you see Song Qingshu?"

She regretted it as soon as she said it. Doesn't it mean that she already knew that Song Qingshu lived here last night? I didn't expect that I would make this kind of mistake, always careful.

Obviously, Ren Yingying had gone with her. While secretly embarrassed, she could only bite the bullet and pretend that nothing happened: "Qingshu has gone into the palace."

Huang Rong originally just asked casually, but when she heard her answer, she became curious: "What is he doing in the face?"

"I'm leaving Lin'an soon. I always have to tell the emperor separately. What's more, he wants to take this opportunity to meet the two little princesses." Ren Yingying knows about the marriage between Jinsheying and the Southern Song Dynasty, and about the affairs between Song Qingshu and the two princesses. Although she couldn't say how happy she was, she didn't mind that much.

Just like in the original book, although she has always been very big and will even save Yue Lingshan, she still regards Yue Lingshan as her love rival. If Linghuchong chooses Yue Lingshan in the end, she will turn around and leave without hesitation, but the same is true for Yilin. , She didn't mind Linghu Chong marrying each other. The bottom line is that Linghu Chong has true affection for Yue Lingshan, but just pity for Yilin.

In fact, Song Qingshu had another thing about entering the palace this time, but Ren Yingying hesitated. Although Huang Rong had a good relationship with them now, she was an outsider after all, so she still didn't tell her.

"That's it~" Thinking of going back to Peach Blossom Island with Song Qingshu soon, Huang Rong also had a complicated expression, "Sister Ren, I will leave Lin'an soon, take this opportunity to talk to you about the Beggar's Gang."

She knew that Song Qingshu wanted to get involved with the Jiangnan Beggar Gang. Although she was reluctant in her heart, it was better to let Song Qingshu control it than the Jiangnan Beggar Gang fell into the hands of Chen Youliang's despicable villain. Although the man was more lustful, he had resisted the northern steppe empire for the Han people over the years, and he could be regarded as a good-for-nothing.

"Thank you Sister Huang." After experiencing the close contact last night, Ren Yingying completely regarded Song Qingshu as her husband from body to heart, and regarded his career as her own.


Let's talk about Song Qingshu entering the palace and Zhao Gou's resignation, Zhao Gou is naturally overjoyed. Since the other party came to Lin'an, he can be said to have been in the limelight. Thinking of the scene when the guards of the entire palace were kneeling before him, he could not sleep.

With the downfall of Wan Tongmao and Zhang Jun, the political balance of hard work over the years has also been completely broken. Zhao Gou thinks about him more and more that he is a plague god. Now that he hears that he is going to leave, he can’t wait to drink three large glasses of joy. liqueur.

In addition, this time I went back to mobilize the Golden Snake Camp to cooperate with the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions. Zhao Gou was very happy. Therefore, when Song Qingshu asked to see the princess, he also changed his usual promise and allowed him to leave Lin'an and enter the palace. Visit the two princesses.

Song Qingshu secretly cursed, Zhao Gou, the dead eunuch, was inhumane, and he was jealous that he could marry the two princesses and enjoy the blessing of the same people.

Of course, he just needed some time to prepare, but Zhao Gou's making things difficult had made him complete. After coming out of the imperial study room, Song Qingshu moved to a secluded place. Soul of the little **** who was accompanying him, he sneaked into the harem.

Akko was in a boring daze in the imperial garden, and suddenly heard a few muffled hums behind him, and when he looked back, he found that the maid accompanying her had fainted on the ground.

She was so frightened that she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and patted her chest lightly: "So it was you."

"Otherwise, can there still be flower pickers in the palace?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but laugh.

"Not serious~" Akke sipped, thinking that you are not a flower picker, he hesitated for a while, and finally did not say it.

Song Qingshu has not forgotten his intention: "I am here today to inform you specifically. Tomorrow I will take your mother into the palace. Then you can find an excuse to go to the princess's bedroom, and your mother and daughter will be reunited."

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