Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1425: Raise the grass and startle the snake

"Really?" Akko was surprised and delighted when he heard the opportunity to see his mother goodbye. No ads on mobile phones save the most traffic.

Song Qingshu smiled and nodded: "Otherwise, I went to the palace to inform you that it was a joke?"

After the initial excitement, Akko finally calmed down: "Will you take my mother into the palace, will it be dangerous? She has such an outstanding appearance, what if she is recognized by others?"

Song Qingshu explained: "Don't worry, I will disguise her before entering the palace to ensure that no one will recognize her."

"Big Brother Song, you are so amazing!" Akke finally turned from worry to joy, and ran over happily and hugged him. She tiptoed up and kissed him on the cheek. After the kiss, she suddenly realized something and hurriedly lost it. The next sentence, "I'm going back first." Then he blushed and ran away.

Song Qingshu touched the place where she had just kissed her face, and was a little startled for a while. It seemed that Ake was driven too hard by the boring life in this palace, otherwise she would not be so bold and proactive as a little girl.

Thinking of the relationship between himself and Chen Yuanyuan, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel stunned. He never boasted Liu Xiahui. As a man, he hadn't thought of that exciting and bold idea, but after all, he was not a beast. In the end, reason let him secretly suppress the temptation. People have a dark mind.

"I don't know how to explain it to A Ke in the future." Song Qingshu has a headache when he thinks that A Ke will know about his relationship with Chen Yuanyuan sooner or later.

Suddenly in a daze, Song Qingshu suddenly turned around, and a figure with a black cloak appeared out of thin air on the rockery not far away.

"Why are you again?" Song Qingshu looked depressed. It was really a fleeting disadvantage, why would he encounter this evil star every time. The person in front of him is naturally the unfathomable Huangshang hidden in the Southern Song imperial palace.

"I should ask you this sentence." Huang Chang's ethereal voice came from the cloak, "You, a prince, run to the concubine's dormitory every Sanchawu, what is going on?"

Song Qingshu was also a bachelor, and replied with a grin: "I just met the saint and I accidentally lost my way when I came out. I turned here. Oh, who made the palace so large?"

Huang Chang's eyes fell on the court lady who was knocked out by him, sneered again and again: "Lost?" He obviously didn't believe his nonsense at all.

But obviously he was not interested in entangled in this, snorted and moved away from the subject: "Is Huang Rong with you?"

Song Qingshu was shocked, but his face was full of doubts: "Didn't Huang Rong disappear long ago?"

Huang Chang snorted coldly: "You don't have to pretend to be crazy with me. You want to rescue her from the heavily guarded palace without knowing it. If you look at the world, you have this ability."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Thank you seniors for your appreciation, but listening to seniors' tone, it turns out that Huang Rong was caught in the palace by you? No wonder we searched through the entire Lin'an city and couldn't find it."

Huang Chang looked at him quietly, until the smile on his face disappeared and then said: "Boy, you play like this sooner or later you will cause a catastrophe."

Song Qingshu said faintly: "Senior is not worried about this. Since it's okay, then I will leave first." After speaking, he turned and left. Huang Chang shook slightly, and finally gave up his shot.

Song Qingshu returned to the Qi Palace with a solemn expression. As soon as he got home, he called Huang Rong and Ren Yingying into the secret room and told them what had just happened.

"What, the palace already suspects that Sister Huang is with you?" Ren Yingying asked in surprise. After several days of getting along with Huang Rong, the two women naturally gave more information about the beggar gang. The more harmonious the sisters have long been agreed.

Song Qingshu nodded: "It seems that we are going to leave as soon as possible. Tomorrow to visit the princess in the palace, I will take Mrs. Guo to leave Lin'an City."

"So fast." Even though she knew she was going to part with her lover, Ren Yingying still couldn't help but look disappointed. Last night she had just got married with him. It was when she was like glue, she was naturally full of reluctance.

Huang Rong was apologetic: "It's all my fault." Seeing Ren Yingying's expression, how could she not realize the feeling of a newlywed wife leaving her husband.

Ren Yingying grinned reluctantly: "Qingshu is going to leave, it's no wonder Sister Huang." The two women consoled each other.

Song Qingshu then continued: "Because I agreed to let Sister Yuanyuan meet her mother and daughter, I'm going to take her back and disguise her, and take the opportunity of seeing the princess to bring her into the palace tomorrow."

"Will this be too risky?" Huang Rong asked with some worry.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Don't worry, I have the confidence not to let others recognize her. Didn't you take you out of the palace in the same way?"

Hearing what he said, Huang Rong was only slightly relieved. As for Ren Yingying, when the two were tired of being together last night, she already knew the secret of each other's disguise, so naturally she didn't worry anymore.

"Compared with this, I am more worried about the safety of my wife," Song Qingshu said while looking at Huang Rong, "because I am going to pick up Chen Yuanyuan, and I am worried that someone from the palace will rob you back while I am away."

Ren Yingying frowned and said: "It shouldn't be that the Qi Palace is now well guarded, and the emperor can't blatantly send troops over. It shouldn't be difficult to guard against a few big experts."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "If Huang Chang made the shot himself."

Ren Yingying and Huang Rong were silent. They had heard of Huang Chang's name, especially Huang Rong. She and Guo Jing practiced with Huang Chang. This book made the Central Plains Wu Jue to the death. It shows how deeply he himself is. Unpredictable.

"So I plan to bring my wife with me, so that no one in the world can take you away from me." Song Qingshu stood there calmly, but the whole person exuded a sense of contempt.

Ren Yingying's eyes were full of tenderness, but Huang Rong's face turned red when she heard it, and she felt like his woman. She hurriedly said: "Qing Shu, have you ever thought about Huang Chang appearing on purpose? Is it to provoke you? Make mistakes in a panic?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and couldn't help but admirely said: "Madam is indeed a female middle school Zhuge. She is so thoughtful, and there is indeed such a possibility that you said."

After a pause, Song Qingshu went on to say, "But I feel a little worried about leaving you alone."

Seeing him in a dilemma, Ren Yingying smiled and said, "What's so difficult? Sister Huang and I will accompany you to find Sister Yuanyuan." She didn't propose to go together because of jealousy. After all, she didn't even know. The relationship between Song Qingshu and Huang Rong was only worried that if Huang Rong, a married woman, and his man go out alone, the other party would be embarrassed, so he offered to accompany him.

"This..." After all, Huang Rong was also worried about falling into the hands of the enemy again. The previous two encounters still have lingering fears when I think of it. She was originally worried about being with Song Qingshu and facing each other's Lushan Claws. Now that Ren Yingying is with him, there is no need Worried about this problem.

"Then it's settled. Let's meet Yuanyuan Sister together." Song Qingshu and Ren Yingying are just like glue, and they are indeed reluctant to part with her, so they can only accompany her as much as possible before they leave.

Song Qingshu quickly ordered his servants to find a carriage. After the three of them got into the car, they realized that how to ride was a problem. Of course, Song Qingshu wished to sit in the middle and hug each other, but he could only think about it, whether it was Ren Yingying or Huang Rong probably wouldn't agree.

For Huang Rong, as long as she is not next to Song Qingshu, she can relax, while Ren Yingying is just the opposite. She is in love with her wishing to be with her lover all the time.

Soon the position was determined. Song Qingshu sat on the far left, Ren Yingying sat in the middle, and Huang Rong sat on the right. Although the carriage is not small, it still seems a bit crowded with three people.

After taking the seat, Song Qingshu quietly grasped Ren Yingying's small hand, Ren Yingying's face flushed, and she subconsciously wanted to retract, but he wouldn't let it go. After a few tries, Ren Yingying gave up.

In order to conceal her embarrassment, Ren Yingying hurriedly turned her head and talked to Huang Rong. It happened that Huang Rong was also a little out of mind, and the two women chatted like this.

Seeing the crystal clear earlobes of the woman beside him, a faint fan appeared on the slender and white neck, Song Qingshu suddenly felt very warm.

There are two different scents in the air, one is as elegant as orchids, the other is like roses, and the two scents are intertwined, but they are unexpectedly harmonious and coordinated. Song Qingshu hopes that this road will never stop.

However, eight or nine out of ten people who are unhappy in the world, the carriage stopped shortly after driving, sensitively aware that someone was blocking the road outside, Ren Yingying and Huang Rong involuntarily turned around and looked worriedly at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu patted Ren Yingying's little hand to signal her peace of mind, and then he carefully raised the corner of the driving curtain and walked out.

"Why are you?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but stare at the bright yellow shadow in front of him.

"Why can't it be me." The woman in the yellow shirt snorted a little dissatisfied.

Seeing her look frosty, Song Qingshu didn't know where to provoke her, so she smiled bitterly, "I don't know why the girl stopped my carriage?"

"I can't find you if I'm okay?" She couldn't help being angry. That time Song Qingshu in the palace asked for rain. She was too shocked and wanted to ask him how he could do it. The result was a ghostly kiss.

This incident made her shy and regretful. It was impossible for her to do such an impulsive and bold thing at any other time, but the scene of that night was so shocking that she made her mind become impulsive. Up.

That incident had already made her embarrassed enough, but after that night Song Qingshu had been indifferent to her, as if nothing had happened, which made her even more depressed.

"Of course." Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly.

The woman in the yellow shirt said: "I just heard Master mentioned that you are leaving Lin'an, but you never told me about it. I had to say goodbye to you by myself. Who made us...friends? "Speaking of the word friend, she couldn't help but laugh at herself.

Song Qingshu was stunned. The thing she was worried about really came. It seems that the girl in the yellow shirt was deliberately sent by Huang Chang to take the lead. She subconsciously looked around and tried to find out where Huang Chang was hiding, but it was a pity that there were all kinds of things everywhere. At the shop, he was completely unaware of his trace.

"You actually took a carriage when you went out. I just want to say something to you, let's go together." The woman in yellow shirt walked directly to the carriage with a worried look.

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