Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1429: Imperial City Division

You can’t help Song Qingshu think so. For a person from later generations, the word green is too dazzling. A sentence from the Internet of later generations immediately appeared in his mind: "Fall in love with a wild horse that runs off the rein, a piece of head Green grassland."

As soon as Song Qingshu spoke out, the love between the two goddesses in the carriage became weird, and Ren Yingying looked at him: "Did any girl tell you this before?"

Although he didn't know what it meant, the man's instinct made him realize that there must be nothing good about admitting at this time. He shook his head like a rattle, and hurriedly denied: "No, no~"

Huang Rong on the side sneered: "Qingshu, why do you tell lies? This poem comes from Wang Wei's "Farewell in the Mountains", "The spring grass will be green next year, and the king and the sun will not return." You are now named the king of Qi. Who are you referring to? People miss you and come back soon."

Song Qingshu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the woman in the yellow shirt had a stinky face just now. It turned out that she didn't understand what she meant. He came from later generations, maybe he knew some history, maybe he had seen more things, but his attainments in ancient poems were really inferior to people in this world, no wonder he didn't understand.

"At this time I know what it means to be horrible without culture." Song Qingshu regretted it, and suddenly saw the two women in the carriage looking at him with a smile but a smile. His old face became hot, and he coughed twice and said: "This... just a friend. , Just ordinary friends."

"Really?" Ren Yingying thoughtfully, sighed secretly, but didn't get to the bottom.

Huang Rong took her attitude in his eyes, and had to admire her for being such a generous woman, but which woman wanted this kind of generosity?

The time to get together is always short, and the time for parting will finally come. After the carriage left the city gate, Song Qingshu said that he would not let Ren Yingying give it away: "Your health is still not well, and the surface of Lin'an is calm. In fact, it is dangerous. , I really don't worry about you sending it again."

"But..." Ren Yingying frowned, "but I can't bear to be separated from you." The parting was just around the corner, and she was so excited that she didn't care that Huang Rong was still aside.

Song Qingshu hugged her in her arms and comforted her softly: "Yingying, I promise you, I will come back to meet you as soon as possible after I finish the business. You must remember to work hard to practice the "Unold Changchun Gong" I taught you when you are in Lin'an. ", I don't want to come back then you have exhausted your lifespan and died of jade."

Ren Yingying couldn't help but burst into laughter, and couldn't help but beat his chest: "How can it be so fast."

"Just smile, don't make the separation so sad." Song Qingshu distressedly wiped away the tears from her cheeks, "cry like a little cat."

"Huh~~" Huang Rong listened to the two of you, and I quickly got goose bumps all over her body.

Only then did Ren Yingying remember that there was someone next to him, and his face flushed and pushed him away: "Well, remember to take good care of Sister Huang along the way."

Song Qingshu glanced at Huang Rong and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will take care of her."

Huang Rong's heart jumped when she heard it. She didn't know if it was her illusion or something. She seemed to hear the other person's tone of the word "care" a little strange, and she couldn't help but think of some guesses about a fast heartbeat.

"I will also take care of the information network here in Lin'an City, and let you see the results when you come back next time." Ren Yingying supported her smile and deliberately cheered herself up.

"The information network is the second thing. The main thing is your body. Don't get tired." Song Qingshu said as he wanted to hug her, Ren Yingying hurriedly pushed him away blushing.

"Wang Jun cherishes ~" Ren Yingying stepped back and waved at him with red eyes.

Song Qingshu knew that the time was late, and if she continued to grind, it might make her feel more uncomfortable, so he hardened his heart and jumped into the carriage again, and said, "Go!"

Until the carriage drove out for a long time, Song Qingshu looked back through the window, and could still vaguely see a beautiful shadow standing at the gate of the city.

"Hey~" Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing. He finally understood why there were so many farewell poems in ancient times. This kind of separation scene really made people emotionally brewing to the extreme.

"Reluctant to leave?" Huang Rong asked with a playful expression on the side.

"It's a bit reluctant." Song Qingshu was lying on the chair, as if she lost energy in an instant.

"You don't actually have to leave so early, you can stay in Lin'an for a few more days." Huang Rong couldn't help but give his advice.

Song Qingshu immediately sat upright and glared at her angrily: "Madam, this is not kind. It is clear that she left so early to send you away, so you still talk coldly."

Huang Rong's face was reddened: "I don't have long legs, am I not going to go by myself?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I lost you twice in a row. I don't want to have a third time. That kind of suffering is really uncomfortable."

Thinking of the nervousness when the other party in Jewel Mountain found him, Huang Rong's heart softened and her eyes softened: "Thank you~"

Song Qingshu smiled: "Why do you say thank you between you and me."

Huang Rong's heart jumped. He always felt that he was a family member in his words. She glanced at him quietly and saw that he looked lonely out of the window, obviously still feeling sad for being separated from Ren Yingying.

"This **** looks quite temperamental when he is depressed..." Huang Rong glanced at her and suddenly became a little confused, and hurriedly looked away.

In this way, one person in the carriage was sad and the other was thinking wildly, and soon fell into a kind of tacit silence.

I don't know how long it has been driving, Song Qingshu instantly sat upright, his eyes that seemed to be sleeping and not sleeping suddenly opened, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu's reaction alarmed Huang Rong, who couldn't help asking curiously.

"There are people in the woods ahead." Song Qingshu replied in a deep voice.

Huang Rong hurriedly listened, but unfortunately it was too far away. She only heard the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, and could not hear anything else, but she did not doubt the other party's judgment in the slightest.

"Could it be for us?" Huang Rong asked nervously.

Song Qingshu groaned for a moment and shook his head: "It shouldn't be. Although it's a long way from Lin'an, it's not remote. How can there be an ambush here? As for who they are, just look at them in the past."

Huang Rong frowned and said, "Will it be too risky?"

"With me by your side, even if the world is big, you don't have to be afraid of it." Song Qingshu said lightly, but there was a sense of looking at the world in his tone.

Huang Rong knew what he was telling was the truth, and sometimes had to admit that confident men really have a different kind of charm.

Song Qingshu instructed his men to drive the carriage in the direction of the woods where there were people. After a while, he said, "Just stop here and see the situation."

The good fighters have no great merits. Song Qingshu also understands that the most sensible way is to get out. If you come over, it will easily cause trouble, but maybe it is the boldness of the art master, or the experience of playing rpg games in the previous life, knowing that the most terrible thing is not Things happen, but time passes unknowingly when nothing happens. Only the more things that are triggered, the more opportunities are possible.

Although this world is not a game today, the truth is the same.

Song Qingshu lifted the corner of the driving curtain, and saw that a group of people in red uniforms and ferocious iron masks surrounded a carriage, which was more elegant than the carriage Song Qingshu was riding on, on an open space ten feet away. Much, the whole body was lightly veiled and white curtains fluttered in the wind, and a woman sitting inside was faintly visible, but it was a pity that I couldn't see the appearance of the person inside through the heavy curtains.

There were also a dozen people around the carriage looking at the men in red with vigilant faces, and they could see the tension in the air from far away, which could be called a trigger.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be an old acquaintance." Seeing the few people headed by the carriage, Song Qingshu couldn't help but chuckle.

"The four wicked people do no evil, you actually have a good relationship with them?" Huang Rong also leaned over at this time, and couldn't help groaning after seeing those people clearly.

"Old acquaintances may not be friends." Song Qingshu smiled, and suddenly noticed that Huang Rong's face was close to him. Seeing her tender face like a girl, he suddenly wanted to get in for a kiss.

However, he was worried about annoying the other person, and he did not kiss him after all.

Huang Rong didn't notice anything abnormal, and said from the consultant: "It seems that they are from Xixia Yipintang, but I don't know who these people in red are besieging them."

"This place is not far from Lin'an. It must be people from the Southern Song Dynasty court. Looking at their costumes, they look like the legendary Imperial City Division." Song Qingshu replied in a deep voice. There were sticky poles in the Qing Dynasty, Jinyiwei in Ming Dynasty, and Tiyin Division in Liao Dynasty. , Jinyou Huanyiyuan... The Southern Song Dynasty also had its own spy agency-Imperial City Division.

The Imperial City Division is divided into two types of people, one is called Qin Congguan, who is responsible for the imperial palace guards. For example, the palace gates are controlled by the Imperial City Division. There are five guard lines in the imperial palace, often by the Imperial City Division and the Palace. The former squads are distributed in a straight cross, and the reason for this arrangement is to allow the Imperial City Division and the Dianqian Division to check and balance each other and prevent any changes;

Another type of person is called a relative officer, and is also called a chazi. This is the second function of the Imperial City Department: a secret spy agency. The predecessor was the Wu Desi established during the Taizu period, and the Emperor Taizong was renamed the Imperial City Department during the Song Taizong period. These investigators went down to Huajie Liuxiang, up to government ministers, inquiring about big and small news, and the number of them has grown from a few dozen at the beginning to more than 7,000 at the top.

Their main role is in four areas: 1. Monitoring the army. Usually in Beijing's garrison or even the front of the palace, there are spies from the Imperial City Division, who record daily activities and report them in detail, and take emergency measures when necessary. For example, during Renzong, the soldier Sangda and others were drunk and said something disrespectful. They were immediately arrested by the Imperial Secretary and taken to Kaifeng Mansion, and soon executed.

2. Reconnaissance of non-governmental discussions. Song Shenzong reformed, the court was turbulent, and there were many slanderers. The imperial lords appeared everywhere, and anyone who heard anyone talking about the government was immediately arrested, and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned for this reason.

3. Activities of reconnaissance officials. There are many officials in this part, from Wang's relatives to the warehouses of the various divisions, and there are fixed persons responsible for monitoring. Sometimes, the emperor will also assign some temporary tasks. For example, in Taizong's time, suspected that the granary officials in the suburbs of Beijing were cheating, he sent the imperial secretary in disguise to sneak into the reconnaissance, and indeed there was corruption.

Fourth, guard against enemy countries. The Song Dynasty was weak. In the Northern Song Dynasty, there were diplomatic relations with Xixia, Liao, and Jin in the Southern Song Dynasty, and there were many cases of mutual penetration and spying. The Imperial City Division is responsible for the safety work in this area. In the Song system, officials from Liao or Jin were accompanied by officials from the Imperial City Department; the envoys from the Liao or Jin Kingdom came to the Song Dynasty and were also received by the Imperial Department. According to the records, when there was a real sect, the Imperial City Division once discovered that a businessman was a spy from the Liao State, so he arrested and brought it to justice.

Song Qingshu knew so clearly, thanks to the intelligence network of Qing and Jin.

While recalling the information of the Imperial City Secretary, Huang Rong suddenly said in surprise: "The leader of the Imperial City Secretary is actually a woman!"

Song Qingshu was attracted by the four evil men just now. In addition, the people of the Imperial City Department were wearing masks, and they didn't notice for a while. After hearing the words, he looked carefully and saw that the man headed by the Imperial City Department was graceful and graceful. Her long hair fluttered behind her, even though she was tightly wrapped in the spy’s clothes, she did not hide her charm in the least.

"Hey, why is this person familiar from the back?" Song Qingshu was surprised.

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