Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1430: a familiar stranger

Seeing that the figure of the woman should be a young girl, as the so-called young woman is plump and graceful, the girl is more slender and youthful. Song Qingshu vaguely felt that she should know this person, but she racked her brains and couldn't remember which of the girls she knew would be. Have a relationship with the Imperial City Secretary.

"What does the girl mean?" Duan Yanqing's signature ventriloquism sounded, hoarse and unpleasant, and it might scare the children not to cry at night in the middle of the night.

The girl said: "The young lady who was serving at Shen Yan's house in the palace was robbed by a gangster. Our Imperial City Secretary was ordered to track down. We heard that the notorious thief Cloud Crane appeared near Lin'an City. There was also a woman who was accompanying us. It is suspected that Miss Shen Jia was robbed by him!"

At this moment, Yunzhonghe was looking at the girl's figure greedily, and his gaze was scandalous up and down. Hearing her say this, he couldn't help but laughed: "Little sister, you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense. ."

Noting his wretched and disgusting gaze, the girl showed disgust in her eyes, she instantly pulled out the soft sword in her waist, and said coldly: "Who is your little sister!"

"Whoever promises is whoever promises." Yun Zhonghe's smile couldn't help Song Qingshu, who was far away, couldn't help but want to punch him.

The girl who was the first to bear the brunt was naturally even more anxious. She raised a few silver needles and flew in front of Yun Zhonghe's eyes. Yun Zhonghe's smile was stiff, but there was no time to hide.

Song Qingshu sighed, this acupuncture technique is also clever, in addition to Dongfang Muxue these years, it is also this girl who has made acupuncture so good.

Ding Ding Ding!

Duan Yanqing retracted the iron rod that stood in front of Yunzhonghe, with three silver needles tremblingly inserted on it: "Fourth old man, don't be rude!"

Yun Zhonghe was shocked, and he had just recovered his life, how dare to say anything at this time.

Duan Yanqing said to the girl: "This girl, it is said that Miss Shen's family is the candidate for the princess. No matter how lustful my fourth brother is, he will not dare to be so bold as to do so. I still hope the girl will observe."

The girl snorted coldly: "Your Xixia Yipintang people have always been enemies of my Dasong. This time Miss Shen's disappearance, I think it is very likely that you have caused the ghost."

Duan Yanqing said indifferently: "Does the girl have evidence for this?"

"Evidence?" The girl pointed to the carriage beside him, "Who is the woman inside?"

Duan Yanqing replied: "She is not Miss Shen Jia."

"Is it right? You can find out after checking it." The girl said as she walked to the carriage.

Duan Yanqing stepped forward and stood in front of her: "I hope the girl will forgive me. My companion does not like to see outsiders."

"I think Ms. Shen Jia was hidden by you!" The girl was furious and raised her hand. Huangcheng Secretary's agents raised their short crossbows and aimed at Duan Yanqing and the others.

Duan Yanqing had an ugly face. Xixia had fought with the Song for many years, and he naturally understood that although the Song Dynasty was weak, the skills in the crossbow were too powerful. In the past few decades, the people of Xixia have not suffered from the loss of the Song Dynasty's crossbow. Don't say it was Xixia. The Jurchen cavalry who swept the Central Plains a few years ago were shot at Chuan-Shan with bows and crossbows of the Song Dynasty.

At such a close distance, these spies aimed at them with crossbows. Once the motive was arrested, most of the people in this group would hate it on the spot.

"It's really unreasonable. It's always only our four villains who wronged others. There is no reason to be wronged by others. The boss stop talking nonsense with her, let me crack this little girl's neck." At this time, the stubborn and reckless South Sea crocodile was on the sidelines. The third son of Shenyue suddenly couldn't hold back and became mad.

"Yue Erniang, don't be impulsive, the boss has his own measure!" Ye Erniang hurriedly stopped him.

"I have told you so many times, I'm called Yue Lao Er, not Yue Lao San!" Nanhai Crocodile God glared at Ye Erniang with a beard.

"As long as I'm still here, you will always be the third." Ye Erniang snorted coldly.

"What are you talking about!" Nanhai Crocodile God was furious, "I screw your head off to see who is the second child!" He pulled out the crocodile mouth behind him and cut it to Ye Erniang.

"I thought my old lady was afraid of you." Ye Erniang took out the willow blades and instantly fought with him.

The crane on the side of the cloud shook his head again and again: "Lao Yue San ah Lao Yue Yue, you really can't change eating shit. You will fight for the second sister all the time, and I will help you with the second sister." He also waved his iron claws. The rod joined the battle group.

Seeing the three of them playing in the dark, everyone in the Imperial City Division looked at each other, lowering the bow and crossbow in their hands subconsciously, and went to ask the leaders for their opinions.

Huang Rong furrowed her brows in the distance: "I'm afraid it's hit."

At this time, the girl also had a big alarm bell in her heart, exclaiming: "Be careful!"

It's a pity that it's too late. Ye Erniang, Yue Laosan, and Yun Zhonghe suddenly shot at the same time, and a large hidden weapon was shot out. The spies with the crossbows were hit by a row, and then the three of them led their subordinates. The masters of Yipintang took advantage of the chaos and rushed into the imperial city secret agents and fought with many secret agents. As a result, the remaining archers and crossbowmen of the imperial city department couldn't tell the enemy from us, and they didn't dare to throw arrows indiscriminately.

"Yun Zhonghe, I'll settle accounts with you later on the matter of scolding Laozi just now." Yue Lao San still didn't forget what happened just now.

The crane in the cloud smirked: "What am I scolding you? Oh, you said your dog can't change eating shit. This is not a bitter trick for everyone's safety. Why are you so stingy."

Old Yue San jumped angrily: "I swear to break your neck!"

Cloud Crane stroked the mustache around his mouth and smiled slyly: "I'm afraid you don't have that ability."

The girl wanted to rush to help, but Duan Yanqing didn't give her a chance, and waved her iron rod to stop her, and the two sides fought together in an instant: "When are they still arguing here, have you taken me seriously? in!"

Seeing the boss get angry, Yue Lao San and Yun Zhonghe just closed their mouths.

Song Qingshu secretly smiled in the distance: "This old man Yue is really straightforward. No wonder so many readers think this villain is a little cute."

Huang Rong couldn't help but said, "Qing Shu, do you want to help? The people from the Imperial City Division have suffered a great deal of damage at this time."

Song Qingshu shook his head faintly: "Although the people of Huangcheng Division missed the opportunity, this is their home court after all. They are crowded and crowded, and it is difficult for the people of Xixia Yipintang to take advantage."

"Do you think my girl can beat Duan Yanqing?" Huang Rong is from the Song Dynasty after all, and with Duan Yanqing's fierce fame, she naturally substituted herself for the Imperial City Division.

"After all, the girl is young, and her internal strength is definitely not as good as Duan Yanqing, but her swordsmanship is exquisite. Obviously, she has been taught by a famous teacher since she was a child, and she may not be able to fight." Song Qingshu commented, still thinking about the identity of the girl.

As soon as he finished speaking, the girl suddenly flicked her finger, and a silver needle shot into Duan Yanqing's eyes. Duan Yanqing didn't dare to be careless. , With a wave of his sleeves, a thin silver needle shot out like a pear blossom in a rainstorm. The masters of Xixia instantly fell over half of them. Even Ye Erniang, Yue Laosan and Yun Zhonghe were hit by a few silver needles. .

The girl didn't stop at all, her waist twisted, and her whole body turned over in midair very beautifully, and she landed directly on the carriage, lifted the white gauze outside, and grabbed it in with her hand.

Suddenly a hand stretched out from the carriage, a slender hand.

Huang Rong in the distance couldn't help but exclaimed: "The owner of these hands must be beautiful."

Song Qingshu casually answered: "It's also very dangerous."

Seeing the slender hands with the sleeves swaying lightly, the girl from the Imperial City Division suddenly felt her legs numb, and she knelt on the ground with a snorting sound. She was shocked in her heart and hurriedly swung her sword into it.

At this moment, the little white hand moved again, and gently patted the opponent's chest. The Imperial City Secretary girl hurriedly raised her hand to shield her chest from the wind. Who knew that her waist suddenly became numb, and then she slapped her back again. As if she had been hit hard, she couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. That beautiful hand had been clasped around her neck for some time, and then a soft and gentle voice rang out: " Stop it, or I will kill her."

The other secret agents of the imperial city in the field just noticed the situation here, and they were shocked. This girl had a special identity, and they couldn't eat anything if something went wrong.

Huang Rong in the distance looked weird: "It's another girl, and she must be a very beautiful girl."

Song Qingshu nodded, with such beautiful hands and such a beautiful voice. It is God's mistake if people are not beautiful.

"By the way, the girl from the Imperial City Department had clearly prevented the attack from the other party just now, why did she still speak suddenly?" Huang Rong couldn't help asking. She had seen the whole process clearly just now, even if she replaced it with herself. I couldn't do better, I really didn't want to understand why I suddenly lost.

While watching the situation in the distance, Song Qingshu slowly replied: "Looking at the situation just now, it should be that the palm of the person in the carriage is not walking in a straight line, but after a curved arc, hitting the waist of the girl from the Imperial City Division. She lost her center of gravity, and then another heavy blow hit her back."

"Can you turn with your palm?" Huang Rong couldn't help being shocked when she thought of the angle at which the man's palm was exerting force just now. If her palm could turn at any time, it would be really hard to guard against.

"It’s not that difficult to control the direction of the martial arts at a certain level, but I think that person is young, I’m afraid he hasn’t reached this level yet, so it can only be that her palms are more magical. Coincidentally, I used to think I've seen similar hands." Song Qingshu thought of the scene when Li Qingluo fought against Daoist Taoist and King Kong Sect Master.

"Bai Hong's palm is from Xixia..." Song Qingshu looked playful, and things got more and more interesting.

"Quickly let her go!" Everyone in the Imperial City Division scolded one after another.

The man in the carriage chuckled lightly, with an unusually delicate voice: "Do you think I will let her go at this time? If the secret agents of the Imperial City Secretary are of your level, that would really disappoint me."

The four villains took the opportunity to shrink near the carriage with the remaining Yipintang people. At this time, the hostages were in their hands, and they no longer need to worry about each other's crossbow arrows.

"Don't worry about me, shoot them all on the spot!" The young girl still called out desperately when the victim was restrained.

The secret agents of the Imperial City Secretary looked at each other, but after all, they did not shoot arrows.

The person in the carriage chuckled again: "It seems that your status is not low, I want to see what you look like." Then he took off the slightly hideous mask on her face.

Although it is not a short distance away, Song Qingshu's cultivation skills can't help him. The girl can't hide her beautiful appearance even though the corners of her mouth oozes blood, but her dignified and graceful temperament is cold and cold. Frost.

Song Qingshu was stunned for a while, how could it be her? This image is a bit contrary to the setting, is it making a contrast?


Everyone can guess who this imperial girl is, or who is the girl in the carriage.

The answer will be announced tomorrow.

Today 4D update has been completed!

By the way, there will be an advertisement on the official account tomorrow, because the monk does not understand shoes very well, so please judge by yourself whether you understand the advantages and disadvantages.

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