Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1431: Another option

I can’t help but Song Qingshu is not shocked. Although I only met her twice, I can see that she is a graceful, gentle and graceful lady, but now how can she look gentle and quiet on weekdays?

She is now cold and handsome, with danger and darkness exuding all over her body, which is too far away from her usual image.

"Do you know her?" Huang Rong couldn't help asking when he noticed Song Qingshu's reaction.

"I know it to some extent, Miss Xue family." Song Qingshu explained with a wry smile.

"I remember, at the banquet where you were promoted to King Qi last time, her father came with her." Huang Rong exclaimed and hurriedly looked at it carefully. "The temperament is completely different, as if she has changed a person. I didn't recognize it if you didn't say it."

"Imperial City Secretary, investigate Miss Shen Jia..." Song Qingshu thought that the last time Xue Yiren blocked the road, the girl in the yellow shirt came to pass the palace's decree and let them enter the palace. Originally thought it was only for him to enter the palace alone. Xue Baochai was also with him.

"Do you want to save her?" Huang Rong couldn't help asking. Although Zhao Gou pitted Guo Jing this time, she still regarded herself as a member of the Song Dynasty. In addition, she had a good impression of Xue Baochai last time. Crane is notorious, and if it falls into his hands, she may be too bad, she can't help but want to help.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Without us, someone will naturally take action."

Suddenly in Huang Rong's heart, a white swordsman fell from the sky. With her eyesight, she couldn't even see her figure. She rushed towards the white gauze carriage like a bolt of lightning.

The Yipintang masters guarding the outermost periphery were too late to react. There was a blood line in their necks, and they fell to the ground one after another.

When there was a block from the outside, the four wicked men reacted and raised their weapons to meet them. I saw a flash of cold light, Ye Erniang’s willow-leaf double knives were inserted into the tree next to him, Yue Lao San’s crocodile mouth scissors were trembling in the soil, and the top of the iron-clawed steel rod in Yun Zhonghe’s hand was directly cut off. Broken, only a bare steel rod remained.

The three of them were hung up on their bodies. Crane in the cloud was the most injured. Because the blade was cut off, there was a deep bone wound between his chest and right arm. If the other party rushed to the carriage, he might have been Was split in half.

Duan Yanqing shouted. After all, his cultivation base was far higher than the other three villains, and an iron rod was hit on the tip of the opponent's sword with a yang finger.

Duan Yanqing grinned, and while holding the opponent's long sword with his right hand, the other hand used a positive force to poke him. This trick was tried repeatedly, and he didn't know how many gangsters would hate him.

The white-clothed swordsman snorted coldly, his wrist flicked, and his shuriken spun sharply. Duan Yanqing only felt that the tiger’s mouth was shaken. He could no longer hold the iron rod in his hand, and felt the cold and biting sword energy. He didn’t care about his image. The lazy donkey rolled and fell off the wagon, and when he stood firmly again, he found that his tiger's mouth was cracked, blood dripping on it, and he couldn't help being shocked.

But he remembered that there was one more important thing. He ignored the wound and looked nervously in the direction of the carriage.

At this time, the swordsman in white had already stopped. The point of the sword pointed at the woman in the carriage. The reason he stopped was because the opponent pinched Xue Baochai's neck in front of him. As long as his sword advances half an inch, Xue Baochai is probably going to stop. Will fragrant and disappear jade perish.

"This man's swordsmanship is so fierce!" Huang Rong in the distance was shocked. She is also a well-known figure in the world. I don't know how many masters I have seen, but the swordsmanship is so high, I am afraid that only I have seen it at the Golden Snake Conference. That sheep-raising girl and Song Qingshu.

"It's not just fierce, it can be called unparalleled in the world to some extent." Song Qingshu admired, the swordsmanship used in the rivers and lakes is a master of swordsmanship or lightness, or cunning, or wide-ranging, but this man's swordsmanship is completely the same. No one can compare to him in the swordsmanship of killing.

"Who is this person?" Huang Rong became more shocked. With Song Qingshu's martial arts, there are very few people in the world who can get such praise from him. How can they be an unknown person?

Song Qingshu chuckled lightly: "Have you forgotten the last time you were in the carriage?"

Thinking of the glamorous scene of the two in the carriage, Huang Rong blushed, and said, "What are you talking about at this time?"

Song Qingshu was startled. Seeing her eyes drifting and Tao Chi dizzy, she realized that she wanted to divert, and couldn't help but smile: "I said that someone on the street stopped our carriage and wanted to fight with me."

"Ah~" Huang Rong exclaimed, she couldn't wait for a seam to turn in, and hurriedly used words to divert her embarrassment, "It turned out to be Xue Yiren."

At this time, there was also movement from the Xixia carriage:

"Sure enough, he is the blood-clothed man who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. The swordsmanship really carries an incomparable murderous aura." The tender voice of the girl in the carriage sounded again, as if there was no tension at all.

Xue Yiren showed a hint of surprise on his face like a icy tuo: "Do you know me?"

The girl chuckled: "Your Imperial City Division is responsible for investigating domestic and foreign intelligence. Our Yipintang also does similar things. How can you not pay attention to the enemy country, such a powerful figure who killed Jurchen and a thousand-man team?"

In the distance, Song Qingshu nodded secretly, she was indeed from Xixia Yipintang, but she didn't know if she was the identity I guessed.

"People from Yipintang?" Huang Rong frowned. In fact, the Beggar Gang and Xixia Yipintang have dealt with each other frequently, but with the rise of Jurchen and the invasion of Mongolia to the south, Xixia no longer borders the Southern Song Dynasty, and the hatred between the two parties has gradually faded. Come down.

Xue Yiren's eyes fell on the opponent's hand pinching his sister's neck, and he estimated in his heart whether he could dare to subdue her before she hurt her sister, but the result was not optimistic.

"In recent years, Da Song and you Xixia have nothing to do with you. Why did you come to Linan to cause trouble?" Xue Yiren had no choice but to stabilize her first, and then wait for the opportunity to move.

"It's your imperial secretary first, right? We are taking a good tour here. You suddenly sent someone to surround us. Who is causing trouble?" The woman snorted lightly.

"Xixia Yipintang has all the masters. You said that we are three-year-olds when we come to Lin'an to visit the mountains and rivers?" Xue Yiren sneered.

"Yes, we did have something to do with our visit to Lin'an this time. Although our two countries did not have much overlap in the previous years, at that time, because we no longer border each other, Mongolia now returns Sichuan to you, and at the same time, we have also repaid some of our former occupation of Xixia. The land of China, our two countries will border in the future." The girl said with a smile.

"So what?" Xue Yiren said solemnly.

"So what?" The girl's voice suddenly turned cold, "My Daxia Kingdom and your Song Dynasty nearly a hundred years of war, you forgot, our Daxia Kingdom has not forgotten! Back then, the Western Army of the Song Dynasty was pressing hard, watching My Daxia was about to die, and fortunately, Jurchen suddenly rose and drove straight into Bianjing, so we were able to recuperate and get a chance to breathe. The lessons of the past are vividly remembered. Now that you have regained Sichuan, how can we not be cautious?"

"So your trip really came to destroy?" Xue Yiren's sword turned around, as if he would make a move at any time.

The girl's hand holding Xue Baochai's neck tightened instantly, using her body to block almost all of the opponent's attack line: "It won't be enough to cause sabotage. I just came to check the information of those officials in Sichuan. It's a pity that I got one. In the worst case, it is actually the descendants of the Wu family of the Western Army who are in charge of the military power in Sichuan."

Huang Rong in the distance suddenly whispered: "Something's wrong!"

Song Qingshu was startled: "What's wrong?"

Huang Rong furrowed her brows: "The girl from Yipintang didn't need to disclose so much information to the people of the Royal City Division. It doesn't seem right. Is it procrastinating?"

Song Qingshu secretly nodded his head and agreed with Huang Rong's judgment, but didn't understand what they were doing to delay time. After all, this is the home of the Southern Song Dynasty, and reinforcements may come at any time. The longer the time, the more beneficial it will be for the Southern Song Dynasty.

"So you kidnapped the candidate for the princess?" Xue Yiren snorted coldly.

The girl in the carriage chuckled: "The reason why I have told you so much is to tell you that our trip is here to investigate the news. Now that the Sichuan officials have decided to take up their positions, it makes no sense for us to stay here. Leaving, what reason is there to kidnap the eldest lady of the Shen family?"

"Did you tie it up? Tell me when you return to the Imperial City Division." Xue Yiren waved his hand, and the Imperial City Division's secret agents took a step forward and surrounded the rest of Xixia.

"Your Imperial City Secretary is still so overbearing, aren't you afraid that I will be nervous and have no sense to let you, my pitiful sister, die?" The girl in the carriage was still smiling, as if there was nothing at all. Worried about the situation at hand.

Xue Baochai snorted coldly: "As soon as I entered the Imperial City Division, I was already aware of sacrifice. Big Brother didn't care about me and arrested all these people."

Xue Yiren nodded, looking sharply at the girl in the carriage: "Let go of her, I can also consider letting you leave safely."

The girl in the carriage obviously didn't believe it: "Everyone is an adult, is it interesting to coax a three-year-old child like this?"

Xue Yiren said indifferently: "You have no choice. Even if you don't let it go, none of you can go; if you let it go, there are still a few opportunities, so you can only choose to trust me."

"Is that right, I think there is another choice." There was an inexplicable meaning in the voice of the girl in the carriage.

Xue Yiren's heart was stunned: "What choice?"

"Can you just kill you all?" The girl giggled.

Xue Yiren seemed to have heard a big joke, and smirked: "If Baochai hadn't been in your hands, I would kill you all with one sword and one man."

The girl in the carriage smiled and said: "Yes, we are indeed inferior to you when it comes to martial arts, but in this world, you don't have to use martial arts to kill."

"What do you mean?" Xue Yiren already secretly felt bad.

At this moment, Huang Rong, who was watching from a distance, suddenly clutched her forehead, and fell aside when she softened.

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