Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1435: Tied up

Princess Yinchuan has a weird face, wondering why his words sound so awkward, what does it mean to not be in front of so many people, can he do it in private?

"I hope the son is not the kind of despicable villain who doesn't believe in words." Now, she has no other way but to trust him.

However, because the belt was torn off, although the dress would not fall off, Princess Yinchuan was always not at ease, clutching the dress tightly with her hands and covering her chest, thinking that martial arts is not his opponent anyway, and now Lian Lingbo He couldn't get rid of him even with microsteps, and there was no big difference between defense and defense. It would be better to guard the chest with both hands. No matter how powerful the opponent's martial arts, it would be more difficult than reaching the sky to take out the antidote without touching her.

"Is the princess ready, then I'm coming again." Song Qingshu said with a narrow smile.

Princess Yinchuan blushed and couldn't help but sipped: "Shameless~" But she didn't dare to relax her vigilance at all. She was distracted just now and the belt was untied instantly. If she was still distracted this time, she would be distracted. Some worry that their clothes will be torn off.

Sure enough, Song Qingshu came to her as quickly as a flash of lightning. She didn't even see clearly, her wrist hurt. When she realized that her hands had been tied behind her back by the other party, she was using her belt.

"You foul!" Princess Yinchuan got the instructions from the concubine since she was a child, and she was always very confident in her martial arts, but this time she didn't expect that there was no resistance at all before Song Qing wrote.

Song Qingshu stood not far away and smiled softly: "Where did I foul, I haven't touched your body from beginning to end. If you don't believe me, ask your subordinates."

The old faces of Duan Yanqing and others were hot, and they lowered their heads, always ashamed to say that they hadn't seen his movements clearly just now.

In fact, Princess Yinchuan knew that the other party hadn’t touched herself. She just yelled something subconsciously just now, and now she recovered, she couldn’t help but said in irritation, “What if you have the ability to not touch me? Next, take out the antidote." While she was talking, she stood up provocatively. She just hid the antidote in the most private part, and she stuck it with... even if she touched it for a while. She may not be able to draw it out, but she has some ability to do it.

Song Qingshu stroked his chin, and it was indeed a bit tricky to see her pungent appearance, but he had already figured out a way. I saw him walk up to Xue Baochai and said softly, "Miss Xue, can you do me a favor."

He seemed to be able to feel his breathing at close range, and Xue Baochai's face was reddened: "Of course I can, but now I am poisoned, and I can't lift it up with any strength, I'm afraid I can't help you."

Upon seeing this, Princess Yinchuan hurriedly yelled: "Hey, don't ask other people to pick it up. Women are not allowed. As long as you touch my body, you will lose."

"Don't worry, I won't find someone to help me take it," Song Qingshu smiled at her, and then said to Xue Baochai, "Miss Xue, I want to borrow something from you, I don't know if you will."

"As long as I have it, naturally there is no answer." Xue Baochai didn't think much about it, but felt that this demon girl was too arrogant. If she saw her deflated, she would be very happy.

Song Qingshu suddenly had a strange expression: "But the girl who borrowed something may be a little embarrassed."

Xue Baochai pursed his lips and said with a smile: "King Qi, you don't have to be polite. I can't help you because I am poisoned now. If I can help you, let's not say borrowing one thing or ten things."

"All right," Song Qingshu paused, and bowed to her, "I want to borrow the girl's belt to use it."

"Huh?" Xue Baochai's smile instantly froze on her face. She didn't expect that the other party would borrow such things, how could this kind of daughter's private things be given to men? But she was too full of words just now, and she didn't know how to refuse for a while, and her pretty face flushed red.

"Song name!" Seeing him being rude to his baby sister, Xue Yiren on the side couldn't help but look frosty, and his eyes were full of anger. If it weren't poisoned, he would have killed him with a sword.

Princess Yinchuan was also startled, and then laughed: "Sure enough, it's not as well known as to meet. Song Gongzi is really romantic. At the moment, I have to molest other girls."

Song Qingshu also knew that this kind of request is easy to misunderstand, and hurriedly explained to Xue Baochai: "Song did not intend to offend, but just needs the girl's belt..." Then he came to her and whispered a few words in her ear.

Although Xue Baochai is a spy, he is a girl after all. He has never had such close contact with a man, and his shy earlobes are a little red, but he finally understood what the other party said, but was distracted a little.

"Okay... OK, but I don't have the strength to take it... Take it down and give it to you." Xue Baochai said with a blush.

"Does the girl mind if I come?" Song Qingshu asked with a smile.

"Uh~" Xue Baochai thought to myself that of course I would mind. A man took off his belt in full view. It was a shame to think about it, but I don't know why, she unexpectedly replied, "You... take it yourself. "

As soon as this statement came out, whether it was Huangcheng Division or Yipintang's people, they were completely disappointed. The Huangcheng Division thought this was the frosty leader of the day. The Yipintang people, especially Yun Zhonghe, wondered why they are suave and suave. Call me a prostitute when it's my turn?

"Baochai!" Xue Yiren was angry and anxious.

The Yinchuan princess on the side chuckled, for fear that the world would not be chaotic: "Sure enough, he is the romantic and suave Young Master Song, who has captured the heart of a beautiful girl so quickly."

Xue Baochai opened his mouth, but didn't know how to explain it. Fortunately, Song Qingshu helped her out at this time: "Why the princess is in a hurry? Maybe you can capture your heart right away."

Princess Yinchuan's smile really froze on her face, and she snorted: "Idiot people say dreams!"

"I only found out after trying." Song Qingshu smiled, and reached out to Xue Baochai's belt, "Miss Xue, you are offended."

Xue Baochai didn't know how to respond to him, offending, not guilty? Not knowing how to answer, he simply turned his face away when he hadn't seen everything.

Song Qingshu's hands were extremely gentle, he gently untied the bow knot on her belt, and then pulled it out bit by bit... After all, Xue Baochai is also a young girl. I don’t know how many times I have fantasized about love scenes, or even imagined it. The husband took off her belt during the candlelight night in the bridal chamber...

But she never expected that the first time she was taken off by a man was actually in this situation.

Noting that Xue Baochai's crystal clear cheeks, like egg whites, were dyed with a layer of blush, and his eyelashes trembling lightly, Song Qingshu secretly sighed, she was really a shy and pure girl.

Take off the belt, there is still warm body temperature on it, and it seems to have a faint fragrance. Song Qingshu hurriedly reduced his mind, stood up and smiled at Princess Yinchuan: "Princess, I'm coming over, don't you fall in love with me." ."

Princess Yinchuan curled her lips, her expression was very disdainful: "My self-confidence is lost."

Song Qingshu didn't say anything anymore, and walked slowly towards her. He walked very slowly, and his feet fell on the ground as if there was a unique rhythm. Princess Yinchuan was originally improper, but gradually became a little panicked: "When you meet Even if I lose!"

"You don't need to remind me, I won't touch you." Song Qingshu's voice just fell, and the belt in his hand seemed to turn into a silver snake, instantly entangled her legs.

Princess Yinchuan hadn't realized what was going on, Song Qingshu had already leapt over a big tree branch with her belt, and her whole body was spinning around.

"Ah~" Princess Yinchuan finally reacted, and found that she was hung upside down in the air, and she couldn't help but sway slightly there, "Song Qingshu, you bastard!"

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Fighting is profanity or love. Has the princess fallen a bit?"

"You fell into a big-headed ghost." Thinking of being hung upside down in the air in front of so many people, Princess Yinchuan felt ashamed of her face, wishing to smash her body into pieces.

"Who told you to forbid me to touch you and ask me to take out the antidote. In desperation, I had no choice but to do this. It was said that the princess lifted a rock and hit her in the foot." Song Qingshu stood up to her with a smile. before.

"You bastard, let me down quickly!" Now that the matter is, Princess Yinchuan still doesn't understand what the other party's idea is, and she is suddenly angry and anxious.

Song Qingshu suddenly sighed, "Princess, it's you who is wrong. You should be thankful to me. I didn't expect that you would retaliate against me and scold me. It seems that a good person is really not worth it."

Princess Yinchuan smiled angrily: "If you treat me like this, I should thank you?"

"Of course!" Song Qingshu pointed to the hem of her skirt that was tied together, "Of course you should thank me. If I hadn't tied the belt to your skirt intimately, I'm afraid all the men present would be able to feast their eyes. Admire the scenery at the bottom of Princess Xixia's skirt." Although the eyes of future generations are evaluated, even if the hem of her skirt is turned over, she is still wearing close-fitting clothing, in fact, she can't see anything. However, in the values ​​of this world, this is already a serious offense.

Princess Yinchuan was shocked, and only then did she react. Her posture... thinking of the scene where the skirt was upside down, she shuddered a little.

For a moment, she was really grateful to the other person, but she quickly realized that all of this was caused by him. How can you say that you are grateful?

"Hey, why doesn't the antidote come out yet?" Song Qingshu was startled, obviously different from what he expected.

Princess Yinchuan came back to her senses and smiled triumphantly: "Huh, this princess hides very tightly, and your wishful thinking is about to come to nothing."

"No matter how strict you are in this posture, where can you go?" Song Qingshu smiled. With a casual flick of her sleeves, Princess Yinchuan felt a gentle thrust from her body, and she couldn't help but sway in the air.

"What are you going to do?" Princess Yinchuan suddenly panicked. She was already uncomfortable when she was hung upside down. When she was dangled like this, she only felt that the sky was spinning, her eyes staring at gold stars.

"Since you are hiding so tightly, of course you are shaking out the antidote." Song Qingshu said naturally.

Princess Yinchuan was angry and anxious, and hurriedly scolded Duan Yanqing and others on the side: "What are you doing there, don't come and save me!"


Thanks to the king of pigeons, Bai Hailang and other enthusiastic book friends for their support and monthly pass support

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