Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1436: Ride the boat

Although Duan Yanqing and the others were frightened by Song Qingshu's martial arts value, after all, they would still eat at the Yipintang in the future. If they continue to stand idly by, they may not have a good fruit after returning to Xixia.

In desperation, he had to greet his companions and surround him, and at the same time said with a sad face: "Master Song, I hope you don't embarrass us."

Song Qingshu snorted faintly: "I'm just playing with your princesses now. If anyone dares to come over without knowing each other, don't blame me for being rude to your princesses."

Duan Yanqing and others didn't want to come, but now they have a high-sounding excuse and they stopped: "If you have something to discuss, don't embarrass our princess."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "I didn't embarrass her, I just made a bet with her."

Princess Yinchuan closed her lips tightly, half angry and half ashamed. After all, the gambling agreement was proposed by herself. It is really embarrassing to be so embarrassed now.

"Don't you get the antidote yet?" Song Qingshu said with a joking smile.

Princess Yinchuan turned her face away, she was so stubborn in her bones that she couldn't hold her face down to admit defeat.

"Since I didn't say anything, I shook it again?" After Song Qingshu finished speaking, the sleeves flicked, and Princess Yinchuan couldn't help but swing in the air again.

"I won't give it!" Although Princess Yinchuan had been dizzy, she still insisted on clenching her teeth in her heart.

Suddenly she felt a cold on her face. It turned out that the veil on her face could no longer hold on because of the upside-down, and it suddenly fell.

After Song Qing was dumbfounded, Princess Yinchuan looked very beautiful. If she was so, she wouldn't be in a daze. After all, he had seen so many stunning beauty in the world over the years. The reason she was so surprised was that she was clearly a girl. However, the combination of the five senses has a natural fascination, which is much more sultry than not knowing how many oirans are on the Qinhuai River.

I don’t know if this infatuation was brought by her long and charming eyes or her smiling, moist lips. Song Qingshu thought in her heart. From Duan Yu’s obsessive sister, Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan looked like Li Qiushui is similar, but their mother and daughter lack the coquettish spirit of Li Qiushui in the legend; Princess Yinchuan's appearance is not very similar to Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan. It can be seen that she did not inherit Li Qiushui's appearance, but inherited her completely. That flattery.

Princess Yinchuan’s surprise at this time is still above him. You must know that Xixia people have said that she was born in a beautiful country, unparalleled in the world, but very few people have really seen her appearance, and there are no men who have seen her appearance. , Now that Song Qingshu has seen it clearly, how can she not be surprised, how can she not be angry?

Fortunately, her angle was facing away from everyone at this time, so she could not be seen by others. But without the veil, she always felt that the whole person was insecure in an instant, and she said anxiously: "Hurry up and cover me!"

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "You don't look ugly, why are you afraid of others seeing it?"

"You don't understand, my appearance can't be seen by others." Seeing him indifferent, Princess Yinchuan cried anxiously.

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows and revealed a weird smile: "Why, have you also made an oath that the first man who has seen your appearance will either kill him or marry him?"

Princess Yinchuan blushed, biting her lip and said nothing.

Song Qingshu continued to tease and said, "If this is the case, then I am reluctant to accept you as my one-hundred-eighth concubine."

Princess Yinchuan couldn't help it anymore: "The surname is Song, despicable! Indecent! Shameless! You are a complete bastard!"

The people in Xixia Yipintang looked at each other. They had never seen this princess gaffe like this before. In these years, Princess Yinchuan has been in charge of Yipintang. She is so sophisticated and sophisticated that people never realize that she is just a young girl.

"Okay, okay, just cover you up. If you want to scold me again, just gag your mouth." In front of so many people, Song Qingshu was utterly black when he was scolded so softly by a little girl in front of so many people. line.

His threat really worked. Princess Yinchuan thought that she was already embarrassed enough at this time. If she was gagged again...she shuddered at the thought of that scene.

Seeing her finally calm down, Song Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the scarf on the ground and walked over: "Don't move, I'll cover it for you."

Princess Yinchuan changed her normal state and became a quiet girl. When the other party retired her veil, her eyelashes trembled lightly, and her heart was obviously very nervous.

"Hurry up and thank me, not only don't remember the old evil, but also repay the grudge with virtue." Song Qingshu put a veil on her, and smiled smugly.

"Thanks..." When Princess Yinchuan was halfway through her words, a sly light flashed in Dan Feng's eyes. Xiao Man twisted his waist and slammed into his hand.

When she saw the strange light in her eyes, Song Qingshu realized it was not good, but unfortunately it was still a step too late. His hand was tying her veil, his hand was too close to her face, and he couldn't avoid it.

Although there was only a moment of contact, both sides understood that they had met in that moment.

"You lost!" The depression in Princess Yinchuan's eyes was swept away, full of tricky smiles.

Song Qingshu looked at his hand, and it seemed that there was still a slippery touch on the other's face, and he didn't say anything after a long time.

Everyone in the Imperial City Division scolded him as shameless, and even Xue Baochai, who had always been gentle, couldn't help but angrily said: "You demon girl has no conscience. King Qi is kind to help you, but you are kind and revenge. What is the difference between this and Zhongshan wolf?"

A hint of annoyance flashed in the eyes of Princess Yinchuan, but she snorted coldly: "How can I tell you so many reasons on the battlefield? If you lose, you lose. I would like to bet."

What more Xue Baochai had to say, Song Qingshu stopped her: "Thank you Miss Xue for speaking to me, but Princess Yinchuan made sense. If you lose, you lose. You shouldn't find a reason."

He said that he looked at Princess Yinchuan in his spare time: "The princess is clever and witty, and Song admires it." In fact, with his cultivation base, although things have been rushed just now, if he really wants to escape, he can still escape, but at that moment he I thought a lot and needed Xixia’s help to contain Sichuan, so Princess Yinchuan and her party could not be retained by the Imperial City Division. If the Southern Song Dynasty had hostages in hand, Xixia would not dare to do anything to Sichuan.

But now he is the king of Qi in the Southern Song Dynasty after all in name. At this time, it is obvious that he can control the people of Yipintang. If they are released directly, it will be difficult to explain to all parties in Lin'an.

Therefore, he has been thinking about how to let Xixia people leave without being suspected by the people of the Imperial City Division. Unfortunately, he has not had any clues. After discovering the princess Yinchuan's small strategy by such a coincidence, he went along and let her succeed.

Princess Yinchuan didn't know all of this. Hearing Song Qingshu's praise, she couldn't help but raised her chin and snorted triumphantly: "Of course, don't let me down!"

I don't know if it was because of the shaking just now or she was too proud. At this moment, she twisted her body and suddenly a small porcelain bottle fell out of her chest, and Song Qingshu quickly grabbed it.

Song Qingshu held it in his hand, with the girl's body temperature still remaining on it, but unfortunately he didn't have the leisure time to appreciate it, so he took off the cork and smelled it: "Thank you princess for the antidote!"

He had seen the antidote for sadness and breeze before, and he naturally distinguished the true from the false.

Princess Yinchuan was very upset, noticing his frowning expression when he smelled the bottle just now, and was even more dissatisfied: "Is the bottle that fell out of this princess's arms so smelly?"

Song Qingshu was startled: "Isn't the antidote to the sad and crisp breeze just the stench?"

Princess Yinchuan realized that she wanted to make a difference, and said with some irritation, "Hurry up and let me down."

Song Qingshu nodded, pulled Xue Baochai's belt and shook, and with a skillful effort, she untied her feet, and Princess Yinchuan instantly fell to the ground.

"Ah~" Although Princess Yinchuan is a female spy of Yipintang, she is still a young girl after all. Seeing that her face is about to come into close contact with the earth, she couldn't help but scream.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu gently lifted her waist, and she turned her head and feet again.

As soon as she stood firmly, Princess Yinchuan slammed into Song Qingshu's arms: "You must be deliberate."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed: "Miss Xue didn't make a mistake just now, you really are kind and revenge."

Princess Yinchuan's face was hot, and she turned her back and said, "Untie it for me." She had just been restrained by Song Qingshu's hands. For some reason, she didn't want to let her subordinates help untie it. Of course, she couldn't ask for help. The people of the Imperial City Division finally decided to ask Song Qingshu for help.

Song Qingshu smiled and untied her from the shackles: "How about this belt as a souvenir for me."

Princess Yinchuan snatched the past: "I want to be beautiful!" After rearranging her dress, she turned and returned to the carriage.

"Since the princess won the bet just now, shouldn't it be okay to leave now?" After returning to the carriage, Princess Yinchuan seemed to have become the calm spy leader again.

"Of course, princess please!" Song Qingshu made a gesture of request.

"King Qi can't let the tiger go back to the mountain!" People from the Imperial City Division exclaimed.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Song has always been a man of eloquence. Since she said that she won the game and let them go, then she will let them go."

He was all about it, and the people from the Imperial City Division couldn't say anything more.

Suddenly the voice of Princess Yinchuan came from the carriage: "I suddenly found that you are still a very interesting person. You can come to me in Xixia in the future."

Song Qingshu nodded slightly: "There must be a chance to see you again."

"I'm waiting~" The people in Yipintang quickly walked away with the carriage, leaving only bursts of laughter in the air.

Song Qingshu turned around and said to Xue Baochai's brother and sister: "I will detoxify my companion first, and then come back to rescue you." After finishing speaking, he returned to his carriage.

Putting the antidote to the tip of Huang Rong's nose, because the antidote was too stinky, and she was nauseous because of pregnancy, the combination of these two factors finally couldn't help but retching on the side of the carriage.

Song Qingshu gently patted her on the back, and brought the kettle over: "Madam has been waiting for a long time."

Huang Rong gradually regained his strength, and there was a hint of playfulness in her eyes: "You are in the mood to molest the little girl, so naturally you can't remember me as a sinking old woman."


I'm really sorry, the demon wind is blowing in Chongqing today, the wind is so terrifying, it makes it like the end of the day. All four floor-to-ceiling windows in my house were blown, the entire living room was full of glass, and my son's hands were also scratched. Fortunately, it was not serious, and it did not fall and hit people. Otherwise, it was really unthinkable.

I’m cleaning up the house today, there’s no way I can do more

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