Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1437: Escape the golden cicada

Seeing Huang Rong's faintly resentful expression, Song Qingshu was ashamed for an instant: "Where have you been, there is only one person who has the antidote. It took a lot of effort for me to come from her."

"Really?" Huang Rong glanced at him with a faint smile, and instead of directly piercing his lie, she motioned to what he was holding, "Some people still have a girl's belt in their hands."

Song Qingshu realized that he had brought Xue Baochai's belt over, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed: "I was anxious to give you the antidote, but I forgot to give it back to her."

"Hurry up and return it to someone else, a daughter, she must be very flustered without a belt and staying among a group of men." Huang Rong's eyes were full of smiles. Although this man was molesting the girl, remember to put the antidote first. One brought it to her, and she was still a little pleased.

"Then you take a break here now." Song Qingshu also realized that he was a little unkind, and hurriedly detoxified the guards who were accompanying him, and then hurried to the open space there.

"Sorry, Miss Xue has been waiting for a long time." Back to Xue Baochai, Song Qingshu took out the antidote and sniffed her. Because he was a little apologetic, he always wanted to do something to make up for it. Suddenly he saw the belt in his hand and blurted out subconsciously. "I will fasten the belt for the girl."

When he said that, he leaned over to tie her belt up. Xue Baochai was a little annoyed by the antidote, but seeing him so close, his whole body suddenly stiffened.

Even though the faint fragrance of the girl could be smelled so close, Song Qingshu didn't think much about it, but was immersed in a group of Xixia people. He gave them so much time and hoped that they could escape the imperial city secretary. Kill it.

"That... or I... come by myself." Xue Baochai finally couldn't help but speak. The education she had received over the past ten years has made her uneasy to accept a man to wear a belt for her.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and found that her face was already red as an apple, and finally woke up, she had been poisoned, and she needed to wear it for her.

He was also thick-skinned, he didn't show any shame at all, instead he stood up naturally: "Then I will detoxify your elder brother and them."

"Yeah." Xue Baochai lowered his head, some dare not look into his eyes.

Song Qingshu came to Xue Yiren with the antidote and found that his eyes seemed to be burning. He was worried that he would have problems if he stayed with him for a long time, so he put the antidote on the tip of his nose and smelled it, so he simply put the antidote on the tip of his nose and smelled it. The antidote was left to him: "Go and detoxify the people from the Imperial City Division by yourself."

After speaking, he walked over to his carriage without looking back, and found that his guards had gradually recovered, and when he was about to order to continue to set off, suddenly there was the sound of his clothes being broken.

Song Qingshu looked back and saw that Xue Yiren was already standing ten feet away, holding the saber tightly in his hand, as if the sword would be out of its sheath at any time: "Who is in the carriage of King Qi?" So when Song Qingshu detoxified Huang Rong just now, He saw a woman in the carriage from a distance.

Song Qingshu frowned: "Why, I think the road is boring, so I have to bring a concubine Ji with me to report to you?"

Huang Rong in the carriage took a sip of shame, thinking that this **** never forgot to take advantage of me, but thought that the other party said that taking her on the road was to understand the boredom... How can concubine Ji relieve the boredom, the answer is ready to come out... Fa Jiao Yan.

Xue Yiren said lightly: "Naturally not on weekdays, but recently the prospective princess was robbed. Our Imperial Secretary was ordered to investigate. The emperor granted us the power to investigate anyone."

Song Qingshu's tone was cold for an instant: "I didn't expect you to be as ungrateful as the Xixia people. I had known that I just stood by and let you die in the hands of Xixia people."

Xue Yiren didn't care about his cynicism: "We are just doing business, and Wang Qi should not over-interpret it."

"Really?" Song Qingshu snorted coldly, "If you have the ability, step on me."

Xue Yiren's long sword slowly unsheathed, and pointed at Song Qingshu from a distance: "If King Qi insists on not letting it go, I will not be blamed for being polite."

"I don't know what I can do!" Although Song Qingshu usually laughs and hahas on weekdays, the clay figurines are also three-pointed, and Xue Yiren's behavior today really angered him.

"Stop!" At this time Xue Baochai had already ran over and stopped in front of Xue Yiren, "Big brother, what are you going to do!"

"You get out of the way." Xue Yiren's whole body seemed to be turned into a sharp and difficult sword, and a shocking blow could erupt at any time.

"I won't! Do you think I don't know? You just want to find someone to compete with King Qi, but they just saved us. You did so too much." Xue Baochai flushed with anger and his arms were open. I didn't know if it was to stop Xue Yiren or to block Song Qingshu's attack.

"The opportunity is rare." Xue Yiren finally told the truth. If Song Qingshu continued to stay in Lin'an, he would always find a chance to compete, but now he goes north to the Golden Snake Camp, and there will be no chance among the thousands of troops. Up.

Xue Baochai knew that her cousin was very stubborn and that it was difficult to change what she believed, but she was unwilling to watch the battle between the two. It was said that the two tigers must be injured in the fight.

After all, she was Huizhilanxin, and soon thought of a way: "Brother, you just got poisoned, and now your strength is more or less affected, you can't bring you to the peak state at all. What's the point of such a decisive battle? significance?"

Xue Yiren was silent for an instant. He knew that his sister was right. Affected by the sad and crisp breeze, although the detoxification is now too short, the detoxification time is too short. Now he has only recovered seven or eighty-eight. With his strength, even if not completely Recovery is more than enough to deal with ordinary masters, but the person in front of him is the top master in the world, so he may lose terribly in the end.

Seeing that his brother was a little moved, Xue Baochai continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Moreover, we have suffered such a big loss in the hands of the Xixia people this time. Now we have to find them to get the place back. They have been away for a while. I really can't catch up."

Xue Yiren finally retracted the long sword into its sheath, and the sharp sword intent of his whole body gradually disappeared: "You are not unreasonable." After speaking, he turned and left.

Xue Baochai said to Song Qingshu with an apologetic look: "King Qi, I'm really embarrassed, my elder brother is so Wu Chengzhi, that's why..."

Song Qingshu raised his hand to stop her apology: "For the sake of helping me just now, I won't care about him today. If there is another next time, I will not be merciful." Although Xue Yiren's swordsmanship is high, But I am least afraid of any master...

Without waiting for her to react, Song Qingshu returned directly to the carriage: "Leave!" The guards of the Qi Palace were also in their positions, and the team set off again.

Seeing the team going away from Prince Qi's Mansion, Xue Baochai bit her lip. Originally, she still had something to say to Song Qingshu, but now the atmosphere is so stiff, let alone...

"You are cruel to the little girl." Huang Rong couldn't help laughing after the carriage drove for some distance.

Song Qingshu said faintly: "It's already a lot of face for her to put her brother a size."

Huang Rong was a little curious and said, "That Xue Yiren's swordsmanship seems to be very superb. Which one of you will win the battle?

Song Qingshu slowly closed his eyes, smiled without saying a word, Huang Rong looked itchy, and couldn't help but pinch him: "Let you pretend to be superior to me~"

"Don't don't don't, I just said it," Song Qingshu's previous grandmaster's demeanor collapsed instantly, and hurriedly explained, "If he is in his heyday, he may still have the power to fight; he was in that state just now, hehe..."

He didn't finish, but the meaning was obvious. Huang Rong couldn't help but sighed: "I don't know how your enchanting martial arts practiced. Brother Jing is far inferior to you in martial arts at your age."

Song Qing's writing is weird and whispered: "He is not as good as me in martial arts at this age."

Huang Rong's eyebrows were erected instantly: "What did you say?"

"Nothing," Song Qingshu changed his words instantly, "I said today's weather is fine."

Seeing his serious nonsense, Huang Rong couldn't help but sneer: "You, you guys, you obviously let me have hands and feet. I may not have beaten you, and I deliberately pretended to be afraid of me."

Song Qingshu turned his head to look at her, with a smile on his face: "Because I am afraid of the inside."

Huang Rong's heart jumped: "Nonsense!" After speaking, she turned her face and ignored him again.

After the carriage drove for a while, Song Qingshu took Huang Rong out of the carriage, and then ordered his men to continue north with his letter. When he arrived at Jinsheying, Ah Jiu naturally understood what was going on when he saw the letter.

He took Huang Rong into another carriage that had been waiting there and turned back to the southeast.

The carriage going north attracted the attention of all forces, and Song Qingshu and Huang Rong went all the way south to Peach Blossom Island.

Along the way, the two of them were chatting from place to place. At the beginning, they talked about the general situation, the situation of the countries, the various gangs in the arena, and the current power structure of the beggar gang.

As they chatted, the topics became more and more scattered, such as astronomy and geography, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, Qimen Dunjia, and anecdotes...It can be said that they talked wherever they thought of.

Song Qingshu had to admire Huang Rong as the daughter of Dongxie, a well-known female Zhuge in the arena, and her knowledge reserves were too profound; Huang Rong’s shock was even higher than him. For so many years, she only admired her father Huang Yaoshi. , But now there is one more person.

In particular, Song Qingshu came from later generations, with more than a thousand years of experience, standing on the shoulders of giants, and many insights are far less than Huang Rong. Some casual remarks often touched Huang Rong.

The more the two parties talked, the more speculative the relationship became, and the relationship became more and more harmonious. Although the two sides had the closest relationship, there was always a few gaps between the two, but after the communication on this road, I gradually felt that the gap was gone. From the bottom of Huang Rong's heart, he regarded him as a friend of mountains and flowing water.

"Brother Jing won't talk about this with me..." At some point, Huang Rong couldn't help but sigh quietly, but she quickly calmed her mind and dispelled some thoughts that she shouldn't have in her mind.

"We are in Shanyin." Looking at the city gate in the distance, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling a little bit. This place is considered to have revisited.

"Let's take a break in the tea room in front." Huang Rong couldn't help feeling a little tired after the busy journey.

"Okay!" Parked the carriage nearby, Song Qingshu helped her down and walked towards Chaliao. He suddenly saw the two women in Chaliao and stopped.

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