Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1438: Scream in the night sky

The woman in white clothes is charming and pretty, the woman in Tsing Yi is beautiful and elegant, Song Qingshu has sharp eyes, and he recognizes them at a glance. The woman in white clothes is naturally Lu Wushuang, and the woman in Tsing Yi is naturally Cheng Ying. Met up.

Thinking of the charming scene with Lu Wushuang in the bed last time, the young girl's youthful body, Song Qingshu is now determined, and she can't help but feel a little bit disheartened.

Now he is bothered by Peach Blossoms, he just wants to send Huang Rong home safely, but he didn't expect that there will be branches out of the festival, and he will not deliberately come to Lu Wushuang and the others. The reason why he passed by Shanyin is because to reach Taohua Island, Shanyin is a must pass , I will pass by Qingyuan Mansion (the later Ningbo), and then head out to the sea to the east, where Taohua Island is located.

Now seeing the two women, Song Qingshu suddenly had a headache, and he couldn't understand the relationship with them. At this time, they didn't know how to get along with each other.

"Why did you stop suddenly?" Huang Rong came from behind and asked with some confusion.

Song Qingshu subconsciously replied: "No...nothing."

Hearing the movement here, Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang turned their heads suspiciously. Fortunately, Song Qingshu and Huang Rong changed their costumes in order to hide their appearance. They also wore hats on their heads to cover their faces, so the two women did not recognize them either. Come.

"Cousin, the two people over there seem to be familiar." Lu Wushuang said with some confusion.

Cheng Ying pressed her hand and shook her head slightly and said, "Obviously, people want to hide their traces and avoid trouble when they go out." She has a delicate mind, knowing that such attire is obviously to hide their traces. Lu Wushuang stared at them like this. It is easy to cause killing.

"But I really think they are a bit familiar." Lu Wushuang pouted and muttered softly, "Especially the woman's voice just now sounds a bit like Huang Rong."

Because of Yang Guo, they met Huang Rong several times, and they naturally knew her; at the same time, because of Yang Guo, Lu Wushuang didn’t have a great affection for Huang Rong. In addition, Cheng Ying was Huang Rong’s younger sister. Huang Rong can be described as a peer-to-peer discussion, so in her tone she is not as respectful as the leader of the Huang Gang, Mrs. Guo, or the like.

"It's a bit like it." Cheng Ying nodded slightly, but shook her head quickly, "The man is obviously not Daxia Guo, so how could she be a senior sister."

At this time, Huang Rong also saw the two of them, and her body became stiff, thinking that she was a married woman and a young man at the same time. It was a bit embarrassing to be known, not to mention the relationship between the two parties because of Yang Guo’s relationship. It was always a little subtle, so she didn't want to be recognized subconsciously, but now it was too obvious to retreat, so she silently took Song Qingshu and sat down in a corner with her back facing the two women.

Song Qingshu was originally worried that Huang Rong and Cheng Ying would come to recognize each other as a sister, so he really didn't know how to explain the complicated relationship between him and them. Who knew Huang Rong didn't even mean to recognize each other.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and quickly realized that in the original work, Cheng Ying was a closed disciple received by Huang Yaoshi in his later years. Huang Rong didn't know at first. Seeing this suddenly appeared younger sister, she was about the same age as her daughter Guo Fu. She always feels weird.

The two women have a seven-orifice exquisite heart, and the other is soft on the outside and smart on the inside. The time to get along is short, and the relationship is hard to be as close as a real teacher and sister.

What's more, with Yang Guo's relationship, Cheng Ying may not really like her senior sister.

It seems that the relationship between the two women in this world is almost the same as in my own impression... Song Qingshu thoughtfully poured tea for Huang Rong, with a rather playful expression.

"Cousin, we haven't found out about Bijun after investigating for so long. Could it be the wrong direction?" Lu Wushuang was uncertain, and his attention quickly shifted from Song Qingshu to another matter. .

Song Qing revealed a strange color in writing. Ordinary people only know that Ms. Shen Jia is missing, but they don't know what Ms. Shen's maiden name is, but would he not know?

"Are they also investigating Shen Bijun's whereabouts?"

Huang Rong obviously thought of going with him, and quietly pricked her ears to listen.

"I also feel that we have checked the wrong direction. We will take a break in the mansion when we return to Shanyin this time, so that we can sort out our thoughts." Cheng Yingxiu frowned, her face looked like dust and dust.

Song Qingshu was startled, why did the two of them investigate the robbery of Miss Shen Jia? Does it represent Han Tong, or Jia Sidao? He couldn't help being confused. After all, Lu Wushuang's Lu family was closely related to Han Tong, and the family behind Cheng Ying was close to Jia Sidao because they didn't quite understand who they were doing things for.

In fact, Song Qingshu's consideration was too complicated. With the forces of Han Tong and Jia Sidao, they really wanted to investigate the case of Shen Bijun, and they would not be reduced to sending these two little girls out. The reason why they have been investigating this matter is because Living together in Shanyin, see you when you look up, and Shen Bijun is a close friend in a close friend.

The two women apparently had almost rested in the tea room. After chatting casually, they got up and left. Then Huang Rong quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Qingshu didn't puncture it, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that all the people I met along the way were investigating the disappearance of Miss Shen Jia."

"Yes." Huang Rong thought of the former Imperial City Division, Yipintang, and today's Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying, it seems that all forces have begun to take action.

"I don't know if the legendary mandarin duck knife is so magical." Song Qingshu suddenly thought. He didn't take the mandarin duck knife seriously. After all, the secret of invincibility in the world is only four words in the original book-"the benevolent is invincible" , It's a sinkhole. But he suddenly realized that this chaotic world may not really develop according to the original plot, maybe because of the butterfly effect, there is really an invincible secret hidden in the mandarin duck knife.

"It's getting dark soon, let's go into the city too, and rest for one night before heading tomorrow." Huang Rong said.

"Okay!" Song Qingshu settled the bill, helped her to get into the carriage again, and suddenly thought of Cheng Yaojia, the Lu Family's grandmother, would you like to spend the night with her? After thinking about it, he finally dispelled this tempting idea, because he had other plans for the evening.

After finding an inn in the city, Song Qingshu booked two upper rooms very gentle this time, and Huang Rong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because they have been on the road for the past two days, it can be described as a dusty journey. After the two of them finished their dinner, they asked the store to prepare hot water to freshen up.

Song Qingshu finished washing after three times, then came to the next door and knocked on the door: "Rong'er?"

"What's the matter?" There was a hint of tension in Huang Rong's voice.

Seeing the string in her head stretched so tightly, Song Qingshu laughed blankly. He didn't have the thought of stealing fragrance and jade this time: "I want to go out for a while, and take a good rest after you wash it."

"Wait for me, I will go with you." Huang Rong replied quickly.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Do you know where I am going?"

Huang Rong’s chuckle came from inside: "Of course I went to Shenyuan. Before entering the city, I saw you mentioned the expression of Yuanyangdao. I knew that you were curious. Since you passed Shanyin on your way, why would you not go to Shenyuan? Check it out?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Rong'er, well, I'll wait for you." Song Qingshu smiled and leaned gently outside the door.

The sound of Xixi Suosuo wearing clothes soon came from inside, and Song Qingshu wouldn't be ignorant of peeping. It was enough to just fill in the scene.

Soon Huang Rong opened the door. Seeing her blushing cheek with a little water vapor on it, Song Qingshu couldn't help but said, "Don't you women have to stop bathing for a long time? Why are you going so soon?"

Huang Rong gave him a sullen look: "When I go out, everything is simple, I am not as squeamish as you think." Of course, there is another reason why she didn't say it. She has been worried that Song Qingshu will suddenly break into the room with a wolf, how dare she not speed up speed?

Fortunately, in the end, Song Qingshu did not disappoint her, but he was relieved to realize that if Song Qingshu had left during this period, what if an enemy found him?

On weekdays, she is naturally not afraid, the Nine Yin Scriptures and the dog-playing method, coupled with the intelligence and talents enough to deal with any master, but now she is pregnant after all, after the previous few twists and turns, she no longer wants to take a little risk. .

I have to admit that Song Qingshu has given her an unprecedented sense of security during this time. With him by his side, even if she encounters a terrifying enemy, she doesn't seem to need to spend any thought. So guessing that Song Qingshu was going to Shenyuan, she subconsciously decided to go with her together.

Song Qingshu naturally didn't know her mental activities. Seeing that she was ready, he took her hand: "Then let's go."

After getting along for this period of time, although Huang Rong still has some unpretentious thoughts about Song Qingshu, she acquiesced to such a contact like holding hands. What's more, the gap between the two sides is so large. In order to save time, she has more reasons to persuade. Yourself.

Song Qingshu started lightly and arrived at Shenyuan not long after night. Because the speed on the road was too fast, in order to protect the pregnant Huang Rong, he developed from holding hands at the beginning to almost half-cuddling, but as soon as he arrived outside Shenyuan, He put down the beautiful woman in his arms, so that the other party couldn't say anything.

After this period of time, Song Qingshu also gradually understood that Huang Rong has her own persistence, and she can't be anxious. Rather than act too hastily to cause her plan, it is better to let the flow go, so he will not take the other party so deliberately except when necessary. It's cheap, so Huang Rong's impression of him has changed so much.

I happened to pass by the place where Lu You wrote the last time. Looking at the "Hai Tou Feng" on it, I couldn't help but sighed secretly. Now Tang Wan is the princess of Beijing, and the relationship between her and Lu You has long been overwhelmed.

"Look, there's another verse here!" Huang Rong exclaimed. When he was approaching Shanyin, Song Qingshu remembered Lu You's tragic love story, and briefly told her about it in sadness, so she also knew the cause and effect.

The world is weak, the human relationship is bad, and the flowers are easy to fall when the rain sends the evening flowers. Xiao air-dry, tear-stained, trying to comment on her heart, and slanting alone. Difficult, difficult, difficult!

People become different, today is not yesterday, sick souls are often like swings. The sound of the horns is cold, and the night is faint, afraid of people asking questions, and pretending to be happy with tears. Conceal, conceal, conceal!

Seeing Tang Wan's response, Song Qingshu couldn't help but think of the shock that he felt when he saw this story in the book a thousand years later, and now he has witnessed it in person, and he can't help but feel a bit like a world away.

Huang Rong thought of her relationship with Brother Jing, and then thought of her entanglement with Song Qingshu, she couldn't help but sigh quietly.


Suddenly a scream came from the night sky. Although the voice was very low, whether it was Song Qingshu or Huang Rong, both masters, they could still hear the fleeting voice clearly.

The two looked at each other, and they saw the dignity in each other's eyes: "Something happened to Shen Yuan!"

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