Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1439: Guilty

Song Qingshu grabbed Huang Rong’s shoulders, and the two quickly sneaked in. They didn’t meet anyone along the way. They couldn’t help but secretly startled, knowing that the Shen family is a famous family in Shanyin, and there should be a lot of servants in the house. , After entering the garden for so long, I haven't run into any of them. It is indeed very abnormal.

Song Qingshu climbed up and looked over, and found that the entire Shenyuan was dark, with only one small courtyard lit up, so he quietly leaned over with Huang Rong.

I saw a group of black-clothed people and masked people forming a big circle. The middle group of maids and servants fell together. The air was full of blood. Huang Rong was prone to nausea and nausea after she was pregnant. Feeling overwhelmed.

Song Qingshu was worried that the movement of her vomiting disturbed the people inside, so she hurriedly took her hand and lost her internal strength. Then she felt better.

The two of them hid in a big tree next to the yard and looked inside through the lush branches. There seemed to be a living mouth in the Shenyuan. They saw a middle-aged couple kneeling in a pool of blood and shivering, while in front of them There stood a man wearing a mask with green fangs.

It can be seen that the man should be young, but the mask is too tight to see his features.

But this is not what surprised Song Qingshu the most. What surprised the most was the middle-aged couple kneeling in a pool of blood. If you read it correctly, the middle-aged man should be the servant of the palace, Shen Yan, who was on the court before in Lin'an. After the fate of one side, although there is no deep friendship, Song Qing still recognizes him at a glance with Song Qing's unforgettable ability.

"I heard that Miss Shen Jia disappeared some time ago, and Shen Yan was sad to request to return home to recuperate, but he did not expect to encounter such a catastrophe." Song Qingshu was secretly shocked. What kind of identity are these people in black? If you dare to move, you must know that although the servants in the palace are not of high grade, they have great power in their hands. They can impeach hundreds of officials, which is regarded as the eyes of the emperor; Therefore, Yushitai has always been the target of many powerful and powerful people.

Seeing this, the people in black are trying to destroy the Shen family. Once the situation of the Shen family is discovered after dawn, it will definitely cause an uproar in the Southern Song Dynasty. The emperor will definitely be angry at that time. Knowing the serious consequences and still daring to do it, it is obviously confident.

Suddenly a few people in black ran back to this small courtyard from all directions, kneeling down in front of the masked man with green faces and fangs: "Tell the master, I didn't find that thing."

Several people in black talked about the same. Song Qingshu and Huang Rong looked at each other, and they were both secretly startled, not knowing what they were looking for.

The man with the green-faced fangs mask turned his head and looked at Shen Yan who was kneeling in a pool of blood, and said with an annoyed voice: "I have often used excuses to visit Shenyuan in these years. It can be said that I know every inch of the land in the garden, but unfortunately, there is still no deer knife. Whereabouts, so I have been guessing that you should have hid the treasure knife in a secret place that no one can find."

Hearing the conversation in the room from a distance, Song Qingshu looked weird. Why did a deer-cutting knife pop up? Isn't it a mandarin duck knife? Don't tell me this masked man is Xiaoyaohou?

However, Song Qingshu quickly denied this speculation. Although this man was wearing a mask, he could see that he was very young. In addition, he was somewhat familiar with his figure, and he had a feeling of deja vu, but it was a pity that he deliberately changed when he spoke. The voice made it difficult to confirm the identity of this person.

Shen Yan yelled: "You really have ambitions. You have been concealing evil intentions to come to Shenyuan for these years. It's a pity that I woke up too late. I originally wanted to give the knife to the prince, thinking that I could give away the evil, but I didn't expect it to be yours. Tao."

"It seems that Shen Yan knows this masked person." Huang Rong whispered.

Song Qingshu nodded, thinking that Shen Yan let her daughter go to Beijing to choose the princess, but now it seems to be to throw away the hot potato, as the saying goes, everyone is innocent and guilty.

Listening to Shen Yan's breathing, Song Qingshu knew that he had run out of oil, and now he was struggling with anger in his heart.

The man with the green-faced fangs mask sneered: "Shen Yan, Shen Yan, so you are always confused. You want to give the knife to the prince, not to mention someone else, do you think the King of Yi will agree?"

Shen Yan was startled, and his face instantly showed regret.

"Cutting a deer knife, Qin loses its deer, and the world will fight together. Only the victor wins the deer and cuts it. The mandarin duck knife is said to contain the secret of invincibility in the world. So whether it is called the deer knife or the mandarin duck knife. , Do you think King Yi allowed such things to fall into the hands of the prince?" The mask man said in a very strange tone, "Your daughter didn't choose the name, Shen Bijun and Shen Bijun, you are guilty of the crime."

Shen Yan said annoyedly: "The king of Yi and the prince are fighting for the position of the future great treasure. Naturally, they will not tolerate such things falling into the hands of the prince."

Song Qingshu also secretly nodded, even if the mandarin duck sword has no invincible effect, but the name alone has enough symbolic meaning, falling into the hands of the prince is equivalent to the destiny of heaven. Of course, the king of Yi cannot tolerate this happening.

"It turns out that the missing of Bijun was caused by King Yi!" Shen Yan suddenly woke up, gritted his teeth and said.

Huang Rong sighed quietly: "Brothers fighting is really not the blessing of the community." Guo Jing is dedicated to serving the country. Huang Rong naturally hopes that the court will be stable. The occurrence of this kind of storm of fighting for the crown will affect every citizen of the Song Dynasty.

Before Song Qingshu had time to answer, the masked man shook his head and said, "No matter, watching these years of friendship also makes you understand. King Yi did organize a master to rob and kill Ling Qianjin's caravan, but he just arrived. By the time Ling Qianjin had disappeared."

"Really?" Shen Yan was pleasantly surprised. He had been distressed by his daughter's robbery before and cursed the ancestor of the robber for the eighteenth generation, but now he found out that there was a mistake, and the other party indirectly saved his daughter's life. , Really is the place where misfortune and blessing depend.

The mask man kept watching his reaction closely, and sneered when he heard the words: "You don't have to be hypocritical. The disappearance of your daughter is quite strange. According to my guess, it is probably a play you directed and acted, just to hide it. The people of the world hid the deer-cutting knife again. Say, where is the deer-cutting knife?"

Shen Yan looked at the garden like a purgatory on earth, and couldn't help but smile sadly: "This is the end of the matter, even if I really know the whereabouts of the deer-cutting knife, do you think I will tell you?" His tone was sad, and it could be said that those who saw him were sad. The listener shed tears.

The mask man sneered: "If you say it, I can give you a good time, if you don't say it..." He paused, and looked at Madam Shen to the side, "Can give birth to a beautiful woman like Shen Bijun, respect Madam Young She was also a majestic woman, even if she is older now, she still has her charm. All of my subordinates are trained every day. All of them are strong and strong men. They respect their ladies and treat them well. They may not be able to withstand the ravages of everyone."

As soon as his voice fell, the voices of the surrounding men swallowing saliva one after another, each of his eyes began to emit green light.

Shen Yan was trembling with anger: "The official is the servant of the dignified palace, the court will not let you go!"

"It's nothing to serve Yushi in a small palace," the mask man snorted disdainfully, "not to mention that we can push everything to the person who robbed Shen Bijun, who can find us."

"You!" Shen Yan pointed at him angrily, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

"I will give you one last chance," the masked man's voice turned cold. "Where is the deer-cutting knife?"

"I've said it countless times, the Deer Cutting Blade and Bi Jun were taken away together!" Shen Yan roared hoarsely, but it was a pity that the other party didn't believe his words at all.

"Unexpectedly, cutting a deer knife in your heart is more important than your wife. If that's the case, don't blame me for being polite." The masked man winked, and the men under his men surrounded Mrs. Shen with grinning smiles.

"You beasts!" Shen Yan was so angry that there was nothing to do.

Where did Mrs. Shen block a group of three-and-five-thick men. Although they struggled desperately, they were quickly held down by their hands and feet, while others reached out to her chest and belt.

Huang Rong couldn't help it anymore, deducting two pieces of book cover, and shooting out with magical powers. The group of people in black were hit, oops a piece of it.

"Who!" The masked man suddenly turned around, and the rest of the black-clothed men looked towards the tree.

At this point, Song Qingshu knew that there was no need to hide, so he grabbed Huang Rong by the shoulder, and the two jumped from the tree into the courtyard together.

"It's you?" Seeing their appearance, the masked man was a little frightened, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, do you know me?" Song Qingshu thought to himself that the previous feeling was not an illusion. It seems that this person really knows him.

Shen Yan on the side also saw his appearance clearly, and cried out with some excitement: "King Qi!"

Song Qingshu's figure flashed and appeared beside him: "Shen Yushi, I'm late." He checked the opponent's pulse and found that Shen Yan had already run out of oil, and would have died at any time.

"No...no..." Just now, Shen Yan could barely hold on with a breath of anger in his heart. Now when he saw Song Qingshu appear a big rock in his heart, when he relaxed, he felt endless exhaustion hitting him, and he even couldn't even say anything. Clear.

"Kill him for me!" The masked man gave orders, as if taking the lead in the charge, the black-clothed men got the master's order and drew their long knives and rushed over here.

Who knew that the masked man had just taken a step, but suddenly his figure retreated violently and fled outside the garden at a faster speed than before, seeing Song Qingshu and Huang Rong both stunned.

The people in black rushed too eagerly, but did not realize that they had become the master's abandoned pawns, and they still rushed towards Song Qingshu with a murderous expression.

Just now seeing the purgatory scene in Shenyuan, Song Qingshu's heart was already full of anger, knowing that these people are murderers, so he didn't show mercy anymore, and with a gesture, the weapons of Shenyuan guardian scattered on the ground were suspended in the air. In the middle, and then rapidly rotated to form a storm of swords, and instantly harvested the lives of the group of people in black.

Song Qingshu didn't stop, he rushed to the masked man with a kick to let the culprit pay the debt.

The masked man seemed to have anticipated how difficult it would be for his subordinates to stop how long, and while fleeing, he raised his hand and flicked in the direction where Huang Rong was, and a cluster of fine steel needles suddenly shot at her.

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