Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1440: Double poison

Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, these steel needles are fast and dense, a bit like the legendary and mysterious torrential rain pear flower needles. Although Huang Rong's martial arts are good, the hidden weapon is too harsh, he dared not take any risks and hurriedly changed his route. He walked out to the end of the world, stepping out and blocking Huang Rong in front of him.

At this moment, the cluster of horrible steel needles will be shot. Song Qingshu hurriedly released his internal force and placed an air wall in front of him to stop the cluster of steel needles.

Based on Song Qingshu's cultivation base at this time, Rao couldn't help but snorted. The momentum of the steel needle was too great, and his strong gas wall was almost shot through. Although there was a reason for his hasty defense, but this feeling He hasn't realized it for a long time.

"It's no wonder the rumors that the rainstorm pear flower needle specializes in breaking the innocent qi of the inner family. I don't know how many top experts are planted on this insidious hidden weapon. If I had not been inspired by the master to overcome strength with softness, I might really be hurt by this hidden weapon. "Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue.

"Go chase him, don't let the culprit run away!" Huang Rong hurriedly pointed to the direction where the masked man had escaped, and witnessed the tragedy of Shen Yuan, but she hated the man to her bones.

"Okay!" Song Qingshu had this intention. Before he could say anything to Huang Rong, his figure flashed and chased in the direction where the masked man disappeared.

Although the other party's messenger delayed him twice, Song Qingshu is confident that with his light work, it is not difficult to catch up with the other party.

Sure enough, I quickly saw the back of the masked man. He was about to escape from the gate of Shenyuan. Song Qingshu was about to catch up. Suddenly a familiar voice came from the street: "Cousin, wouldn't it be nice for us to come here in the middle of the night?" "

"I always feel that Bijun's disappearance is a bit weird, and Shen Yuan is a bit mysterious. It's better to come and investigate." Another elegant voice sounded.

"Crap!" Song Qingshu heard the voices of Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying, who happened to stop the masked man on his way to escape.

"Ah~" Two exclaims sounded. When Song Qingshu chased to the door, he found that Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying were being pinched by the masked person, their two pretty faces flushed red.

In fact, Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying’s martial arts, especially Cheng Ying’s martial arts, were not suppressed in an instant, mainly because the two women did not expect that a master suddenly appeared, plus Cheng Yingman’s mind was thinking about Shen Bijun’s Because of this, there was no defense, so that he was captured by the masked man with one move.

"Let them go!" Song Qingshu didn't dare to act rashly. No matter how fast he worked, he could make the two women disappear with just a pinch with his fingers.

"Song... Brother Song?" After seeing Song Qingshu's appearance, Lu Wushuang cried out in an unbelievable manner, the panic on his face faded a bit.

Cheng Ying also saw Song Qingshu, and her face was happy. After all, she fell into the hands of the gangster for no reason. She didn't know what to do. Song Qingshu's appearance gave her a glimmer of light. But suddenly she couldn't help but think of what happened in her cousin Cheng Yaojia's boudoir. Her face blushed and she didn't know how to face this man.

This pair of cousins ​​have their own secrets, and at the same time they are afraid of being known by each other, so their expressions are a bit strange, with a touch of shame and fear on their faces. The masked man seems to be Fengyue veteran, who can see at a glance Something went wrong, knowing that these two women had an extraordinary relationship with Song Qingshu: "Don't come over, or I will kill them."

Song Qingshu snorted coldly: "You can't escape."

The mask man chuckled and said, "That's not necessarily."

"Really? If they have any damage, you can't live." Song Qingshu sneered, "From the situation in the garden, you are noble. Let your subordinates give you time to escape, which proves that you cherish life very much. So I have reason to believe that you will not be willing to die with them."

The mask man laughed: "Yes, I really don't want to die with them, but are you willing to let them be buried with me? Just now I have given them the Fire Pill and Jiujiu Wan, and now the effect is about to come on. Up."

"Fire Pill, Jiujiu Pill?" Song Qingshu was shocked, "Are you from Xia Ke Island?"

The masked man was also startled: "How do you know." Xia Ke Island was originally mysterious, and the number of people known by the Fire Pill and Jiujiu Maru was even less. Why did he guess his identity as soon as he heard it.

However, it was not the time to think about it. He quickly said: "Since you have heard of these two poisons, you know that there is no cure for this poison. You can only resolve it with the internal power of Yin and Yang, or you will be killed immediately. Come chase me or save them, choose for yourself."

After speaking, he stopped holding the two women and directly pushed them to Song Qingshu, and he took advantage of the momentum to go away. He was very sure that the other party would never give up the lives of the two women to chase him down.

However, the smile on his face quickly solidified, and the figure flashed, and Song Qingshu had already stopped in front of him.

"The surname is Song, although your martial arts is high, but if you want to solve me in a short while, I am afraid it is not so easy. Before you capture me, the two girls may die more than twice." There are some masked people. Annoyed into anger.

Song Qingshu knows that he is telling the truth. Although this man has no mastery and escapes as soon as they meet, his martial arts are actually very high, even more powerful than Zhang San Li Si combined: "Are you Zhao Da or Qian Er?"

Among the agents of rewarding good and punishing evil in Xia Ke Island, Zhang San Li Si is also the most famous one who walks in the arena. Their martial arts are also at the top level among the messengers of rewarding good and punishing evil. Those who can steadily beat them are also the two island owners. There is a mysterious Zhao Da and Qian Er.

This masked man has higher martial arts than Zhang San Li and four, and he cannot be the two island owners. Naturally, he will only be one of Zhao Da and Qian.

The mask man was startled: "I didn't expect you to know this extent about Knight Island."

Seeing that he didn't answer, Song Qingshu frowned and was about to act. Suddenly, Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying groaned in pain not far behind him.

The mask man couldn't help laughing: "They have been poisoned, do you want to fight me?"

"Give me the anti-poison medicine, and I'll let you go." Song Qingshu said coldly.

The mask man suffocated his breath, and said whisperingly: "I told you that there is no cure for this poison."

"Although there is no medicine to solve it, but there is a medicine to suppress poisons." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice. There are 980 kinds of poisonous weeds in Jiujiu Pills, and there are fewer poisons in the fire pill, but there are crane top red, peacock gall and other dramas. Poison, the medicinal properties are extremely fierce, but although these two drugs are poisonous, they have the effect of enhancing power.

The people of Xia Ke Island take Jiujiu Pills and Lihuo Pills and melt them in wine respectively, and then take anti-drug drugs. Together with the yin and yang exercises on the island, the effect of internal strength growth is far better than that of ordinary people. This is why the masters of Xia Ke Island are quick to learn. The reason for such a powerful one.

"Unexpectedly, this can't be hidden from you." The masked man took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, "Give each of them a nail-covered medicine powder, so that you can detoxify them with half the effort. But I still advise you, Don't think that you have anti-poison medicine and try to catch me. They are already poisonous at this time. If you don't dissolve them as soon as possible, even if your skill is high, you can save them back, they will become disabled."

At this time, Huang Rong had already trot out and chased them out. Seeing Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang lying on the ground in pain, she hurriedly helped them up: "What's wrong with you?" Although there is a knot between them and Cheng Ying, they are all peach blossoms. People in the Dao line saw that this little junior girl was in danger of her life, so she couldn't even care about concealing her identity.

"Senior... Sister?" Cheng Ying was red at this time, and she was very hot, like a cooked shrimp.

Huang Rong was frightened to see, and hurriedly took out Jiuhua Yulu Pills to give them to them. Jiuhua Yulu Pills are a miracle medicine refined by Huang Yaoshi, which has miraculous effects on detoxification and strengthening the body.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, Jiujiu Pills and Lihuo Pills are peculiar in nature and can only be resolved with the internal power of Yin and Yang. Eating antidote indiscriminately will not only be useless, but will trigger its medicinal properties." The mask man suddenly said, actually the most in the field He who didn't want Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying to be involved was probably one of them, because once the two girls had an accident, Song Qingshu never estimated that he would not be able to escape.

Hearing what he said, Huang Rong really stiffened her hand and looked at Song Qingshu hesitantly.

Song Qingshu threw the porcelain bottle in her hand to her: "Give each of them the weight of a fingernail." Then stared sharply at the masked person: "If your medicine is fake, you know the consequences."

The mask man sneered: "I won't make fun of my life."

Song Qingshu ignored him, but stared at the two women closely, but the masked man still did not dare to run. He felt that he was locked by the Qi machine, and once something changed, it would cause thunder anger.

After taking the medicine to disperse, Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying gradually stabilized, but the two women looked like an iceberg on one body and burned on the other, and they were still on the verge of danger.

"Don't blame me for not reminding me, this medicine can only play a supporting role. To detoxify, you still need to use a strong internal force to dissolve it, and it must be as soon as possible. Otherwise, even the gods will not be able to save it when the cold and hot toxins enter their internal organs." People reminded.

Song Qingshu walked over and took the pulse of the two women. Knowing that he was not telling a lie, he couldn't help frowning.

The mask man arched his hands: "There will be a period!" After saying that, the figure disappeared into the dark night.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, and did not chase him. This man has a high level of martial arts. Although he is confident that he can beat him, it will take a long time to capture him. Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang can't wait that long.

"Go and see Mr. and Mrs. Shen Yan, I will suppress the toxicity for them first." Song Qingshu told Huang Rong, and then helped Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying to sit down at the gate, put their hands behind the two women, and began to infuse infuriating energy into their bodies.

As soon as they touched their bodies, Song Qingshu frowned. Lu Wushuang's skin was icy, and the air around him kept exuding cold. On the contrary, Cheng Ying's skin was hot and scary, and the whole person seemed to want it at any time. Burn.

"Qing Shu, Shen Yan is going to die soon!" Huang Rong's anxious voice suddenly came not far away.

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