Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1441: The secret of the mandarin duck knife

Feeling the abnormal state of Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying's body, Song Qingshu slightly changed color. It is no wonder that the masters of Lianxia Kedao can only drink a few drops of medicinal wine every time they practice. Han internal force can only drink Jiujiu Wan soaked wine, if you drink the wrong one, you will die immediately.

Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying can persist until now, presumably the masked man has mastered the amount of medicine, otherwise a whole Jiujiu Pill and Lihuo Pill will be swallowed, one of them has been frozen into ice, and the other has been burned to death.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu's internal strength has now reached the level of shocking the ancients and the present, coupled with the unmatched mastery of the yin and yang, can he rescue two at the same time. Changed to a master who only cultivates masculine internal force or single cultivates yin and cold internal force, I am afraid that only one of Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang can be saved.

Song Qingshu picked up the yin and yang and slowly entered the two women's bodies, protecting their internal organs first, so as not to infiltrate the poison, and when they were about to try to force the poison, Huang Rong's anxious cry suddenly came from her ear.

"Shen Yan can't do it?" Song Qingshu's heart was stunned. He still had many doubts that he wanted to answer. He glanced at Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying. They now have anti-poison medicine, plus they are protected by their own true energy The internal organs, there will be nothing in a short time, so he hugs the two women and rushes to the inner hall.

Sure enough, seeing Shen Yan's face like gold paper and air like a gossamer from a distance, Song Qingshu gently placed the two women in his arms on a table and chairs, and then went to test his pulse, and his heart sank, and he hurriedly got out of his arms. He took out a porcelain bottle and poured a pill to him.

After taking the pill, Shen Yan's face gradually became more ruddy, and Huang Rong looked very surprised: "What kind of medicine are you, and the effect is so good?"

"Xueshen Yuchan Pill." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, medicine can only cure illness but not life, Shen Yan's vitality is gone, this elixir can only make him come back to life.

Huang Rong was secretly surprised. Because of Huang Yaoshi, she also had a certain understanding of the world's elixir. Xueshen Yuchan Pills seemed to be a tribute to the Manchu and Qing court. Only the emperor and the queen mother were eligible to take this medicine...

Looking at Song Qingshu's profile, Huang Rong couldn't help thinking.

Yao Li gradually laughed, Shen Yan gradually opened his eyes and saw the appearance of Song Qingshu clearly, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes: "King Qi."

"Shen Yushi." Song Qingshu hurriedly supported him, beckoning him not to speak too much.

"I won't have a chance to speak if I don't speak," Shen Yan shook his head, "I thought I would die here today without a sound, but I didn't expect to see King Qi before he died. It seems that this thief treats me very well. what."

Song Qingshu secretly sighed, and replied in a deep voice: "It's a pity that I came too late and couldn't save you. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you achieve it."

Shen Yan tremblingly took out a piece of jade pendant from his arms and handed it to him: "King Qi, please be sure to save my poor daughter. She doesn't know where she is suffering now. This is a token. You can give it to her. Look, she will naturally believe you."

Song Qingshu frowned. Shen Bijun's robbery was a mysterious case. No one knows where she is now and where to save her? However, seeing the hopeful gazes of the Shen Yan couple, his heart moved with compassion, and he couldn't help but nodded and said, "Okay!"

Seeing his promise, Shen Yan let out a long sigh of relief. Song Qingshu worried that he would be killed, and hurriedly asked: "Who is the masked man just now? I heard you talked about it as if I knew him?"

Shen Yan showed a strange expression, and finally shook his head: "King Qi, it’s not that I didn’t tell you. The main reason is that I’m afraid that he will have a heart to avenge us when he knows about him. That man is powerful, Mr. Bi. Where is a weak woman's opponent? I just want her to end her life in peace, and it's best not to return to the Song Dynasty for the rest of her life."

Song Qingshu frowned, and after asking several questions, Shen Yan kept silent. Although he was a little angry, he had to admire his love for his daughter. In order for his daughter to spend the rest of her life happily, she would rather bear all the things on her own. suffering.

Huang Rong on the side thought that Qingshu would help you save your daughter, but you didn’t say anything, and couldn’t help being a little angry, but seeing that he was about to die, she couldn’t bear to persecute him anymore, so she asked, "Just now. What is the deer-cutting knife mentioned by the mask man, and what is the connection with the legendary mandarin duck knife?"

"I might as well tell you this," Shen Yan sighed quietly, "I want to come now, this deer cutter is the bane of our Shen family's end..."

"At that time, Fang La was annihilated by the court, the remnants of the Ming religion fled west, and the mandarin duck knife fell into the hands of Zhong Xiang."

Song Qingshu was startled: "The Yuanyang Sword is from Mingjiao?"

Shen Yan nodded: “It’s untestable who the original owner of the Mandarin Duck Sword was, but it has been in the hands of Mingjiao.” He paused and continued: “Zhong Xiang took Fang La's remnants and reorganized Mingjiao in the Dongting Lake area. However, the whole body was paralyzed due to the great shift of practice, and was eventually captured and killed by the general general of the dynasty, Kong Yanzhou, and the mandarin duck knife fell into the hands of the next leader Yang Yao."

"Yang Yao's ability and martial arts are far greater than Zhong Xiang, Kong Yanzhou retreated steadily, and finally even surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin. The imperial court sent General Yue to Dongting to quell the rebellion."

Song Qingshu nodded secretly. The General Yue in his mouth was Yue Fei. At the beginning, Yue Fei met Xiaolongnv’s mother in the Dongting area...

Shen Yan coughed twice and continued: "Later Yang Yao was captured, and the Yuanyang Knife fell into the hands of General Yue. Later, General Yue was framed by Qin Hui and died of Fengboting unjustly. All kinds of chance coincided that the Yuanyang Knife fell into us. In the hands of the Shen family."

"Because of rumors, there is a secret invincible in the mandarin duck knife. My father was worried that the tree might attract the wind, so he changed the name of the mandarin knife. My father was unwilling to name this legendary sword. I thought that since the mandarin duck knife Invincible, then in today's troubled times, it is easy to kill the world, so it was renamed the Deer Knife. Unexpectedly, it eventually leaked the wind and caused great disaster."

Song Qingshu looked weird. He didn't expect this to be the origin of the deer cutting knife. Huang Rong on the side suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked: "Since the mandarin duck knife hides the secret of invincibility in the world, it has been in your hands for so long, have you cracked the knife? Secrets in."

Shen Yan looked sadly around the purgatory-like surroundings: "If we really crack the secrets, will our Shen family end up like this? Mandarin ducks, mandarin ducks, since they are called mandarin duck swords, obviously there is one female and one male with two knives. The one here is just one of them, and there was only one of the Mingjiao in the past, otherwise it would be so easy to be destroyed by the court."

Song Qingshu was shocked. It turned out that there were two mandarin duck swords. No wonder there have been only rumors, but no one has ever cracked the secret.

Shen Yan continued: "Shen Jiaxia and Xia spent countless efforts to decipher the secret of the knife. Unfortunately, due to the lack of another knife, there has been no progress. Some time ago I noticed that the wind was leaking, and I immediately wanted to make this hot. The yam was sent out and presented the knife to the prince, so that Bijun could become the prince princess, which can also protect the Shen family's wealth for generations. Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late..."

His tone was full of remorse, as if he was blaming himself, and as if he was distressing the efforts of several generations of the Shen family.

Huang Rong asked, "Your Shen family has been investigating for so many years, is there no news about the other knife?"

"No," Shen Yan sighed quietly, "It's just that another knife was found in Liaodong, but unfortunately, someone was sent to investigate and found nothing."

"Master, don't talk about that knife anymore. That knife killed our Shen family. It is an ominous thing and the source of death..." Madam Shen cried bitterly while holding Shen Yan.

Shen Yan sighed, the light in his eyes gradually dissipated: "Yes, I regret that I didn't listen to you and gave up searching for the secret in the knife..."

I didn't finish it in one breath, it was gone forever.

"Master~" Madam Shen burst into tears suddenly.

Song Qingshu sighed and pulled Huang Rong up, knowing that all words of comfort at this moment are so pale and weak.

Madam Shen lay down on Shen Yan and wept bitterly, then slowly raised her head and said to Song Qingshu: "Your Excellency King Qi, can you bother you with one thing?"

Song Qingshu nodded: "Madam, please speak."

"I heard the master talk about your deeds, and even Bi Jun often mentioned you in the boudoir. They all said that you are a fairy-like character and have the ability to reach the sky, so the concubine courageously troubled the king of Qi to help us save the little girl. "I don't know if there is too much sadness, Madam Shen's voice becomes a little weak.

Song Qingshu nodded: "As long as I get news from Ms. Shen, I will definitely help you rescue her, but there is no news about Ms. Shen's disappearance for so long, I'm afraid..."

Madam Shen smiled sadly: "I also know that Bijun is already fierce, but even if you can't save her, King Qi don't have to blame yourself. You are grateful that you can promise to help us and my wife."

Song Qingshu had already noticed something wrong with her body at this time, and hurried over to investigate, and was shocked to find that she had already inserted a dagger in her lower abdomen, obviously she could not survive.

"Mrs. Shen, why are you so troublesome." Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing.

Mrs. Shen smiled sadly: "The people in Shenyuan are dead. What's the point of living alone in this world? If Bi Jun is lucky enough to be saved by King Qi in the future, I hope King Qi will tell her not to avenge us... revenge."

After holding on to the last word, Madam Shen finally closed her eyes and lay on her husband.

At this time, there was a yelling voice from the arresters not far away. Huang Rong hurriedly went over and pulled Song Qingshu who was in a daze: "The officials are here, let's go first."

Song Qingshu nodded. Although he is the king of Qi, he is not suitable for dealing with the government at this moment. After all, the Manchu civil and military think he has returned to Jiangbei, but now he is in Shanyin. Dirty water is always troublesome.

What's more, at this time Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying have gradually fallen into a coma. If they don't detoxify them, I am afraid they will really die.


Thanks to the enthusiastic support of the former golden leader Bai Hailang!

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