Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1442: Detoxify

Lu Wushuang with one arm, and Cheng Ying with the other, Song Qingshu shouted to Huang Rong and escaped into the night sky together. Not long after they had left, Shanyin's arrest came in and saw the miserable scene in Shenyuan, and suddenly his hands and feet were cold. He knew that this was a big deal.

"Immediately notify every city gate to take strict precautions and never let anyone out of the city!"

"Pass the order and search from house to house to see if any suspicious people have appeared recently. The focus is on inns, brothels and other places!"


Song Qingshu and Huang Rong faintly heard the order to catch the head, and Huang Rong frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's not convenient for us to go back to the inn."

Song Qingshu nodded in agreement, and it would be a headache to deal with the investigation by that time, let alone forcing the two women to be poisoned.

"Then where are we going?" Huang Rong continued to ask.

Song Qingshu originally wanted to take them back to Cheng Yaojia, Lu Mansion, but when he thought of forcing the two women to be poisoned, they needed a lot of water. It's really inconvenient for people to talk too much.

Dispelling the idea of ​​going to Lu Mansion, Song Qingshu suddenly remembered a small stream not far from the city, and said to Huang Rong: "Get out of the city first!"

Although it was night and the city gates were closed, they still couldn't stop these people from high ups and downs. Song Qingshu and Huang Rong quickly turned out of the city wall. Not long after they landed, someone rushed to tell them to strengthen the guards. , Strictly guarding the city gate, soon there were figures on the city wall. The two of them secretly rejoiced that if one step later, there were soldiers everywhere on the city wall at this time, and it would be a little troublesome to get out of the city.

Song Qingshu quickly took Huang Rong to the creek in his memory. At this time, the night was quiet, and no one was visible for several miles.

"Take their clothes off and put them in the water." Song Qingshu commanded non-stop.

"Huh?" Huang Rong was dumbfounded, thinking that the two eldest daughters of Huang Hua had taken off their clothes? It would be fine if I was the only one, but you, a big man, are here...

Song Qingshu knew what she was thinking, and replied in a deep voice, "Lu Wushuang was hit by Jiujiu Pills. The toxicity of Jiujiu Pills was so cold and cold. Now she was freezing all over her body; Cheng Ying was hit by the Fiery Fire Pill. At the time of Yang, the whole body is hot and burning. To solve the poison of Wushuang, you must use the internal force of the Yang to resolve. To solve the poison of Cheng Ying, you need the internal force of Yin to cold, but they are poisoned so deeply. It’s very difficult for me to control two completely different internal forces at the same time to detoxify. I can only use their own toxicity to induce the cold in Wushuang to ease the heat in Cheng Ying, and use the fiery heat in Cheng Ying to dissolve the cold in Wushuang."

Huang Rong understood what was going on, but couldn't help asking, "Then why don't you let the two of them hug each other so that you can neutralize each other's toxicity faster?"

"Never!" Song Qingshu said hurriedly, "If you think about the violent reaction of taking a piece of hot red iron against a piece of ice, then neither Cheng Ying nor Wushuang can stand this violent change. "

In fact, this is similar to the original "Jade Girl Heart Sutra". When practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, a lot of heat is generated in the body, which must be released immediately through the skin pores all over the body. However, the cold jade bed cannot be used because the cold jade bed is one of the chills. Forcing, it will make people's pores tighten, and the heat in the body will not get out, which will cause the cultivator to either die or be seriously injured.

Today, the conditions of Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying are much more serious than those of practicing the "Jade Female Heart Sutra", so naturally they cannot be stimulated by the opposite temperature.

"There is nothing more soft in the world than water. First, bring the cold in Wushuang's body into the water, and then use this water to dissolve Cheng Ying's heat poison; at the same time, dissolve the heat in Cheng Ying's body into the water to warm Lu Wushuang's body. They force poison to achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort." Song Qingshu continued to explain.

Huang Rong is also a master of martial arts, how can she not tell what he said is true and false, so she nodded and said: "I hope they won't blame us after they wake up."

"Offended, Junior Sister." Huang Rong came to Cheng Ying and began to undress her.

Seeing her gentle and slow movements, Song Qingshu couldn't help rolling his eyes, and untied Lu Wushuang's clothes three times and then jumped into the water with her in his arms.

"Hey, why are you..." Huang Rong was immediately anxious, and she clearly said she would take it off.

Song Qingshu rolled his eyes: "You are taking off too slowly, and you are delaying the time for them to force them. I will try to resolve Wushuang first, you hurry up." After speaking, he pressed his palms on Lu Wushuang and began to hold her body inside for her. The cold poison is gradually guided in the stream.

The skin touched, it was as smooth as fat, and when she saw her creamy breast, Song Qingshu's heart was shaken, but she immediately condensed her mind and started to detoxify her intently.

Huang Rong was speechless for a while, thinking that you are a man who is more proficient in taking off women’s clothes than women. From this we can see how romantic you are, but at this critical juncture, she also distinguishes the importance of it. Although she is a little bit slanderous, she doesn’t say anything. Disturb his mind.

Soon she took off Cheng Ying's clothes, but suddenly she was in trouble. Now Song Qingshu and Lu Wushuang were in the water for poisoning. Cheng Ying fell into a coma again. Could it be that she just threw her over like this?

After hesitating, she took Cheng Ying into the stream and slowly walked to Song Qingshu's side: "My junior is here, you must save them back."

Song Qingshu slowly opened his eyes, the scene in front of him almost made him squirt a nosebleed. Cheng Ying has a slender and graceful figure, with round fragrant shoulders, a well-wrapped waist, and those slender legs. The girl's body is in the moonlight. As if faintly glowing...

That's all right, the key is that at this time, in a place where the stream is relatively deep, Huang Rong has been drenched all the way, and her clothes are close to her body, almost transparent, and she can even see the outline of her plump and swollen chest.

Huang Rong suddenly noticed his gaze, lowered her head to look, and suddenly exclaimed her hands on her chest, her cheeks instantly reddened, and she was ashamed and angry.

Song Qingshu smiled and looked away: "Rong'er, go ashore, you are pregnant with weak bones, and the water is very cold, so as not to catch the wind and cold, set a fire to dry your clothes after landing."

"I know." Seeing him being serious, Huang Rong couldn't have any trouble, so she gave him a fierce look, and then fled and swam to the shore.

It's hard to appreciate her appearance as a mermaid, Song Qingshu sighed secretly, but it was a pity that now it was important to save people, so I had to look back.

He helped the two girls to sit down in the water, letting their palms touch each other in the water, and then Song Qingshu's palms flew up and down, slapping the two women's large holes constantly, leading to the cold toxin (heat toxin) in their bodies. come out.

There was warm fragrant nephrite everywhere in his hand, but Song Qingshu had no time to distract at this moment, with a solemn expression of forcing them to poison. It is necessary to know that a master like Zhang San Li Si can only drink a few drops of medicated wine at a time with the help of anti-drug drugs, which shows how violent these two poisons are. It was also due to Song Qingshu's ability to pass the profound knowledge, and at the same time reached the realm of yin and yang, otherwise the two young girls might die today.

As the saying goes, the disease comes like a mountain and goes like a thread. The same is true for this poison. The poison invades everywhere in the body in an instant, but it can only be pulled out when it is to be detoxified.

Song Qingshu has been cautious throughout the process, not daring to be sloppy, otherwise, even if there is a slight mistake, the two girls will have serious sequelae even if they are rescued.

Huang Rong had already climbed onto the shore and found dry branches nearby to raise a bonfire. Originally, she wanted to just lean on the side and dry the wet clothes, but after a while, the effect was worrying.

It was really uncomfortable for her clothes to fit tightly on her body. In desperation, Huang Rong decided to take off her clothes and bake. But she was a little worried about Song Qingshu taking a peek, and carefully glanced into the stream before taking off her clothes.

At this moment, Song Qingshu had also sat down, one hand was touching Lu Wushuang's hand, and the other was clasping Cheng Ying's ten fingers. His eyes were tightly closed, and a slight white gas appeared on his head. He was clearly devoting himself to persecuting the two women.

Seeing that Song Qingshu had a shining and majestic color on his face at this time, Huang Rong had to admit that she had saved the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, so she set up a few shelves around the bonfire and dried her clothes on it and baked it.

Being naked in the wilderness made her a little uncomfortable. Seeing Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang's clothes on the ground couldn't help but move in her heart. They took them and put them around her. As a result, she seemed to have a few screens blocking her around, even if she was naked. Not afraid anymore.

After everything was done, she stood up in boredom and checked Song Qingshu's progress through the clothes rack.

When the stream was left by the three of them, it seemed to be drawn by an invisible force, forming a vortex around the three of them. Huang Rong remembered what Song Qingshu said just now, knowing that it was him who used internal force to draw Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying. The toxins of cold and heat in the body dissolve each other. At the same time, whitish air appeared above the water, some of them were cold from Lu Wushuang's body, and some were caused by the temperature of Cheng Ying's body evaporating the heat of the stream.

Gradually, there was more and more vain air, and the figures of the three of them became blurred, and in the end no one could even be seen inside.

Huang Rong had to sigh that Song Qingshu's skill is really unfathomable. If they were replaced by others, I am afraid that Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying would be...

Since I couldn't see anything, Huang Rong sat back by the bonfire again, and suddenly a weird thought came up in her mind: the person surnamed Song would not deliberately create a lot of white mist to block my sight, and then bully the younger sisters and the others. Right?

However, she quickly burst into laughter and couldn't help but sigh: Compared to Brother Jing, I am sometimes too petty and always think of others at the worst.

When thinking of her husband and thinking of those things about Jin Guo, Huang Rongxiu's eyebrows gradually frowned, obviously annoying.

I don't know how long it took, the toxicity in Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying's bodies had gradually diminished, and the two women who were in a coma also showed signs of awakening. Because Cheng Ying's skill is higher than Lu Wushuang, she opened her eyes first.

She saw the white mist all around her, and a dazed expression flashed in her eyes: "Is this in the Yin Cao Netherworld?"

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