Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1443: Test each other

Hearing Cheng Ying’s question, Song Qingshu replied angrily: “Half of his foot stepped into the Yin Cao Netherworld, but I was pulled back...”

Hearing a man's voice, Cheng Ying gave a shock, and gradually recovered, looked at Song Qingshu, then looked at Lu Wushuang on the side, and then subconsciously looked at her chest, suddenly a little dumbfounded.

Cheng Ying is different from ordinary women. She has always had the kind of calm temperament. He did not scream like ordinary women, but bit her lip and whispered, "I need an explanation!"

Although she didn't scream, but now her jade cheeks are blushing, and she is obviously ashamed to the extreme.

Song Qingshu's ambition has long been extremely strong, not to mention that he has a clear conscience about this matter. Hearing the other party's question, he replied indifferently: "It's very simple, you are controlled by the masked man and you have been poisoned by him. You have been shot. Fierce Fire Pill, your cousin got Jiujiu Wan. In order to save you, I must use water to neutralize the heat and cold in your body."

At this time, Cheng Ying also gradually recalled what had happened earlier, and she also learned a little bit of Qi Huang's art under the tutelage of Huang Yaoshi, knowing that his approach was the best way to detoxify, and the anger that had risen before gradually dissipated.

"Thank you for your help." Cheng Ying thanked her in a small voice, but her expression was always a little strange.

Song Qingshu had to sigh. It's no wonder that Cheng Ying has always been evaluated by a gentleman among females. It is really clear and good-natured. If a woman encounters this situation, it would be good if she doesn't make a lot of noise. How can she say thanks.

"I... can I go ashore first." Cheng Ying said blushing. After all, she is Yunying's unmarried girl, so staying naked with a man, even if she knows that she is healing and killing poison, it is difficult. Acceptable.

Song Qingshu frowned: "The remaining poison in your body is still unclear, let's wait until I completely dissolve the poison of the fiery pill in your body."

Cheng Ying closed her eyes and felt the situation in her body, then opened her eyes and bit her lip: "Most of the poison in my body has been resolved by you, and now this bit of residual toxicity can be eliminated with my own power, so... I won't bother you. Up."

Song Qingshu couldn't help saying: "Ms. Cheng, I know what you are worrying about, but now that it has happened, why not let me continue to wipe out your lingering poison? The children of the rivers and lakes are in a hurry, so why bother for some secular etiquette? Refusing my help?"

Cheng Ying sank her body underwater, showing only one head, which seemed to be more reassuring: "Thank you...thank you for your kindness, but after all, we are different between men and women. There was nothing we could do just now. Now... now I Now that you wake up, let's force the poison yourself." While talking, he glanced nervously at Lu Wushuang next to him, as if afraid that she would wake up and see what she is now.

Although she has a gentle tone, she can hear her decision, Song Qingshu is not reluctant: "If that's the case, then I won't force a girl. With the girl's cultivation, it will take time to clean up this lingering poison."

Seeing his promise, Cheng Ying secretly breathed a sigh of relief, gave him an apologetic look, and then released the palm that clasped him, and the whole person swam to the shore like a mermaid.

Nowadays, there are not many women in this world, and Ying and Huang Rong are both from Peach Blossom Island, not among them.

Although her whole body is underwater, the stream is clear, and Song Qingshu has a high level of cultivation. With the faint moonlight, she can clearly see the slender body under the water. The situation was urgent, and he had no time to be distracted. Now Most of the toxicity of the two women has been resolved, and he doesn't need to tighten his mind to force the poison, so he naturally relaxes a bit.

Looking at the young girl's body, Song Qingshu suddenly felt that she was a little bit hot, as if she had also been poisoned by the fiery pill.

At this time, Cheng Ying suddenly stopped and turned her head and said to him: "Song Gong..." She met the hot eyes of the other party as soon as she spoke. She didn't understand that he had been peeking at herself just now, and her face turned red in an instant. Up.

After being arrested for a while, Song Qingshu was also a little embarrassed, and hurriedly looked away: "What's the matter with Ms. Cheng?"

Cheng Ying gave him an angry look, and then slowly said: "The troublesome son has forced out all the poison of Jiujiu Wan for Wushuang. She is not cultivated enough, and it is difficult to force the poison like me, and I don't have it now. I spare no effort to help her."

"Don't worry, I will." Song Qingshu nodded.

Cheng Ying sank her head underwater again, and hurriedly swam to the shore, only to feel that her face was red and her whole body was hot, as if the poison of the fiery pill in her body was making a comeback.

Coming to the shore, Cheng Ying didn't dare to get up right away. Instead, she turned her head and looked in the direction of Song Qingshu. Seeing that the other party was deliberately facing her back, she couldn't help but sighed in secret: "Big Brother Song is also a gentleman..." She quickly remembered the scene where Song Qingshu "bullyed" her cousin Cheng Yaojia, and the gentleman's evaluation was immediately shattered in her heart.

While Song Qingshu did not look here, Cheng Ying ran to the bonfire side by foot, just got under the clothes that had been dried, and was about to look for her own clothes to wear. Suddenly she was a little dumbfounded.

Because she saw an extremely beautiful woman lying on her side on the grass and fell asleep, and instantly recognized that the other was senior sister Huang Rong. This was not the most shocking to her. The most shocking thing was that Huang Rong didn't have any strands on her body at this time. , The large areas of bare skin exude honey-colored rays under the light of the campfire.

Cheng Ying recalled that she had seen Huang Rong in Shen Yuan, but what she didn't understand was why Huang Rong was not wearing clothes at the moment. You must know that there is a man not far from here. Could it be that the two of them just now? What happened?

Huang Rong gradually opened her eyes when she heard the movement around her. It turned out that it was late at night because of the sleepiness of the pregnant woman. She just fell asleep warmly by the campfire just now.

After the initial confusion, she suddenly felt horrified and hurriedly looked back. It was only when she could see that it was Cheng Ying that she breathed a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be the year, which scared me a lot."

"Senior...Senior sister." Their elder sisters have not been close to each other for a long time. At this time, they are not very close, and their eyes are relatively embarrassing.

After all, Huang Rong had been married for many years, and she was a little more relaxed than a little girl like Cheng Ying. She quickly got up and quietly moved her head and glanced into the stream: "Song...Song Qingshu?"

"He is still forcing poison for his cousin." Cheng Ying folded her chest and tried to cover her legs with the other. Between them, a pretty face turned red.

Seeing Song Qingshu still in the creek, Huang Rong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When she turned around to see Cheng Ying's appearance, she couldn't help but sneered: "Junior sister is really tempting like this. If there is a man here, I'm afraid I would have to bear it. Can't help but pounce on it."

Cheng Ying couldn't help but replied: "How can the younger sister's beauty like a willow compare to the beautiful rose of the senior sister, the man really wants to pounce on the senior sister."

Huang Rong sighed secretly that this little junior sister is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, and said with a smile: "Senior sister is now pregnant, and her body is so out of shape. I feel pity for me."

"Senior Sister is plump and charming, how can I compare it." Cheng Ying looked at the heavy chest of the other party as she spoke, a look of wonder flashed in her eyes.

Perceiving her gaze, Huang Rong's face was also hot, and hurriedly said: "Let's put on our clothes first, so that we won't wait for Song's name to come back later, don't make him cheap."

Cheng Ying also blushed, tearing off the clothes next to him and putting it on. Fortunately, there are also Lu Wushuang's clothes. Otherwise, wouldn't the Kung Fu girls appear before Song Qing's writing without any hindrance at the moment?

"Sister, why are you here...sleeping naked?" After tying the belt, Cheng Ying expressed her doubts. After all, she would not be so careless to take off his clothes in another man. Asleep in the distance, unless that person is... his husband.

Thinking of the incident between Song Qingshu and her cousin Cheng Yaojia, a suspicious color flashed in Cheng Ying's eyes, could it be...

Huang Rong is so smart, she can't help but guess her thoughts when she sees her expression, but her face is relaxed: "It's not because of you, the time is urgent, Song Qingshu took off your cousin's clothes. I took off your clothes and sent you to the water, which made me wet all over, so I had to go ashore and take off my clothes to dry. You also know that sister, I’m easy to get tired after being pregnant, plus I’ve been busy most of the night here. I fell asleep unknowingly while roasting the clothes."

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Cheng Ying could not help but let out a long sigh of relief when it was heard that Song Qingshu had taken off her clothes, but she couldn't help worrying when she thought of his cousin taking advantage of her.

"By the way, why did you come out so quickly? Your cousin is still inside." Huang Rong knew that her little junior sister was as careful as her hair, and if she asked her to continue to ask questions, she would not reveal any flaws, and hurriedly tried to divert her attention.

Sure enough, when she heard Huang Rong’s question, Cheng Ying's breathing was a bit short: "Um...I think the poison has been solved almost, and the rest can be solved by myself, so...So I came up, the cousin's cultivation base is a little worse. , So he needs to be completely poisoned."

Seeing her cramped appearance, Huang Rong couldn't help laughing: "Junior sister, everyone is in the rivers and lakes, and you don't have to take what happened today too much, not to mention that only a few of us know about it. Song... Song Qingshu is not a talkative person, you can put a hundred and twenty hearts."

"I..." Cheng Ying opened her mouth, not knowing how to describe her mood at the moment. Intellectually, she agreed with Huang Rong's statement, but emotionally, she couldn't let go of the thought of her icy body and such close contact with a man.

Thinking of Yang Guo, who was "not happy to see the gentleman Yunhu", Cheng Ying always felt that she had done something sorry for him, even though he had nothing to do with him.

Thinking of the little dragon girl that Yang Guo has always been in love with, and the Pu Cha family's fiancee mentioned by Song Qingshu before, Cheng Ying couldn't help but feel lost, and asked in a ghostly manner: "If the senior sister was poisoned today and was... After the poison is detoxified, will Senior Sister... tell Daxia Guo?"

Huang Rong's heart jumped wildly: Did she discover something?


Thank you for your support, Bai Hailang, the leader of the Golden League!

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