Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1444: Residual poison

The main reason why Huang Rong was taken aback is that she often thinks about this problem in the dead of night. If after the chaotic night of Jin Guo, she confessed to Brother Jing, would it be better than now?

In fact, after so many years of getting along, she knows her husband's temperament and knows that he will forgive her unintentional mistakes, but forgiveness is one thing, and she is destined to have a bump in her heart.

She has always been a perfect wife in front of Guo Jing. She doesn't want to have any flaws in her husband's heart...

Blame Huang Rong for being too smart. Smart people have many thoughts and worries. If she and Guo Jing are in a situation call, Guo Jing will definitely tell the truth with her because of Guo Jing's magnanimous temperament. It's a pity... she is not Guo Jing.

Now that Cheng Ying asked the question she had been struggling with, how could Huang Rong not be surprised?

"Should... I should be. Brother Jing is magnanimous and definitely wouldn't mind this kind of thing." Huang Rong replied with a guilty conscience, because she knew in her heart that this kind of thing really happened, and she would probably not tell her husband.

"Senior Sister, your feelings are really enviable." Cheng Ying didn't know what she was thinking, and she couldn't help but envy her when she said so easily.

"With the appearance of Junior Sister's character, you can definitely find a good man." Huang Rong smiled and comforted.

"Really? Why do I feel that I am destined to be lonely and old in my life." Cheng Ying suddenly sighed. Since knowing Yang Guo, she knew that she had fallen, but his temper was calm, and this thought has not been put to use. , Because she was sensible enough to know that it was impossible for herself and Yang Guo, and at the same time, she knew that she would never like other men for the rest of her life, so she uttered such a bleak sigh.

"How come..." Huang Rong hurriedly comforted her.

Besides, in the stream, Lu Wushuang's body of Jiujiu Pills became less and less poisonous. Gradually, he opened his eyes, saw Song Qingshu in front of him, and looked down at herself. Her concentration was not as good as Cheng Ying's. One reaction was to scream.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu was prepared for a long time. Before she opened her mouth, she covered her mouth and blocked her screams back to her throat: "Don’t call, don’t call, otherwise Huang Rong and your cousin thought I did something to you. Well.” Although I think they should understand, it will inevitably take a lot of talking to explain later. It is better to cut the root cause directly in order to save trouble.

Hearing his words, Lu Wushuang only noticed the fire on the shore. The two figures were projected on the clothes by the fire, and she gradually recalled what happened in Shen Yuan.

Seeing her calm down, Song Qingshu said: "You are poisoned, and I need to use the stream to dissolve the poison in your body, so I am in a hurry... If you understand it, blink and I will let you go, but Don't call it." At the same time secretly vomiting, it's easier to deal with a calm and wise person like Cheng Ying, you don't have to waste your tongue at all. But he changed his mind to think that silly girls also have the benefits of silly girls, and for a while, he was a little tangled about which character he liked.

Kung Fu Lu Wushuang had already fully reacted at this moment, his eyes blinked like cramps, and Song Qingshu withdrew his hand.

"How do you let me marry someone like this?" Lu Wushuang put his hands on his chest, remembering that he was about to cry.

Song Qingshu had a black line: "We were not so close in the Lu Mansion before." The leg was treated for Lu Wushuang. Afterwards, she didn't know whether it was inflammation or something. She had a severe fever. Song Qingshu worried that she would be a quack doctor in this world. As a result, she had to find a way to physically cool her down. As for the method he thought of, it was to touch her acupuncture points all over, arouse her desire completely, and let her vent her internal fire.

Lu Wushuang's face turned red in an instant: "Don't mention that night!"

Song Qingshu raised his hand and smiled bitterly: "Well, don't mention it if you don't mention it. In fact, you don't have to be so entangled. You are not the only one who is poisoned."

Lu Wushuang blinked, and suddenly remembered that his cousin seemed to be restrained by the masked man and fed poison with her at the time: "You mean the cousin also..."

"Shhh~" Song Qingshu made a silent gesture, "Don't make your cousin angry. A gentle person like her doesn't get angry easily. Once she starts a fire, it will be terrible."

Lu Wushuang nodded secretly. As the two grew up together, she naturally knew that the cousin had the same temperament as he said.

I don't know why, knowing that Cheng Ying did the same, she suddenly felt a lot easier.

"Come here quickly, the remaining poison in your body is still not clear, don't make the illness repeated." Song Qingshu said just now when she saw her slowly adapting.

Lu Wushuang's face blushed, his hands clasped his chest, his head shook like a rattle.

Song Qingshu helplessly said, "What's wrong?"

Lu Wushuang murmured, "Why has my cousin already gone ashore?"

Song Qingshu had no choice but to explain: "That's because she has a higher cultivation base than you. She woke up early, refused me to continue to force her to kill her, and went ashore."

Lu Wushuang whispered: "Then... Then I also refuse to help me force poison, and I want to go ashore."

"Your cousin can force poison by herself because her internal strength is high enough, and your cultivation base is so low now, how can you force poison?" Song Qingshu replied angrily.

"I...I can ask my cousin for help." Lu Wushuang murmured, pouting.

"Your cousin can't take care of herself anymore, there is no time to take care of you." Song Qingshu finally couldn't help it, and pulled her over, "Don't do so much, get rid of the poison earlier, and end it earlier."

Lu Wushuang also realized that he had a lot of things, but as a girl, how could he be calm in this situation?

Being pulled into his arms by him, he felt the heat of his body, and only felt a little dizzy in his head.

Because of the close contact with Lu Mansion before, Song Qingshu didn't have so much scruples about Lu Wushuang, and he put her in his arms directly, holding her chest with one hand, and her belly with the other, and the vigorous internal force continuously poured into her body, constantly washing Along with her meridians corroded by poison.

"They will see..." Lu Wushuang didn't know why he said this. Shouldn't he let him go?

Anyway, I was hugged by him in the room that time, it didn't matter if I hugged it again, not to mention that he was still forcing poison for himself... Lu Wushuang could only comfort himself in this way.

"It's not easy to want them to be invisible." As soon as Song Qingshu's words fell, the white mist that had gradually dispersed around the two became dense again, and soon blocked the sight of the shore and the stream.

"How did you do it?" Lu Wushuang exclaimed.

"Just use the masculine internal force to evaporate the surrounding water vapor." Song Qingshu replied.

Lu Wushuang couldn't help showing a hint of admiration: "You are really amazing."

Seeing the girl's charming side, Song Qingshu smiled and stopped answering, concentrating on detoxifying her.

Besides, Cheng Ying and Huang Rong on the shore heard Lu Wushuang's exclamation just now, and they quietly picked up a corner of the clothes they used to cover and looked over, and found that the stream was filled with white mist, and they were startled.

"Isn't the white mist about to disperse just now? Why is it thicker again?" Huang Rong looked at Cheng Ying with a puzzled look, because she was a witness just now, so she should know something about it when she wants to.

Cheng Ying's face was reddened: "I don't know either."

Seeing the thickening white mist, the two women became a little uneasy: "Will something happen?"

"Senior sister, would you ask?" Cheng Ying was also worried about the safety of her cousin, but because of the reasons just now, she couldn't muster the courage to talk to Song Qingshu, so she could only ask Huang Rong for help.

Huang Rong nodded. She was also worried about what happened, and she stood up and shouted, "Song... Qingshu, what happened to you?"

Song Qingshu's response soon came: "The poison in Miss Lu's body is a bit repetitive, don't worry, I have controlled it, but it will take some time."

Cheng Ying couldn't help muttering to herself: "Cousin won't have anything wrong, right."

Huang Rong comforted: "Don't worry, Song Qingshu's martial arts even surpassed my dad and them, and there will be no accidents to Miss Lu."

"But I still feel a little worried," Cheng Yingxiu frowned, "Senior Sister, can you go and take a look?"

Huang Rong snorted: "How can I get through that situation!"

Cheng Ying smiled awkwardly in an instant: "It's the little girl who owes it to consideration."

"Ms. Cheng, the remaining poison in your body is still unclear, so let's resolve it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome for the toxin to invade the meridians again." Song Qingshu's voice suddenly came from the white mist.

"Oh!" Cheng Ying exclaimed. She was upset just now, and she had a conversation with Huang Rong, but she forgot that her poison was still unclear.

Huang Rong also hurriedly said: "Junior sister, you are fast and poisonous. I will help you. Our internal strength is in the same vein. It should be twice the result with half the effort." Although she has practiced the Nine Yin Scriptures, the internal strength of Taohua Island has not been let go.

Cheng Ying showed joy, but she glanced at her slightly raised lower abdomen and hesitated: "But Sister, you are pregnant, will you harm your body?"

Huang Rong smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the main thing is that you force the poison yourself. I just play a supporting role. If something is wrong, I will stop myself. You don't have to worry."

Cheng Ying just breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, she didn't want to stay face-to-face with Song Qingshu without wearing clothes, so she was determined to go ashore. In fact, it is not impossible to use her cultivation base to force poison, but after all Somewhat reluctantly, now with Huang Rong's help, she is completely relieved.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Cheng Ying began to lose her luck, Huang Rong also sat down behind her, pressing a palm on her back to help her do the exercises. If Huang Rong had never dared to force her to poison her before, the fire pill was so poisonous that she would devour herself if she didn’t pay attention. If an inattentive fire poison invaded the fetus in her abdomen, then she would regret it, but Now that the fire poison in Cheng Ying's body was resolved by Song Qingshu, the remaining fire poison couldn't be more difficult for her with Jiuyin Zhenqi Body Protector.

Feeling quiet on the shore, Song Qingshu smiled and said to Lu Wushuang: "They are also concentrating on poisoning, don't you need to worry now?"

Lu Wushuang's face was beautiful and charming, his head was almost buried in his chest, and he said tremblingly, "Are you really trying to poison me?"

Song Qingshu was startled: "What am I doing for you?"

"But...but..." Lu Wushuang's voice was faint, "You hit me."


Thanks to Bai Hailang and other enthusiastic book friends for their continued support!

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