Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1445: The clock of love

Song Qingshu's old face was hot, but after all he had experienced strong winds and waves, and soon replied without heartbeat, "There is a young and beautiful girl in his arms. This is a natural reaction. No ads."

Lu Wushuang didn't expect him to be so calm, so she didn't know what to do, she lowered her head and her heart was pounding.

"Is the residual poison in my body cleared out?" The two of them remained silent for a long time, and Lu Wushuang finally couldn't help it, and asked with a trembling voice.

"It has been cleared." Song Qingshu nodded slowly.

Lu Wushuang's heart trembled. Now that the two of them have been cleared of holding like this... How proper is it? But for some reason, she didn't express the doubt in her heart.

"By the way, are your legs good?" Song Qingshu suddenly thought of breaking her leg bones last time and then reconnecting them. I don't know how effective the restoration is now.

"It's alright, thank you so much." Lu Wushuang is famous for her domineering eldest lady's temper in Shanyin City on weekdays, but now her voice is quieter than that of the ladies.

"Let's take a look." Song Qingshu went down while talking, and began to check the meridians on her legs.

Lu Wushuang trembled all over, opened his red lips and stopped talking.

Song Qingshu checked it carefully, and the start was delicate and smooth, and he couldn't feel the way he had been injured.

"Big Brother Song, are you... have you touched enough?" Lu Wushuang finally couldn't help it, biting his lip and snorted softly.

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "I'm really checking your injury for you."

Lu Wushuang pursed his lips, glanced underwater, blushing, and asked, "Big Brother Song, are you uncomfortable?"

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing wryly: "It's a bit."

"Can I help you?" Lu Wushuang suddenly raised his head and blinked at him with bright eyes.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu swallowed and asked hesitantly, "You can help, but are you sure you want to help?"

"You saved me so many times, not to mention that this time it was because of my cousin and I..." Lu Wushuang paused and gave him a blushing look. "It's so uncomfortable, I always do it." Thank you for something."

Song Qingshu was so excited to cry at this moment. If all the women had the consciousness of Lu Wushuang, the world would be so beautiful.

"Forget it, you are a girl, this is not good for you." Song Qingshu finally rejected the temptation in front of him with great perseverance.

"It's okay." Lu Wushuang's eyes were filled with waves, and suddenly he stretched out his soft little hand, and put his whole body on it.

"Hmm~" Although the action is very jerky, it is difficult for an unmanned girl to have higher requirements, but the spiritual satisfaction far exceeds the physical enjoyment, Song Qingshu was surprised, "How can you..."

Lu Wushuang was a little embarrassed: "Some dudes in the mansion often circulate some shady picture albums. I happened to see it by chance."

Song Qingshu laughed blankly. It seems that young people of all ages have the same temperament.

The two of them did not make any sound tacitly, and they were carrying on the little secret that only the two of them knew. On the bank, Huang Rong was helping Cheng Ying to force poison, and there was no time to see what happened here.

But Song Qingshu quickly pressed Lu Wushuang's little hand: "Wushuang, no need."

Lu Wushuang asked nervously, "Did it make you uncomfortable?"

Song Qingshu smiled wryly, she had no experience after all, and her clumsy approach would only make him more and more uncomfortable.

Seeing his expression, Lu Wushuang understood everything, pursed his lips, as if he had made a great determination, took a deep breath, and buried himself under the water.

Song Qingshu's expression instantly became weird, and his eyebrows were twisted and unfolded for a while.

It didn't take long for Lu Wushuang to stand up from the surface of the water, coughing constantly, apparently choked by the water, Song Qingshu wiped the water marks on her face while smiling nonchalantly: "I also went to school in that pamphlet?"

Lu Wushuang Tao's cheeks dizzy, and nodded shamelessly, after straightening out his breath, he went to the bottom of the water again.

Song Qingshu grabbed her, held her face, and said softly: "Okay, you little girl, there is no need for this."

Lu Wushuang also had Xiafei's cheeks. She didn't know why she was so bold today. Perhaps there was a voice telling her to repay this man's kindness.

"Big Brother Song~" At this time, her body was already soft as cotton, and there was throbbing from the depths of her body.

Hearing her greasy voice and feeling the changes in her body, Song Qingshu couldn't help being startled, thinking that Huanxi Zhenqi had been accidentally sent into her body, but after a closer inspection, it didn't.

"Big Brother Song, actually I..." Lu Wushuang hesitated, as if he had made great determination, "Actually I can give it to you."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu didn't react for a while.

Lu Wushuang glanced at him with a grimace: "We are both like this, who else can I marry in this life?"

Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted her and said: "Wu Shuang, you don't have to worry about this matter, everything is urgent..."

Lu Wushuang interrupted him directly: "Then last time, last time I was in my boudoir..."

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed: "That's also a matter of urgency."

Lu Wushuang smiled eagerly: "I know that you are surrounded by such big beauties who are all over the country, how can you like a little girl like me." He said that his tears were like broken pearls. It kept sliding off the cheeks.

Song Qingshu hurriedly wiped her tears: "Of course not, if I look down on you, I...how can I have such a strong reaction?"

Lu Wushuang blushed and sipped, "Maybe you just had this reaction after seeing your cousin's body."

"Uh~" Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, but Cheng Ying's slender body just appeared in his mind, and only felt that his throat was getting dry.

Feeling the changes in his body, Lu Wushuang's body trembled and glanced at him faintly, then stretched his arms to hook his neck, and looked at him affectionately: "Big Brother Song~"

Song Qingshu couldn't bear it at this level, holding her hip with one hand, and pressing her whole body tightly.

"It turns out that she has already moved to this point~" Feeling her tenderness, Song Qingshu felt even more pity.


I don't know how long it took. Cheng Ying on the bank had already finished the poisoning. The two women found that the other two still hadn't come up. There was a cloud of mist on the stream, and they couldn't really see the situation there.

"Song...Big brother, isn't it okay?" Cheng Ying was a little worried about whether the toxicity in her cousin's body had changed, or why it took so long. She originally wanted to call Master Song, but thinking that the other party had saved her, it would be too much to call Master Song, so she changed her mind temporarily.

"Almost...almost." Song Qingshu's voice came from the white mist.

Huang Rong frowned, and said with a weird look: "You're not bullying Lady Lu, are you?"

"No...no," Song Qingshu didn't answer yet, but Lu Wushuang's voice resounded in the white mist, "Big Brother Song didn't... didn't bully me."

Huang Rong frowned slightly, always feeling that her voice sounded a little strange, as if she was deliberately restraining something, but she didn't think about it either. After all, in her subconscious, the two of them shouldn't be so absurd.

"Maybe it's because of shyness." Huang Rong laughed blankly. After all, a little girl woke up and found that she was naked with a man, and her voice became strange and normal.

At this time, Lu Wushuang's skin was still blushing after the rhyme, and he leaned in Song Qingshu's ear and whispered: "After you get ashore, don't tell your cousins ​​what happened just now."

"Why?" Song Qingshu actually had a headache and waited for a while to explain to Huang Rong and the others, but he was still curious about Lu Wushuang's thoughts.

"It's embarrassing." Lu Wushuang still couldn't believe that she was so bold just now. If time could be turned back, she would definitely not be so bold.

But thinking of all the wonderful things just now, she was a little dazed: "Is it really not so bold?"

"It's shameful for men to love women." Song Qingshu suddenly became a little dissatisfied with her statement.

"Without the destiny of my parents and the words of a matchmaker, I am still in this wild field..." Lu Wushuang bit his lips slightly white, "Anyway, I can't let people know."

Only then did Song Qingshu realize that it was different from his previous world, where ethics was prevalent in this era, and it was very traditional in this respect. Every one of Lu Wushuang's words was a taboo and was regarded as a bad example. If ordinary women commit this kind of behavior. She will be pointed out by people around her, and even her parents may not be able to tolerate her. More seriously, she may be dragged into the pig cage.

Lu Wushuang might be better as a quack girl, but the strong pressure of public opinion still made her very nervous and did not dare to take risks.

Understanding her concerns, Song Qingshu nodded and said: "Well, then, it's just that you are a little wronged."

"I'm not wronged, everything is my own choice." Lu Wushuang smiled reluctantly, feeling a little disappointed, because the other party didn't express the intention of marrying her, but she changed her mind. At first, she didn't have any extravagant desires. Xi Huanyu, there is nothing to regret in this life.

"Then we are ready to go up, are you ready?" Song Qingshu asked with some worry.

"There should be no problem." Lu Wushuang cleared up his mood, showing a shy smile, "I'll go up first. It's always wrong to go up with you."

Song Qingshu knew that she was right. If he went up with her, none of the three women would be comfortable.

Lu Wushuang cleaned the traces on his body to make sure nothing would be seen, and then slowly swam to the shore: "Cousin, I'm here."

Hearing her voice, Cheng Ying picked up her clothes and waited on the shore: "I'm here."

Lu Wushuang swam past the sound, crawling out of the water, Cheng Ying quickly wrapped her body in clothes, and at the same time subconsciously glanced at the stream with vigilance.

Huang Rong smiled slightly, and said to Song Qingshu from a distance: "Qingshu, please wait for a while, let Miss Lu be roasted before you talk."

Song Qingshu's response soon came: "No problem."

At first, I didn't feel it in the water. Just after taking a step ashore, Lu Wushuang felt that his legs were weak, and one fell to the ground without standing still. Fortunately, Cheng Ying's eyesight quickly supported her: "What's wrong with you cousin?" "

"No...nothing," Lu Wushuang said with some guilty conscience. Thinking of the scene in the water just now, she felt that her cheeks were very hot. "Maybe I have been in the water for a long time, and I haven't gotten used to it."

In order to avoid being seen by his cousin, Lu Wushuang hurriedly changed the subject: "Cousin, why did you leave me there by myself~"


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