Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1453: Make a choice

"This **** actually took you so much advantage!" Huang Yaoshi was furious, slapped a palm on a stone railing next to him, and shook the railing to pieces.

"He was not deliberate that night, everything can only be said to be good fortune, not to mention that he saved the lives of me and Brother Jing many times." Huang Rong also told his father many things that happened afterwards, especially It was Lin'an who rescued several times this time. In fact, she didn't understand why she would speak for that person, but seeing her father so furious, she couldn't help but explain it for Song Qingshu.

Yaoshi Huang glanced at her deeply: "Did you have feelings for him already."

Huang Rong's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly shook her head: "No, absolutely not!"

Yaoshi Huang took a deep look at him and stopped speaking. After a long silence, he finally said, "Rong'er, who is the child in your stomach?"

Huang Rong trembled and blushed and said, "Of course it's Brother Jing."

"Really?" Huang Yaoshi's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

Huang Rong bit her lip and said, "The child will be named Guo anyway."

Yaoshi Huang was thoughtful and stopped asking questions on this topic. Instead, he turned to the topic: "Does Guo Jing know about this?"

Huang Rong shook her head blankly: "I didn't tell him."

Master Huang Yao sighed: "Although I have always disliked Guo Jing's boy, I still admit that he is a hero who stands up to the ground. You can never hide this from him for the rest of my life."

"What's the point of this incident telling him, besides increasing his troubles, it caused irreparable rifts in the relationship between our husband and wife," Huang Rong was very determined, "I will never let him know about this, I will use it. For the rest of my life to make up for the debt to him."

Yaoshi Huang shook his head: "This is what I worry about the most. You barely maintain this marriage. In the end, you will have more guilt and debts, and you will never be able to return to the pure love, so you really Will you be happy?"

"And this is not your fault in the first place. Based on what I know about Guo Jing, if you tell him the truth, he won't blame you. Rather than spend a lifetime full of deception and guilt, it is better to tell him frankly and thoroughly. Untie this knot."

Huang Rong's face was a little pale: "Father, don't force me. I really can't tell him the truth about this kind of thing."

Yaoshi Huang glanced at her deeply: "It seems that you still have a genuine affection for the boy surnamed Song."

"I didn't!" Huang Rong hurriedly denied.

Yao Shi Huang walked to the door of the tomb and opened the stone door. He looked at the roaring storm outside. After a long time, he said: "You are now in a dilemma. Reason tells you that you can't do things that I'm sorry for Guo Jing, but emotionally you can't control it... I know. What are you worried about? You are not only worried about hurting Guo Jing, but also worried about being cast aside by the whole world, but you are my Dongxie's daughter. How can you care about the red tape in the world? As long as you really like it in your heart, you will break this marriage with Guo Jing directly , With Song Qingshu, even if the whole world spit on you, Dad will support you."

Huang Rong looked at him in surprise: "Father, do you admire Song Qingshu so much?"

An irritation flashed across Huang Yaoshi's face: "I admire his ass!"

He also realized that he was a little gaffe, and he snorted before continuing: "I just don't want you to pass through regrets and hesitations to help you make a choice: Either make a clean break with the surname Song, completely separate from each other, and then tell Guo Jing everything. So I’m not afraid that Song Qingshu will entangle you in the future; or if the pain is not as long as the short one, I will break up with Guo Jing and let Song Qingshu marry you. Then you will be completely free, and the child will have a biological father."

Huang Rong blushed almost dripping out of water: "Father, I told you that the child is not..."

Pharmacist Huang interrupted directly: "Okay, take it seriously, you don't have to worry so much. Think carefully about how to choose."

Huang Rong took a deep breath and replied firmly: "I have already thought about it a long time ago, so naturally I choose Brother Jing."

Yaoshi Huang stared at her and said in a cold voice: "Well, if the surname Song comes to pester you again, I will interrupt his dog legs!"

Huang Rong couldn't help muttering: "Who will interrupt whose leg will be broken by then..."

Yaoshi Huang's sword eyebrows were erected instantly: "What did you say?"

Huang Rong spit out her tongue, as if she was back in her teenage years, and hurriedly explained with a grin: "Father, how can Song Qingshu help me and Brother Jing, it can be regarded as our friend. How can we not communicate at all? Then I don’t know how to explain it when Brother Jing asks."

"Confused, you have had skin-to-kin relatives. If you keep in touch with each other frequently, it is hard to guarantee that you will make mistakes and do something regrettable." Huang Yaoshi said in angrily.

"No, I have a sense of measure." Huang Rong said stubbornly.

"I hope so." Huang Yaoshi sighed. The storm seemed a little lighter outside of Kung Fu. He continued, "Let's go home soon. Your clothes shouldn't be dry yet? Go back and wash yourself. I changed my clothes in the shower."

"Yeah." Huang Rong's face flushed, but she was secretly moved in her heart. Although her father had been reprimanding her, he still cared about her body, worried that she might catch the cold from the wet clothes.

Yaoshi Huang picked up the dress that had just been placed at the door and put it on her daughter, protecting her all the way back home. He hurriedly ordered the servant to prepare hot water and clean clothes for her to bathe, and he hurriedly ran back to the room to prepare her a prescription to keep away the cold and fetus.

Let’s say Huang Rong was lying in the tub, with a warm feeling rising all over her body, and looking out the window blankly. Although the storm is much smaller now, it is still a dangerous weather to go to sea.

"I don't know if he will be buried in the sea?" Huang Rong muttered to herself.

"That's how you want me to die." At this time, a joking voice came from the room.

Huang Rong turned her head around in disbelief, and found Song Qingshu leaning on the other side of the window sill, looking at this side with a smile.

"Didn't you go to the sea?" Huang Rong exclaimed.

"You just went to the sea," Song Qingshu heard the words "Xiahai", "I am ashamed to stay in the situation just now, otherwise your dad will try my best. But I am not a fool, such a big man. The storm goes to the sea...Ah, yeah, go out to feed the fish."

"So you came back quietly?" There was a smile in Huang Rong's eyes.

"Of course, fortunately, you have explained to me the organs on the island before, so I can find here all the way. Otherwise, if I ran into the sky in such a big storm, I might be blown into the sea." Song Qingshu said happily.

Huang Rong thought of something to each other, and put her hands tightly on her chest, and she shrank under the tub, with only one head exposed: "When did you come?"

Song Qingshu laughed: "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I haven't seen anything."

Huang Rong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she almost fainted when she heard the next sentence: "I've finished reading the things that should or shouldn't be seen anyway."

"You!" Huang Rong breathed quickly, her eyes full of anger.

"Okay, okay, you can wash it quickly, I was drenched, and I feel very uncomfortable, and I want to wash it." Song Qingshu said as he pulled the wet clothes on his body, with a disgusting expression on his face.

"Don't mess around, my dad is not far away, I'm going to shout." Huang Rong was startled, and her body became more and more underwater.

Song Qingshu gave her an angry look: "Where did you think about it, I don't want to wash it with you, but let me wash it with water after you wash it."

Huang Rong flushed, and flatly refused: "No!"

"Why?" Song Qingshu said blankly.

"I have washed this water, how can... how can I give it to you?" Huang Rong bit her lip and groaned.

"What do you do then, should the servants prepare another bucket of water? Your dad's savvy person will definitely think of something," Song Qingshu waved his hand and said thoughtfully, "Don't worry, I won't despise you. The bath water."

Huang Rong almost fainted out of breath. Why don't you dislike me? It's obviously that I dislike you, OK? How can a woman's bath water be used by a man?

However, she also knows what Song Qingshu said is reasonable. If she refilled a bucket of water with her father’s ingenuity, she would definitely be able to detect the anomaly. Seeing his soaked body at this time, she knew that the king of Qi, who is now dignified, would not give him a gift. When I come back, I won't be so embarrassed.

Secretly sighed, Huang Rong said: "Then you wait a moment."

"Okay, you wash it slowly, I'm not in a hurry." Song Qingshu was leaning on the window sill in his spare time, with a very cool expression.

Huang Rong thought that with you here, where can I take it slowly, although he did not look here, she always felt very uncomfortable, she swept the side of the screen on the side of the screen, picked up the towel next to it, and flicked it. On the screen, he pulled it over to block between the two.

Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling a little depressed: "You don't believe in my character."

Huang Rong took a sip and said with a smile, "What kind of character do you have."

Song Qingshu snorted: "I have done nothing to you Qiu along the way, right?"

"How about coming out of Han Mansion on the sedan chair?" Huang Rong made him speechless.

"As the saying goes, knowing a mistake can improve Mo Dayan, haven't I corrected it later?" Song Qingshu mumbled dissatisfiedly.

"Because you were still a gentleman later on, that's why I kept you in the house so politely. Otherwise, do you think I would tolerate you like this?" Huang Rong quickly wiped her body and hid behind the screen. Come.

Song Qingshu was in tears at this moment. Good people are rewarded. The ancients are not deceived by me. If she had previously agreed to change clothes and bake in the same room with herself, let alone bathe like this. At that time, I let myself stay in the room.

Although she can't see it, her Qi is locked, and she can hear that she is eager to get dressed. Song Qingshu can't help but remind: "Don't worry, I won't take a peek. You are pregnant. Be careful not to slip on the ground. Fell."

Huang Rong felt warm in her heart: "I see."

When she came out from behind the screen, Song Qingshu couldn’t help but stare blankly. The resident’s skirt was full of feminine demeanor. The silk long skirt was lightly wrapped in plump and graceful bodies that would charm countless men, especially because of just taking a bath and playing. There was also a faint trace of water vapor, as if a fairy descended to the world.

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