Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1454: Stay overnight

Song Qingshu couldn't help but praised sincerely: "Rong'er, you are so beautiful."

Huang Rong's heart jumped, and suddenly she felt that it was a mistake to take him here: "I am not the little girl who was deceived by you. Hurry up and wash yourself. I will find you a clean dress."

Song Qingshu jumped down from the window sill: "This wet clothes is really uncomfortable." After three times, he took off his clothes and went into the bathtub.

Huang Rong's face flushed, and she hurriedly walked to the side looking for clothes, not looking there anymore.

"This water is so fragrant." Song Qingshu couldn't help but sighed while shaking the spray of the bathtub.

Hearing what he said, Huang Rong almost didn't fall over. She found a set of clothes in the closet and threw it over her head and covered her face: "Hurry up and don't talk too much."

Song Qingshu grabbed his eyes quickly and smiled slightly, "Is this Brother Guo's clothes?"

Huang Rong nodded: "Don't dislike the old clothes before."

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "The quality of the things Brother Guo has used is definitely excellent. How can I dislike it."

Huang Rong glared at him angrily. With her ingenuity, she couldn't hear what she meant. Just as she was about to get angry, the voice of Huang Yaoshi came from far away: "Rong'er, okay? Come out for a meal, and Dad specially gave you an anti-fetus and cold medicine."

"Here~" Huang Rong replied, then stared at Song Qingshu and said in a low voice, "I'm going out first. Be smart by yourself, don't make any movement and be discovered."

Song Qingshu waved his hand: "Don't worry, I don't want to be chased by your father again."

Huang Rong put on a coat and wrapped her body and walked out, and at the same time carefully closed the door.

After she left, Song Qingshu also felt a little dull. By the way, the water in the tub had faded a bit, and after a quick wash, he crawled out and got dressed.

It didn't take long for a few dumb servants to push in and move the bath tub and other things out. Song Qingshu, who was hiding in the closet, had to be thankful that he was fast enough, otherwise it would be a little troublesome to be hit by these dumb servants.

After the dumb servants packed up their things and went out, Song Qingshu was bored and didn't bother to get out of the closet. Maybe it was too tired for the past few days. After staying in it for a while, he felt a little sleepy, and simply lay there and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, Huang Rong pushed the door and came in. He saw that the contents had been cleaned up, and even the bath tub had disappeared. Her expression changed slightly, and she secretly blamed herself: He had disturbed her mind. There is no prevention that the servant will come to clean up.

"Did he leave?" Huang Rong closed the door, looked around in the room, and couldn't help but mutter to herself without seeing Song Qingshu.

She even ran to the window where Song Qingshu appeared before and opened it to investigate, but unfortunately still did not see the other party's voice.

"It looks like it's really gone." Huang Rong sat down at the table and sighed quietly.

"Did you suddenly find that you are reluctant to bear me?" At this moment, a joking voice suddenly came from my ear.

Huang Rong was taken aback and turned around to find Song Qingshu sitting in the closet looking at herself with a smile.

"Dying!" Huang Rong patted her chest lightly, angrily said, "I don't know that people who are pregnant can't stand the scare."

Song Qingshu's face changed slightly, he hurriedly jumped out of the closet, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay," Huang Rong couldn't help but distanced himself from him. In order to resolve the embarrassment, she took out something from her arms and handed it to the other party. "I haven't eaten anything for the day. I'm hungry. Let me give you this."

Song Qingshu took a look and found some delicate snacks wrapped in a handkerchief, but because it was wrapped in the handkerchief and kept in his arms, many of them were already damaged.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled: "And your body temperature, it's warm."

Huang Rongtao's cheeks were dizzy, and she stretched out her hand to take it back: "Just forget it if you don't eat it."

Song Qingshu moved faster, and shrank his hands behind him and hid him: "Who said I don't want to eat." While talking, he threw a piece in his mouth, and said angrily.

Hearing his compliment, Huang Rong smiled at the corner of her mouth, pouring a glass of water thoughtfully and handing it over: "Be careful, don't choke."

Song Qingshu drank the water in the cup and couldn't help but sighed: "Humans and wives are more considerate than girls."

Huang Rong gave him a wonderful look, obviously dissatisfied with his name: "My father is very smart, I dare not bring you wine and vegetables under his nose. I can only find some snacks in the kitchen. You will just take it. "

"I'm not that expensive." Song Qingshu raised the cake in his hand, "not to mention this thing is delicious, did you make it?"

"I want to be beautiful, I don't have that skill." Huang Rong rolled a beautiful eye.

Song Qingshu shook his head regretfully: "I heard that Ronger's cooking skills are unparalleled in the world, but it's a pity that I haven't tasted something you made by myself."

Huang Rong opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't promise anything.

"Well, what if my father suddenly passes by and hears your voice?" Huang Rong suddenly realized this big problem.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Don't worry, I'm fully energized now. If anyone approaches here, I'll detect it in advance."

Huang Rong looked at him in surprise: "But my father is not an ordinary master." She said it very tactfully. You must know that Huang Yaoshi is one of the five best masters in the Central Plains, and is among the top masters in the world, so she is very worried that Song Qingshu will not be in time. The other party is found close.

"It shouldn't be a problem," Song Qingshu said lightly, with an aloof temperament in his tone.

Huang Rong showed a different color, and finally sighed: "I don't know how you practiced martial arts at a young age."

Song Qingshu said with a smile, "Actually, I don't mind telling you how I practice martial arts, just because you don't want to listen."

Huang Rong was startled: "How could I not want to listen." She is also a person in the world, not to mention that she has always been curious about unknown things. How can she not care about such secrets?

"Come here, I'll tell you." Song Qingshu's smile seemed to hide something else.

Who knew that Huang Rong not only couldn't come, but shrank back, looking at him wary: "Why are you getting so close?"

Song Qingshu said unpredictably: "The so-called Fa doesn't spread to Liu Er. If you are not interested, then forget it."

Huang Rong's face was struggling, but in the end the curiosity in her heart prevailed, and he hesitantly leaned in: "Don't fool me."

Song Qingshu smiled, and as soon as she reached her ear, she asked that there was a faint fragrance on her body, and she had to sigh that Huang Rong was a combination of heaven and earth, even if she had been married for many years, her body was more fragrant than many girls.

"This martial art I practice needs..." Song Qingshu whispered in her ear, as if his lips were about to touch her earlobe.

Feeling the heat exhaled by the man next to him, Huang Rong's white neck was visible with naked eyes, and she drew back in a panic: "Forget it, I don't want to listen."

Song Qingshu shrugged, no longer reluctantly. In order to dispel the awkward atmosphere in the room, Huang Rong deliberately led the topic to other places, and then the two chatted casually.

After talking like this, I don’t know how long, Huang Rong yawned and suddenly asked, "Where do you sleep at night?"

Song Qingshu looked at her quietly: "I don't know if you will take me in?"

Huang Rong took a sip and blushed and said, "How can I keep you convenient."

Song Qingshu pointed to the storm outside that still showed no signs of stopping: "But the storm outside is so big and it rains so hard, you won't be so cruel to drive me out."

"I'll take you to Xiaowu's room." Huang Rong stood up and said, knowing that the couple, Ke Zhenye, Guo Fu, Xiaowu and a lot of servants lived on Peach Blossom Island, and there is no house shortage.

Song Qingshu frowned: "Wu Da Wu? No, I'm worried about the bad luck on them."

Huang Rong almost didn't choke, but in fact she wasn't very satisfied with the two stupid apprentices, thinking that it was normal for people like Song Qingshu to look down on them.

"Then I will take you to Grandpa Ke's room." Huang Rong added, "Because he is Brother Jing's master, Brother Jing respects him very much, and everything in the room is best prepared for him. Recently, he went out to play. I'm going to live for you."

"That stinky and stubborn old blind man?" Song Qingshu snorted, "I don't like him, I can't stop."

"If Brother Jing heard it, he would probably have a good theory with you." Huang Rong pursed her lips. In fact, she has never liked Ke Zhen evil very much. It's just that it's not easy to show it because of Guo Jing's sake. Now she can hear it. Song Qingshu said so, could not help but feel like a confidant.

"Forget it, let you live in Fu'er's room." Huang Rong said helplessly. There were still a lot of vacancies, but because no one has been living, there is no basic bedding in it, and there is a lot of dust. It may be arranged with fanfare, after all, a little carelessness will startle her father.

As for Guo Fu’s room, because of Yang Guo’s arm being cut off some time ago, she came back to avoid the limelight and stayed in Taohua Island for a while until Huang Rong and Guo Jing were going to Lin’an. Huang Rong worried that Taohua Island was too close to Lin’an, so she quietly informed her to leave in advance. So, not long after she left, the room was full of bedding and was carefully taken care of by the servants, and the natural conditions were the best.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly: "Guo Fu is still a girl who hasn't left the pavilion. Wouldn't it be so good for me as a big man to live in her boudoir?"

"You are a gentleman now," Huang Rong rolled her eyes, "Why, don't you still want to live in my room?"

Song Qingshu nodded solemnly: "Yes, I think living with you is the best choice."

Huang Rong's expression changed suddenly: "What?"

"Don't be mad at first," Song Qingshu hurriedly calmed down, "Think about it, your father hasn't been back to Peach Blossom Island for so many years, and now he is back in the old place. He must be full of thoughts. If I can't sleep at night and wander around, I Isn’t it easy to be discovered? Only you are the safest place. After all, dad doesn’t come to my daughter’s room in the middle of the night.”

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