Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1456: Final farewell

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Huang Rong's face instantly turned red, and she stretched out her hand to take it back: "I took it and threw it away."

But Song Qingshu moved faster, guarding the plate of oysters behind him, and said with a smile: "It's a shame to throw such a good thing."

"It's not what you think." Huang Rong was almost crying. Just now, while chatting with her father, she was cooking seriously, and took some ingredients in hand. How could she have expected such a big misunderstanding.

"I know you didn't mean that. I just said it on purpose to make you funny." Song Qingshu dodged, picked up a piece and ate it, "Well, it's fresh and tender, it's really superb."

Huang Rong pounced several times, but failed to take the oysters back in his hand and gave up, sitting at the table sulking.

Song Qingshu stopped teasing her, and sat down at the table again: "Rong'er, let's eat together."

"Eat you big-headed ghost!" Huang Rong glared at him fiercely, "I'm not hungry, you eat by yourself."

Song Qingshu subconsciously wanted to make fun of a few more words, but seeing that her face was not good, and worried that she would really annoy her, he swallowed those words back.

He was a little hungry at first, and soon the wind and the wind ate the seafood on the table: "It's really happy to be born on the seashore. People in the inland don't have such a good taste." You know that he is in the Golden Palace. Fresh seafood is unpalatable. After all, there is no refrigerator in this world, and there is no quick-freezing technology. Transporting seafood over long distances is a huge problem.

"Yes, I haven't been back to Peach Blossom Island for so many years, and I miss life on the island very much." Huang Rong said sincerely. After all, compared with the various wars and chaos in Xiangyang, Peach Blossom Island still retains more beautiful memories.

The two continued to talk for a while, and Huang Rong couldn't help yawning again, and she was secretly strange: She was too sleepy just now, but she tossed and turned in bed, why now she finds him and wants to sleep again.

Song Qingshu also saw her tiredness: "You have been busy all day, and you ran to cook so many dishes. You must be sleepy. Go and rest early."

"Oh~" Huang Rong responded, but did not move, "Where are you going?"

"Of course continue to stay under the window sill, now I have more energy to resist the wind and rain." Song Qingshu smiled nonchalantly.

However, his cautious thinking was instantly pierced by Huang Rong: "You don't have to pretend to be pitiful, don't you just want to force my compassion and let you stay in the house?"

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly: "It's such a storm outside, it would be best if Rong'er could keep me in the house."

Huang Rong's face was red and she was silent for a long time. Just when Song Qingshu thought there was nothing to do, she suddenly whispered, "Then you sleep on the ground."

After speaking, he went to bed and lay on the bed, leaving only a back for him.

Song Qingshu was startled and then overjoyed: "Thank you Rong'er~"

Huang Rong snorted softly and ignored him.

After the initial joy, Song Qingshu couldn't help but get a headache: "Are there too many quilts?"

"No." Huang Rong replied rather bluntly.

Song Qingshu looked at the icy ground, wondering if it would come true to sleep on the floor all night? After hesitating, he finally made up his mind and jumped directly onto the bed.

"What are you doing!" Huang Rong was frightened by him and asked in a flustered manner.

"Don't worry, I will not do anything that offends you." Song Qingshu explained, "The main reason is that the floor can't sleep, so borrow your bed."

Huang Rong smiled angrily: "You really have an inch, no matter how bad the floor is, it is better than under the window sill outside? It seems that I am too soft-hearted."

Song Qingshu wryly smiled and said, "As the saying goes, the courageous starved to death, and now I can only muster up the courage to give it a try. Since Rong'er, you are a good person, then do it to the end if you are a good person."

"No, what kind of style is this!" Huang Rong sat up with a firm expression, "Go down quickly."

Song Qingshu said sternly: "Rong'er, if I really want to do something to you, I will have opportunities along the way, and with my martial arts, you can't resist what I want to do to you now, even if you are alarmed. Father, it won't help."

"Are you threatening me?" Huang Rong looked cold.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "It's not a threat. I just want to show you that I have no evil intentions against you and promise not to do anything that offends you."

Huang Rong's expression changed, she was obviously engaged in a fierce psychological struggle. On the one hand, she also knew that what the other party said was true, but on the other hand, as a woman, it was difficult for her to accept the other party's request.

Song Qingshu suddenly showed a bright smile: "If you still don't believe me, you can see how pure and innocent my expression is at this time, and you will know how bright and majestic I am."

Huang Rong's tight face couldn't help it anymore, and she let out a chuckle: "It's rare in the world that you have such a thick skin as you."

"Then you agree." Song Qingshu said with joy.

Huang Rong turned over, turned her back to her, and stopped talking.

Song Qingshu knew that she was thin-skinned and couldn't admit it, so she didn't want to ask any more questions.

After a while, Huang Rong felt that something was wrong after all: "My ugly talk is ahead, but I have a knife on my body. Then come over and cut my hands, and come over and cut my feet!"

Although knowing the martial arts gap between the two sides, such threats are a bit weak, but she still has to clearly express her attitude.

Seeing that Song Qingshu hadn't answered, Huang Rong frowned, turned around and was about to have an attack, who knew he heard the other party's snoring slightly.

"Pretend to look like." Huang Rong curled her lips, naturally not believing that Song Qingshu fell asleep so quickly with her ingenuity, but she also understood that the other party made a deliberate gesture to relieve her.

If it was before, she would never agree that Song Qingshu came to bed, but this time from Lin'an to Taohua Island, the conversation along the way allowed her to understand each other's heart better, knowing that although he was a little more romantic, but Not such a despicable villain, especially Song Qingshu's insights and conversations from later generations, which made her admire.

At first, she still braced herself to guard against him, worrying about what he might do, but it didn't take long before she felt her eyelids sink and her sleepiness became more intense.

"Can't sleep, can't sleep~" Huang Rong kept admonishing herself.

"But his breathing has calmed down, he must have fallen asleep?" At this time, another voice sounded in her mind.

In this entanglement, she finally couldn't help but fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Huang Rong suddenly moved in her heart, opened her eyes and looked aside, only to see Song Qingshu's eyes gleaming in the dark.

"You haven't slept yet?" Huang Rong looked out the window, the sky was faintly pale, it was the time when people slept most.

"Some can't sleep." Song Qingshu replied with a smile.

"Oh~" Huang Rong didn't know what to say to him.

Suddenly Song Qingshu asked, "Can I touch the baby in your belly?"

Huang Rong subconsciously wanted to refuse, but didn't know why, but he hesitated when she came to her mouth, and gave an imperceptible hum.

Seeing her acquiescence, Song Qingshu reached out and put his hand on her slightly raised abdomen, feeling the heat of his palm, Huang Rong couldn't help but tremble.

"Did he kick me just now?" Song Qingshu suddenly looked up in surprise.

Huang Rong smiled badly and said, "It's only a few months, how can it be possible to kick you." She had an experience, knowing that there are still a few months before the child in her stomach can kick someone.

"But I can feel him." Song Qingshu gently stroked her belly.

Huang Rong became stiff. Although she didn't want to admit it, the other party's hands were very soft and comfortable to touch on her body. She even hoped that he could touch it gently forever.

After a while, the other party's hand gradually moved up, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat. Now that she can no longer pretend to be ignorant, she grabbed his hand and bit her lip and said, "You promised Don't offend me."

"If you are unwilling, of course it is offensive; if you are willing, naturally it is not offensive." Song Qingshu smiled like an old fox.

Huang Rong opened her mouth, knowing in her heart that this would not work, but she didn't know why, and she couldn't say her refusal.

Seeing her acquiescence, Song Qingshu posted the whole person along the way, and stretched out her other hand and hugged her in his arms.

Huang Rong had to admit that the opponent's hand seemed to have a kind of supreme magical power, and soon she became short of breath, and her body gradually became soft.

"This can't work..." The remaining reason made her try to push the opponent away, but when she touched the hot body of the opponent, there was a touch that made her heart palpitations.

"Why not~" Song Qingshu leaned to her ear and said softly.

Huang Rong's ears are very sensitive. Feeling the heat of his breathing, the whole person trembled.

"Daddy said that if you choose Brother Jing, you will have to make a clean break with Song Qingshu. It seems to make sense." Huang Rong recalled his father's warning at this time.

"Let's indulge one last time. After tonight, you will be a stranger to him from now on." Huang Rong made up his mind, and the heavy pressure that had been coming seemed to be swept away.

"I can give it to you, but you have to promise me a condition." Huang Rong pressed Song Qingshu's chest and noticed the desire in his eyes, and couldn't help but shudder.

"What conditions?" Song Qingshu's voice was hoarse at this time.

"After tonight, you and I have nothing to do with you." Huang Rong murmured.

"Good." Song Qingshu agreed without hesitation.

Seeing his promise so quickly, Huang Rong felt a faint frustration in her heart, but because of this, she was suddenly relieved. If the other party kept pestering her, she really didn't know what to do.

"Don't press my stomach." Huang Rong suddenly whispered, pushing the man away with a bit of anger.

"Then what should I do?" Song Qingshu obviously has no experience in this area, and was at a loss for a while.

Huang Rong gave him a charming look, then bit her lip and got up and knelt on the bed, much bolder than usual: "This way...you move lightly~"

The man behind him screamed and pressed her waist to come over...

The heavy breath of the man and the gentle and tenderness of the woman soon rang in the room, because I thought it was the last time to indulge, Huang Rong no longer has the ethical restraints in the usual way, very actively cooperates with the man behind him, and keeps reaching it. The trembling of the soul.

"Asshole, how dare you ruin my daughter like this!" At this moment, the door was suddenly knocked open, accompanied by Huang Yaoshi's angry roar.

"Don't!" Huang Rong was awakened in an instant, and she sat up swiftly. She couldn't help but startled. It turned out that the door hadn't been broken, and the man beside her was sleeping peacefully. Then she realized that all that was just a dream just now!

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