Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1457: Disaster

Huang Rong's pretty face turned red in an instant, and he was ashamed and embarrassed: "How could I have such a dream?"

Suddenly noticed something strange in her thighs, she subconsciously reached out and touched it, and she was so slimy that she couldn't wait for a seam to get in.

"It's just a dream, so... so emotional." Huang Rong's cheeks were burning fiercely at this time, and she looked to the side with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, Song Qingshu was asleep, and she didn't notice any strangeness. This was a little relieved. Tone.

She was sticky and a little uncomfortable. Huang Rong wanted to take a bath first, but it was already deep now, so it was naturally inconvenient to call the servant to prepare water, and she felt so soft and soft just now that she wanted to have everything in her dream just now. She has exhausted her strength.

In desperation, she had to lie down again, but after all these twists and turns, she couldn't fall asleep anymore. She quietly looked at the side of the man next to her, and she couldn't help but feel a little silly: "People say day and night. I have a dream, I dreamed of him... Is this the true thoughts in my heart?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" Then Huang Rong passed through such anxious and struggling mood, and the sky gradually brightened.

When Song Qingshu opened his eyes, he was startled when he saw Huang Rong's tired face and helpless eyes: "Rong'er, what's the matter with you?"

Huang Rong finally woke up from that haunting state. Seeing Song Qingshu's face, the picture of herself kneeling in front of him spontaneously appeared in her mind, and her face flushed red again: "No... nothing. "

Song Qingshu reached out and probed her forehead, frowning and said: "It's a bit hot, and you seem to have a lot of heat and sweat on your body. Could it be that you caught the wind and cold after being exposed to the rain yesterday?"

"No...no." Huang Rong's eyes flickered, and she said with a guilty conscience, then got up and put on her coat, thinking that she must ask her servant to prepare hot water for a while, otherwise she would be too uncomfortable.

Worried about what the other party would see, Huang Rong hurriedly said: "I just couldn't sleep because I was worried about what you did wrong last night."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile wryly: "Am I just so untrustworthy in your heart?"

Huang Rong snorted, thinking of the dream she had last night, her heart became more irritable.

Song Qingshu also turned over from the bed. After putting on his clothes, he ran to the window to take a look. He couldn't help but said with joy, "The storm has stopped!"

Huang Rong was startled. The storm came and went suddenly. You must know that based on her experience growing up on the island, such a storm would usually last for a few days.

"I have to take this opportunity to hurry and leave, or else the storm will come again, and I will always be trapped here." Song Qingshu thought of the Southern Song court sharpening the sword and Huohuo going to the northern expedition, and there are too many things to do in the Kingdom of Jin. The time left for myself is getting less and less.

"Then I won't keep you anymore." If it were yesterday, Huang Rong might have been a little lost at such a hurried separation, but after that absurd dream at night, she doesn't know how to face each other now, wishing him to leave sooner. Go, so she can calm down.

"Rong'er, you have a good baby on the island. The Central Plains is extremely dangerous now. You don't want to go back now." Song Qingshu thought of the dangers Huang Rong encountered during pregnancy in the original book and couldn't help but remind.

"Well, I know." Huang Ronghun nodded without abandoning her home.

At this moment, not far away, I suddenly remembered the melodious sound of the flute. Obviously Huang Yaoshi got up, and the two people in the room were stunned.

"I really have to go, otherwise your father found me staying overnight in your room. It would be weird if he didn't fight me desperately." Song Qingshu said hurriedly. It can be predicted that this kind of fight will be very wrong, and the other party will desperately want to kill you. , But you can't hurt the other party.

Huang Rong was also a little flustered, and pushed him to the window sill at the back of the house: "Then you go quickly, I won't keep you."

Song Qingshu jumped out in a flash. When Huang Rong was faintly lost, the other party showed his face again: "I will come to Peach Blossom Island to see you when I have time."

Huang Rong took a sip: "Who wants you to see."

Song Qingshu laughed, no longer staying and disappearing out of the window.

Huang Rong walked to the window and looked in the direction of his disappearance, with a complicated expression for a while.

"Rong'er, I seem to hear a man's laughter in your room?" Just then, Huang Yaoshi opened the door and walked in, looking around suspiciously.

Huang Rong's heart jumped and she hurriedly turned around and squeezed out a smile: "Father, how can there be a man's voice in my daughter's room." While speaking, she quietly wiped away the footprints Song Qingshu had just stepped on the window sill from behind.

"Really?" Huang Yaoshi looked around and found nothing, and suddenly noticed the exhaustion on Huang Rong's face, and couldn't help but wondered, "How come your complexion is worse than yesterday."

"I didn't sleep well last night," Huang Rong's face flushed. Of course it was not convenient to tell the real reason, so she had to explain, "Maybe it's just because I just came back and I wasn't used to it."

Moreover, when Huang Rong and his father were fighting wits and courage, Song Qingshu had already come to the beach. Yesterday Huang Rong explained to him the organs on the island, and the dense forests naturally couldn't stop him.

When I arrived at the beach, I found a pier, which I thought was used by the people from Peach Blossom Island when they left the island. The people on the island have many years of experience in sea life and hide their ships in some hidden places. Therefore, they were not damaged by yesterday’s storm. Song Qingshu took one of them. The boat was pushed into the sea, but suddenly it was a bit difficult.

He tried the sails and oars on the boat, but he still couldn't master the strength, so he could only spin in place.

"Do you want to go back to the island and grab a dumb servant to operate it?" Song Qingshu had a black line.

However, he finally dispelled this idea. The main reason was that he was worried that the dumb servant would leak out what happened today. Then Huang Rong's name would be damaged. Although the dumb servant could not speak, there were still many ways to pass the news. Song Qingshu again I couldn't do it cold-blooded, so I had to dispel the idea of ​​looking for a dumb servant.

"Huh, back then Bodhidharma could cross the river with one reed, can't I still cross the sea with one boat?" Song Qingshu also came up with arrogance, simply stopped using oars and sails, and directly urged the boat to leave the island with internal force.

Thanks to being in this world for many years, coupled with the experience of marching and fighting before, he determined the direction of his advancement with various knowledge. Otherwise, if he gets the wrong position, no matter how strong his internal strength is, he will definitely not be able to cross the Pacific Ocean. .

Fortunately, Taohua Island is not far from the mainland. Song Qingshu found the right direction and finally landed a few hours later.

When he just went ashore, he even had the illusion that the ground was shaking. He couldn't help but look ugly: "Wait to find a time to learn how to sail a boat, otherwise it will be like Kumachi in the original book. It would be a tragedy that a little girl was almost buried in the water because of the film."

I found a farmer nearby and asked about the name of the place. I roughly estimated that it was not too far from Ningbo, so I went all the way to the northwest, and finally entered the city of Shanyin when it was getting dark.

"It seems that the murder of Shen Yuan last time had a great impact. The number of soldiers at the city gate was several times more than usual." The reason why Song Qingshu came back here is that this place can be regarded as the only way for him to go north. What was it that he had promised Lu Wushuang to come back to see her, just as the saying goes, he would rather lose the world and live up to the beauty, how could he bear the heart to disappoint a little girl?

Let’s just say that Lu Wushuang was in a daze in the room at this time, and he kept muttering to himself: "Big Brother Song, Brother Song, will you come to see me? I have been procrastinating for so long, and I have to leave tomorrow if I say anything. ."

It turned out that she and Cheng Ying had made an appointment to continue saving her best friend Shen Bijun. It was time to leave, but Lu Wushuang thought of Song Qingshu's promise before leaving, and kept looking for various reasons to drag him.

In desperation, Cheng Ying could only move her body first and let her follow, so that she could stay in Shanyin for a few more days.

However, in the past two days, Lu Wushuang has received urging messages from his cousin several times, knowing that he can no longer drag on, so he decided to leave tomorrow morning to meet her cousin.

"Maybe he has forgotten me a long time ago." Lu Wushuang said with self-pity, Gu Ying.

"Who forgot about you?" At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from my ear.

Lu Wushuang turned his head in disbelief, and was shocked to find that the man who was thinking about himself was sitting on the window.

"Big Brother Song?" Lu Wushuang shouted with some uncertainty.

"Wushuang, let you wait a long time." Seeing her slightly red and swollen eyes, Song Qingshu said with pity.

"Big Brother Song!" After confirming that he was not dreaming, Lu Wushuang couldn't help it anymore, threw himself into the other's arms excitedly, and burst into tears.

With Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms, Song Qingshu gently patted the girl's back to comfort him, but suddenly she looked a little weird. I don't know if it was because of the oysters he ate last night or the sequelae of being stimulated by Huang Rong. Now he is extremely sensitive and hugs the girl. His body reacted instantly.

Lu Wushuang obviously realized something too, and his body became softer with a sigh of relief.

Seeing the atmosphere in the room getting more and more ambiguous, Song Qingshu suddenly moved his ears and looked outside the room with a solemn expression: "Someone is coming."

Lu Wushuang was startled. At this moment, there was a noise gradually coming from outside Kung Fu. He pushed the window door a small slit, and found a group of catchers coming here quickly.

"Big Brother Song, you can hide first." Lu Wushuang is a girl with a yellow flower after all. If someone knows that she is secretly meeting a man in her boudoir, she will have no face to meet people.

Song Qingshu nodded, his identity is sensitive, and it is indeed inappropriate for him to meet the official figures of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Not long after he hid it, the door was pushed open from the outside, headed with an oval face, Danfeng eyes, and a handsome face, and it was Xue Baochai, Miss Xue's eldest.

"Why did she come here?" Song Qingshu in the dark was puzzled.

Soon Xue Baochai's words resolved his doubts: "Miss Lu, we suspect that you are related to the Shen Yuan Miemen case, and we hope you come with us."

Lu Wushuang hadn't recovered from the joy just now, he couldn't help but startled when he heard the bad news: "What did you say?"

"I hope Miss Lu will forgive me," Xue Baochai said lightly. "Our Royal City Department accepted the Shen Yuan extinguishment case. After this period of investigation, we finally found some clues. On the night of the incident, someone saw you and your cousin heading towards Shen Yuan. Go, I deliberately asked the maid in your house. Neither you nor your cousin came back that night, so you have serious suspicions of committing crimes."

"Nonsense," Lu Wushuang was originally a straight-tempered, and immediately retorted, "My cousin and I went to investigate the case of Bijun's disappearance. Besides, Bijun is our good friend. How can we harm her family!"

"Because you have a close relationship with Shen Bijun, we suspect that you are inseparable from this case." Seeing what Lu Wushuang had to say, Xue Baochai waved his hand directly, "If you have anything to say to us, take it away!"

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