Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1458: Elution

Xue Baochai gave an order, and a few of the imperial city secretary surrounded him. Lu Wushuang changed his countenance and finally gave up resisting: "Okay, I will go with you. As the saying goes, the people of the Qing Dynasty will clear themselves, and the Lu family won't let you wronged. mine."

In the dark, Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and he could hear that it was Lu Wushuang implying that he should not come forward, after all, there would be a lot of trouble if his identity was leaked.

He knew that Lu Wushuang had always been reckless, but now he was so considerate and thoughtful of himself, and he couldn't help being moved.

At this moment, the people from the Kung Fu Imperial City Division had already taken Lu Wushuang away, and other people in the Lu Fu also received the news. They were filled with indignation and wanted to go to Shanyin City to talk about it.

Naturally, Song Qingshu didn't join them in the fun, but secretly pondered, it is not difficult to save Lu Wushuang, some imperial secret agents still can't trouble him, but the difficult thing is what to do later.

If Lu Wushuang was rescued by force, wouldn't it be true that her suspicion would be confirmed, and she would be wanted by the court nationwide. Since then, a little girl of her has a home and cannot go back, so she can only live in the dark in Tibet?

"The key is how to remove the suspicion for her." Song Qingshu thoughtfully, soon had a plan.

Let’s say that Xue Baochai brought Lu Wushuang back to Huangchengsi’s stronghold in Shanyin, and immediately interrogated her: "Did you and your cousin go to Shenyuan that night?"

Lu Wushuang opened his mouth, but suddenly thought that if he admits that there will be a series of troubles?

As if guessing what she was thinking, Xue Baochai coldly snorted: "You don't have to deny, we have found witnesses, and we are sure that you actually went to Shenyuan that night."

Lu Wushuang's chin raised, and he said angrily: "Since you know, you still ask? Yes, we went to Shenyuan that night, because Bijun is our good friend, this time she disappeared, we went to Shenyuan specially and wanted to find Some clues."

"Looking for clues?" Xue Baochai said noncommittal to her, "Then why did you disappear when the arrest in the city was about to arrive?"

Lu Wushuang explained: "I was just worried about the unnecessary troubles caused by the fight with the arrest, so we deliberately avoided them." She didn't want to involve Song Qingshu, so she simply ignored some information.

"But you didn't return to the Lu Mansion that night," Xue Baochai folded his arms around her chest and looked around her incessantly. "According to the guards of the city, you two didn't return to the city until the next morning. I sent someone to ask. The maid of Lu Fuzhong also confirmed that you did not go back that night. She said, why did you leave the city?"

"We..." Lu Wushuang was speechless for a while, and suddenly thought of the scene in the stream that night, he replied with an idea, "We went out of the city to take a bath."

"Bath?" Xue Baochai's eyes became sharp. "I just found out that my good friends and family have been destroyed. Not only do you not report to the government, but you are in the mood to bathe? I am afraid that you were stained with blood and went out of the city to destroy the evidence."

"Nonsense!" Lu Wushuang suddenly became anxious, "I told you that we are friends with Bijun, how could we hurt her family."

"Maybe you deliberately approached Miss Shen for the secret of Yuanyangdao and made friends with her." Xue Baochai's eyes became more and more suspicious, "Is Miss Shen's disappearance related to you."

Because Shen Bijun is a quasi-prince, the pressure on the Imperial Secretary is very high, but the case has not made much progress. Now that he has finally found a clue, how can he not chase him?

"Don't spit on people, don't want to wrong the good people if you can't solve the case by yourself." Lu Wushuang's mouth is always very awkward, and he can't help refuting.

"Injustice?" Xue Baochai snorted, "We found out that your sisters went to an inn in the east of the city after entering the city and took some gifts. According to the innkeeper's confession, those things were originally left by a man and a woman. Are they yours? Companion?"

Lu Wushuang was secretly frightened. She did not expect her to investigate so thoroughly that they even found out when they returned to the inn to take away Song Qingshu and Huang Rong's salute.

Xue Baochai approached her and pressed forward step by step: "Did you guys unite and create the massacre of the Shen family, and then you send them out of the city, and come back to eliminate the evidence for them?"

Seeing more and more flaws, Lu Wushuang suddenly panicked, and subconsciously replied: "We are also victims, okay? When we arrived in Shenyuan that day, the murderer happened to come out. We were lost. The man convinced us. Poison, fortunately, we heard the arrest and the murderer did not care about us and ran away. Our sisters were poisoned and were about to die. Our friends rescued them, so we left the city."

Although she was flustered, she was also a little clever, telling the truth about the situation at the time.

Xue Baochai was really moved: "You said you saw the murderer? What did the murderer look like?"

"The murderer was wearing a mask and couldn't see him. He was about thirty or forty years old, and he was tall..." Lu Wushuang recalled as he described it.

Xue Baochai hurriedly ordered his men: "Write it down!"

After listening to Lu Wushuang's scribbling, Xue Baochai suddenly asked, "What is the poison among you?" Based on her experience in the Imperial City Division, she knew that if a person lied, many details would definitely go wrong.

"I was poisoned by Jiujiu pills, and my cousin was poisoned by Fire Pill." Lu Wushuang replied without hesitation.

"This seems to be the poison from Xia Ke Island." A spy next to Xue Baochai said in a low voice. Although Xia Ke Island is mysterious, Huangcheng Division is a country's spy agency, and more or less knows some information about Xia Ke Island.

Xue Baochai raised her eyebrows. At this time, she was already 80% convinced. After all, Lu Wushuang, a wealthy lady, would have known something related to Xia Ke Island if he hadn't experienced it personally.

"But as far as I know, Jiujiu Wan and Lihuo Pill are extremely poisonous, how did you survive?" Xue Baochai continued to ask.

"It was said that our friend saved us, so we didn't return to the city the next day." Lu Wushuang replied.

"What is your friend's name, and why can you solve these two strange poisons?" Xue Baochai wondered if she was infected with either of these two poisons, I am afraid that she would not be able to force the poison out.

Lu Wushuang snorted, "My cousin master is the famous Dongxie Huang pharmacist, who is best at pill refining and medicine. The friends she knows are naturally experts in this area. What's so strange about detoxification?"

Xue Baochai also investigated Cheng Ying’s background and knew that she was a closed disciple of Huang Yaoshi, and she agreed with Lu Wushuang a little bit, but she was not ready to let him go so easily: "You haven’t said what your two friends really are. Who it is, we will go to them to check if you are telling the truth."

Lu Wushuang was startled, and hurriedly said, "They have important matters, and I promised not to disclose their information."

Xue Baochai still wanted to ask more questions. Suddenly an agent came in outside the door to report: "Report, there is a masked man at Shen Yuan, who seems to be looking for something." After Shen Yuan's accident, Huang Chengsi quietly arranged near Shen Yuan. The secret whistle was originally just a process, and did not expect the murderer to revisit the place, but he did not expect to have unexpected joy now.

Xue Baochai stood up instantly: "Did you alarm him?"

The spy replied, "No, everything is observed in secret according to the adult's instructions."

"Okay, everyone will go with me!" Xue Baochai waved his hand, leading the imperial city secret agent and hurried to Shen Yuan's direction, leaving only Lu Wushuang there and no one cared about it.

"What are the characteristics of the masked man?" Xue Baochai asked the previous subordinate as he hurried to Shenyuan.

"With a mask, a slender figure, about thirty or forty years old..." Following the spy's description, Xue Baochai became more and more frightened, because it was exactly the same as Lu Wushuang mentioned.

"Everyone keep up, this time you must not let the other party run away!" A trace of excitement flashed in Xue Baochai's eyes, and the murderer's fox tail was finally revealed during the investigation of the Shen family's case.

Fortunately, the secret stronghold of the Imperial City Division was not too far from Shen Yuan. Soon a group of people rushed to Shen Yuan. The masked man apparently realized that it was not good, and hurriedly fled outside, just in time for Xue Baochai and his group.

"Take it for me!" Xue Baochai was excited, but he commanded it in an orderly manner. The secret agents of the imperial city blocked all the escape routes of the opponent.

The crossbow of the Song Dynasty is the only one in the world, and the crossbow used by the Imperial City Division is one of a thousand. A group of people just point the crossbow at each other, making it difficult for the enemy to fly.

"Hurry up and catch it, and you can still save your life!" Xue Baochai only needs to put down his half-raised hand, and the crossbow will shoot out a thousand arrows, and the opponent's martial arts will not be able to hide it at such a close distance.

The masked man snorted, and his figure disappeared directly in the center for a flash. The next moment everyone saw him and found that he had jumped out of the circle of crossbowmen.

"How is it possible!" This is not only the voice of Xue Baochai, but also the common aspirations of all the secret agents present at the Imperial City Secretary. Is it just dazzled?

The masked man did not stay at all, and quickly attacked the crossbowmen from behind to prevent them from forming a circle again. At such a close distance, the crossbow in their hands became a burden. They kept screaming, the secret agent of the Imperial City Division. A large piece was poured in an instant.

Xue Baochai was shocked and angry, and drew out a short sword to stab the person, giving her men a chance to breathe and regrouping the offensive.

The two sides fought a dozen moves in an instant, and Xue Baochai became more and more frightened. If there were not many imperial masters nearby, she would have been defeated. The martial arts of the man in front of him was extremely strange, as if he was not martial arts in China.

"Sure enough, they are from Xia Ke Island!" Xue Baochai remembered a volume about Xia Ke Island he had seen occasionally before, and recognized the other side's martial arts skills.

But with such a distraction, the other party deceived him in an instant, and Xue Baochai hurriedly backed away in shock. It was a pity that it was too late, and the other party went around his back and stuck his neck in an instant.

"Little beauty, tell them to stop." The mask man said angrily.

Unexpectedly, Xue Baochai's eyes flashed with determination, and the sword in his hand was turned upside down and inserted into his lower abdomen, trying to die with the other party. Seeing that this posture is similar to the Wudang school's world and the same life.

"I'm going!" The mask man obviously didn't expect that she would make this move, and hurriedly stretched out his hand and clamped the sword when the tip of the sword was only one centimeter away from Xue Baochai's lower abdomen.

The masked person was naturally Song Qingshu. In order to remove Lu Wushuang’s suspicion, he simply appeared in Shen Yuan as the murderer that night. As expected, there were also secret agents from the Imperial City Division, and Xue Baochai and others were also caught. Brought over as planned.

But he didn't expect Xue Baochai to be so decisive that she almost made her die in his arms, and that sin would be serious.

Song Qingshu was about to say something, suddenly there was a warning sign in his heart, and a sharp sword aura pierced his vest.

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