Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1459: Wash away bad luck

Song Qingshu's heart was stunned. In fact, it is not difficult for him to avoid this sword, but suddenly he thought of leaving Xue Baochai in place after he dodges. Isn't she likely to be pierced by this sword?

He came here only to get rid of Lu Wushuang Cheng Ying's suspicion, and did not intend to kill. The fight with the imperial secret agent just now only made him lose his combat effectiveness, and did not kill him.

You are merciful to men you don't know, let alone Xue Baochai, who is famous in his previous life?

As soon as the wrist turned, the tip of the sharp sword in Xue Baochai's hand was twisted, and Song Qingshu greeted the sword behind with the tip of the sword without stopping.

In an instant, the two sides fought a dozen moves, despite the danger and danger, Song Qingshu still resolved the opponent's offensive one by one.

"Huh~" The visitor was also obviously shocked. He didn't expect that the other party could actually use a small half of the sword to fight against him so many tricks.

At this moment Kung Fu Song Qingshu had clearly seen the person coming, and it was Xue Baochai's cousin, Xue Yiren.

Recognizing him, Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer had to deliberately protect Xue Baochai. He reached out and pushed her around her waist and pushed her on Xue Yiren like a sandbag, and he took advantage of Xue Yiren to go. When picking up his sister, he fled with ease.

"Hurry up!" Xue Baochai watched the clues he got and escaped, and hurriedly ordered his secret spy.

"No, that person's light work is very good, can't catch up." Xue Yiren said coldly.

"Brother~" Xue Baochai looked self-blaming, "It's all my fault. If I wasn't caught by him accidentally, he wouldn't let him take the opportunity to escape."

"This man is very high in martial arts. It's no shame that you were caught by him." Xue Yiren frowned. "A person with such martial arts is by no means an unknown person in the rivers and lakes."

"He should be from Xia Ke Island." Xue Baochai said hurriedly, repeating the information he had received before and the martial arts that the other party had just performed.

"Xia Ke Island?" Xue Yiren was lost in thought. "Although Xia Ke Island is known to be fascinating by people in the rivers and lakes, there are probably only three or four people in martial arts that are as high as this level. Could it be Zhao Da and Qian Er?"

"Xia Ke Island rarely set foot in the Central Plains, usually Zhang San Li Si came forward, Zhao Da, Qian Er only existed according to rumors, no one has actually seen them, even our Imperial City Division did not have their information." Xue Baochai frowned.

"It's just that it was not possible to investigate before. Now that it involves the crown prince and the extermination of court officials, we can mobilize more authority of the Imperial City Department. How can a small island of knights contend with the power of the court?" Xue Yi Ren took the sword into its sheath, with a cold look on his face.

The siblings discussed the case all the way and walked back. When they returned to the stronghold, they found that the Lu family had come with Shanyin Chengshou, and they were obviously here to protect Lu Wushuang.

At this moment, Xue Baochai knew that the murderer was someone else, and coupled with the pressure on Shanyin's officialdom, he had no choice but to order Lu Wushuang to be released.

The people of the Lu family brought Lu Wushuang back to the mansion. People from all the houses in the mansion rushed to express their condolences. Lu Wushuang finally sent those people away and went back to his house and looked around nervously.

"Big Brother Song, Brother Song?" Lu Wushuang yelled while searching.

Unfortunately, after shouting for half a day, there was no response at all. Lu Wushuang couldn't help but sat down in front of the window with disappointment: "Hey, those who are sadly ecstatic, just leave."

At this moment, suddenly a masked man climbed to the window, and Lu Wushuang was about to scream in fright when he heard a familiar voice: "What is Wushuang so sad?"

"Big Brother Song?" Lu Wushuang looked at each other incredulously.

Song Qingshu took off the mask and laughed softly.

Lu Wushuang threw into his arms excitedly. After a while, he suddenly realized something and raised his head to look at her: "How do you dress up like this?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "It's not for your business..." Next, I will roughly talk about what happened just now. Just in case, after escaping from the Xue brothers and sisters, he did not come back immediately, but ran deliberately. When leaving the city, the guards were deliberately alarmed on the road. After throwing off the chasing soldiers outside the city, he hurried back silently, just to give Huang Chengsi an illusion that he had gone out of the city, and to completely separate his relationship with Lu Wushuang.

It is precisely because of so many big circles that he hurried back now, otherwise he would have come back long ago with his light work.

"It's no wonder that Huangcheng Division let me out so easily." After hearing everything, Lu Wushuang admired and moved, "I knew that Brother Song must have a way."

Song Qingshu was about to say something, suddenly his expression changed slightly: "Someone is coming." After speaking, he flashed behind the side screen.

Soon there was a knock on the door: "Miss Seven, Miss Seven~"

Hearing the voice of the maid, Lu Wushuang said grimly, "What's the matter?" After finally coming to Song Qingshu, the rare two-person world was disturbed, and she naturally couldn't feel better.

"We brought you hot water for bathing and new clothes." The maid outside replied.

Lu Wushuang looked depressed: "No need, just withdraw."

The maid outside said, "This is what the old lady meant. The old lady said that if you go to a place like the Imperial City Department, you have to use the hot water soaked in grapefruit leaves to wash away the bad luck. All the clothes were changed and burned."

Lu Wushuang opened his mouth, and finally replied helplessly: "Come in." The old lady in Lu's family was a no-brainer, plus she had always been nice to her, so she couldn't refuse.

With her permission, a group of maids filed in. Everyone was holding hot water in their hands, clothes, or grapefruit leaves and petal spices, and they quickly built a steaming room in the house. Bath barrel.

"Miss, please change clothes~" After setting up everything, the maid came to Lu Wushuang.

Lu Wushuang's face flushed, and he thought that there is still a man in this room~ Although the two of them already had skin-to-skin relationship, to be honest, they were still a little strange and separated, and she was really uncomfortable.

When she was embarrassed, Song Qingshu's voice transmission came into her ears suddenly: "Let them all go down."

Lu Wushuang originally had this intention, so he said to the group of maids, "Too many things have happened today. I want to clean it up by myself. Put your things here and leave them all."

A group of people looked at each other, and finally agreed. After all, Lu Wushuang is considered the most favored lady in the house, and coupled with the grievances today, no one is so uninterested to touch his brows.

"Yes!" The maids saluted one after another, "but I hope the lady will change the clothes first. We will burn them according to the old lady's orders."

Lu Wushuang was helpless, thinking that he was already from Brother Song anyway, hesitated for a moment and finally took off his clothes under the service of a group of people.

However, she still had the shyness of a young girl, she just took off and she fell into the bathtub, hoping to cover her naked body with water and petals.

Soon the group of maids retreated. Lu Wushuang bit his lip, grabbed the edge of the bathtub and looked over the screen: "Big Brother Song, are you still there?"

Song Qingshu came out from behind the screen and said with a smile: "How can I be willing to leave with you here."

Lu Wushuang's face flushed, and his body shrank underwater again: "Big Brother Song, wait a while, I'll get it out immediately."

Song Qingshu walked over to the tub directly: "Don't worry, it's fun to wash slowly."

"Huh?" Lu Wushuang couldn't help but stared at him blankly.

Song Qingshu leaned on the edge of the bathtub and said with a smile, "Do you mind if I wash with you?"

Lu Wushuang exclaimed, his face flushed instantly: "This...how does this make it?"

"How can't it?" Song Qingshu smiled, took off his clothes and jumped into the water, and hugged her into his arms to Lu Wushuang's repeated exclamations.

"If you keep screaming like this, maybe you will call those maids back." Song Qingshu hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear.

His words were more effective than anything else, and Lu Wushuang was so frightened that he immediately closed his mouth.

Song Qingshu showed a triumphant smile: "Wushuang, since I'm here, let me wash away the bad luck for you."

Lu Wushuang's face was so hot that he muttered in a low voice, "I always think you are a little bit ill-intentioned."

Song Qingshu smiled and didn't bother with her about the verbal cheapness. Seeing that she had no objection, he started directly, holding up the water and drenching it gently on her body, slowly sliding his hands across her skin, and the two of them were the same. It was a tremor.

"The girl's skin is really smooth and smooth." Song Qingshu secretly admired, and for a while, he couldn't tell whether he preferred this kind of youthful girl or those gentle and charming sisters.

"Really each has its own advantages, it is really difficult to choose." Song Qingshu thought for half a day, and decided not to get entangled anymore. This is a dangerous and chaotic world. If you don't pay attention, you will become a roadside wild bone, but at the same time, it is also a full of opportunities. In the world, there are at least some things in the past society that I can't even think about.

After washing, Lu Wushuang's skin was stained with a pink color, and her breathing became even more rapid. Not to mention her astringent, even the experienced Song Qingshu was dry and dry, and her whole body was extremely hot.

I used to have some skin-related relatives with Huang Rong in Taohua Island, but due to the moral obsessions in my heart, I had to be a gentleman. There was already an evil fire in my body, especially last night I ate a lot of oysters and the like. With the slight irritation of Lu Wushuang's body, the whole person was already hot and unbearable.

Feeling the changes in his body, Lu Wushuang is no longer an unknown girl, how can she not know what is going to happen? She bit her lip and leaned forward, picked up a silk scarf and handed it to Song Qingshu.

"What is this going to do?" Song Qingshu was startled, and didn't understand what it meant for a while.

Lu Wushuang lowered his head, sounding like a mosquito, "Stop my mouth with this, lest... lest I can't control any noise later..." He was ashamed of not finishing a word.

What happened to Song Qingshu in the stream at the beginning, Lu Wushuang was most impressed by the kind of wanting to call but being afraid of being discovered by the two people on the shore. .

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect this girl to have the M attribute a little bit. In that case, "In fact, you can not only plug your mouth, but also have more ways to play..."

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