Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1464: Did you let people sleep?

Song Qingshu suffocated his breath, and looked back at Zhao Min subconsciously, only to find that she was blinking her eyes at her. The amorous feelings at that moment really made him feel like an electric shock.

Zhao Min chuckled twice: "That person in your family is jealous." But how to hear it in his voice is also gloating.

"It's really a fairy." Song Qingshu cursed secretly, having to sigh that it's no wonder that Zhao Min in the original work is so popular, the charm of this smile is really not covered.

Soon the three gathered at the dinner table. Song Qingshu took the lead, Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min sat on the left and right. From the perspective of onlookers, the two stunning beauties were accompanied by each other. Fu, but only Song Qingshu can understand how hard it is to sit between them.

Feeling sparks popping up in the air, Song Qingshu coughed and exaggeratedly exclaimed: "Wow, this chicken leg is bright in color and smells, it must be delicious, just so hungry..."

While talking, he clamped a piece of chicken leg into the air, but before he sent it back to his bowl, the two girls handed the bowl to him at the same time as if they had made an appointment. Song Qingshu became stiff, really wishing to give himself a big mouth. Son, if you want to eat it, just eat it quietly, it's over with such a high profile.

"I asked my husband to pick vegetables for me. Which one are you singing?" Zhou Zhiruo glanced at Zhao Min with a slanted eye, and then asked Song Qing like a spoiled boy, "Qing Shu, why is the husband picking vegetables for his wife?" It's justified."

"Yes...yes." Song Qingshu's black line gradually shifted the chicken legs into Zhou Zhiruo's bowl.

"Hold on!" The bowl in Zhao Min's hand moved forward. "I have helped you so much in Yangzhou during this period. There is hard work without credit, not to mention that Qingshu needs my help in the next trip to Jin Country. What if he asked him to clip me a chicken leg?"

After speaking, he looked at Song Qingshu with a smile on his face: "Qingshu, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes~" Song Qingshu felt a chill on her back, looking at her delicate and white teeth, it seemed to exude a chill at the moment.

"Qingshu Qingshu, why are you shouting so affectionately?" Zhou Zhiruo's face sank and said angrily.

Zhao Min didn't care: "Isn't he called Qing Shu? Or should I call him Brother Song, Brother Song?"

"You!" Zhou Zhiruo almost choked to death by her words.

"Okay, okay," Song Qingshu secretly wiped a cold sweat, stuffed the chicken drumsticks directly into Zhou Zhiruo's bowl, and quickly put a piece of lamb chops on the table and stuffed it to Zhao Min. "The princess grew up in the grassland. I must be more used to eating lamb."

Who knew that the smile on Zhao Min's face disappeared instantly, and he put the dishes on the table: "I don't want to eat lamb today."

Zhou Zhiruo was very upset when she saw her husband picking up vegetables for her, but when she saw what Zhao Min looked like at this time, she turned angrily into joy: "Qing Shu, you are so nice~" as she said, she rubbed her shoulders next to him. Song Qingshu.

"Huh!" Zhao Min suddenly got up, turned and walked outside.

"Where did the princess go?" Song Qingshu asked quickly.

"I can't eat, go out and relax." Zhao Min replied without looking back.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, but Zhou Zhiruo's smile became even brighter. But Zhao Min walked to the door, but suddenly stopped, as if he had figured out something, and then turned and sat back.

"What are you doing back?" The smile on Zhou Zhiruo's face instantly solidified.

Zhao Min picked up the bowls and chopsticks again and ate, and while eating, replied angrily: "Because I figured it out, there is no need to punish myself with other people's mistakes. By then, it is myself who will be hungry."

Zhou Zhiruo suffocated his breath, but seeing the other party immersed in the bitterness, he obviously didn't intend to pay attention to him, and was somewhat distracted, snorted and started to eat.

In such a weird atmosphere, the three of them finished their meal. Song Qingshu hid in the study to check various official documents in the Jianghuai area in order to avoid a repeat of the Shura field.

Zhao Min obviously lost the interest in arguing with Zhou Zhiruo, and went back to the room after chatting for a while.

Zhou Zhiruo changed her clothes at home, adding red sleeves to the side, and answering Song Qingshu's questions about official affairs from time to time, which is not a joy.

After understanding the Jianghuai government affairs, it was late at night, Song Qingshu got up and stretched out: "Zhiruo, it's getting late, let's go back and rest."

"Oh~" Zhou Zhiruo, who was quite capable before, suddenly blushed.

Song Qingshu walked over and hugged her waist and smiled: "I'm an old man and wife, so I'm still shy."

"Who is with your old husband and wife?" Zhou Zhiruo gave him a white look, "I'm still very young."

"Yes, yes, you are young, and I am old. I am an old cow eating tender grass." Song Qingshu laughed haha.

"Hate~" Zhou Zhiruo was swayed by his words.

Song Qingshu took advantage of the situation and hugged her directly: "Where is your room, show me the way." After leaving Yangzhou, Zhou Zhiruo and the others cleaned up the new place and moved out of the temporary residence, so now he is not Know where the wife's room is.

"Ah, let me down quickly," Zhou Zhiruo exclaimed, ashamed and anxious, "what if someone sees it?"

"When I was seen, I saw it. Anyway, everyone knows that you are my wife, and you are not an adulterer. What are you afraid of." Song Qingshu didn't stop, just picked her up and walked out.

"You, you really can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth." Zhou Zhiruo was so angry that she kept beating his chest with fists.

"If you are afraid of being seen, please show me the way quickly. Let's get in the house early, otherwise it will be easy for everyone to make a fuss." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Zhou Zhiruo's face flushed, and she calmed down instantly, and she stretched out her hand and pointed in a certain direction: "Go over there!"

"Good-looking~" Song Qingshu strode forward, as if he was very anxious.

"Be careful, don't be seen, otherwise how can I raise my head in front of them in the future." Zhou Zhiruo nervously grasped her husband's skirt and said in a flustered manner.

"Don't worry..." Song Qingshu said halfway. Suddenly a few maids turned out from the corridor. Zhou Zhiruo was so scared that she almost exclaimed. Fortunately, Song Qingshu reacted too quickly, and she ducked behind the rockery next to her.

"I seemed to have seen something just now." Because Song Qingshu's speed was too fast, the maid only felt that there was a flower in front of her, and she didn't have time to see what it was.

"Are you dazzled?" The other maid didn't look in front of her just now, and now that there was nothing in front of her, she couldn't help but suspiciously asked.

"Maybe." The maid was not sure before, and soon a few people left.

Zhou Zhiruo in the dark breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but pat Song Qingshu's chest a little angrily: "Let me down!"

"Isn't it not seen?" Seeing her blushing jade cheeks, Song Qingshu found it very interesting, so he was not willing to put her down.

"If I were seen..." Zhou Zhiruo opened her mouth and deliberately put on a vicious expression, "I will kill you."

"Bite?" Song Qingshu looked strange, "Welcome to bite me."

Zhou Zhiruo has been with him for such a long time, how can he not know his sloppy thoughts, and after a moment of daze, he reacts: "You are such a bastard."

"Thank you for the compliment." Song Qingshu hugged her and strolled in the courtyard, and then escaped two more people, frightening Zhou Zhiruo.

"By the way, why didn't I see Li Yuanzhi when I came back this time?" Song Qingshu suddenly asked. He had caused Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo's quarrel to get dizzy before, looking backwards. You must know that he sent Li Yuanzhi back. Yangzhou was looking for her father.

"Can you go back to the house and ask again?" Zhou Zhiruo looked around nervously, for fear of being seen by others at this time.

"No, I want to know now." Song Qingshu couldn't help worrying a little for Li Yuanzhi's girl.

Although Li Yuanzhi is also an eccentric little demon girl, she may not suffer from other people, but whether it is Zhou Zhiruo or Zhao Min, they are the kind of female devil who can eat people without spitting out bones. When facing them, Li Yuanzhi is really There is no chance at all.

Zhou Zhiruo was originally very smart and good at observing words and colors. As soon as he looked at his expression, he guessed what he was thinking, and said angrily: "Don't worry, I didn't hurt your charming sister Yuanzhi. She is here now. Shandong."

"Shandong?" Song Qingshu was startled.

Zhou Zhiruo explained: "After all, her father Li Kexiu has been in Jianghuai for many years, and the forces here are intertwined. I am worried that leaving him here will cause some unruly people to have ideas that they should not have, so I simply transferred him to Shandong. Under house arrest, the hidden careerists in Yangzhou cannot use his reputation and prestige to do anything."

"Well, well done, I didn't think about it before." Song Qingshu thought that future generations would be a defense zone where generals would often rotate, so that the army would not become a personal personal weapon. Li Kexiu has been the boss of Jianghuai for so many years, and there are indeed many hidden dangers in keeping him here. .

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and hug me into the house." Zhou Zhiruo instantly panicked when he faintly heard the voice of someone not far away.

"Good-looking~" Song Qingshu hugged her, and a few Zong Yue quickly entered her room.

After closing the door, Song Qingshu directly swept the things on the table aside, and put Zhou Zhiruo flat on it.

Zhou Zhiruo's heart jumped, and he roughly guessed what he wanted to do. She had a pretty face as if she was painted rouge, but she also had a vague expectation in her heart.

Song Qingshu untied her belt, and reached out between her thighs. Suddenly there was a joking expression on her face: "Zhiruo, you just said not to go all the way, but you were so emotional."

Zhou Zhiruo was so ashamed that she turned her face away, and she wanted to have a seam in her face. She was really scared just now, but I don’t know if it was because of the uneasy sense of crisis that stimulated her body to be several times more sensitive than usual. After such a short journey, the sentiment has been surging fiercely.

Song Qingshu likes to see her shy. It is a very pleasant enjoyment to enter her body with her shy expression. Zhou Zhiruo trembled, and her whole body instantly wrapped around the man like an octopus. .

"I want a child." Zhou Zhiruo blushed and said shyly in Song Qingshu's ear.

"Okay!" Song Qingshu actually had the same meaning. After all, as the territory gets bigger and bigger, there are more and more subordinates, so that everyone can feel at ease by multiplying offspring. As a regular wife, Zhou Zhiruo naturally got pregnant at the beginning.

It was a simple word, but it was more effective than any love words and charming medicine. Zhou Zhiruo's body became softer and softer, and she embraced the man more gently.


I don’t know how long there was a knock on the door. Song Qingshu and Zhou Zhiruo raised their heads and looked over there. Before they had time to speak, Zhao Min’s frustrated voice came from outside: "You guys Just do it, and make such a big movement to make people next to you want to sleep!"

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