Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1465: Gather less and more

It turned out that Zhou Zhiruo had arranged her room next to her to prevent Zhao Min from escaping, so that they could work together during the day and watch her nearby at night, so she could spot any changes in time.

Because of the fright and fear on the road just now, Zhou Zhiruo had forgotten this, but Zhao Min next door was suffering as a result.

She was lying on the bed upset, and suddenly there were waves of humiliating voices next door. After she was startled, she instantly understood what was going on, her face flushed with shame.

The whole person was shrunk in the quilt, and even picked up the pillow to cover her head, but the sound of the next door was wave after wave, very penetrating, which made her upset and extremely angry at the same time.

"I will endure, I will endure, I will endure it!" Zhao Min didn't understand why he was so irritable, but it was a pity that the two people next door seemed to be fighting against her, and their voices became louder and louder.

"What a shame!" Zhao Min sipped inwardly, thinking that Zhou Zhiruo had to pretend to look like an iceberg beauty on weekdays, but it was so shameless now that he was so mad.

She originally planned to endure it, but after a long time, the sound of the next door did not stop at all, and she was finally annoyed: "It's like a cow!"

She was always irritated, but she was constantly teasing her. Finally, the volcano erupted. Dong Dong Dong ran to the next door and shot the door to the sky. Do you want to sleep anymore!"

"It's Zhao Min!" Suddenly by such a fright, Zhou Zhiruo in the room trembled all over, and the whole person was a little panicked.

Song Qingshu had a subtle expression on her face. Zhou Zhiruo was so frightened, her body trembled, and her body was trembling. The feeling seemed...indescribable.

"I'm talking to you." Zhou Zhiruo became a little anxious when he saw him ignoring himself.

"Zhao Min is Zhao Min, what does it matter, we are a serious couple, are you afraid that she will catch the rape?" Song Qingshu didn't seem to have encountered this for the first time, and his reaction was much calmer.

"Get up quickly." Zhou Zhiruo tried to push away the man who was on him. Who knew that his hands were directly pressed on the table by the other party.

"What are you doing when you get up, she has to listen to herself." Song Qingshu leaned to her ear and let out a warm breath.

Zhou Zhiruo was embarrassed and indignant. At this time, Zhao Min's voice rang out again: "The surname Zhou, you have to be shameless, and your voice is louder than those of the girls in Yihongyuan."

As the saying goes, Zhou Zhiruo was embarrassed and embarrassed to the extreme, but she was so humiliated by her opponents, she broke out: "Listening to Miss Zhao's tone, she seems to have stayed in Yihong Academy."

Zhao Min outside the door was startled, and immediately furious. The other party was insinuating that she had been a prostitute in the brothel. Girl, it is tolerable or unbearable. She lifted her foot and kicked to the door: "Your surname Zhou ..."

The voice behind her stopped abruptly, because she hadn't considered the consequences because of an impulse, but now she kicked the door open, but Song Qingshu was pressing Zhou Zhiruo on the table to do that shameful thing.

"Ah~" With an exclamation, Zhao Min turned around in an instant, his face instantly flushed red, "Incorruptible, unscrupulous, both of you are not good things!"

Then Song Qingshu stopped doing it immediately: "Princess, it's an ethical rule for us to have a good relationship with the husband and wife. It's normal. On the contrary, it doesn't seem appropriate for you to break in."

"Who...who made you make it so loud." Zhao Min said in a flustered manner. At this moment, her mind was full of the scenes of Song Qingshu pressing Zhou Zhiruo's body just now, and the whole person was unnatural.

Seeing Zhao Min rushing in, Zhou Zhiruo's entire mind went blank and almost fainted. It wasn't until I heard the conversation between the two that I gradually recovered, and hurriedly tried to push Song Qingshu away, but unfortunately his hands were pressed tightly by the other party, and he couldn't move at all.

What makes her crazy is that the other party is still moving slowly now!

Seeing Zhou Zhiruo's crazy expression, Song Qingshu said in a secret message: "Don't worry, she can't see it, not to mention that you will be more vigorous if you have a guilty conscience."

Zhou Zhiruo also felt that there was some truth to it. Anyway, the matter was over. If he put on a shameful appearance, he would really not be able to raise his head in front of Zhao Min in the future.

"Huh, rushing in in such a hurry, are you thinking about spring? Want to recommend a pillow seat to our Qingshu? If you want to, just say it straight, I can lend him to you for one night." Zhou Zhiruo felt embarrassed despite the embarrassment in her heart. Extremely, at this moment, he insisted on deliberately speaking in a joking tone.

"Really?" Song Qingshu was overjoyed when he heard the words, but the other party stared fiercely in response to him.

Zhao Min took the initiative again and was bold, after all, she was also a young girl Yunying was unmarried, and she was no better than Zhou Zhiruo who was already a man. His wife was so free that she was very confused by her few words.

"Shameless!" screamed, Zhao Min didn't dare to stop, and ran out in a panic. She even staggered a few times on the road, feeling that her legs were weak, and she became more embarrassed and disregarded Everything ran out.

"Are you satisfied now?" When Zhao Min's figure disappeared outside the door, Zhou Zhiruo glared at the man.

"What are you satisfied with?" Song Qingshu pretended not to understand.

"When people came in just now, you not only didn't let me go, but you pressed me tighter. This is not your evil taste and what is it." Zhou Zhiruo gave him a white look, but her expression was infinitely shy.

"Don't you like it?" Song Qingshu smiled evilly, "You can't fake your body's reaction."

Zhou Zhiruo was so embarrassed that she raised her head and took a bite on his shoulder.


After Yun Xiaoyu, the two lay on the bed and Song Qingshu told her that he was going to Jin Country. Zhou Zhiruo suddenly frowned and said, "Is Zhao Min going with you too?"

Because now I am completely weak, and the tone of speech is very lazy, resulting in the words that should have been murderous, but at the moment they sounded not cold, but there was a touch of charming.

Song Qingshu put her arms around her waist and gently stroked her skin: "Well, it was mainly because I found Murong Jingyue's whereabouts. She was poisoned by the Three Corpse Brain Pills because of my mistake, if I didn't replace it. If she detoxifies, I feel uneasy. In addition, there are many military affairs that have to be dealt with during the return to the Golden State, and I need her to help me make suggestions."

"Actually, you don't have to explain so much." Zhou Zhiruo sat up straight, holding Song Qingshu's cheeks, showing her perfect figure in front of him without reservation, "My man is a great hero with clear grudges, how can I stop you? Go save her."

Seeing her dark hair scattered messily on the snow-white chest, the sharp contrast between the two colors made Song Qingshu's index finger move. If it weren't for the thought that there is still business matter left, it might be uncontrollable.

"Seeing you arguing so badly during the day, you thought you didn't want me to save her." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"It's noisy, it's time to save it, but..." Zhou Zhiruo turned around. "But after getting the antidote from Murong Jingyue, don't rush to take it to her."

"Why?" Song Qingshu asked strangely.

Zhou Zhiruo explained: "Zhao Min knows so many secrets from us. Now she asks for you, so she will naturally not betray you, but if the poison on her body is detoxified, she may not listen to you like this. She is the Mongolian princess again. If we leak information from our side to Mongolia, then we will suffer heavy losses."

"Well, let me think about it." Song Qingshu replied vaguely. In fact, he was emotionally unwilling to believe that Zhao Min would betray him, but reason told her that he couldn't put everything on some vain and ethereal trust.

Zhou Zhiruo also understood his thoughts, and no longer continued to persuade him, and directly nestled in his arms, enjoying the aftermath of bliss.

"When are you going to leave?" Zhou Zhiruo asked.

"Tomorrow." Song Qingshu replied.

"So anxious?" Zhou Zhiruo's voice was full of resentment. She just got together and was about to separate, and no one would complain.

"No way, the Northern Expedition of the Song Dynasty is just around the corner. I had delayed some time because of things." Song Qingshu looked apologetic. After all, he spent too much time on Huang Rong, but now he only spends a day with his wife, which is a bit unreasonable.

"Well, the big things are the most important thing." Zhou Zhiruo sighed quietly, and suddenly thought of something, "Right, take Zhao Min to the Kingdom of Jin this time, isn't it all your power on the country of Jin has been exposed. "

"At present, she only knows that I am Tang Kuobian. As for the Emperor Wanyanquan, I will pay attention to keeping it from her." The matter is so important that Song Qingshu dare not completely believe Zhao Min. After all, if she knew that Wanyanquan was also his own People pretending to be, with her ingenuity, it is easy to speculate that there is also a problem with Kangxi in Yanjing. When the information leaks back to Mongolia, it will be really unthinkable.

"It is said that Tang Kuobian's wife is unparalleled and unparalleled, and she is the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin. Didn't you enjoy the beauty of the world?" Zhou Zhiruo said suddenly and quietly.

Song Qingshu's scalp was numb, and the blessing of the Qi people is not so enjoyable. There is bound to be a lot of jealousy: "Gebi loves her husband so much. I promised Tang Kuobian that he will take good care of her for him."

"Gu, left and right, other things," Zhou Zhiruo's mouth flashed a sneer, "Don't tell me you didn't take care of her on the bed."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, and didn't know how to answer for a while, but Zhou Zhiruo changed his words: "Qingshu, I don't blame you, but think you did a good job."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu looked suspicious, always feeling that the other party was saying something ironic.

Zhou Zhiruo smiled and said: "You really worry too much. Jin Guo has a big deal. If you can't turn her into your woman, I don't worry about you handing over the situation there to her. In fact, you just put her in bed. It’s not enough. Only if you have a child with her can you be completely tied together."

"You are so reasonable, I was speechless." Song Qingshu said with a wry smile. Although these words are probably Zhou Zhiruo's true thoughts, she is only analyzing from the overall situation, but if you start from the perspective of a woman, I am afraid that at this moment It's not very comfortable.

"I also told me to get pregnant sooner. Now that I get together and leave more, how long and how long can I get pregnant." As expected, Zhou Zhiruo always felt a little bit sour in her heart, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"In that case, let's hurry up." Song Qingshu smiled, turning over and raising his gun.

"What are you doing~" Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but exclaimed again and again, her pretty face flushed again.

"Creating human beings." Zhou Zhiruo's tight body instantly softened. Song Qingshu gently kissed his wife and pressed it up again.


In the early morning of the second day, Song Qingshu came out of the room and just happened to ran into Zhao Min, only to see her tired face with dark circles under her eyes, she was no longer as charming as usual.

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