Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1466: Fascinate

"Princess, what's wrong with you?" Song Qingshu asked in surprise.

"Knowingly ask!" Zhao Min glared at him fiercely, and walked away without looking back.

Song Qingshu was startled, and then reacted. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly. It's really like which pot shouldn't be opened and which pot should be lifted. If I ask her like this, it seems a little bit awkward.

"Hey, wait a minute." Thinking of something else to tell her, Song Qingshu hurriedly caught up to her shoulders.

"What?" Zhao Min turned around, glanced at the hand on his shoulder, and asked in a bad tone.

Song Qingshu retracted his hand and said with a slanderous smile: "Have you packed your luggage?"

"What are you doing packing up?" Zhao Min looked blank.

"Uh, didn't you say yesterday that I would take you to find Murong Jingyue and go back to the Kingdom of Jin by the way?" Song Qingshu's response also left Song Qingshu speechless for a while.

"Oh, I forgot!" Zhao Min only reacted, but soon showed shame and glared at him, "Blame you!"

As he talked and walked back to his house, Song Qingshu followed behind, crying and laughing: "It's my fault."

"Why doesn't it matter to you?" Zhao Min glared at him while packing up things. "You two were not ashamed or restless and made me so much last night, and I didn't sleep well all night."

"No way, it's natural," Song Qingshu said triumphantly.

Zhao Min flushed and sipped: "Shameless~" She is a girl after all, and discussing this with a man made her somewhat uncomfortable.

Song Qingshu suddenly thought of something, with a weird expression: "Since you feel that you have been quarreled, why didn't you sleep in a different place yesterday, so you just want to stay here and suffer? It's not out of curiosity, you want to listen to the corner."

"Nonsense, it's not that your family Zhou Zhiruo told me to live next to her to look at me. I'm like a prisoner in this house. I can't get out of this yard. Where can I go!" Zhao Min said angrily, but She was a little guilty, because the other party’s words more or less hit his mind. Although she was ashamed yesterday, she did have a lot of curiosity. She secretly stood by and listened with her ears up, but it didn’t take long before she could stand it. .

"Okay, let's go." Because of a guilty conscience, Zhao Min packed a few clothes indiscriminately, and stood up and said.

"Do you just bring such some clothes?" Song Qingshu asked in surprise, looking at the little suitcase.

"Anyway, you're here with you, why should I bring so many things?" Zhao Min rolled his eyes, "You can buy what is missing then."

Song Qingshu had a toothache: "No one's money came from the wind."

"Don't pretend to be poor in front of me," Zhao Min casually threw the package to him, motioning for him to help hold it. "You sit on the fertile land of Jianghuai in Shandong for thousands of miles, and you were named King of Qi by the Song Dynasty, and you secretly controlled the Kingdom of Jin. If you don’t have money, there won’t be many rich people in the world."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, and directly chased it up: "Because the site is big and there are more places where money is needed, the money and food consumed by the army every day is a terrible figure. I still want to find opportunities to dig some treasures."

The treasure of Chuangwang, the treasure of Ludingshan, the treasure of Emperor Liang Yuan...you must find an opportunity to dig out all of you.

When he heard the word treasure, Zhao Min also brightened his eyes: "Add me when the time comes."

"No problem." The two chatted for a while, and the atmosphere became more and more relaxed.

Seeing him taking himself directly out of the cityshou mansion, Zhao Min was startled: "Just leave like this, don't you tell Zhou Zhiruo?"

"Did you two fight each other out of feelings?" Song Qingshu laughed, "Don't worry, I told her last night, she is all sore and sour, so she won't come to send us off if she can't get up."

Originally, Zhou Zhiruo wanted to accompany him on a trip to the Kingdom of Jin, but unfortunately, no one would sit in the Jianghuai area. In addition, the tax policy was about to be changed. This was a difficult task. She was also lacking in skills, although she was unhappy. , I can only watch Zhao Min go with her husband.

Hearing what he said, Zhao Min's expression changed, and he snorted coldly, "Kiss!"

"You keep calling me a thief, why have I ever harrassed you?" Song Qingshu was also very depressed. In the morning, when someone shouted a thief, he always felt a little disadvantaged.

"No? You..." Zhao Min said subconsciously, but he swallowed his words halfway through, "Forget it, don't talk about it, I'm hungry, find a place to eat."

Song Qingshu fought hard all night, and it was almost over at dawn. Now that he feels a little hungry, he found a place to sit down in a small stall and ordered some stuffed buns, rice porridge, soy milk and the like, and the two began to eat wholeheartedly.

"The buns of this era are really thin and thick, not adulterated at all." Thinking of the profiteers of later generations, Song Qingshu had to lament that at least the food he ate in this world was the original ecology, and there were not so many messy additives.

"How are we going, do we walk to Jin Guo?" Halfway through the meal, Zhao Min suddenly realized a serious problem.

"Don't worry, I arranged a horse at the city gate, and then we will go and get it directly." Song Qingshu replied.

"Can you change it to a carriage?" Zhao Min said suddenly.

"The carriage is too slow," Song Qingshu frowned. "When you grew up in the Mongolian grasslands, you don't like riding horses and want to ride instead?"

"It's not that you were too noisy last night. I didn't sleep well all night. I want to sleep on the carriage for a while." Mentioning this Zhao Min made me angry.

Song Qingshu wisely raised his hand and surrendered: "Well, change to a carriage." After fighting hard for the night, he was actually a little sleepy, so it's okay to rest on the carriage first.

After the two had finished their breakfast, they soon came to the West Gate of Yangzhou and asked the soldiers to find a carriage. Of course, they brought a few more horses. It's fine, it's impossible to ride a carriage all the way, it's too slow.

In order to please Song Qingshu, the generals of the city gate specially arranged a few soldiers to **** him. Song Qingshu originally planned to refuse, but he thought that he would have to sleep later, and someone would help to drive the car, so he agreed.

In this way, the two got into the carriage and slowly drove out of Yangzhou City. As soon as they got into the carriage, Zhao Min yawned and couldn't help stretching his waist: "I'm sleepy, I'll sleep for a while."

The movement of stretching her waist made her abnormally plump chest more perfect, and Song Qingshu's eyes straightened.

Noting his gaze, Zhao Min looked down, his cheeks quickly turned red, and angrily said, "Where do you look!"

"If you look good, you should be seen by others. You should be happy." Song Qingshu smiled wryly.

Zhao Min felt speechless at his cheeky, and said suspiciously: "You won't do anything weird to me while I'm asleep."

"Am I so unbearable in your heart?" Song Qingshu said with a black thread, "Don't worry, I tossed for a night yesterday, and now I am in the time of the sage, even if I want to do anything, I am powerless."

"Sage time?" Zhao Min hadn't heard the word, but she was extremely clever. She figured out the general meaning with a little context, and couldn't help but sip, "Rogue."

Song Qingshu shrugged, and found a comfortable position in the carriage. Zhao Min was immediately anxious when he saw it, "What are you doing?"

"Sleep." Song Qingshu adjusted her posture while speaking.

"Then where do I sleep?" Zhao Min was anxious.

"With such a large space in the carriage, can you just find a place to sleep?" Song Qingshu replied nonchalantly.

"But...but..." Zhao Min looked at the space in the carriage, saying that it was not too small or too big. If he lay down on his own, it would feel like sharing a bed with him.

"It's not that we haven't slept in a bed before, so what are you doing so coy." Song Qingshu saw through her mind at a glance, and said jokingly, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

"Who slept with you?" Zhao Min snorted with some guilty conscience, but after all he couldn't match the deep sleepiness, so he barely found a place to lie down.

Because she was worried about touching Song Qingshu's body, she tried her best to stay in the corner to widen the distance between the two.

Song Qingshu saw it in his eyes, couldn't help laughing, and didn't bother to say anything, so he went to sleep.

At first, Zhao Min was worried about what Song Qingshu would do, but soon there was a slight voice beside him, and it was obvious that Song Qingshu had fallen asleep.

"This **** spent the night last night. No wonder he slept so fast." Zhao Min blushed and cursed, and soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, when the wagon wheel was knocked by a stone on the road. Zhao Min subconsciously woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes secretly, he found that Song Qingshu's face was close at hand, and he subconsciously screamed.

However, she quickly noticed that she was hugging him ugly when she was sleeping, instead of the other person hugging herself. She blushed and stopped the screaming abruptly.

Zhao Min was born in the grassland, so naturally he is no better than the ladies in Jiangnan. They usually sleep well. The daughters in Jiangnan have been restrained by various rules since they were young. If they make mistakes, they will be punished, so they practice sleeping since they were young. Pay attention to deportment. However, there are rough men around Zhao Min in Mongolia, and no one cares about these, so Zhao Min's sleeping position is more bold.

"Hmph, it's cheaper for you." Zhao Min carefully took his hands and feet back from the opponent.

Feeling the movement on her body, Song Qingshu also woke up, looked at Zhao Mintao's cheeks dizzy, and couldn't help wondering: "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," Zhao Min turned around, tidying up the messy clothes on her body, "woke up."

"Oh, I almost slept too." Song Qingshu got up and stretched out, then suddenly lowered his head and sniffed the clothes on his body, "Hey, how come it smells a bit fragrant."

Zhao Min's heart jumped, and hurriedly said, "Since I am awake, teach me martial arts."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu didn't react for a while, the topic seemed to be a little jumpy.

Zhao Min also felt a little abrupt, and hurriedly explained: "You have also seen that every time I am bullied by Zhou Zhiruo, it is because her martial arts is better than me. When she becomes angry, she will do it. I don't want to be eaten to death by her all the time. ."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "If your martial arts are as high as Zhiruo, and then relying on your ingenuity, wouldn't you keep bullying Zhiruo to death?"

Zhao Min snorted: "You look down on your person too much, she is more scheming than anyone else."

Song Qingshu still shook his head flat and refused: "No, how could I pass your martial arts to bully your own woman, I am not that scumbag."

"Oh, Qing Shu, Brother Song, Brother Song..." In order to crush Zhou Zhiruo in the future, Zhao Min gritted his teeth, and shook his arms as he acted coquettishly.

She usually speaks in a bright and crisp voice, but now she deliberately acted like a baby but babbled like honey. Song Qingshu heard her heart beating wildly, and hurriedly said: "No matter how sweet your mouth is, it is useless. It's not my woman, why pass it to you?"

No matter how thick-skinned Zhao Min is, she can't say how to make herself a woman at this time, but she has always been scheming, and she just turned her eyes around.


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