Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1467: Chase

"Although I am not your woman, but..." Zhao Min turned around and moved to Song Qingshu's side, "Do you think I am beautiful?"

Song Qingshu was startled, where is she playing this? But in the end he nodded: "The princess Can Ruo Rose and Yan Ruo Li, if you are not beautiful, there is no beautiful person in the world."

Although he knew that his words contained a lot of flattery, Zhao Min heard the comments of "can be a rose, and a peach and plum", still in his heart: "Then what do you think of my character?"

"Enthusiasm, willing to give everything for love, is a wife that any man can imagine." Song Qingshu did not tell lies. Zhao Min's popularity on the Internet in his previous life far exceeded Zhou Zhiruo. In fact, the two have their own merits and talents. The difference is almost the same. The reason why there is such a big difference is that Zhao Min is willing to give up his own glory and wealth for love, and even betray his own country. But Zhou Zhiruo sacrificed his love to a certain extent for his own career.

One woman recklessly posted the male protagonist, while the other did something that harmed the male protagonist’s interests for the sake of self-interest. In fact, from a woman’s point of view, Zhao Min would post too much and had no soul of his own, but Zhou Zhiruo. Has the advantages of women in the new era; but from a man's point of view, she still prefers a woman like Zhao Min who gives everything for love.

Zhao Min was very satisfied with his answer, and did not continue to ask about the evaluation of talent, because he often heard: "Then what do you think of me as a person? Do you like me?"

Song Qingshu looked strange: "Would you not let me marry you?"

"Bah~" Zhao Min took a sip, his face flushed, "You can just answer the question directly."

"I think you are quite good, who doesn't like a character like the princess." Song Qingshu praised.

"But now the world is in chaos. A beautiful woman like me is living in the rivers and lakes. In case of a culprit, something unimaginable will happen. You don't want such a tragic thing to happen to me." Zhao Min installed Said with a pitiful look.

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while. It turned out that half of the day was spent talking about this: "You are the Mongolian princess, and there are a lot of masters who accompany you on weekdays. Now that I am by your side, there is nothing to worry about."

Zhao Min curled his lips: "Although the masters in my mansion are good, there are many capable people and strangers in the world. As the saying goes, there are people outside the sky, there are people outside the sky, have you forgotten what happened last time?"

Song Qingshu knew that she was talking about being attacked by people from Xia Ke Island in the ruined temple last time. There are so many super masters in Xia Ke Island, and Zhao Min's many masters around him cannot protect her comprehensiveness.

"I am by your side to protect you now. I don't believe that anyone in this world has hurt you." Song Qingshu's tone revealed strong self-confidence.

Zhao Min pouted: "You can't protect me forever."

"How about I protect you for the rest of my life." Song Qingshu felt agitated and almost blurted out, but he was no longer the stunned boy back then, and finally he didn't say it. After all, he couldn't protect you all the time. There were always times when he was incapable of protecting you. .

"You can teach me a little martial arts. If you are worried that I learned to bully Zhou Zhiruo, then teach me martial arts to escape my life. When I face danger, there is a life-saving technique." Zhao Min blinked a pair of big eyes in a voice. Very sweet and greasy.

"Okay, okay, I'm really afraid of you," Song Qingshu said helplessly.

Zhao Min's eyes lit up, his hands clasped together and lightly patted on his chest, expressing his joy.

"You wait a moment." Song Qingshu said to Zhao Min, then opened the door and ordered the soldiers driving, "Stop."

After the carriage stopped steadily, Song Qingshu pulled Zhao Min out of the carriage and said to the soldiers, "Go back to Yangzhou City. Then we will go on the road by ourselves. Just leave a few horses."

It used to be because the two were too sleepy and needed to rest on the carriage. Now that the two of them have woken up, these soldiers are considered completed characters, and there is no need to stay.

After all, Jin Guo couldn't blatantly go past this time. With these soldiers walking along, the goal was too obvious; on the other hand, he subconsciously wanted to be with Zhao Min in the two-person world, and it felt strange that he had a few more light bulbs.

"Yes, prince." The soldiers didn't try their best. After all, they had personally seen Song Qingshu descend from the sky to subdue Li Kexiu from the army of thousands of soldiers. When there was danger with him, I really didn't know who was protecting whom.

Soon those soldiers turned back to the city with their carriages, and Song Qingshu took Zhao Min to a clearing: "Although your martial arts are good, you are still far from the top masters. If you want to protect yourself under any circumstances, The best way to do this is to learn a superb light skill. I recently got a "Lingbo Weibu", and it can be described as unparalleled in the world."

"Lingbo Weibu?" Zhao Min muttered, "Is it the light work of Duan Shizi in Dali?" She used to deal with the affairs of the rivers and lakes for Ruyang Palace, and collected a lot of information on the rivers and lakes. Duan Yu first came out of the rivers and lakes and became a blockbuster. , This light work accounted for a lot of credit.

"Yes, it is the light gong he knows, but this light gong comes from the mysterious Xiaoyao school." Song Qingshu roughly explained the origin and advantages of this light gong.

Zhao Min nodded slightly: "At the beginning, Dali's son was not able to martial arts, but he was able to meet the evil and transform the luck all the way. The effect of Lingbo's microsteps is visible."

"Although Lingbo's microstep is nominally footwork, it actually tests internal strength very much. If the internal strength is not enough, it is easy to get into trouble..." Song Qingshu was about to explain to her the essence of Lingbo's microstep. Cut off his words:

"I don't learn this."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Then what do you want to learn?" You must know that Lingbo Weibu is almost all the standard light skills that pass through the public. This shows how top-level this light skill is. Looking at the entire world of gold books, it is also one of the best. .

"What is the name of the light work you are best at?" Zhao Min asked suddenly.

"My light work is so good now, to a large extent because of my deep internal strength, but the original foundation of everything is still the Treading Wuhen that I learned at the beginning." Song Qingshu replied.

"Treading the sand without trace?" Zhao Min's eyes lit up, "The one that the Mingjiao stinky bat knows?"

Song Qingshu had a black line, but after all he nodded: "Yes." Treading on the sand Wuhen is indeed the fame stunt of the Blue Wing Bat King Wei Yixiao.

"Then I will learn this." Zhao Min said excitedly.

"Why?" Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "Lingbo Weibu and Tasha Wuhen are both light skills of the same level. Lingbo Weibu is even better at dodge and dodge, and it is more suitable for women to practice."

"I want to learn the same as you." Zhao Min looked at him quietly, with a slight smile on his lips.

Seeing the beautiful and incomparable girl in front of her, she seemed to have a suffocating beauty, and Song Qingshu's breathing was a little bit short: "I boast that the skills to seduce girls are okay, but I didn't expect the princess to be a sultry master."

Zhao Min's face was red, and she smiled brightly and said, "Have you been picked up by me?"

Seeing the beautiful lady's smile, Song Qing couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed her delicate red lips.

Because he moved too fast, Zhao Min couldn't react at all, feeling his lips, his eyes couldn't help but stare, and at the same time a heart pounding.

Eyelashes trembled lightly, and Zhao Min gradually closed his eyes. There was no such thing as the usual look, completely shy and infinitely picky.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, what she saw in Zhou Zhiruo's room suddenly appeared in her mind, and the sound that had tortured her all night rang in her ears. A pink face instantly turned red, and she swept her body. The man pushed away: "What are you doing!"

Song Qingshu was at a loss. She didn't understand why she suddenly changed her face when she just lightly opened her teeth and allowed herself to drive straight in.

"Maybe it's the girl's reservedness." Song Qingshu thought he had found the cause. Looking at her angry expression, knowing that it is not appropriate to mention the matter at this time, he hurriedly changed the conversation: "I will teach you to tread the sand without a trace now."

Zhao Min was about to have an attack, but after hearing the words, he could only hold the evil fire in her heart: "Huh, this **** is also cunning." However, she didn't think of how to account for the matter just now, so she didn't even think about it.

Next, Song Qingshu began to teach Zhao Min the knack of treading the sand without a trace. She was talented and learned very quickly. It didn't take long to learn. All she lacked was proficiency, and of course the speed brought by her internal strength. speed.

"I'm ugly at the forefront. Without my permission, you can't pass this martial arts to other people, otherwise I will kill you and the person you passed to martial arts." Song Qingshu deliberately threatened.

"I know, I know, I know that you people in the arena are the most cherished broomsticks," Zhao Min curled his lips, raised his hand and swore, "I swear I will never pass this martial arts to other people. If I break this oath, I will..." There was a pause, and he said with a smile, "How about marrying you?"

Song Qingshu's heart jumped. In order to conceal the unnaturalness in his heart, he hurriedly said: "What if you deliberately pass on martial arts to others in order to marry me?"

Zhao Min raised his fan fist and punched him, and said with a smile, "You are not beautiful."

"No, change it. If you break your oath and come in after marrying, you will serve Zhiruo every day, serve her with tea and water, and squeeze your shoulders and legs..." Song Qingshu said that the smile on his face grew stronger.

"Too vicious!" Zhao Min exploded instantly, chasing him with his luggage, and the two continued on the road amidst such laughter and laughter.

If you travel with the United States, the journey will not be boring, and even the time seems to have become a bit faster. Every two days, the two enter the golden land boundary.

On this day, when they came to the boundary near Songshan Mountain, the two were talking and laughing. Suddenly the sound of fighting came from the woods in front, and they saw a group of people chasing and killing several people from a distance.

"Hey, isn't that person Xiao Feng?" Zhao Min couldn't help exclaiming when he recognized one of the people being hunted down.


The second one, there is one more in the evening

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