Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1468: no way no money

Song Qingshu frowned, he recognized it before Zhao Min, but at this time Xiao Feng had lost the arrogant and dry-cloud look that he had usually done. He was carried on his back, and his expression of frustration was obvious. Internal injuries.

At the same time, Song Qingshu was even more surprised that there were two acquaintances with Xiao Feng. One of them was wearing a vermilion dress. It was A Zhu, who had not seen him for many years. In Yanziwu, she relied on the ability of changing appearances that she taught all these years. Cross the sea without hiding the sky.

Another girl in purple clothes was actually Azi. Some time ago, I heard news from the Golden Snake Camp and learned that Azi took the opportunity to escape. Song Qingshu didn’t take it seriously. After all, she didn’t have much weight in her heart, but why is she now? With Xiao Feng and A Zhu, is this the so-called plot correction power?

At this time, the man carrying Xiao Feng is a sturdy man with a tall and burly body. It is a pity that he wears a black scarf and does not look like him, but he can see that his martial arts is extraordinary. Azi couldn't keep up with him.

Behind them, there was a group of people chasing from a distance. Song Qingshu looked around, and his expression became more and more weird. They were all old acquaintances.

The headed man was burly in stature, dressed in a casket but full of suffocation. He was indeed Xuan Cheng, who was known as the No. 1 Shaolin in two hundred years, and the other man was kind, with good eyebrows and white beard and hair. He was Master Fang Zheng.

The other person had bright hair and a majestic color between his eyebrows. It was Master Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin Temple. Song Qingshu and Zhang Sanfeng had gone to Shaolin to deal with him before.

Standing beside a monk with kind-hearted disposition, another with a bitter face and drooping mouths, the two of them were the Kongwen and Kongzhi of the four great monks of Shaolin "Seeing and Wenxingzhi". The four great monks were hollow and seeing the middle. Ji died in the hands of Xie Xun, and his emptiness competed with Zhao Min's Vajra Gate master Asan. After losing his defeat, his head was cut off. The four great monks who had powerfully shaken the rivers and lakes that year have survived in name only.

There are many eminent monks nearby. Song Qingshu doesn't know a lot, but depending on the clothes, you are not the eminent monks of the Xuanzi generation, or the masters of the empty generation.

Among this group of high monks, there is one who wears the costumes of low-level disciples who is very conspicuous. His appearance is flat and thick, his eyebrows are thick, and his nostrils are slightly turned up. Although the other monks are quite old, all of them can be regarded as handsome. Although the monk was young, he was the ugliest one.

However, Song Qingshu didn't care about him, because he was the Xuzhu who shined at the Golden Snake Conference. Although he was young, he was a martial artist and had so many eminent monks present. In terms of martial arts, he was definitely one of the top three.

"I don't know where Xu Zhu was born in Xiaoyao School of martial arts." Song Qingshu asked Li Qingluo and Fu Minyi before. They didn't know Xu Zhu's ancestry, and there was no Zhenlong chess game in this world. Xu Zhu's martial arts origin is suspicious.

"Is there a line of Xiaoyao faction lurking in Shaolin Temple?" Song Qingshu had a thought in her mind. After all, from the experience of the past two years, Xiaoyao faction is extremely mysterious and has many branches, such as Mifeng Peak, Xixia Palace, Langhuan Fudi, Several of Chai Rong's princes...it is not impossible to hide in Shaolin Temple.

Song Qingshu was distracted. At this moment, he saw Xuan Cheng, Fang Zheng, Xuan Ci, and Xu Zhu jump all over. They were distributed around the front and back and blocked the path of Xiao Feng and his party. Soon the rest of the Shaolin monks chased Xiao Feng. The group of four surrounded.

"It's no wonder that Xiao Summit was seriously injured and besieged by so many top forest experts. I am afraid that no one in the world can get it right." Song Qingshu secretly frowned, if there were only a few experts, it would be nice to say that so many people, I am afraid that I can only avoid their edge.

"Let's go over and see the excitement." Zhao Min looked excited, as if afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Watching the fun?" Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, "So many masters, don't take your own life into account if you are not careful."

"No matter how high their martial arts are, can they be higher than you?" Zhao Min rolled his eyes and patted his chest for fear, "Hurry up~"

Song Qingshu couldn't laugh or cry. This is the difference between Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo. If Zhou Zhiruo were here, she would never be so silly. She was quite serious in her bones, and only Zhao Min who was full of romanticism in her heart would be so fearless.

"Hurry up~" Zhao Min urged again.

In desperation, Song Qingshu had to hug her waist, and quietly approached her by performing peerless light work, hiding on a nearby tree with dense foliage. In fact, even if Zhao Min didn't urge him, he would come over. After all Whether it is Azhu or Xiao Feng, he has a very deep relationship with himself, so how could he not be saved?

However, he didn't rush to shoot, instead he planned to see what was going on first.

Zhao Min was so affectionately wrapped around her waist, her face flushed slightly, but in the past two years it has become normal for them to hug and hug each other. She was used to it, and soon turned her attention to the open space not far away. .

"Xiao Feng dog thief, you can hardly fly with your wings today." Kongzhi shouted angrily. Among the four great monks, Kongjian had the highest level of Buddhism, Kongwen was the second, and emptiness and emptiness were the second. Can't hold back.

Fang Zheng sighed: "Junior Brother, you have violated the admonition again."

Xuan Cheng on the side said coldly: "Senior brother's words are wrong. As the saying goes, the Buddha also roars with anger. Xiao Feng, a dog thief, killed his mentor, Master Xuanku, but he didn't catch him last time. Since we have thrown into the net, we are supposed to walk the way for the sky, what's wrong?"

Fang Zheng frowned slightly. In fact, he always felt that Xuan Cheng was a bit too murderous, but Xuan Cheng's martial arts was so high and his status in the temple was detached.

The Song Qingshu on the tree was secretly strange, thinking that although Xiao Feng looked like a reckless man, he had always been thoughtful and courageous, why would he be so unwise to throw himself into the net?

"I didn't kill Master!" Xiao Feng said angrily.

"A traitor? I think you are a traitor!" Xuan Cheng said angrily. "Senior Brother Xuanku pointed at you before his death. Several other disciples in the temple also saw you enter Senior Brother Xuanku's meditation room with their own eyes. Rushan, do you dare to deny it?"

A trace of grief and anger appeared on Xiao Feng's face, and he immediately said to the man in black who was carrying him: "Senior, let me go down. This matter has nothing to do with you. If you want to leave the martial arts of the older generation, maybe you still have a chance."

He did not ask the other party to take Azhu or Azi away, because he knew that he was surrounded by so many Lin Temple masters now, and the other party might not be able to get away if he walked alone. If he took two women, he would definitely die on the spot.

The black-clothed man laughed, with a hint of boldness in his laughter: "A big man is dead when he dies. What's the big deal, how can he be that greedy and fearful of death?"

Song Qing revealed a different color in writing. Hearing this man in black laughed full of anger, it was obvious that Xiao Feng's martial arts were not under Xiao Feng, but Xiao Feng's martial arts was already among the best in the world, and he was almost by no means unknown, could it be... Is that person?

Xiao Feng has always had a heroic temperament, and when he heard the man in black say this, he couldn't help but laugh: "I haven't even seen the predecessor, but it seems that I have been with each other for a long time. No matter, let us join hands in a battle, and death will die vigorously. !"

As soon as this statement came out, the Shaolin monks changed their expressions. Xiao Feng and the black man in martial arts knew how high they were. Now that they can kill each other through a large number of people, they must fight to the death, and they must be indispensable. Damage, and I don’t know how many monks are going to pass away here today.

"The Great King of the South Campus, Xiao Feng, is indeed an enemy of ten thousand people. Even if he is dead, he has such a momentum." Zhao Min couldn't stop admiring and admiring her. She was worried about being heard by those people, so she almost reached Song Qingshu's ear and said this sentence. words.

Song Qingshu secretly squeezed a sweat. Fortunately, all the Shaolin monks were paying attention to Xiao Feng and the others. They were worried that they would suddenly get into trouble. Otherwise, although Zhao Min's voice was soft, it would be difficult to hide from some of the masters.

"Xiao Feng is indeed a great hero." Song Qingshu couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Then you can save them?" Zhao Min looked at him with a smile.

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "It's a bit tricky, let's take a look first."

He only heard the man in black also laughed: "As expected, I am a good Khitan boy, not as coy as these Southern Dynasty people."

Xiao Feng was startled and said with joy, "Senior is also a Khitanese?"

The man in black laughed a lot: "Of course the old man is from Khitan."

Xuan Cheng said calmly: "You don't have to stage a show of sympathy here, anyway, you will all die here today." He noticed the arrogance of the two, and several conversations seemed to have won the court's momentum, and his side was faint. Some morale was low, and he was sensitive to the fact that they could not be allowed to continue, so he interrupted specially.

Following his opening, the field suddenly charged with a strong murderous intent.

Seeing that the battle was about to start, A Zhu held Xiao Feng's hand and slowly said, "Brother Xiao, the leader must be among these people. That's why he slander you like this, hoping to use the masters of the temple to kill you."

Song Qingshu on the tree suddenly realized that Xiao Feng was going to throw himself into the trap. It turned out to be the leader of the investigation, but with his meticulous and resourcefulness, he shouldn't be in such a desperate situation, right? Why is it besieged by so many masters, as if the opponent is waiting for him?

"I don't know what to take the lead." Xuan Cheng snorted coldly, "The surname is Xiao, don't try to divert attention."

"Thirty years ago, my parents took me home to visit my relatives, who was still in my infancy. Who knew I was attacked by a group of southern dynasty masters when I was passing by Yanmen Pass. That battle can be said to have been dead and wounded, and all my parents and clansmen were killed. The master of the army was almost annihilated. I have repeatedly checked and learned that it was the leader of the operation organized by the elder brother. I just want to ask him, my parents are just civilians, why he wants to lead people to such a bad hand." Speaking of this paragraph In the past, Xiao Feng's blood spurted with anger.

"Amitabha Buddha," Master Fang Zheng declared a Buddha's name, "Thirty years ago, the incident could only be described as a blunder. However, what Xiao Shizhu said that the father was only ordinary people. This statement is a bit inaccurate and false. As the chief instructor of the Khitan Palace Division Army, he is a high-powered person. Otherwise, with his and accompanying deployment, how can so many ambushing Southern Dynasty masters be nearly wiped out?"

"The palace divides the army?" Song Qingshu was startled, because the Liao Kingdom is now in decline and poses no threat. Therefore, in the Jin and Qing imperial palaces, I haven't studied the intelligence of the Liao state in detail, so I heard about the palace. The army was a little confused.

As if seeing his doubts, Zhao Min leaned into his ear and explained: "In the early days of Liao, the imperial tent army was divided into two branches. One was subordinate to the emperor and was called the Pishi Army. The middle is the meaning of "King Kong"; the other one belongs to the queen, called the Shanjun, the treasure of Gaby Coral. However, as the Liao Kingdom gradually settled down, the Pishi army and Shanshan gradually became conquerors and defenders. The army, the imperial tent army was replaced by another army, and every soldier in it was carefully selected from the twelve palaces of the Liao State, so this new army is also called the Gongfen army. ."


The third update has been completed, thank you readers for your enthusiastic support in the official account!

By the way, I suddenly noticed that the first platinum leader in this book was born, and that is Bai Hailang who has always supported this book, thank you!

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