Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1470: Wu Xuezhang

"So it was you!" Xiao Feng was furious.

Xuan Ci sighed: "Amitabha~"

Xiao Feng said angrily: "You killed my mother back then. It can be said that it was a misunderstanding. Although you were reckless, you did not intend to be evil. But in order to conceal your identity, you killed my foster father and mother Qiao and his wife, and also killed them. Zhao Qiansun, Tan Gong, Tan Po and others, even my mentor, Master Xuan Ku, did not let it go. They are really inferior to animals!"

Xuanci showed a different look and said in surprise: "Where do you start with these words? Didn't these people all die by the hands of Judge Xiao?"

Xuan Cheng also eased from the attack just now. Just because he suffered a secret loss just now, he was even more furious when he heard that: "Don’t spray people with blood on the surname Xiao, my senior brother is highly respected and respected by the world, and In fact, the kind of people in your mouth, not to mention those people who were clearly killed by you, the death of Brother Xuanku has more people who have witnessed your murder, and you dare to quibble!"

Xiao Feng was about to defend, but Xiao Yuanshan laughed and said, "Baby, you are wrong." Xiao Feng said in amazement: "Baby is wrong?" Xiao Yuanshan nodded and said, "Wrong. The Qiao and his wife are me. Killed!"

Xiao Feng was taken aback, and said in a trembled voice, "Daddy killed it? Then...then why?"

Xiao Yuanshan said: "You are my own child. Originally, my father and son were reunited with my husband and wife. How happy? But these Southern warriors regarded my Khitan as a pig or dog. Others, treat them as his children. That Joe and his wife pretended to be your parents. They took away my family happiness and didn't explain the truth to you. Then you deserve to die."

Xiao Feng's chest was sour, and he said, "My foster father and mother are very kind to their children, and his two elderly people are really great good people. However, they set fire to Shanjiazhuang, killing Tan Gong, Tan Po, etc., etc. …"

Xiao Yuanshan said: "Yes, your father did it. Who was the one who took the lead in killing your mother outside Yanmen Pass, these people knew clearly, but they refused to say, shouldn't everyone be damned if they protect him?"

Xiao Feng silently thought, "The'big villain' I've been looking for turned out to be my dad. What...how does this start?" Slowly said, "Master Xuanku from Shaolin Temple teaches martial arts to children. In the ten years of hot and cold, the child must have today, cultivated by the teacher..." At this point, he lowered his head, and his eyes were already in tears.

Xiao Yuanshan said: "These Southern Dynasty warriors are sinister and treacherous, what good things do they have? This mysterious suffering was shocked to death by the palm of my hand."

The Shaolin monks chanted in unison: "Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The voice was very sad and indignant. Although no one came forward to challenge Xiao Yuanshan for a while, the sadness of the group of monks in the chanting of the Buddha clearly contained great determination. Today, they will take the lives of their father and son to revenge.

Xiao Yuanshan said again: "Among the big enemies who killed my beloved wife and robbed my only son, there are beggars and masters of the Shaolin School. Hey, they just want to conceal this **** sin forever and turn my son into a Han. Tell my son to worship the great enemy as his teacher, and follow the great enemy as the leader of the beggar gang. Hey, boy, after I slapped Xuan Ku that night, I was invisible by the side. Soon you went to visit the bald thief again. This Xuan Ku Seeing that my father and son looked similar, it was only you who acted, and even the little novice could not distinguish you from father and son. Boy, are we Khitan people who have been wronged and bullied by them?"

At this moment, Xiao Feng began to wonder why Master Xuanku was so astonished when he saw him that night, and why did the little novice strongly prove that Xuanku was killed by himself. But where did you think that the real murderer was someone who was similar in appearance and connected to himself?

Hearing all this, Zhao Min on the tree couldn't help but curl his lips: "This Xiao Yuanshan is really blinded by hatred, and his brain is no longer normal. What is the use of what he did besides pitting his own son?" She was in the past. The Royal Palace of Ruyang was responsible for managing the martial arts in the Central Plains, and naturally knew everything that had happened to Xiao Feng.

Song Qingshu had a weird look. In fact, he also agreed with Zhao Min's view that people are cheating fathers, but in the entire Tianlong Babu, Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo can be regarded as treacherous demons. In terms of pits, they are comparable.

"Kill Senior Brother Xuanku, let your father and son pay for your debts today!" Xuan Cheng had just been embarrassed by Xiao Yuanshan and was eager to find face.

"Hmph, the old man was able to kill you martial arts people in the Central Plains with corpses all over the field, and the same is true today!" Xiao Yuanshan said proudly, as soon as the voice fell, the audience was suddenly filled with a murderous atmosphere.

"I don't know what I can do!" Xuan Cheng's stick in his hand hit the ground heavily, and a sound wave visible to the naked eye spread out. In the field, many people with low skill are disgusted and nauseous, like Azhu and Azi standing. They are a little unstable.

"I hate this stinky monk!" Zhao Min on the tree stroked his chest and sighed. You must know that the reason why he was hit by Murong Jingyue's Three Corpse Brain Pill was because he was attacked by Xuan Cheng and was so big. He had to go to Kaifeng Xunping Yizhi to heal the injury caused by the palm of King Kong's palm. Who knew that Ping Yizhi's true identity was Murong Jingyue.

"I don't like him either." Xuan Cheng is brave and fierce, short-tempered and pushy, Song Qingshu always feels that he violates his duty as a monk.

Suddenly Xiao Yuanshan's expression changed, and he hurriedly jumped away from the place, only to hear a few sneers. There were three more scorched finger holes in the tree behind him just now.

"Wuxiangzhizhi!" Xiao Yuanshan's face was ugly. No wonder he had just deliberately used the Zen stick to conceal the real killer move. The Wuxiangjiezhi was invisible and invisible. If he concealed it like this, it was even more difficult to guard against. Your Excellency, as a Buddhism, actually carried out a sneak attack."

Xuan Cheng snorted, "Is it necessary to talk about the rules of the world to deal with shameless people like you? What's more, you didn't see that you attacked Senior Brother Xuanku in the first place..."

He hadn't finished speaking, suddenly there was a scream next to him, and he saw three terrifying blood holes in Kongzhi's chest. If he hadn't been proficient in his skills, he would have been killed on the spot, but for that, he has now lost the power to fight again. .

"Without reference!" Now it was the turn of the Shaolin monks to change their expressions.

Xiao Yuanshan smiled sadly: "Hey, hey! Back then, I didn't take the heart of Shaolin Temple's martial arts classics, but you wronged me. Okay, good! If Xiao Yuanshan didn't do it, he didn't stop doing it twice. If you wronged me, I will show it to you. For the past 30 years, Xiao Yuanshan has been hiding in the Shaolin Temple, and has been full of your martial arts classics. What is a trivial non-comparable tribulation finger, what is it! Masters can comment, how about my achievements in this non-comparable tribulation finger? "

Song Qingshu was greatly admired. Although Xiao Yuanshan's brains are not good now, he is the top existence in terms of fighting skills. He so easily abolished one of the other's top masters. You must know that Kongzhi is among the four great monks. In the end, he was proficient in the eleven Shaolin schools, and he was really single-handed. It was not so easy for Xiao Yuanshan to beat him.

Compared with Song Qingshu's praise, the Shaolin monks are much more angry. Is there anything more annoying than the other party hitting you with something from your house?



All kinds of anger and curses were endless, but Xiao Yuanshan showed a sneer on his face: "Who just said that dealing with despicable and shameless people does not need to talk about the rules of the world?"

Xuan Cheng's face turned blue and red, and his heart was also very awkward at this time, but he was obviously losing face in front of him twice in a row with a magical skill.

"Come on!" Xuan Cheng decided not to give Xiao Yuanshan the opportunity to deceive, and roared, and the whole person rushed towards Xiao Yuanshan like a golden cannonball. Along the way, it seemed as if the wind was blowing, flying sand and rocks were extremely shocking.

Xiao Yuanshan's expression froze. After all, the other party claimed to be the first person in Shaolin in two hundred years. He didn't dare to be careless. He hurriedly greeted him with luck, and the two sides fought a dozen tricks in an instant.

"Wei Tuo Chu, this thief actually learned Wei Tuo Chu!" Suddenly some of the Shaolin monks exclaimed.

"More than that, he just used the Prajna palm just now, my God, the Prajna palm is the most profound boxing technique in this temple. Few people in the temple can comprehend the essence. He actually learned it!" Someone saw and recognized it! His palms became more and more horrified.

Xuanci, Fang Zheng, and Kongwen looked at each other, thinking that Xiao Yuanshan, as the chief instructor of the Liao State Palace Branch Army in the past, must not let him leave alive today. Otherwise, he would pass the martial arts of his school to the Khitan army.

A few of them are actually compassionate people on weekdays, but now when it comes to the martial arts classics of this school, all of them have a murderous intent.

"Xiao Yuanshan's martial arts is really high, and he can even share Xuancheng." Zhao Min on the tree was a little surprised. At the beginning, her masters and Xuancheng had fought against each other, and they often suffered under his hands. Now I see Xiao Yuanshan and him. I never let the wind fall, so I was naturally amazed.

Song Qingshu frowned secretly. He noticed several times that Xiao Yuanshan was able to gain the upper hand, but because his moves were so fierce that the angle of strength was deviated, and the masters used the move, this little deviation could bring about completely different results. .

"Hey, looking at Xiao Yuanshan's expression, it seems that he didn't realize that he had missed the opportunity to defeat the enemy several times." Song Qingshu was secretly startled and suddenly understood.

The change of Xiao Yuanshan’s force value is one of the most incomprehensible things in Tianlong. Thirty years ago, he faced 21 masters of the Central Plains alone, among which there are many first-class masters such as Xuanci and Beggar Gang. Still killing 21 people nearly wiped out the entire army, even Murong Bo, who was peeking from the side, was terrified and went back to the Yanziwu cellar to hide for seven days and seven nights.

But thirty years later, Xuan Ci had already split evenly with Xiao Feng, and Murong Bo also fought him three games, with hundreds of moves that could not tell the outcome. You must know that Xiao Yuanshan has been secretly learning martial arts in Shaolin Temple for the past 30 years, but he was far inferior to his Xuanci, Murong Boju and then came to the top, and grew up to the point where he was unrivaled.

It makes people feel like Xiao Yuanshan has been on the same spot for the past thirty years, waiting for them to catch up.

Song Qingshu didn't understand in the previous life, but now he himself is also practicing martial arts, and his realm has reached an exceptionally high level, and he gradually understands what's going on. It is important to know that a person's martial arts will not continuously increase. After reaching a certain height, if there is no adventure or epiphany, the life-long state may be fixed.

Just like when Wang Chongyang commented on Zhou Botong, he believed that Zhou Botong could not have the world in mind, and the structure was too small, and he was destined to not become a super master. Sure enough, Zhou Botong was extremely talented in martial arts, and he also got the true biography of Wang Chongyang, but his skill remained at a level slightly worse than Qiu Qianren's. Although he was already a first-class master in the arena, he was still beaten by Wu Jue after all.

It was not until later that he practiced the "Nine Yin Scriptures", coupled with his innocent heart, and studied left and right mutual martial arts, martial arts was finally sublimated, from the beginning he was beaten by Huang Yaoshi to Wu Jue who considered himself inferior.

Xiao Yuanshan was in a similar situation. In his early years, he was a heroic man on the grassland with an open-minded and sunny heart. He progressed very fast in martial arts. However, after the battle at Yanmen Pass, his heart was distorted by hatred, and his style of behavior changed from the previous bright and upright into a conspiracy. Trick, so although he learned a lot of stunts in Shaolin Temple later, it seemed that he had made a lot of progress, but there was no essential improvement.

In addition, Shaolin martial arts needs corresponding Dharma to resolve, and he only has the idea of ​​revenge in his heart, and instead of practicing his unique skills, he has practiced secret wounds.

According to the evaluation of the sweeping monk in the original work, it is that Xiao Yuanshan has fallen into a "martial learning barrier". He has not penetrated this martial arts barrier for nearly 30 years. As a result, martial arts has not been improved in essence. As a result, Murong Bo, Xuanci and others gradually Caught up with him.

Of course, after Murong Bo and others' martial arts reached this level, they would also encounter martial arts obstacles. If they can't penetrate, martial arts will also stop moving forward. And because of their strong practice of Shaolin stunts, they have hidden injuries to their bodies, so that not only can they not break through, but in the end they may not even be able to keep their current realm.

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