Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1471: Overwhelming

Xuan Cheng and Xiao Yuanshan can be described as flying sand and rock. The sky is dark and dark. Xuan Cheng attacks unscrupulously, relying on the incorruption of the diamond. Every move and every style is heavy, and some small trees next to it are affected by the palms leaked out of the battle circle. , Have broken from it.

Xiao Yuanshan has rich combat experience. When he realized that he had the power of King Kong, he didn't rush to attack, but to resolve his offensive while saving his skills and waiting for the opportunity.

Xuan Cheng quickly realized what he was thinking, but he couldn't do anything about it. After transporting the King Kong Indestructible Body, he could indeed be called invincible in defense, but if he gained something, he would lose. His agility would be greatly reduced. The master is not important, but against a master of Xiao Yuanshan's level, if the opponent deliberately wants to hide, his attack will be difficult to hit the opponent.

"The surname Xiao, don't run around if you have the ability!" Xuan Cheng yelled angrily after hitting the empty space with several killing moves.

Xiao Yuanshan sneered: "I know that you have the magical protection of King Kong, but I still fight you hard. Are you stupid as an old man?" The peoples on the grassland worship wolves, and even the tactics of fighting are inspired by the wolves. Wolves have always been cunning and ferocious. When dealing with large animals, they often don't directly attack, but instead consume their physical strength in ceaseless fighting, and then launch a general attack when the time is right.

Xuan Cheng was very angry, suddenly glanced at Xiao Feng and Azhu Azi who were on the side with a gleam in his eyes, and instantly thought about it. The Prajna palm hit Xiao Yuanshan's body with a move, and suddenly turned halfway, and directly attacked Xiao Feng who was seriously injured not far away.

Before the person arrived, the palm wind had already rolled up the violent sand and forced Azhu Azi beside Xiao Feng to open his eyes.

However, Xiao Feng is not Duan Yu, who has high theoretical martial arts and is often attacked and killed by sneak attacks. He is always on guard. Although Xuan Cheng came over by surprise, he didn't even say anything, and instantly used the softness in Jianglong's eighteen palms. Jin drew the opponent's Ling Yu's palm aside, only to hear a thud, and a large rock next to it was shattered by Xuan Cheng's palm.

"Despicable!" Xiao Yuanshan shouted angrily, leaping forward and attacking behind Xuan Cheng's heart.

Zhao Min on the tree nodded in sympathy: "This great monk is really mean."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "I don't think there is any problem with Xuan Cheng's hand. As the saying goes, fighting wits and not fighting strength, besides, isn't the conspiracy and tricks that the princess is good at?"

"Hate~" Zhao Min gave him a pink punch lightly, but his attention quickly returned to the court.

Although Xuan Cheng's fierce move was resolved, Xiao Feng was also a little uncomfortable. His face turned red, and he felt that the blood in his body was churning, which obviously caused the injury again. However, he already had the physique of the God of War. At this time, the wounded Buddha set off his bloodthirsty aura. Not only did he not retreat, but instead used the eighteen palms of Jianglong to pass, intending to take advantage of this momentary opportunity to strike back and forth with his father and severely injure Xuancheng.

Although Xuan Cheng has a magical protection body that is not bad, he did not dare to use his body to resist the attacks of two masters at the same time, and hurriedly flew back. However, how powerful is the combination of Xiao Feng and his son. Xuan Cheng has been hailed as a Shaolin for two hundred years. The first person was still embarrassed by their beating.

"North Qiaofeng, South Murong, in my opinion, this North Qiaofeng is more than ten times more powerful than South Murong." Zhao Min on the tree couldn't help but admire.

"Ten times is an exaggeration, but it shouldn't be a problem to fight two Murongfu," Song Qingshu commented. He has fought against both of them. He knows the strength of the two most. Murongfu's martial arts are actually very high. Last time he was given him by himself. With the eighteen palms of Jianglong, his martial arts has risen to the next level. According to theoretical strength, he and Xiao Feng are not much different, and he can be worthy of the same name as Nan Murong, but his biggest problem is that he is wholeheartedly thinking about rejuvenation, and he is worried. Too much thinking is too heavy, and the martial arts are often unable to perform at a normal level. On the contrary, Xiao Feng can display at least 120% of his strength every time. Under the circumstances, the difference between the two in the world's impressions is very big.

"Receiving the Zen stick!" Seeing Xuan Cheng's embarrassment, Xuan Ci's Zen stick that Xuan Cheng had inserted into the ground before the sleeves of Xuan Ci flew over there, and at the same time, the robes on her body attacked Xiao Feng like a turbulent wave.

"The robes of the magic power!" Xiao Feng didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly used the dragon power to pull a large stone next to him to block him.

The red robes touched the big rock, wrapped it in an instant, and then twisted the rock to pieces with a bang. Immediately afterwards, Xuan Ci suddenly jumped out of the smoke and dust, and directly attacked Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng's expression changed, so he had to let go of Xuan Cheng and confront the new enemy.

Who knew that the two had a pair of palms, but Xiao Feng didn't feel the power of overwhelming the mountains. Instead, he felt that his strength was hitting a ball of cotton. He immediately realized that Xuanci used the most subtle method of using the Prajna palm to solve the problem. His palm strength.

"Buddha Amitabha!" Xuan Ci took advantage of the force of his palm to retreat for a certain distance, and the robes in mid-air just fell on him, "Donor Xiao is hurt, and Lao Na is not willing to take advantage of others, but just wants to stop him. Your father and son joined forces to attack Junior Brother Xuan Cheng."

If it were in the past, Xiao Feng would definitely return a salute and praise the other person Gao Fengliangjie, but now when he thinks that he is the leading elder brother who made his own family ruined, the word admiration cannot be said.

"Feng'er, take a rest and watch how Dad cleans up this great monk."

"Okay!" Xiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan fought each other and knew each other's martial arts attainments. Although Xuancheng's martial arts was high, his father was not inferior to him.

However, Xuan Cheng's stick was in his hand, and the power of using the magic war was much greater. The stone shattered and the tree broke in the place that was slightly swept by his stick. This shows what the consequences will be if you hit a flesh and blood body.

Xiao Yuanshan took a few moves with his bare hands, and suddenly couldn't support it, and hurriedly pulled a long whip from his waist to sweep the Xuancheng Heavenly Spirit Gai.

Xuan Cheng was shocked. The Heavenly Spirit Gai is the most important place for human beings. He did not dare to try the law with his body because he had the protection of the King Kong, so he hurriedly hid from the side. Xiao Yuanshan took advantage of this moment to open the distance between him and him. , A long whip is like a black dragon going out to sea, swinging the whip shadow all over the sky to hit Xuancheng everywhere.

Xuan Cheng waved his Zen stick in his hand, keeping his body tightly guarded, but soon felt that every whip seemed to be over a thousand jins, and his arm was numb. He couldn't help being surprised: "Why is this thief's skill so powerful?"

Zhao Min on the tree looked open and grinned, and almost didn't clap his hands: "Kill this stinky monk to death!" Whether it was from the Meng-Liao League or Xuancheng's entanglement with her, she was naturally on Xiao Yuanshan's side.

Song Qingshu saw the clues. The skills of the two were actually about the same, and even Xuancheng was even higher in terms of internal strength. However, Xiao Yuanshan's weapon was a long whip, as the so-called one inch long and one inch strong.

It should be understood that even if ordinary people suddenly stop the handle when swinging the long whip, the micro-segments of the whip will stop in turn, and its kinetic energy will be transferred to the next micro-segment, that is, the next segment will accelerate, and finally the kinetic energy of the entire whip will be concentrated. At the end, the speed of the whip can even reach twice the speed of sound!

Ordinary people are still like this, not to mention the world's top master, Xiao Yuanshan's internal force was drawn to Xuan Cheng through a long whip, and he didn't know how many times he would magnify it.

Xuan Cheng blocked it for a while and realized that passive beatings like this would not work. He felt that the surrounding air seemed to be in essence, and then let him continue to pump, maybe he could not even hold the Zen stick securely.

He waved his magic wand and tried to entangle the opponent's long whip, but since Xiao Yuanshan had used the whip as a weapon, he was already so immersed in this skill, how could it be so easy for him to entangle the whip?

After several attempts to no avail, Xuan Cheng simply stopped being utterly impenetrable, and directly transported the King Kong Incorruptible power to Xiaoyuan Mountain. Except when the opponent's long whip swept towards the sky, the eyes, the dantian and other places, he only took the stick. Resist it.

One inch long and one inch strong, the best way to deal with long weapons is to deceive them and fight them in close combat.

However, he had just walked a few steps, and he received a few lashes on his body, and the diamond body was faintly broken. Xuan Cheng gritted his teeth and continued to rush forward like a bull.

Xiao Yuanshan's expression also changed slightly. If he runs into other opponents and is struck in the body like this, I am afraid that he will not die and will be seriously injured, but the one in front of him is like a tortoise. He can only keep moving back.

The two of them advanced one by one and the other retreated. In the end, the distance between the two sides was maintained at a balance, Xuan Cheng couldn't get closer, and Xiao Yuanshan couldn't get rid of it either.

However, although the King Kong Incorruptible Body could protect Xuan Cheng's body, it could not protect his clothes. The robes on his body were drawn torn and ragged, and flesh was even exposed in many places.

Zhao Min from the tree sipped: "This great monk is so ugly to die. I really don't know how to be ashamed, so I still don't admit defeat."

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "Even though Xuan Cheng looks a little miserable on the surface, Xiao Yuanshan can't help him. How can you give up?"

The Shaolin monks were not as optimistic as he was, and their expressions were solemn. They knew that Xuancheng's martial arts was not inferior to any master in the world, but this time they encountered an existence that contradicted his martial arts, and if they continued to fight like this, Xuancheng might suffer.

However, there are long-standing figures in the field, and they can't hold back their faces for a while to come forward and help punches.

Xu Zhu suddenly said: "Dear Master Uncle, today is not a contest of martial arts, but revenge for the Uncle Xuanku Master, for those who died tragically in the rivers and lakes, how can you cherish your reputation and let the thieves escape?"

"This..." Xuan Ci, Fang Zheng, Kong Wen and others showed hesitation on their faces.

Xu Zhu continued: "Especially this thief has learned so many stunts from our Shaolin. What he showed just now is the Prajna palm, the intangible kalpa finger, the magic wand method, and the Wei Tuo pestle. Now it seems that the vajra in this temple is still playing. The magic circle, if the 72 stunts are allowed to escape, then we may become sinners through the ages."

"Yes, what Xu Zhu said is reasonable." Xuanci nodded secretly when they heard it.

Xu Zhu knew that they were still a little unwilling to let go for a while, so he saluted: "Let the little monk go to help Master Xuancheng's uncle." As soon as the voice fell, he moved the burning wood knife technique up and down Xiaoyuan Mountain with the true energy of the Beiming Divine Art. The flying whip chopped off.

It was originally an invisible knife, but the friction between the internal force and the air actually formed a tangible flame knife. If it were cut solid, Xiao Yuanshan's long whip would have to be broken even if it was wrapped in cowhide.

Xiao Yuanshan's eyes swept to the blade of energy, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly wanted to take the long whip back, but it was a pity that Xuan Cheng would give him a chance to delay his long whip with the stick while he was distracted. There is no way to entangle it, but this time is enough to see that piece of sword energy.

"Today is in danger!" Xiao Yuanshan's heart was shaken, Xiao Feng couldn't help, and Azi and Zhu couldn't help exclaiming.

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