Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1472: Injustice and debt

Seeing that the flame-like sword aura was about to slash above the long whip, everyone suddenly heard a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and then the sword aura seemed to be hit by something, and it spread out abruptly.

There are no shortage of masters in the field, and sharp-eyed people have already seen that it was a leaf that hit the knife. Although the leaf was quickly burned by the flames of the wood-burning knife, many people still saw it clearly.

"You can actually destroy the sword energy of Xuzhu with just a leaf. Is it true that the legendary flying flower picking leaves can hurt people? No, many people in the flying flower picking field can do it, but they have to achieve this. To the point, it is difficult and difficult." This is the idea of ​​almost everyone in the field.

"Sword aura, the leaf just now has sword aura attached to it. This is the only way to disperse the sword aura of the virtual bamboo." Xuan Cheng and other top experts in the field understood one after another, and couldn't help but look in the direction where the sword aura was emitted. go with.

Song Qingshu had come down from the tree and walked slowly into the field: "Everyone, long time no see~" He asked Zhao Min to stay in the tree to avoid hurting her in a fight later. After all, there are many people in Shaolin. In case of a fight later, she may not be able to take care of her.

"Song Qingshu!" When the monks of Shaolin Temple saw him, they couldn't help but change their expressions. After all, the relationship between the two sides is not friendly. In the past two years, the two sides have clashed many times before and after. Not much difference.

"I have seen all the masters." Song Qingshu smiled at the monks, where the identities of the two parties are.

However, after the courtesy, Song Qingshu didn't pay attention to them, but turned to Xiao Feng: "Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Feng also revealed a hint of surprise: "Brother Song!"

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "Last time the Manchu army went south, fortunately Brother Xiao helped. I didn't expect to meet again after such a long time after the separation."

Xiao Feng looked at the blood stains on his chest and couldn't help but smile and said, "Yes, goodbye is a matter of fact."

The Shaolin monks changed their faces when they heard the conversation between the two. You must know that their relationship with Song Qingshu was not good, and now he and Xiao Feng have this level of connection. I am afraid that things today are difficult to be good.

Song Qingshu didn't care about their feelings at all, and then said to Azhu next to Xiao Feng: "Girl Azhu, you and I have been apart for longer."

Zhao Min on the tree not far away saw it and couldn't help but curled his lips: "This **** will go to tease other pretty girls wherever he goes."

A Zhu pursed his lips and smiled: "Yes, the last time I saw the son in Yanziwu, the son was still...a bit downhearted. I didn't expect that he is already famous now."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "A lot of this is the girl's contribution."

Azhu was startled, and didn't understand what he meant. Song Qingshu was naturally inconvenient to tell her about Transfiguration. Instead, he said: "Looking at how intimate you are with Brother Xiao, you must be in agreement."

"My son~" Ah Zhu was embarrassed, blushing and groaning.

Xiao Feng on the side also laughed: "Azhu has helped me a lot during this period, and Xiao has long regarded her as the most important person in this life."

When Ah Zhu heard his affectionate and direct confession, his face became more and more red.

Zhao Min on the tree heard his eyes bright, thinking that the man on the prairie was really straightforward and bold, unlike the people in the Song Dynasty with so many red tapes, but thinking that Song Qingshu was also from the Song, I couldn’t help but get a little entangled. That **** was also from the Song. But he is also direct enough...

Seeing how Xiao Feng and Azhu look like you and me, Xiao Yuanshan is naturally very relieved, but Azi on the side is pouting with a small mouth, but she is more afraid of things at this time, and she subconsciously hides behind. To hide.

Song Qingshu said with a smile, "Azi, what are you hiding?"

Azi's body trembled, and her pungent temperament for more than ten years came up instantly: "I met you this change..." She just wanted to scold, but suddenly realized that her party was in danger, and Xiao Feng, who had always been mighty, was now in danger. Severely injured, it is difficult to protect themselves; especially this group of people mostly rely on Song Qingshu to get out of danger, and if they have a conflict with him, most of these people will also face each other.

She grew up in a place like the Astral Sect, and was used to intrigues. She developed a Qiqiao and Exquisite Heart since she was a child, so she is very good at observing words and expressions.

"Why, do you know each other?" A Zhu looked at the two of them suspiciously, and then said with a smile, "Master Song, A Zi is my sister. She is always stubborn. If there is any offense, I hope you can forgive me."

A Zi snorted secretly, thinking that her sister is such a soft-tempered person. She would apologize first without asking anything. It was obviously that he bullied me. How dare I offend him.

It is also thanks to her that she grew up in the Astral Sect and is more accustomed to the weak and the strong. Everything speaks for profit, but she does not take the matter of loss so seriously. Otherwise, if she changes to a deep-bowed lady, she might have already exploded after seeing Song Qingshu.

"How come, Ah Ziji is clever, I like it too late." Song Qingshu did not expose the relationship between Zi and himself. After all, once the matter of treating her as a slave girl is exposed, A Zhu is the sister and Xiao Feng is the brother-in-law. It’s not easy to sit back and ignore it, and it’s hard to end up at that time.

Seeing Azi's sly and sly gaze, Song Qingshu secretly pondered: "It seems that she has completely woken up, and the soul-shifting method can only last for a while."

At this time, Xuan Cheng, who was not far away, finally became impatient, pounded his Zen stick heavily, and snorted, "Have you finished reminiscing about the past?"

"Today, Xiao is deeply trapped in a siege, and he knows that he is inevitable. Brother Song, please leave me alone and take Azhu and Azi away. If you are good enough to take care of Xiao, you will be smiling.

He didn't ask to help Xiao Yuanshan escape. After all, he knew the great feud between his father and Shaolin. Shaolin would never tolerate his father leaving, so don't pull Song Qingshu into the water instead.

Hearing what he said, Azhu suddenly became anxious: "I won't go, I want to live and die with you."

A Zi’s eyes turned around. Although she had a lot of affection for Xiao Feng during this time, she was naturally unwilling to stay here with them to die with them because of her character. However, she was always smart and cunning, and she soon realized that there was Song Qingshu. Now, they will definitely not be allowed to die, so he said righteously: "I won't go, I want to live and die with my sister and brother-in-law."

Song Qingshu glanced at A Zi in amazement, thinking that this little Nizi was a little bit normal. Could it be that she fell in love with Xiao Feng again like the original book?

However, he didn't have time to consider these at this time. He turned around and bowed to the Shaolin monks: "Masters, Xiao Feng and Song are close friends. Can you give me a little bit of help and let them make a living?"

"Is your face valuable?" Xuan Cheng grunted angrily.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "At least you are worth more than the monk."

"You!" Xuan Cheng was furious, Xuan Ci hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him, and then said: "Amitabha Buddha, good and good, Song Gongzi's command is a thousand li, sitting on a hundred thousand elite soldiers, and now he is named the king of Qi. Face is naturally valuable..."

He praised Song Qingshu, and suddenly the conversation changed: "If it is something else, since King Qi has spoken, we are naturally going to sell the face, but this matter... The father and son Xiao Feng has harmed so many martial arts fellows, among them, With the brother Xuanku of this temple, if this temple let them go, how can it be worthy of those innocent people who died in vain?"

He orally called Song Qingshu the King of Qi, which obviously represents the attitude of Shaolin. Although he is now under the rule of the Jin Dynasty, he still recognizes the orthodox status of the Song Dynasty. After all, for the Han people in the world, the Song Dynasty is the orthodox dynasty in mind. As for another Han dynasty, Ming Guo After all, it has perished, and the scholars are not as generous as the Song Dynasty.

Hearing Xuanci's words, Zhao Min, who was not far away, was a little gloat: "This **** deserves it. It makes you so proud. Now you know that your face doesn't work."

Song Qingshu didn't get angry: "The root cause of all this is that the master led the Central Plains master to attack and kill Xiao Feng's parents thirty years ago."

Kong Wen couldn't help but snorted, "According to King Qi, in the end all this is the fault of this temple?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I didn't say that. I mean everything has to be traced to the root. Back then, the reason why abbot Xuanci brought a master of the Central Plains to kill Xiao Feng's parents was because he was misled by the traitor. I know it."

"Who is that person!" Xiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan stepped forward after hearing the words, their voices trembling a little.

"Amitabha~" Xuanci folded his palms together, "That person is also a man of great background in the martial arts. He must have been deceived by a treacherous man. Afterwards, his guilt was so fast that he died in depression, and Lao Na was no longer affecting his reputation. "

"But what if that person is just feigning death to get away with it?" Song Qingshu said.

"What?" Shaolin people were shocked.

Song Qingshu continued: "Master Xuanbei died in Dali Shenjie Temple and was killed by Wei Tuochu, who was good at stunt. It is rumored that he died by Murong Fu's hand, but Murong Fu was so young that he could kill dozens of fame with that skill. Master Xuanbei in Nian? You must have your own guesses in your hearts."

"Is that person really not dead?" Xuan Ci muttered to himself, with an extremely complicated expression in his eyes.

Song Qingshu replied: "As the Shaolin Temple is the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, I don't believe that you have not received any news."

The monks whispered to each other, obviously they had received some information before they were confirmed.

"Brother Song, who is that thief?" Xiao Feng couldn't help it anymore, and asked Song Qingshu by the arm.

"Who can use the master Xuanbei's skill, Wei Tuochu, to kill him, besides using his way, who else can do the same?" Song Qingshu replied.

Ah Zhu exclaimed: "But Young Master Murong is not the murderer, Brother Xiao clarified for Young Master." After all, she was Yanziwu's maid, and she missed the old master and couldn't help but excuse.

Xiao Feng also expressed doubts: "Yes, when Master Xuan Bei was killed, Murong Fu and I fought against Yingchou Gorge in Xixia. It is impossible for him to go to Dali, thousands of miles away, to kill in such a short time."

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