Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 146: sleeping Beauty

Chapter 146 The Sleeping Beauty

The moon is black and the wind is high.

Song Qingshu stood in black clothes on a mountain bag, letting the cold wind blow all over his body in the middle of the night, looking intently at the Sansheng Nunnery in the distant valley.

Presuming that the people inside had already fallen asleep, Song Qingshu jumped and swayed in the wind. When he was exhausted, he stepped on the leaves and lightly tapped, and his figure could jump several feet forward.

When he quietly stepped into the Sansheng Temple, he looked back at the distance he had traveled, and sighed sincerely: "Tasha Wuhen is indeed the world's first light work."

After checking the surroundings, he found that no one was disturbed. Song Qingshu showed a satisfied smile, continued to hide his figure, and touched Chen Yuanyuan's room all the way.

"Ancient window cannot prevent thieves and peeping. I really don't know what it is." Song Qingshu stared at the paper window in front of him, dare to be speechless, and quickly learned the tricks on the TV, and got a little bit of saliva. With a light poke, he pierced the window paper silently, and moved his eyes to look inside.

The room was dim, and seeing two people lying on the bed faintly, Song Qingshu suddenly felt disappointed: "Could it be Chen Yuanyuan and her adulterer? Although this woman is pitiful, she is not a virgin virgin woman herself, and she is often blamed on her own. ."

He sighed, but he still remembered the purpose of the trip. Song Qingshu opened the window and gently jumped in. As soon as he landed, he saw someone on the bed turning over with feelings. Song Qingshu's pupils shrank and his feet moved back vigorously. After kicking, the person rushed over like a sharp arrow, and the sleeping point of the two on the bed was touched between the electric light and flint, and this was a secret relief.

Song Qingshu was taken aback by the soft touch from his fingertips and looked down under the faint moonlight.

Under the veils of the ancient flowered sandalwood bed, most of the quilt of a young girl slipped off, revealing a moonwhite silk tube top. Three thousand green silks were laid on it softly, reflecting the skin of Sai Xue. The long eyelashes in his sleep quivered slightly with each breath. After seeing that pretty face, Song Qingshu suddenly realized: "It turns out that the other person is A Ke."

Picking up the corner of the quilt, Song Qingshu gently covered her, while muttering to herself: "Crimes and sins, I only came here for the "Forty-two Chapters", I really didn't deliberately take advantage of you. Now the weather is getting colder. Cover you with a quilt to prevent the cold from getting into your body, just treat it as my offense."

After covering it, Song Qingshu turned his head and prepared to inspect where the "Forty-two Chapters" was actually placed. "Where is the emperor!" The beauty that came into view almost didn't make Song Qingshu bleed from his nose.

It is vaguely visible that Chen Yuanyuan's graceful posture is lying full, looming under the hazy gauze. The snow-colored double peaks stand upright, and the gauze can hardly hide its highness. The eyebrows are like a crescent moon, and they are curved like willow leaves, lying there peacefully. The red lips are red without punctuation, and the eyebrows are not drawn. It is indeed a beauty that can make a man irritated.

"Mr Wen has a white jade beauty, carved with a master hand, and he yearns for it. Chapter 146 Sleeping Beauty

Tonight is the right time, when the moon comes to fetch it. "I don't know why, Song Qingshu's mind suddenly came up with the appearance of the pirate Shu Liuxiang.

"Hey, although I am lustful, I don't bother to be a thief." With great perseverance, Song Qingshu restrained himself from searching for the scriptures wholeheartedly, and finally saw the "Forty-Two Chapters" being pressed under Chen Yuanyuan's pillow.

Song Qingshu pursed her lips, sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out her hand to pick up the back of Chen Yuanyuan's neck, gently supported her up, leaned her body in her arms, stretched out her other hand under the pillow and took the scriptures. Replace the one you forged.

I was about to put Chen Yuanyuan down, but the tip of her nose smelled a scent of musk and not musk from her body. I only felt that the beauty in her arms was extremely soft and boneless, and she felt a little reluctant to let it go.

"Any thief, come out and die!" Song Qingshu was shocked by an angry male voice outside the window. He quickly took "Forty-two Chapters" into his arms, and put Chen Yuanyuan on the bed rather reluctantly, and jumped out of the window, vigilant. Looking at the people in the courtyard.

I saw that man was in his 50s and 60s, wearing coarse cloth trousers, white cloth on his head, a wide belt of blue cloth around his waist, and straw sandals. He looked sad, with downcast eyebrows, and a peasant outfit. Song Qingshu didn't dare to despise it. He was full of breath when he heard the other party's voice just now, and he was obviously a master.

"Who is your excellency? I didn't expect that the little Sansheng Nunnery still hides such a master." Song Qingshu concentrated his energy, secretly guarded himself, and suddenly felt a sense of understanding in his heart. Wu Sangui left such a charming wife in the wilderness. Will send someone to protect it.

"I have forgotten my name a long time ago, even if I remember, I won't tell you such an inferior prostitute." The village farmer glanced at Song Qingshu contemptuously.

"Although I enjoy the feeling of being called a thief by a beautiful woman, it always feels so against a sloppy old man like you to be a thief. If people of our age hear it, maybe they think I am What did you do to your chrysanthemum?" Song Qingshu became more and more disgusted as he talked, and quickly took a sip.

The village farmer was puzzled, but he planted some chrysanthemums in the vegetable garden, but it was not damaged at all, and even if he destroyed a few plants, it would not be a big deal... and soon thought that the other party didn’t know that he was dreaming of him just now in the room. What the person did, he couldn't help but furiously said: "Little thief, the old man hasn't used a knife for decades. Today, in order to walk the way for the sky, I made an exception."

With a flash of cold light, a set of fierce swordsmanship slashed over. Song Qingshu didn’t want to reveal his identity, so he didn’t carry the wooden sword with him. He noticed that the cold and threatening sword aura was coming. He didn’t dare to pick it up with his bare hands. He had to fold off a small branch next to him, cheering up, and using the branch. For the sword, see to it. The swords of the two were fast and slow, sometimes they collided dozens of times like a jewel, sometimes they turned around, not to mention a single move.

After a dozen moves, the two separated, and the village farmer looked at Song Qingshu in horror: "The legendary plants, trees, bamboos and stones can all be swords... Your swordsmanship is extremely exquisite, and it is the 146th chapter Sleeping Beauty.

Why is he willing to fall and become a shameless thief in the martial arts? "

Song Qingshu's heart was no less shocked than him, and he quickly shouted: "I remember who you are. You are the king of Yum Swordsman Hu Yizhi, but why did you use the Hu Jiadao?"

Yum Sword King Hu Yizhi, nicknamed "The King of Swordsman", was said to be the number one beautiful man in martial arts, but once in Chengdu, he accidentally met Chen Yuanyuan once, and he was overwhelmed and unable to extricate himself. When Chen Yuanyuan was in the palace of Pingxi, he pretended to be a gardener in the palace and planted flowers and weeds for her. Chen Yuanyuan went to Sansheng'an, and Hu Yizhi followed to be a clerk.

The odd thing is that Hu Yizhi is very powerful in martial arts, and Chen Yuanyuan can be said to be at his fingertips in front of him, but he has never thought about it. He only hopes to see her secretly in the morning and evening, and he is already satisfied... In the past two decades, Chen Yuanyuan only said thirty-nine sentences, and Chen Yuanyuan said fifty-five sentences to him, he remembered clearly, it can be said that he is the most infatuated lover in the golden book.

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