Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 147: Cake and rotten pear

Chapter 147—Cake and Rotten Pear

"The King of Swordsman?" Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Hu Yizhi seemed to recall the glory of the past, smiled self-deprecatingly, suddenly recovered, and asked in a deep voice: "How do you know the Hu's sword?"

Song Qingshu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the other party was from the Hu family. He secretly prayed: He should be the elder of Hu Yidao depending on his age. Hu Yizhi must not be a flying fox. Then marrying Bingxue'er would be a lot cheaper. Father-in-law?

When things came to an end, Song Qingshu had to bite the bullet and asked, "What is the relationship between your Excellency and the flying fox back then?"

"Boy, look at your young age and knowledge. You have even heard of flying foxes." Hu Yizhi glanced at him unexpectedly.

"Could your Excellency be a flying fox?" He was the right age, and he was able to use Hu's swordsmanship again.

"What is it, what is it not?" Hu Yizhi saw that he could fight against himself with a treasure knife with a branch. Knowing that the opponent's martial arts was superior to him, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to attack. The knife inserted in front of him and looked at Song Qingshu defensively.

"That must be it," Song Qingshu's expression was depressed, and the more he said it, the more sure he was. "I didn't understand why you waited for Chen Yuanyuan in silence for decades, but when I contacted you as the flying fox, the chief guard of Chuang Wang Li Zicheng, I just said everything. It makes sense. Although there have been rumors that Li Zicheng committed suicide by defeating the army, I know that he survived incognito, and he was also disconnected from Chen Yuanyuan. These years, I am afraid that Li Zicheng arranged you to protect Chen Yuanyuan."

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Hu Yizhi's eyes, and the hand holding the handle of the knife tightened. Noting this detail, Song Qingshu smiled: "You don't need to be nervous. Li Zicheng is no longer the king of megatrons in the past, but a bereaved dog. I don’t have much interest in his whereabouts.” But there was a headache in my heart: I had always regarded Chuangwang’s treasure as something in my bag, and I forgot that Li Zicheng is still in the world. Now it seems that I have to plan early...

"Hmph, you are not only good at martial arts, but also very knowledgeable. Hu really can't figure out why you are a thief." Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Hu Yi had a noncommittal expression. He neither admitted that he was a flying fox, but did not deny it.

"I broke into Chen Yuanyuan's bedroom late at night and didn't covet their beauty. There is a reason for it. It is just a reason. It is really inconvenient for me to disclose to my seniors. But I can swear to God that I didn't do anything to Chen Yuanyuan's mother and daughter in the room. Anything unruly." Song Qingshu and Bing Xue'er are confused, and they have already felt guilty about Hu Yidao. Now they meet Hu Yidao's father, and the tone of voice naturally becomes respectful.

Although Hu Yizhi was surprised by the change in his attitude, he felt jealous when he thought of what he did in Chen Yuanyuan's room just now, and said in a cold voice: "Even if you didn't do anything just now, but if I didn't say anything to stop it, it is impossible to guarantee that you will not Keep doing something to Miss Chen."

Song Qingshu suddenly felt a little speechless, and suddenly thought about Chapter 147: Cake and Rotten Pear

When it came to one thing, he smiled and said: "I am naturally convinced that nothing has been done to her, and I feel that Senior's anger seems to be the wrong target. Since Senior has been guarding Chen Yuanyuan for more than 20 years, it must be clear that she moved to After Sansheng'an, there is another man who often enters and exits her bedroom. What do you mean by twisting me instead of looking for the man who really defiled the lover of your dreams?"

Hu Yizhi's expression was suddenly extremely unnatural, and he said angrily: "Miss Chen is very clear and clean, and I hope you will not ruin her reputation."

"Bing Qing Yujie?" Song Qingshu's smile was full of mockery, "Chen Yuanyuan is indeed an allure, but why can't she be connected with the words Bing Qing Yujie?"

Hu Yizhi's face blushed. How could he not know Chen Yuanyuan's past, and he still argued: "Ms. Chen used to be involuntarily involuntarily, since she settled down, she has cleaned herself up."

"Is that so?" Song Qingshu stared at him with a faint smile, and suddenly became puzzled. "At first I thought you were a fool's love saint. Later, after I learned that you were using a Hujiadao, I thought you came by infatuation. Cover up your identity, but now that you look like this, do you really have a crush on Chen Yuanyuan?"

But Hu Yizhi seemed to be scalded by boiling water, and immediately said: "I have nothing to ask for. I only hope to see her secretly in the morning and evening, and I will be satisfied. How...how can there be the slightest idea of ​​a beautiful woman?"

"In that case, why can you endure that person going in and out of Chen Yuanyuan's boudoir every night to enjoy the boundless beauty? Just because you are his subordinate, do you need to endure this kind of pain all the time?" Song Qingshu sighed, the original plot Li Chen Yuanyuan was lonely and miserable after moving to Sansheng Temple. At this time, the incognito Li Zicheng came to the door. They went back and forth, and the two restored their old lives. In the end, they became pregnant with A Ke and had to return to Pingxi Palace and let Wu Sanguixi be his father One hand, looking at Wu Sangui's reaction this time, it seems that he is still kept in the dark.

"Don't say it!" Hu Yizhi's face was exposed with blue veins, and his knuckles squeezed loudly. Obviously, Song Qingshu's words evoked countless painful memories.

Unexpectedly, the other party's reaction was so big, Song Qingshu stopped speaking immediately, and inadvertently there was a trace of trance: Chen Yuanyuan is indeed a beauty and trouble, and it has caused so many first-class men in the world to be overwhelmed. These men knew that Chen Yuanyuan’s wonderful body had been tasted by many men, but they still fell into it without hesitation...

Song Qingshu changed his thoughts and felt normal. This is the nature of men. They are often willing to share a sweet cake with others, and they don’t want to eat a rotten pear alone. Chen Yuanyuan is naturally that sweet cake. Is it rotten pears? Refers to some vulgar fans in the world.

Seeing that Hu Yizhi's mood was extremely unstable, Song Qingshu still felt it was better to leave early, and quickly changed the subject: "Senior was also a famous person back then, so why bother to nest in this chaos for a woman? Senior did not know that Hu Yidao was dead? In the hand of the traitor, leaving behind the orphans and widows Chapter 147: Cake and Rotten Pear

His mother was bullied, and Hu Yidao’s son Hu Fei couldn’t even learn Hu’s sword skills..."

"Dead with a knife?" Hu Yizhi looked at Song Qingshu in shock. For decades, he hadn't heard of things outside the window and quietly became a flower farmer, already cut off from the rivers and lakes.

Song Qingshu sighed and compared Hu Yidao with Miao Renfeng. As a result, he was poisoned by two swords, causing Hu Yidao to be poisoned and killed. After that, he told him about a series of things.

Hu Yizhi heard old tears, bowed his head in silence.

Song Qingshu was afraid of irritating him, and walked out slowly. Hu Yizhi suddenly raised his head, and Song Qingshu was shocked by what he said: "I am not a flying fox, I am his brother. He knew that a disaster was approaching, and entrusted me to protect Li Zicheng for him. I agreed. Everything went well. It's a pity that everything changed after Li Zicheng met Ms. Chen again. As you said, he often broke into Ms. Chen's scented boudoir in the middle of the night, with her... In short, the sound from inside was a great torment to me. I endured it for a year, and finally I couldn’t help it. I killed him on a full moon night. Seeing that he would never come again, Miss Chen thought that Li Zicheng had abandoned her again, and her heart finally calmed down. After eating fast and reciting the Buddha all day, I have a peaceful life, and I can guard her quietly again.” Hu Yizhi said, with a happy smile on his lips. Chapter 148 Marriage

"Did you kill Li Zicheng?" Song Qingshu couldn't react to it for a while.

"Anyone will die. He should have died as early as Jiugong Mountain. I just gave him a ride ahead of time." Hu Yizhi's expression was indifferent, and he didn't think he had done much.

Seeing madness flashing in his eyes, Song Qingshu thought about Chen Zai, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Hu Yizhi raised his head and glanced at him: "You have suffered too much from weapons today, and you really are not my opponent in the fight, but since you and the Hu family are deeply connected, I will let you go. If you encounter little Hu Fei in the future, let him come here to find him. I, I will pass on his complete Hu family knife technique."

Song Qingshu didn't think that the other party was really capable of hurting him, but he didn't want to have a meaningless fight for the sake of the argument. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your mercy, seniors, and I will definitely bring the words to Hu Fei in the next day."

In the next few days, after the grand burial of the princess, Song Qingshu sent someone to Sansheng'an to pick up Akke. After bidding farewell to Wu Sangui, he took Wei Xiaobao's coffin to Beijing.

On the way, Song Qingshu talked to A Ke several times. He wanted to cultivate intimacy, but it was a pity that A Ke was full of sorrows of leaving home and anxiety about the palace and his party. Secondly, he has not recovered from the scene of witnessing the rudeness of the princess. , I ignored Song Qingshu's words, and after a few times of self-explanation, when he got upset, Song Qingshu didn't bother to talk to her anymore. With no words on the way, the envoy team quickly returned to the capital.

In the Forbidden City, Kangxi drove his entourage and guards far away, and he looked at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin quietly. Because of the imperial secret method, Wei Xiaobao's body has not been damaged much after so long has passed. Kangxi looked at the familiar face, and a bright color appeared in his eyes.

But after all, he is the emperor of a country. After all, he did not let the tears fall. He turned and glared at Song Qingshu: "Say, what is going on!"

Song Qingshu told Kangxi about what happened in Shanhaiguan that day. Kangxi was always noncommittal. After Song Qingshu finished speaking, Kangxi sneered and said: "It's okay for you to fool Wu Sangui and father and son. You still don't tell the truth in front of me. As the son of the treasure prince, Fukang'an, what kind of beautiful woman has never seen, and Jianning is not born with the beauty of the country, how could Fukang'an take such a big risk!"

"This..." Song Qing glanced at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin embarrassedly, with a very struggling expression.

Kangxi was already familiar with Wei Xiaobao's bold personality. Seeing Song Qingshu's expression, there was a hint of understanding in his heart. He said in a deep voice, "Could it be related to Wei Xiaobao and Jianning."

"The Emperor Mingjian." Song Qingshu said hesitantly, "Since some things have already happened, why not let it pass like this, and also preserve the... reputation."

"Asshole!" Kangxi flushed with anger, "I just need to know the truth."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Qingshu hesitated and said, "Master Wei and the princess have always felt the 148th chapter of marriage.

"Did you kill Li Zicheng?" Song Qingshu couldn't react to it for a while.

"Anyone will die. He should have died as early as Jiugong Mountain. I just gave him a ride ahead of time." Hu Yizhi's expression was indifferent, and he didn't think he had done much.

Seeing madness flashing in his eyes, Song Qingshu thought about Chen Zai, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Hu Yizhi raised his head and glanced at him: "You have suffered too much from weapons today, and you really are not my opponent in the fight, but since you and the Hu family are deeply connected, I will let you go. If you encounter little Hu Fei in the future, let him come here to find him. I, I will pass on his complete Hu family knife technique."

Song Qingshu didn't think that the other party was really capable of hurting him, but he didn't want to have a meaningless fight for the sake of the argument. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your mercy, seniors, and I will definitely bring the words to Hu Fei in the next day."

In the next few days, after the grand burial of the princess, Song Qingshu sent someone to Sansheng'an to pick up Akke. After bidding farewell to Wu Sangui, he took Wei Xiaobao's coffin to Beijing.

On the way, Song Qingshu talked to A Ke several times. He wanted to cultivate intimacy, but it was a pity that A Ke was full of sorrows of leaving home and anxiety about the palace and his party. Secondly, he has not recovered from the scene of witnessing the rudeness of the princess. , I ignored Song Qingshu's words, and after a few times of self-explanation, when he got upset, Song Qingshu didn't bother to talk to her anymore. With no words on the way, the envoy team quickly returned to the capital.

In the Forbidden City, Kangxi drove his entourage and guards far away, and he looked at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin quietly. Because of the imperial secret method, Wei Xiaobao's body has not been damaged much after so long has passed. Kangxi looked at the familiar face, and a bright color appeared in his eyes.

But after all, he is the emperor of a country. After all, he did not let the tears fall. He turned and glared at Song Qingshu: "Say, what is going on!"

Song Qingshu told Kangxi about what happened in Shanhaiguan that day. Kangxi was always noncommittal. After Song Qingshu finished speaking, Kangxi sneered and said: "It's okay for you to fool Wu Sangui and father and son. You still don't tell the truth in front of me. As the son of the treasure prince, Fukang'an, what kind of beautiful woman has never seen, and Jianning is not born with the beauty of the country, how could Fukang'an take such a big risk!"

"This..." Song Qing glanced at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin embarrassedly, with a very struggling expression.

Kangxi was already familiar with Wei Xiaobao's bold personality. Seeing Song Qingshu's expression, there was a hint of understanding in his heart. He said in a deep voice, "Could it be related to Wei Xiaobao and Jianning."

"The Emperor Mingjian." Song Qingshu said hesitantly, "Since some things have already happened, why not let it pass like this, and also preserve the... reputation."

"Asshole!" Kangxi flushed with anger, "I just need to know the truth."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Qingshu hesitated and said, "Master Wei and the princess have always felt the 148th chapter of marriage.

"Did you kill Li Zicheng?" Song Qingshu couldn't react to it for a while.

"Anyone will die. He should have died as early as Jiugong Mountain. I just gave him a ride ahead of time." Hu Yizhi's expression was indifferent, and he didn't think he had done much.

Seeing madness flashing in his eyes, Song Qingshu thought about Chen Zai, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Hu Yizhi raised his head and glanced at him: "You have suffered too much from weapons today, and you really are not my opponent in the fight, but since you and the Hu family are deeply connected, I will let you go. If you encounter little Hu Fei in the future, let him come here to find him. I, I will pass on his complete Hu family knife technique."

Song Qingshu didn't think that the other party was really capable of hurting him, but he didn't want to have a meaningless fight for the sake of the argument. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your mercy, seniors, and I will definitely bring the words to Hu Fei in the next day."

In the next few days, after the grand burial of the princess, Song Qingshu sent someone to Sansheng'an to pick up Akke. After bidding farewell to Wu Sangui, he took Wei Xiaobao's coffin to Beijing.

On the way, Song Qingshu talked to A Ke several times. He wanted to cultivate intimacy, but it was a pity that A Ke was full of sorrows of leaving home and anxiety about the palace and his party. Secondly, he has not recovered from the scene of witnessing the rudeness of the princess. , I ignored Song Qingshu's words, and after a few times of self-explanation, when he got upset, Song Qingshu didn't bother to talk to her anymore. With no words on the way, the envoy team quickly returned to the capital.

In the Forbidden City, Kangxi drove his entourage and guards far away, and he looked at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin quietly. Because of the imperial secret method, Wei Xiaobao's body has not been damaged much after so long has passed. Kangxi looked at the familiar face, and a bright color appeared in his eyes.

But after all, he is the emperor of a country. After all, he did not let the tears fall. He turned and glared at Song Qingshu: "Say, what is going on!"

Song Qingshu told Kangxi about what happened in Shanhaiguan that day. Kangxi was always noncommittal. After Song Qingshu finished speaking, Kangxi sneered and said: "It's okay for you to fool Wu Sangui and father and son. You still don't tell the truth in front of me. As the son of the treasure prince, Fukang'an, what kind of beautiful woman has never seen, and Jianning is not born with the beauty of the country, how could Fukang'an take such a big risk!"

"This..." Song Qing glanced at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin embarrassedly, with a very struggling expression.

Kangxi was already familiar with Wei Xiaobao's bold personality. Seeing Song Qingshu's expression, there was a hint of understanding in his heart. He said in a deep voice, "Could it be related to Wei Xiaobao and Jianning."

"The Emperor Mingjian." Song Qingshu said hesitantly, "Since some things have already happened, why not let it pass like this, and also preserve the... reputation."

"Asshole!" Kangxi flushed with anger, "I just need to know the truth."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Qingshu hesitated and said, "Master Wei and the princess have always felt the 148th chapter of marriage.

"Did you kill Li Zicheng?" Song Qingshu couldn't react to it for a while.

"Anyone will die. He should have died as early as Jiugong Mountain. I just gave him a ride ahead of time." Hu Yizhi's expression was indifferent, and he didn't think he had done much.

Seeing madness flashing in his eyes, Song Qingshu thought about Chen Zai, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Hu Yizhi raised his head and glanced at him: "You have suffered too much from weapons today, and you really are not my opponent in the fight, but since you and the Hu family are deeply connected, I will let you go. If you encounter little Hu Fei in the future, let him come here to find him. I, I will pass on his complete Hu family knife technique."

Song Qingshu didn't think that the other party was really capable of hurting him, but he didn't want to have a meaningless fight for the sake of the argument. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your mercy, seniors, and I will definitely bring the words to Hu Fei in the next day."

In the next few days, after the grand burial of the princess, Song Qingshu sent someone to Sansheng'an to pick up Akke. After bidding farewell to Wu Sangui, he took Wei Xiaobao's coffin to Beijing.

On the way, Song Qingshu talked to A Ke several times. He wanted to cultivate intimacy, but it was a pity that A Ke was full of sorrows of leaving home and anxiety about the palace and his party. Secondly, he has not recovered from the scene of witnessing the rudeness of the princess. , I ignored Song Qingshu's words, and after a few times of self-explanation, when he got upset, Song Qingshu didn't bother to talk to her anymore. With no words on the way, the envoy team quickly returned to the capital.

In the Forbidden City, Kangxi drove his entourage and guards far away, and he looked at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin quietly. Because of the imperial secret method, Wei Xiaobao's body has not been damaged much after so long has passed. Kangxi looked at the familiar face, and a bright color appeared in his eyes.

But after all, he is the emperor of a country. After all, he did not let the tears fall. He turned and glared at Song Qingshu: "Say, what is going on!"

Song Qingshu told Kangxi about what happened in Shanhaiguan that day. Kangxi was always noncommittal. After Song Qingshu finished speaking, Kangxi sneered and said: "It's okay for you to fool Wu Sangui and father and son. You still don't tell the truth in front of me. As the son of the treasure prince, Fukang'an, what kind of beautiful woman has never seen, and Jianning is not born with the beauty of the country, how could Fukang'an take such a big risk!"

"This..." Song Qing glanced at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin embarrassedly, with a very struggling expression.

Kangxi was already familiar with Wei Xiaobao's bold personality. Seeing Song Qingshu's expression, there was a hint of understanding in his heart. He said in a deep voice, "Could it be related to Wei Xiaobao and Jianning."

"The Emperor Mingjian." Song Qingshu said hesitantly, "Since some things have already happened, why not let it pass like this, and also preserve the... reputation."

"Asshole!" Kangxi flushed with anger, "I just need to know the truth."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Qingshu hesitated and said, "Master Wei and the princess have always felt the 148th chapter of marriage.

"Did you kill Li Zicheng?" Song Qingshu couldn't react to it for a while.

"Anyone will die. He should have died as early as Jiugong Mountain. I just gave him a ride ahead of time." Hu Yizhi's expression was indifferent, and he didn't think he had done much.

Seeing madness flashing in his eyes, Song Qingshu thought about Chen Zai, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Hu Yizhi raised his head and glanced at him: "You have suffered too much from weapons today, and you really are not my opponent in the fight, but since you and the Hu family are deeply connected, I will let you go. If you encounter little Hu Fei in the future, let him come here to find him. I, I will pass on his complete Hu family knife technique."

Song Qingshu didn't think that the other party was really capable of hurting him, but he didn't want to have a meaningless fight for the sake of the argument. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your mercy, seniors, and I will definitely bring the words to Hu Fei in the next day."

In the next few days, after the grand burial of the princess, Song Qingshu sent someone to Sansheng'an to pick up Akke. After bidding farewell to Wu Sangui, he took Wei Xiaobao's coffin to Beijing.

On the way, Song Qingshu talked to A Ke several times. He wanted to cultivate intimacy, but it was a pity that A Ke was full of sorrows of leaving home and anxiety about the palace and his party. Secondly, he has not recovered from the scene of witnessing the rudeness of the princess. , I ignored Song Qingshu's words, and after a few times of self-explanation, when he got upset, Song Qingshu didn't bother to talk to her anymore. With no words on the way, the envoy team quickly returned to the capital.

In the Forbidden City, Kangxi drove his entourage and guards far away, and he looked at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin quietly. Because of the imperial secret method, Wei Xiaobao's body has not been damaged much after so long has passed. Kangxi looked at the familiar face, and a bright color appeared in his eyes.

But after all, he is the emperor of a country. After all, he did not let the tears fall. He turned and glared at Song Qingshu: "Say, what is going on!"

Song Qingshu told Kangxi about what happened in Shanhaiguan that day. Kangxi was always noncommittal. After Song Qingshu finished speaking, Kangxi sneered and said: "It's okay for you to fool Wu Sangui and father and son. You still don't tell the truth in front of me. As the son of the treasure prince, Fukang'an, what kind of beautiful woman has never seen, and Jianning is not born with the beauty of the country, how could Fukang'an take such a big risk!"

"This..." Song Qing glanced at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin embarrassedly, with a very struggling expression.

Kangxi was already familiar with Wei Xiaobao's bold personality. Seeing Song Qingshu's expression, there was a hint of understanding in his heart. He said in a deep voice, "Could it be related to Wei Xiaobao and Jianning."

"The Emperor Mingjian." Song Qingshu said hesitantly, "Since some things have already happened, why not let it pass like this, and also preserve the... reputation."

"Asshole!" Kangxi flushed with anger, "I just need to know the truth."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Qingshu hesitated and said, "Master Wei and the princess have always felt the 148th chapter of marriage.

"Did you kill Li Zicheng?" Song Qingshu couldn't react to it for a while.

"Anyone will die. He should have died as early as Jiugong Mountain. I just gave him a ride ahead of time." Hu Yizhi's expression was indifferent, and he didn't think he had done much.

Seeing madness flashing in his eyes, Song Qingshu thought about Chen Zai, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Hu Yizhi raised his head and glanced at him: "You have suffered too much from weapons today, and you really are not my opponent in the fight, but since you and the Hu family are deeply connected, I will let you go. If you encounter little Hu Fei in the future, let him come here to find him. I, I will pass on his complete Hu family knife technique."

Song Qingshu didn't think that the other party was really capable of hurting him, but he didn't want to have a meaningless fight for the sake of the argument. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your mercy, seniors, and I will definitely bring the words to Hu Fei in the next day."

In the next few days, after the grand burial of the princess, Song Qingshu sent someone to Sansheng'an to pick up Akke. After bidding farewell to Wu Sangui, he took Wei Xiaobao's coffin to Beijing.

On the way, Song Qingshu talked to A Ke several times. He wanted to cultivate intimacy, but it was a pity that A Ke was full of sorrows of leaving home and anxiety about the palace and his party. Secondly, he has not recovered from the scene of witnessing the rudeness of the princess. , I ignored Song Qingshu's words, and after a few times of self-explanation, when he got upset, Song Qingshu didn't bother to talk to her anymore. With no words on the way, the envoy team quickly returned to the capital.

In the Forbidden City, Kangxi drove his entourage and guards far away, and he looked at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin quietly. Because of the imperial secret method, Wei Xiaobao's body has not been damaged much after so long has passed. Kangxi looked at the familiar face, and a bright color appeared in his eyes.

But after all, he is the emperor of a country. After all, he did not let the tears fall. He turned and glared at Song Qingshu: "Say, what is going on!"

Song Qingshu told Kangxi about what happened in Shanhaiguan that day. Kangxi was always noncommittal. After Song Qingshu finished speaking, Kangxi sneered and said: "It's okay for you to fool Wu Sangui and father and son. You still don't tell the truth in front of me. As the son of the treasure prince, Fukang'an, what kind of beautiful woman has never seen, and Jianning is not born with the beauty of the country, how could Fukang'an take such a big risk!"

"This..." Song Qing glanced at Wei Xiaobao in the coffin embarrassedly, with a very struggling expression.

Kangxi was already familiar with Wei Xiaobao's bold personality. Seeing Song Qingshu's expression, there was a hint of understanding in his heart. He said in a deep voice, "Could it be related to Wei Xiaobao and Jianning."

"The Emperor Mingjian." Song Qingshu said hesitantly, "Since some things have already happened, why not let it pass like this, and also preserve the... reputation."

"Asshole!" Kangxi flushed with anger, "I just need to know the truth."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Qingshu hesitated and said, "Master Wei and the princess always feel

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