Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1475: Desperate

Zhao Min from the tree not far away exclaimed. She had been gloating in the audience, but now she can’t help but worry. After all, she has seen the kung fu of these monks before, and there is no master in the Royal Palace of Ruyang. Few dealings with them.

"Is it dangerous for him to deal with so many masters alone?" Zhao Min's heart beat to his throat, but he quickly remembered that in the ruined temple, he killed more than a dozen knights in a second, almost miraculously with one man and one sword. The top master of the island calmed down again.

"But these stinky monks are all masters who have grown up for decades. The quick combat experience of Xia Kedao's masters is not at the same level." Zhao Min recalled the original Song Qingshu criticizing the top masters of Xia Ke Island, and for a while. Tangled up.

At this time, Xiao Yuanshan on the other side was also horrified: "Feng'er, your friend's martial arts is really shocking, and he actually stood alone against the attacks of the four super masters."

Xiao Feng smiled bitterly: "Father, you go and help, in case he has something wrong, how can we get along?"

"Don't worry, we Khitan people stand upright, how can we just let our friends take risks," Xiao Yuanshan patted him on the shoulder and laughed loudly, "Little brother, I'll help you!"

After speaking, he swung his long whip into the field. Compared with other Shaolin disciples with insufficient skill, he was naturally qualified to join the battle circle, but now the melee is now in a group. The skill of the five masters is everywhere, and he does not dare to rush. In the past, he just used a long whip to roll up Xuan Ci from a distance, trying to take him out of the battle circle.

"Old Xuanci, your opponent is me. It's time to settle the old account thirty years ago." Xiao Yuanshan said with a fierce face and angrily.

"Amitabha Buddha, goodness, goodness," Xuanzai jumped out of the battle group during his free time, "in the past we were sorry for you, but Jushi Xiao has been in the rivers and lakes for the past few years to harm the innocent, and Lao Na is going to act for the sky today."

Xiao Yuanshan smiled in anger and said, "It's a boastful statement. Where does this confidence come from for a mere defeat?"

"As the so-called 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, the first war made me feel guilty and gave me a heart of compassion, which inadvertently conformed to the origin of this temple's martial arts. In the past 30 years, martial arts have advanced rapidly," Xuanci Taking a look at Xiao Yuanshan, he couldn't help sighing, "On the contrary, it was Lay Xiao who was blinded by hatred after the previous battle, and his heart was filled with all kinds of insidiousness and cruelty. As a result, there has been no qualitative improvement in kung fu in the past 30 years."

Xiao Yuanshan was secretly frightened, but he didn't accept any softness in his mouth: "I haven't improved in martial arts, it's more than enough to kill you!" As soon as the voice fell, he used a long whip to attack Xuan Ci with supreme power.

Xuan Cisi didn't dare to neglect, lifted the robes and vomited magic skills, bloated all over the robes, while resisting the opponent's long whip attack, while swinging the vajra palm in a timely manner to counterattack.

The biggest characteristic of the Giant Diamond Palm is to split objects in the air, so under the attack of Xiao Yuanshan's long whip, Xuan Ci can still go back and forth with it, without losing the wind.

At this moment, the two of them moved their hands, and the other masters of Shaolin glanced at each other. Since Song Qingshu couldn't help, the remaining people attacked Xiao Feng and others.

Although these people are not top masters, they are also top masters in the world. Although the number is not as good as those of Juxianzhuang in the past, the quality is significantly higher. Even if Xiao Feng is in a normal state, it is very difficult to deal with, let alone today. Seriously injured?

Fortunately, there are still A Zhu and A Zi standing by, but the two female martial arts are too low after all, even a Shaolin master can't compare with them. If A Zi had not learned a vicious hidden weapon kung fu from the Astral Sect, I am afraid that it would have been done by now. Caught.

The gleam of his eyes swept to the side Xiao Feng was in danger, Xiao Yuanshan roared, and the long whip in his hand swept away to the nearest people who besieged him. Although those people were good at martial arts, they were Xiao Yuanshan's opponents, and they were swept away by the touch. , Screamed again and again, and the pressure around Xiao Feng was instantly gone.

When Xuan Ci saw this, he was also full of hair and beard, and rushed towards him with a roar of Buddha's horn. Xiao Yuanshan's long whip could not be retrieved, so he had to free up a hand to fight with him.

While Xiao Yuanshan was distracted and used a long whip to resolve the crisis for Xiao Feng, he also had to face the offensive of Xuanci. After all, Xuanci is now the top master of Shaolin, which caused Xiao Yuanshan to be very embarrassed in an instant. If not for his unusual talents The martial arts cultivation level of the last few decades may be dangerous now.

Zhao Min, not far away, looked very anxious. Xiao Feng and his son are now like a flat boat in the sea of ​​anger. They may be submerged by big waves at any time, while Song Qingshu and several other masters are fighting each other. Once Shaolin's others subdue If Xiao Feng and his son go to help, wouldn't Song Qingshu be dangerous?

Zhao Min gave a bit of silver teeth, and finally rushed down with a squeak. She wanted to buy time for Song Qingshu, at least not allowing Xiao and his son to be captured before his side decided the victory.

The Shaolin monks were shocked when they saw a person suddenly appeared, but they were relieved to see that it was just a beautiful girl. At this time, they were most afraid of the appearance of a few top masters on the other side.

Although Zhao Min is not a master-level master, his martial arts is much higher than Azhu Azi after all. He overturned the monks around them and ignored them, and ran to Xiao Feng's side without stopping to block the monks for him. s attack.

"Princess?" Xiao Feng was surprised and delighted, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Min couldn't help rolling his eyes, thinking that Xiao Feng, a clever young man on weekdays, asked such a silly question.

"Recently, I have to ask about the changes between the soldiers and horses of Song and Jin. I brought the master of Ruyang Palace to investigate specially." Zhao Min deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the words "Master of Ruyang Palace".

"Has the master of Ruyang Palace come?" Xiao Feng was overjoyed. He had dealt with the people of Ruyang Palace and knew that they were all first-class masters.

The Shaolin monks were shocked when they heard this, and even Xuan Cheng and Fang Zheng couldn't help but take a look here, knowing that the Shaolin Temple was almost completely wiped out by the Ruyang Prince's Mansion, but now they still have some lingering fears.

Song Qingshu laughed blankly. He naturally knew that there were no masters in Ruyang Palace. Zhao Min was really smart, and instantly came up with this method to disturb the minds of the Shaolin monks.

In fact, he used to be one enemy four to now one enemy three super masters. The main advantage is speed. The world's martial arts are invincible, only fast. You must know that the battle of "Swordsman" Heimuya is unbeaten in the East by one enemy and five. Among them, there are such masters as Ren Woxing, Linghu Chong, and Xiang Wentian, but they are still at ease, relying on speed.

Now, with his extraordinary speed, he can also cope with the siege of several masters, but the martial arts of these masters besieging him is much higher than the quality of the Linghu Chong team.

Now the three worst of Xuancheng, Xuzhu, and Fangzheng are all slightly competent for my practice. Coupled with the same martial arts, they are connected with each other. The power of the joint force is far greater than that of Ren Woxing, Linghu Chong and others. many.

However, because of this, Song Qingshu is still confident that he can severely injure one of them, but he has always worried that although he can severely injure one of them, he will definitely be taken advantage of by the other two at that moment, making himself unbearable. Injuries, there are many people in Shaolin. If he is injured, it will be difficult for him to leave Zhao Min and Xiao Feng safely. So now the four-man battle has reached a delicate balance. Song Qingshu has been waiting for an opportunity to find an excellent one. Opportunity skills severely damage one person without being severely injured by the other two. Unfortunately, the other three have worked closely together, and he has never found a chance.

"Senior Xiao, King Xiao has me here to help you, don't be distracted, concentrate on dealing with Xuanci!" Zhao Min said quickly, and secretly added in his heart, it is best to get Xuanci as soon as possible before coming to help us.

Xiao Yuanshan originally had doubts in his heart, but seeing her exquisite swordsmanship, especially the magical footwork, he couldn't help but feel refreshed: "Okay!" He gave up the long whip and directly confronted Xuanci with both palms, instantly regaining his decay.

After all, Zhao Min's martial arts has learned the strengths of the six major schools. The biggest gap between her and the first-class masters is her lack of internal strength. If she had faced so many high-ranking monks in the past, she would probably be captured if she couldn't hold on to a few strokes, but coincidentally these two. Tian just learned Treading on the Sand Wuhen from Song Qingshu. This is the light work of Tianxia Waiting. It just played the subtle advantages of her moves and avoided the weakness of lack of internal strength-because she moved quickly enough to dodge.

Seeing Zhao Min's bravery, Xiao Feng couldn't help being reborn with pride. He wondered how he could be compared to a woman by a magnificent man. At this moment, it seemed as if a violent aura was turned on, and his combat power suddenly returned to the level before he was injured. , Shaolin monks were ashamed and screamed again and again.

Xuanci was secretly shocked. Xiao Yuanshan's offensive became more and more fierce. He had to admit that although his martial arts had not been sublimated in the past 30 years, he had become more and more proficient and fierce. He was impeccably controlled in terms of skills, especially his father and son. With a natural aura of the **** of war, he actually became more and more courageous under the absolute disadvantage.

He couldn't help thinking of the scene of flesh and blood flying outside Yanmen Pass thirty years ago, and he couldn't help but feel frightened secretly, a faint fear arose in his heart, and after another two or three hundred tricks, he might control it.

But this is not what Xuanci is most worried about. What he is most worried about is the master of Ruyang Palace in Zhao Min's words, and he doesn't know where he is now. In case the two snipes and clams compete for the benefit of the Ruyang Palace fisherman, Repeating the humiliation of the entire temple being trapped in Wan'an Temple before, then his abbot is truly a sinner through the ages.

Seeing Zhao Min dancing around like a beautiful swan, I knew how difficult it would be to subdue him for a while with the power of those seniors alone.

Xuan Ci made a decisive decision and hurriedly shouted: "Set up the Arhat formation and make a quick battle!"

The group of eminent monks was taken aback, and reacted instantly. The figures crossed each other, and they were no longer fighting each other aimlessly as before.

"Shaolin's Arhat Array!" Xiao Feng was frightened. You must know that Shaolin's Arhat Array is well-known and is still above the beggar gang's dog-fighting array. On weekdays, some Arhats' disciples in the temple can be sleepy. The top masters in the dead rivers and lakes, what's more, these martial arts higher monks of the Xuanzi generation and the empty generations?

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