Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1476: Instinctively low-key

"Can't let them form!" Zhao Min also reacted, but it is a pity that all the Shaolin monks are masters in the temple. Although this array is usually done by low-level disciples in the temple, they are not so skilled, but they deal with serious injuries. Xiao Feng and Zhao Min are more than enough.

Zhao Min could have avoided the surrounding attacks by virtue of her magical steps, but after the opponent formed an Arhat formation, she found that her escape space was getting smaller and smaller. In addition, she had just learned how to tread on the sand and was not proficient enough, and finally sprinted. Before he could turn his head, the opponent took the opportunity to put the knife on his neck.

Xiao Feng tried to save her, but it was a pity that he was seriously injured, only to hold on with a breath of pride in his chest, and at this time he was already overwhelmed.

"The surname Song, hurry up and get caught, or I will kill this demon to bury Senior Brother Kongxing!" Kongzhi, who had been hit hard by Xiao Yuanshan's Incoming Tribulation, came to Zhao Min's side and shouted at Song Qingshu, who was fighting fiercely on the other side. Dao, at the beginning, emptiness was cut off by Ah San under the Royal Palace of Ruyang, which was a shame for the whole Shaolin, but unfortunately, as the Mongolian princess, they could not find a chance to take revenge.

In the past few years, people in the rivers and lakes knew that Zhao Min and Zhang Wuji seemed to be a couple, but in the past few years, the two seem to have turned against each other. According to various signs, Zhao Min and Song Qingshu have walked very close again. Naturally, he knew better than the ordinary people in the rivers and lakes about the nuances between them, and at the same time secretly despised Zhao Min as a foreign demon girl.

Hearing Kongzhi's words, the four people who were fighting intensively stopped in unison. Even a ruthless person like Xuan Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that fortunately he had controlled Zhao Min, otherwise it would be really difficult to subdue Song Qingshu. Thinking of the ghostly speed of the other party just now, I still have lingering fears.

Song Qingshu glanced over there and saw that Zhao Min was held hostage by the Shaolin monk, as if he would be killed on the spot if he answered a no-word.

"Song has always tolerated it everywhere, so as not to accidentally hurt the lives of the masters." Song Qingshu's voice was like ice, and the whole person took a bunch of afterimages and walked in the direction of Zhao Min.

"Don't come here!" Seeing him getting closer, Kongzhi was a little flustered, threatening sternly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xuan Cheng, Xu Zhu, and Fang Zheng hurriedly leaped over to Song Qingshu, but unfortunately they still couldn't match his speed.

Seeing Song Qingshu getting closer, Kongzhi's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of tragic and solemnity, and the hand clasped on Zhao Min's neck was forced to twist. He was ready to sacrifice, but he had to take Zhao Min down before he died, which was considered revenge for emptiness.

However, his expression quickly changed, because he found that his hands were out of his control. You must know that although he was severely injured by the Intangible Tribulation Finger, there was no difficulty in breaking the delicate neck of a little girl, but he found that his hands Just can't move.

Moreover, it was not just his hands that horrified him, but he couldn't control his whole body.

"How is this possible?" This was Kongzhi's last thought at this time, and then he flew out with the other monks beside him, like a kite with a broken wire.

Xuan Cheng and the others who rushed over were shocked, and they had no time to attack Song Qingshu. They could only hug those fellows to dissolve the impact, or let them hit the ground or a tree. I am afraid that few would survive.

Song Qingshu didn't even look at them at this time. He just hugged Zhao Min in his arms and gently stroked her white and delicate neck: "Are you okay?"

"No... it's okay~" He was so hugged in his arms under everyone's eyes, and Zhao Min's temperament couldn't help but feel a little shy.

Looking at the faint red mark on her neck, Song Qingshu said reproachfully: "It's all my fault, so I encountered such a danger."

Surrounded by his masculine aura, Zhao Min couldn't help but speed up his heartbeat, and suddenly felt that the others around him were completely irrelevant.

At this moment, a discordant voice abruptly interrupted the charming atmosphere between the two: "Song, you dare to make such a heavy hand!"

"Isn't this dead?" Song Qingshu glanced at Xuan Cheng, irritated at his interruption, and his tone was naturally not very polite.

"You!" Xuan Cheng was angry, and all of his robes suddenly bulged up, but because the robes were shattered by Xiao Yuanshan's long whip just now, they quickly became discouraged and collapsed again. This movement seemed a little funny. ridiculous.

Looking at the cloth-like robes on her body, Xuan Cheng became annoyed and said: "The surname Song, the grievances between you and this temple over the years have been settled this time, and the enchantress surnamed Zhao, the previous enmity of Wan'an Temple, this I haven't settled the account with you yet!"

Song Qingshu sarcastically said: "I Song Qingshu is going to leave, who can keep me in this world?"

"You may not be able to stay, but this Princess Zhao, as well as Xiao Feng and others, can't run away." Xuan Cheng said proudly, with a different kind of confidence in his tone. After all, there are many masters in Shaolin now, so he naturally Have this confidence.

"Really?" Song Qing said with sarcasm, "but why should I leave?"

Xuan Cheng was taken aback, and quickly made up his mind: "If you don't leave, then stay here with them." He has made up his mind. Although staying in the Qingshu in the Song Dynasty might cause Shaolin to suffer heavy losses, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. Let Song Qingshu continue to grow bigger and become the enemy of Shaolin in the future, it is better to spend a lot of money to keep it today.

"Want to keep me?" Song Qingshu suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and the Shaolin monks changed their expressions, thinking that the internal strength of this servant was so terrifying!

Because of the episode just now, Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng also stopped one after another. The monks of Shaolin Temple placed a large array of Arhats to surround them in the center, and they did not continue to attack for the time being.

"Put me aside, lest you wait a while." Zhao Min tugged at Song Qingshu's sleeves and whispered. She had just witnessed Song Qingshu's one-to-four scene, knowing that if she was next to him, he would be restrained. , Undoubtedly defeated.

"I won't let you take the slightest risk. It is safest to stay by my side." Song Qingshu shook his head, and softly refused.

Zhao Min's heart warmed, and she unnaturally wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, thinking that this **** is really a scheming girl, and it moved people unknowingly...

After all, she still has reason, and said with some worry: "But..."

"It's nothing," Song Qingshu interrupted her, and turned to Xuan Cheng, "Did you just say that this place is no better than the Golden Snake Conference, and there is no weapon in the hands of the heroes, and my ten thousand swords are useless? "

Xuan Cheng's heart jumped, but still felt that that kind of conjecture was impossible, and he raised his head and snorted: "Not bad! What's more, we have so many masters today. The end result will only be that many of us are seriously injured, and you will undoubtedly die. !"

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Xuanci, Fang Zheng, Xuzhu and others shouted the Buddha's name one after another, and took a step forward. The rest of the eminent monks of the empty and mysterious generations also set up the Arhat array, and they will start with an order. Thunder strike.

Although many of them, such as Fang Zheng, felt that life and death with Song Qingshu was not a wise choice, but the matter is now, this small group of people can only follow the arrangements of the whole temple.

How terrifying the aura of so many Lin masters combined, the pressure is overwhelming, and even Xiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan's complexion changes drastically, and their breathing is short. As for Aju Azi, who has already sat limp on the ground, only Zhao Min is under the protection of Song Qingshu. The next did not feel much pressure.

"It seems that you really want to kill me." Song Qingshu sneered, and suddenly stretched out his hand and slowly rose up. The surrounding air was suppressed by the pressure of the masters of Shaolin and there was no wind, but now there is no wind automatically, as if it has appeared. An invisible tornado caused the leaves on the ground to be rolled up.

"This is?" Xuan Ci Xuan Cheng and the others looked at each other in amazement, because they felt a terrifying aura erupting from the center of the field.

"Interrupt him!" This was the consensus of a few people. Xuan Ci, Xuan Cheng, Fang Zheng, and Xu Zhu rushed over at the same time, unwilling the other party to complete the momentum.

Each of them used his life's unique skills, the big diamond palm, the prajna palm, the thousand-handed Tathagata palm, and the wood-burning sword smashed all over Song Qingshu's body.

However, their palms and sword qi entered within three feet of each other and disappeared without a trace, as if they were instantly destroyed. Before the four of them had time to be horrified, suddenly warning signs appeared in their hearts, as if countless sharp swords were coming. They lased in general.

The four monks were horrified, and they resorted to their life-long skills to resolve the immediate crisis. While retreating at a faster speed than before, when the four of them regained their feet, they found that the robes on their chests were broken, and there was even a faint trace on their skin. The traces of blood stains, could not help but feel shocked, one after another looked in the court.

The air around Song Qingshu seemed to be no longer air, but something crystal-clear but viscous, but with infinite determination and power.

"What the **** is that?" Xuan Ci murmured to himself, and Xuan Cheng and others next to him were also puzzled.

"Sword Qi!" I don’t know who yelled behind. Xuan Ci and others were looking intently and found that the air around Song Qingshu was flowing, and thousands of transparent swords were faintly floating in the air. These swords pointed towards the sky. Outside Song Qingshu slowly swam around, not only protecting his surroundings, but also a ready-to-go posture, as if as long as Song Qingshu thought, these swords would fly out all over the sky, leaving no inch of grass!

Because these sword auras were originally transparent, Xuanci and Xuancheng didn't see it at first, but as the angle of the sun changed, there were smoke and dust in the sky, flying leaves and grass clippings, and finally faintly revealed itself. Outline.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!" Xuan Cheng took a deep breath. At the Golden Snake Conference, he had seen Song Qingshu use this trick, but at that time he was controlling the sword in the hands of the heroes in the field. Everything was physical. Unexpectedly, he could actually transform the sword internally, reappearing the original trick that shocked him.

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