Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1477: Do I really know that I can't kill?

Song Qingshu also fell into memories at this time. As a traverser, he naturally had seen "Feng Yun". He was very impressed with the Return of the Sword and the Twenty-Three Swords in it, and it just so happened that he was here. The world has also practiced these two skills.

The first paragraph of Wan Jian Gui Zong’s sword spectrum is “Ten thousand qi regenerates by itself, sword rushes to waste holes; Gui Yuan Wuxue, Zong Yuan is a great master.” The back is all white paper, and most cultivators are totally confused. I don’t know what’s going on. From the perspective of God, Song Qingshu naturally knows that the most important thing for Wan Jian’s return to the sect is to abandon his martial arts first, turn himself into a piece of white paper, and then reconsolidate his internal strength to condense every trace of internal strength into Sword Qi, so that in the end, he can practice ten thousand swords and return to the sect.

Coincidentally, Song Qingshu was attacked by Mingzun on Heimuya, which caused the martial arts to be completely abolished. Finally, he resumed martial arts after learning the "Huanxi Zen Method" in Tubo Tantra.

During that time, the idea of ​​"The Return of Ten Thousand Swords" appeared in his mind from time to time in his previous life, so when he re-trained his internal strength, he was conscious of condensing his internal strength into sword energy.

Coupled with the powerful fusion characteristics of Huanxi Zen, he was finally able to practice it, but after all, he was groping on his own, and he would always encounter all kinds of messy problems in the middle. As a result, "The Return of Ten Thousand Swords" was not so perfect until later. After going to Xia Ke Island and practicing the "Tai Xuan Jing", all the swordsmanship, palm skills, internal skills, light skills learned in his life are all integrated into one. Not only did he realize the twenty-three swords, but also the return of ten thousand swords to the sect. The realm of Dacheng.

At this time countless sword qi appeared around, Song Qingshu said faintly: "I and Shaolin have no unsolvable grudges. They have been merciful before. I didn't expect that you still meant to kill me. In that case, then you... …All go to death!"

There was a hint of madness in the voice, and the countless sword auras that had been slowly wandering around before shot out all over the sky, towards the Shaolin monks.

"All spread out!" Xuan Ci was shocked, and hurriedly shouted. After all, he is a top expert, very keenly judging that for this kind of group attack method, the denser the formation, the more severe the loss will be.

In the face of the sky full of sword aura, the Shaolin monks could only instinctively use their housekeeping skills to resist, but this invisible sword aura was formed by condensation, and it can be said to be invincible.

The Zen sticks, whistle sticks, and ring knives in the hands of those Shaolin monks broke from them as soon as they blocked a sword or two, as if they were cut off by the Heavenly Sword or Dragon Sword. Without weapons, many people had bleeding holes in their bodies instantly. Has been hit by the sword qi!

Fang Zhengzhai's kindheartedness saw many of his companions fall in a pool of blood, and hurriedly ran to block them in front of them, blocking the sword energy that struck again for them.

However, his Thousand-Handed Tathagata palm quickly collapsed. At the very moment of his death, he used the King Kong Zen Lion Roar, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out in circles, blasting the attacking sword energy away.

However, he knew his family affairs, the lion roar was extremely laborious, and he couldn't keep roaring like this, once the breath of the other party's sword aura would instantly overwhelm them.

Song Qingshu had a good impression of the benevolent monk, and when he saw him, he secretly took a bit of strength. But for a few others, he doesn't have such a good temper.

Xuanci was merciful on the surface, but he sat and watched that the people involved in the Yanmen Pass had died one after another and never came out to face Qiao Feng. But he still ignored him, and didn't know where his compassion was.

As for Xuzhu, he was originally an honest monk, but the image of Xuzhu in this world is very different from the image in Song Qingshu's memory. On the surface, he is loyal and honest, but in fact he is dark and cunning, making him wonder if he was also an old man like Mingzun. The monster soul is worn out.

Not to mention Xuan Cheng's words, bravely fighting and ruthless, there is no appearance of a monk at all, and the murderousness is very serious, and the conflict between the two sides is not once or twice. Today is the time to end it.

Song Qing's hand raised his hand, and the second round of more terrifying sword energy attacked the Shaolin monks again. At this time, the rest of the monks were basically injured and fell to the ground. Only Xuanci, Xuancheng, Fangzheng, and Xuzhu were still standing. That's it.

Xuan Ci kept using his robes to release his sword energy, and from time to time he used the power of the vajra palm to bombard and avoid the inevitable sword energy. This is the case, and the blood scars on his body were more and more wounded by the sword energy. many.

Xu Zhu first tried to absorb the opponent's sword qi with the Beiming Divine Art, but he had just absorbed a ray of sword qi, and there was a severe tingling pain in the meridian, which scared him hurriedly to dispel the idea of ​​absorbing the opponent's sword qi, honestly Practical Beiming Zhenqi urges the wood burning knife technique to cope with the attacks of the sword Qi.

The wood-burning sword method he used to activate Beiming’s true energy is similar to that of Kumozhi’s flame sword. It was originally the world’s first-class martial arts, but it is a pity that Song Qingshu’s Wanjian Guizong Jianqi is intangible and can be described as three. A hundred and sixty degrees, no dead ends, saturated attacks, no matter how wonderful Xuzhu's sword technique is, it can't protect the whole body at the same time, so he is constantly hit by the sword energy, and his body is full of blood and sweat, which makes him look embarrassed.

Relatively speaking, Xuan Cheng is the best one. After all, he is hailed as the first person in Shaolin in two hundred years. He also has the magical protection body of King Kong not bad, and his personal defense is obviously better than others, but the whole person is also Sword Qi attacked very embarrassed.

At this time, everyone around Song Qingshu looked different. Xiao Feng smiled bitterly, thinking that when he saw the Six-Medition Excalibur, he was shocked by the heavens. Now that he sees the sky full of sword energy, I really don’t know what words to use to describe this moment. In my mood, I thought that even if the opponent's martial arts and his own uncle, even if they were clever, they were too high, but now it's too arrogant to think about it.

Xiao Yuanshan was even more horrified, thinking that I had been in the Shaolin Temple Cangjing Pavilion for thirty years, and I didn't know Fanji about the absolute knowledge I had seen, but is this "ten thousand swords returning to the ancestry" really a martial arts on earth?

Ah Zhu lightly covered his lips. Although surprised but more happy, he became friends because of the secret perfume recipe when Song Qingshu was down. Now that he has grown to this point, he is deeply relieved from the bottom of his heart.

Azi’s eyes were stubborn and straight. When she woke up from the Great Soul Emigration Fa, her first reaction was abnormal anger. Her innocent body, which she worked so hard to preserve under the sinister environment of the Astral Sect, was actually like this. Lost in a daze, she naturally couldn't forget it. But now seeing Song Qingshu's magical martial arts again, she suddenly gave up the idea of ​​revenge.

"It looks like he's also good..." After all, Azi grew up in a wicked sect, and she believes in the idea of ​​respecting the strong in her bones. Now Song Qingshu is so strong that she can't afford to resist the idea at all, and she is completely surrendered. As for love... …What it is?

Zhao Min was in Song Qingshu's arms at this time, and the impact of the sky full of sword aura on her was more intuitive. Looking at the crystal clear sword aura, she couldn't help but admire: "It's so beautiful!"

I thought this guy was really a bastard, he was so powerful and just pretended to make me worry about him just now.

Despite the slander in his heart, Zhao Min still turned his mouth slightly upwards, enjoying everything in front of him, as if watching a gorgeous firework.

However, her eyebrows suddenly frowned, because she saw a nasty big bald head. It turned out that Xuan Cheng realized that sooner or later she would not be able to hold on to being beaten passively like this. Step by step, he walked towards Song Qingshu's direction, planning to fight him close, so that he didn't have the energy to control the sky full of sword energy.

Seeing him approaching, Song Qingshu let out a cold snort, and shot at Xuan Cheng with a wave of most of the sword energy.

Xuan Cheng snorted and couldn't move forward for half a step anymore. He could only use all his skills to resist the erosion of the opponent's sword qi. Not only was he unable to move forward, he even slowly moved back.

"King Kong is not a bad body, one of the five great powers of ancient and modern times, such a big name," Song Qingshu's tone had a hint of joking, and her voice suddenly turned cold, "Then I will break this myth today."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and twisted it, and the sky full of sword energy instantly spun and attacked Xuan Cheng. Xuan Cheng transported the King Kong to resist the sky full of sword energy. He didn't dare to be distracted at all, so he could only keep his eyes open. Watching that spiral sword energy hit his chest.

The golden light on Xuan Cheng's body dimmed for an instant, and then he made a sound as if an eggshell was breaking, and Xuan Cheng spit out a large mouthful of blood, and then he could no longer stand and fell to the ground.

Song Qingshu had to admit that the Vajra Incorruptible Body was hailed as one of the five great magical arts of ancient and modern times. It was indeed a well-deserved reputation. He thought that this blow would kill him, but who knew it was just a heavy blow to him.

After knowing that after the sword qi spiral, the impact force was many times greater than before, so Xuan Cheng was actually able to hold it.

Because Xuan Cheng attracted most of the sword qi, it could barely be supported by Xuan Ci, Xu Zhu, Fang Zheng and others. Song Qingshu snorted and stretched out his hand and waved, the vertical and horizontal sword qi instantly accelerated and swept away over the three of them. Xuan Ci and Xu Zhu screamed, and several terrifying blood holes appeared on their bodies. If they hadn't had a deep skill, they would have been killed on the spot.

Only because of his admiration for Fang Zheng's character, Song Qingshu didn't put a heavy hand on him, only temporarily losing his combat effectiveness.

Seeing everyone in Shaolin pour a large piece, Song Qingshu said lightly: "The grievances between us, let's just end it today."

Not far away, Xuan Cheng and Xu Zhu didn't know the life or death, and those high monks also lost their combat effectiveness. Xuan Ci smiled sadly: "I never expected that your martial arts has reached this state."

Song Qingshu said coldly: "It's also thanks to my martial arts that I have reached such a realm, otherwise I won't be forcibly killed by you today?"

"In the beginning, it was only because of their respective positions that conflicted with your temple, but the two sides did not have unresolved enmity. Who knew that as my power grew stronger, you would become more and more like a dragon in your throat. Not only did Chen Youliang arrange to return to the Beggars to contain the Golden Snake Camp some time ago, but now he is also trying to kill me in a single battle," Song Qingshu paused and said sensibly, "Is it true that I can't kill people? Let's start with Xu Zhu ."

After speaking, a ray of sword energy shot Xu Zhu's body. Now Xu Zhu lay there in a coma and couldn't resist. If he was shot, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

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