Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1483: Reappearing

A Zi is already too sleepy, but pretends to be okay, because the moisturizing from last night is now shining, and the fatigue between the eyebrows adds a bit of pitiful and weak state, so Song Qingshu secretly sighs: this little Nizi Although she looked like a little witch, she really had a bit of color.

Worried about being seen by others, Song Qingshu quickly retracted his gaze and arched his hands at Xiao Feng: "Brother, we still have important things to do with this trip, I'm afraid we can only make a difference here."

Xiao Feng patted him on the shoulder and laughed: "Yesterday I had a good drink with my second brother. It was the happiest time in my life to drink and drink. Next time I have a chance to come to Khitan, I will invite you to drink the strongest Tertenyaki. Drunk!"

"Single from the hunting fire, I have also heard the name of this wine for a long time, well, we are determined!" Song Qingshu also laughed.

"By the way, after we are separated, in case someone is asking you to trouble..." Song Qingshu said suddenly worried.

"Don't worry, after one night of training, my injury has healed a lot, plus my dad, the masters of Shaolin have been hurt by you again, if we encounter danger again, I will also do it after Xiao Feng I don't have the face to mess with the rivers and lakes." Xiao Feng said with a smile.

Song Qingshu had to admire his physique. It was absolutely abnormal. He had suffered such a serious injury before, but only one night later and drank so much alcohol. Now he has recovered to this level. It is indeed an extraordinary talent.

"Great King Xiao, there will be some time later." Although Zhao Min was angry with Song Qingshu in his heart, he didn't want to show it too much, so he still bid farewell to Xiao Feng as if he were all right.

Seeing her Xiao Feng's expression suddenly became strange, and even the expressions of Xiao Yuanshan and Azhu beside her became strange. Finally, Xiao Feng arched his hands and exclaimed, "The relationship between the younger siblings and the second younger brother is really good."

Zhao Min's face instantly flushed, and he stomped his feet in anxious manner: "Lord Xiao, don't be kidding, who are your younger siblings?"

"The princess has a thin-skinned face. Don't worry, I'll change my mouth next time." Xiao Feng laughed.

Zhao Min was inexplicable and could only stare at Song Qingshu fiercely, thinking that it was him who made people misunderstand.

After taking Song Qingshu and Zhao Min away, Xiao Yuanshan couldn't help but laughed: "This princess Shaomin called so...so loudly last night, but today he came here to pretend to be a pure girl, interesting and interesting."

Hearing what he said, Azhu blushed like something. It is natural that she is not easy to participate in such a topic, but she also heard the movement last night, which made her unable to sleep for a long time.

Zi secretly stuck out her tongue, naturally she didn't dare to admit that the person who called last night was her, recalling those scenes last night in her heart, thinking that the son is really an iron body, she couldn't help but feel a little silly...

Xiao Feng looked embarrassed: "Father, it's not very good to talk about people like this behind the scenes."

Xiao Yuanshan glared at him fiercely: "The love between men and women is justified, what's wrong? Your kid should learn from your second brother, and find me a daughter-in-law to come back anytime." Glancing at A Zhu's body while staring at him, he was embarrassed and said hurriedly: "I'm going to pack my luggage." After speaking, he ran away in a panic.

Xiao Yuanshan smiled when she saw it: "This girl is affectionate and righteous, but she is not as courageous as the Shaomin princess, so you need to take the initiative."

Xiao Feng's old face became hot, but his arrogance and dry cloud on weekdays were a little cramped at this time: "My child knows."


Let’s say that after Song Qingshu and Zhao Min rode out of the town on horseback, they saw her with a straight face and no smile at all. They couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “Isn’t it all right yesterday? Why did it suddenly become like this today? Who caused us? The princess lady, tell me I will go and teach him well."

Zhao Min gave him a white look and said coldly: "Then you slap yourself ten times."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Why?"

"Aren't you trying to help me teach the person who bullied me? You happened to be the person who bullied me." Zhao Min snorted.

"Where did I offend you? I was drunk last night and I really don't remember it." Song Qingshu only remembered what happened with Azi last night. He didn't really have any impression of what happened before.

Zhao Min snorted coldly, obviously not prepared to explain.

Song Qingshu smiled helplessly, and could only endure the cold violence along the way.

Fortunately, not long after, Zhao Min finally spoke, but what he said was not what happened last night, but the expressions of Xiao Feng and others just now: "Hey, why did Xiao Feng and their expressions be so strange just now?"

"I don't know either." Song Qingshu shrugged.

Zhao Minxiu's eyebrows frowned slightly: "He took a bite of a younger sibling and said that we have a good relationship. Did you tell him something?"

Song Qingshu looked wronged: "The first person I met when I went out today was you. Where can I have time to talk to him."

"That's weird." Zhao Min frowned, and suddenly she exclaimed, turning her head back and staring at Song Qingshu bitterly, "It's all to blame you!"

"What does it matter to me?" Song Qingshu only felt inexplicable.

Zhao Min said angrily: "It wasn't that you were in the room with Azi last night...you were messing around in the room, and they didn't know that it was Azi. What's more, they saw that I helped you into the room last night. Naturally I just misunderstood me and you..."

"You helped me back to my room last night?" Song Qingshu asked in surprise.

"You bastard!" When Zhao Min thought of Azi's exaggerated moan and groan last night, he might have left a lewd and shameless image in the hearts of Xiao Feng and others. The whole person went crazy, holding his hand. The little whip inside began to chase him.

Song Qingshu also understood what was going on and smiled bitterly while dodging: "It's not my fault, who told you to send me in and leave me. Later, Azi came in and planned to kill me, if it wasn't for me to repair. To be tall enough, the body has an instinctive reaction, maybe you can't see me anymore."

Zhao Min was really attracted attention: "Azi is going to kill you?"

"Of course, she was forced to become a slave girl before, and she naturally wanted to get rid of me when she had a chance." Song Qingshu replied a little depressed, "It was because you were by my side last night that I was relieved to be so drunk. It's all in your hands, who knows that you abandoned me in spite of it."

"Who made you last night... last night..." Zhao Min hesitated.

Song Qingshu looked strange: "What did I do to you last night?"

Zhao Min flushed, raised his chin and snorted: "No, it's just that your whole body smells bad after you were drunk, so I despised you and left."

"Really?" Song Qingshu put on an aggrieved expression, "It really makes me sad."

Zhao Min curled her lips, her arrogant temperament made her reluctant to admit those things that helped him last night, but when he thought of him saying that he was relieved to get drunk because of his own side, she suddenly felt a little sweet in her heart.

After a while, Zhao Min suddenly remembered something, and said angrily: "You almost fooled me through it. Didn't you say that Zi was going to kill you last night, but instead of punishing her, instead of punishing her, you and her... She does such shameless things!"

Song Qingshu looked strange: "I was punishing her then."

Zhao Min understood it instantly, and his face flushed red: "Shameless!" After speaking, he didn't want to talk to him, so he swept the horse's **** with a whip and galloped away.

Along the way, Zhao Min seemed to be deliberately fighting with Song Qingshu, and never took the initiative to speak to him. A few days passed without knowing it, and the two came to Daxing Mansion.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel full of emotion when he returned to the old place. When he entered the Kingdom of Jin, he did not expect that after various waves and treacherous coups, he actually grasped the power of the Kingdom of Jin by mistake.

"I don't know how hard the Gebi Sisters dealt with this chaos these days, and how the Purple Shirt Dragon King got along with them." Song Qingshu's thoughts were full of thoughts.

Zhao Min on the side saw his expression, and in the past few days he took the initiative to speak: "Huh, when I see you like this, you are thinking of which lover."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "I'm thinking about business. I have a headache. How to arrange to deal with the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty."

Zhao Min curled his lips: "Why do you pretend to be like this, thinking that I don't know? You are probably more happy at this time. You can take this opportunity to completely shuffle the cards of the Jin Guochaotang and replace you in the vital position. If it’s not the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty, where would you go to find such a rare opportunity?"

Song Qingshu smiled wryly: "Has anyone told you that a woman who is too smart can't get married?"

"Why does this princess marry or not go out with you?" Zhao Min snorted, "Besides, in this world, men who want to marry me can line up from the gate of Ruyang Palace to Lin'an Palace, believe it or not?"

"Of course I believe," Song Qingshu said with a wry smile, "The princess is the first beauty of Mongolia and the daughter of King Ruyang. If you marry you, you will not only be among the highest in Mongolia, but you will also bring back a beautiful beauty. Mother, as long as men in this world are not fools or blind, they must want to marry you."

"Huh, there are slaves and masters. Just like Azi's glib tongue and flattery." Zhao Min snorted, but his brows revealed a touch of joy.

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to say: "Let’s find an inn to settle down first. I will return to Tang Kuo’s Mansion. After all, you are a Mongolian princess and I’m inconvenient to take you there." The conversation between the two had already arrived at an inn. Aside.

"Is it inconvenient to take me because I am the Mongolian princess or because I am afraid that the cheap wife in your family will be jealous?" Zhao Min smiled and said, "Oh no, it's not your wife, it should be Tang Kuobian's wife."

Song Qingshu was almost choked with saliva, but he was thick-skinned and replied grinningly: "Why, is the princess jealous?"

"Eat you, big-headed ghost!" Zhao Min's expression changed suddenly, and he wanted to smash him on him. Song Qingshu smiled and avoided: "You settle down here first, and I will come back to look for the information. you."

Seeing the anxious look of Song Qingshu when he left, Zhao Min couldn't help stomping his feet and muttering to himself: "It's really annoying!"

Besides, Song Qingshu rushed all the way to Tang Kuo's Mansion. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of being cautious and cautious when he first entered this place, for fear of his identity being revealed, but later became the male host here just as well.

Of course now he can’t swagger in. After all, "Tang Kuobian" has been nominally in the Daxing mansion. He found a remote box and turned it in from the back garden. Although the mansion is heavily guarded, how good is Song Qingshu's martial arts now. It is naturally difficult for him to be familiar with the road.

When passing by the study, he suddenly heard the voices of a few men coming from inside, and Song Qingshu was startled, stopped and quietly leaned forward.

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