Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1484: Strategize

"Now Song Ting's army is changing frequently. According to the information obtained by the Huanyiyuan, the Northern Expedition is a foregone conclusion. Therefore, Fu San Zhongyi is hereby appointed as Pingzhang political officer and right deputy marshal, and He Shi Liezhi Ning is appointed as Kaifeng Yin. Slightly south to prevent Song Ting’s Northern Expedition."

A familiar voice sounded in the room. Song Qingshu heard that it was the voice of "Tang Kuobian", but it was slightly different from the real Tang Kuobian. Of course, unless the closest person around him could not hear it.

Song Qingshu looked into the study through the gap in the window, and saw a man with Tang Kuobian's appearance sitting in the first place. Standing next to him was a tall old man in white robe, who was Xidu Ouyang Feng.

"Presumably Ouyang Feng is standing here to defend the fake Tang Kuo, lest she have any accidents," Song Qingshu saw the key point at a glance, "I just don't know who is pretending to be Tang Kuo, Gebi. Or is it Daiqisi?"

Before, Gebi had always been disguised as Tang Kuobian. Later, after Daiqisi was subdued and she was also good at disguise, she was sent back to share the pressure of Gebi. I don't know if the two of them cooperated well.

As for who the people in the study are, Song Qingshu read half a day, really not clear, originally tried to judge from the size of the chest, but after half a day, the "Tang Kuobian" inside the chest is very flat, presumably. Used something like a breast wrap.

Song Qingshu simply stopped distinguishing, but looked at the other people in the room. Only one of them was tall and burly, with a white beard that looked like the rebirth of old Huang Zhong. He recognized him as the famous servant of the Kingdom of Jin. The other was very handsome and looked in his eyes. Full of calmness and perseverance, he is also a famous general in the army, Heshi Liezhining.

These two were the talents of the Jin Guojun, and they were not low in the court before, so Song Qingshu recognized them at a glance.

"I don't know if it's Gobi or Daiqisi, at least the vision is pretty good." Song Qingshu secretly admired. In his memory, the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty seemed to be defeated by these two people in history. Of course, the world is too far. Chaos, he is not sure whether it will develop as in history, so he can only do his best to prepare.

At this time, "Tang Kuobian" spoke up again: "According to the reliable information obtained by the Huanyiyuan, the Southern Song Dynasty also secretly contacted the Red Coat Army this time, and the Red Coat Army will probably be in trouble by then. Ahai, you and The Red Coat Army has done well in combat. This time you will be appointed as the comfort envoy of the Shandong Road Tong Army to guard against the Red Coat Army."

"Thank you Du Marshal, you will never insult your life in the end!" a young man said joyfully.

Song Qingshu thought about it carefully, and vaguely remembered that this young man was Pusan ​​Zhongyi's grandson, named Pusan ​​Anzhen, nicknamed Ahai, and was a leader of the younger generation in the Kingdom of Jin, and he was well-known in the military.

Tang Kuobian in the room continued to arrange: "Wanyan Heda, you have always been brave and good at fighting, this time you are arranged to sit in the north to guard against changes in Mongolia and Liao."

Song Qingshu recognized this Wanyan Heda. After the Hailing coup, because Li Daitao was stiff, Song Qingshu replaced the guards next to the emperor and re-promoted a group of warriors with high martial arts and braveness from the army. Wanyan Heda was one of them. There was another reason why Song Qingshu remembered that Wanyan Heda was one of the famous generals who fought against Mongolia in the late Jin Dynasty, but it was a pity that Mongolia was too strong and he was helpless in the end.

"The final commander!" Wanyan Heda replied with his hands.

Chu San Zhongyi on the side suddenly said: "Marshal, how good a Mongolian soldier is. After all, Wanyan Heda has little experience. Will it be wrong to send him to the north?" Others are so sophisticated, how can they not see that this is. Tang Kuobian is promoting his cronies. If he doesn't say anything on weekdays, but this time it is about the life and death of the country, he has to mention it.

Wanyan Heda's face froze, but the opponent was an elder in the army, and his prestige was always high, and he was not comparable to a rookie.

Tang Kuobian explained: "Mongolia now has the main force of the West Expedition, and has no energy to take care of the Central Plains. Even if there is an army going south, it is at most a brigade of a divisional division. Heda’s experience is shallow, but it has always been brave and loved by colleagues , More than enough to deal with this situation."

Pu San loyally frowned and said, "Even if the Mongolian army will not go south, what about the Khitan, the Great King of the Southern Court, Xiao Feng, is brave and good at fighting. If he leads the army, Wanyan Heda might not be an opponent."

Tang Kuo replied: "I have other arrangements on the Khitan side, and I will let them have no time to go south."

"Oh?" Pu San Zhongyi and He Shi Lie Zhining glanced at each other, their eyes full of curiosity.

Tang Kuo argued with a smile: "At this time, the relationship is very important, and the leak of the news may lead to a lack of success, so I can't explain it to you for the time being."

"Since the marshal has a plan, we can't say anything." Pu San answered loyally, but there was still some disapproval in his tone.

Tang Kuo argued for a while and wanted to add: "Now that the big powers around Daikin look around, the older generations of famous generals have passed away one after another. Now that the talents in the military are a little unreliable, it is time to take this opportunity to vigorously promote the rookies in the army to deal with the crisis, and the rookies have the potential. If it is not tempered on the battlefield, it will be difficult to grow into a real star in the end."

Pu San Zhongyi nodded: "Yes, the marshal said it makes sense."

At this time, Heshi Liezhining suddenly said: "Marshal, compared to the Liao State and the Red Coat Army, the Golden Snake Camp in the east is more threatening. Song Qingshu defeated the Qing State’s 100,000 troops before, and later defeated Li Kexiu’s Jiangnan Green Camp. Now He has thousands of miles of fertile soil, good soldiers and sufficient food, plus the fact that he has just been named King of Qi by Song Ting not long ago. It can be said that his prestige has reached the highest level. If he attacked from the east, the trouble would be great."

Pu San Zhongyi also echoed: "Yes, and I heard that this person not only uses soldiers like a god, but also martial arts, and has some ability to call the wind and rain. If he leads the troops, Ahai is definitely not his opponent."

Pu San Anzhen was young and energetic, and she rarely convinced people on weekdays. Now that she heard what her grandpa said, she had no objection at all, and she obviously agreed with his judgment.

Song Qing outside the window has a weird writing style. Hearing this from behind, he doesn't know whether he should be happy or...should he be happy. The feeling of eavesdropping in person is very strange.

Ouyang Feng in the room heard Song Qingshu’s name and couldn’t help coughing twice. Obviously it was very hard to bear it. Tang Kuobian gave him a blank look, and then said: “You don’t have to worry about Jinsheying, this handsome We have our own plan to ensure that the Song surnamed retreat without a fight."

Pu San Zhongyi and He Shi Lie Zhining became more and more surprised, but seeing Tang Kuobian's unpredictable appearance, obviously did not intend to tell them the truth, could not help but secretly startled, this Tang Kuobian did not reveal the mountains and waters before, but Hailing The sudden emergence of a new force to become the biggest winner during the coup d'état seems to be by no means a fluke now.

Next, a group of people talked about some military details. After the time was almost the time, Fu San Zhongyi and others stood up and left. After they left, Ouyang Feng finally spoke: "It's fine for the Golden Snake Camp. Although those people are afraid of its power, But it is not clear about the relationship between Song Xiaozi and you. On the contrary, it is on the Liao State side, what plan do you have to make them have no time to go south."

"I don't know, it's just this kind of rhetoric that sent them away." "Tang Kuobian" resumed his soft and beautiful voice at this time, and Song Qingshu instantly heard that it was Gobi's voice.

"After so long, I'm still not used to you speaking in this delicate tone against Song Xiaozi's face," Ouyang Feng said with a chill, "then why do you say that? Just send a general to guard against Liao. Are you ready?"

Gebi shook his head: "The Southern Song Dynasty is almost planning to go out of the country this time, and our main force can only be placed in the south; plus the defense against the Red Coat Army, Mongolia, and Xixia, the remaining forces are stretched. , I heard that the Nanyuan King of Liao is brave and good at fighting. It doesn’t matter if we send anyone here. The secret letter from Qingshu told me that he would solve the threat from Liao, that’s why I said that."

"It turned out to be Song Xiaozi's idea," Ouyang Feng suddenly snorted, "This stinky boy is really good at being the shopkeeper. Your sisters are taking care of Jin Guo, and the nine princesses are taking care of Jin Snake Ying. The land in Yangzhou I got recently is also taken care of by a little girl surnamed Zhou, but he is full of flowers and grass all over the world."

Song Qingshu outside the window had a black thread, thinking that you, a stinky toad, could use this to black me out.

Fortunately, Gebi spoke for him: "Qingshu travels among the nations, he has to balance the forces of all parties, and at the same time try his best to strengthen himself. Every time he walks on a steel wire, a little carelessness will kill him. I don’t know the others. Clearly, at least how much risk he took when he was in Jin Guo, but I couldn't be more clear."

Song Qingshu was full of warmth when he heard it, thinking that Gebi is really a superb wife. Not only is she a great wife, but she is also considerate. There is no one in the world.

Ouyang Feng snorted: "I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup the surname Song has poured into you women, one by one, you will be heartbroken to him. If my Kerr is half of his...no, he has 10% of his skills, it won't be enough. Fell to that tragic ending."

Song Qingshu sighed secretly, thinking that Ouyang Ke's death was the knot of his life, and he didn't know how to resolve the hatred between him and Guo Jing, Huang Rong and his wife, alas...

"Who!" Ouyang Feng's eyes were sharp as a knife suddenly, and his whole body rushed towards the window in an instant.

Feeling the overwhelming internal force rushing over, Song Qingshu was shocked and couldn't explain it, and hurriedly picked up his skills to greet him.

Motivated by internal forces, the window burst open instantly, and the two immediately fought against each other. Ouyang Feng was blocked by the force of the counter-shock, and he regained his footing after three steps in a row, with a look of horror on his face. He saw Song Qingshu's appearance clearly, and his expression eased: "So it's you, brat!"

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for many days, your martial arts has gone up to the next level. I just sighed secretly and you discovered it."

"You don't need to put gold on my face, it's not because you have shaken me back a few steps." Ouyang Fengsu is self-confident, and his face is a little ugly at the result.

"Blue Book~" Gebi also reacted at this time, and leaped into his arms with a scream.

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