Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1485: Counterfeit emperor exposed

With a loud cry, Gobi rushed into his arms. Song Qingshu only felt that the beautiful woman was extremely soft, but his expression was a little weird: "Can you wait to change your outfit and hug like this, otherwise I always feel a little strange holding a man with a big beard? ."

"Ah~ I hate" Gebi also reacted, raising his head and giving him a charmingly blank look, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was a big bearded man acting like a coquettish, who was terribly cold.

"Reminds me of EJ sauce, the son of a magician in the past life..." Thinking of that wonderful work, Song Qingshu, the whole person is a little bad.

But before he had time to speak, there was a sound of breaking a teacup not far away. It turned out that the maid in the house brought a little tea and snacks to the host when he saw the guest leaving. Who knew that she had seen such a hot scene when she first arrived.

Gebi seemed to be burned, and he pushed Song Qingshu away and stood up again in an instant. A small face was already red, but fortunately he was wearing a mask, but he couldn't see anything.

The maid suddenly recalled at this moment, would she be silenced when she ran into this scene? As soon as this thought rose, her face paled with fright, and she tried to intercede but found that she was so scared that she couldn't speak at all.

"Go down." Gobi took a deep breath, calmed down her panic, and waved to the maid.

"Yes~" The maid ran away like an amnesty, and at the same time she was slanderous, thinking that her master looked so mighty and majestic, and her wife was the first beauty in the Kingdom of Jin. Who knew there was such a thing? Hobbies are really not good-looking. Hey, poor Mrs. Gobi stands alone with this kind of husband, and pretends to be a piano player and ming in front of outsiders, but in fact she has to stand alone in the vacant house...

Seeing the back of the maid leaving, Ouyang Feng frowned and said: "Just let her go like this, shouldn't you stop talking?"

Gebi explained: "These maids are all carefully selected by me. There is no problem with loyalty, and such things as good men are also very common in aristocratic circles. She will not go out and talk nonsense."

"Women's benevolence." Ouyang Feng snorted, but did not insist.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Sure enough, it's still that gentle and kind-hearted songbi."

Gebi had already taken off the mask at this time, and he smiled sweetly when he heard the words. He really made Baihua lose its color. Ouyang Feng on the side couldn't help but sighed: "If the old man is fifty years younger, he might **** it with you. This woman."

Song Qingshu smiled triumphantly: "You must not be able to grab me."

Ouyang Feng's face was dark: "Why?"

"You're not as handsome as me," said Song Qingshu, seeing Ouyang Feng's face with black lines, and hurriedly added, "Not to mention that you have always been a bad female person. If you really want to be fifty years younger, you will probably be addicted to martial arts."

Ouyang Feng nodded, with a hint of smile on his face: "That's true, but you guys are obsessed with female **** every day, but martial arts practice so badly, which really makes me very unhappy."

Song Qingshu chuckled a few times, irritating him again, so she turned to Gebi and asked, "Since you are sitting here, is Daiqisi in the palace?"

Gebi nodded: "Yes, I didn't expect that Madam Peach Blossom, who was popular in Daxing Mansion back then, was actually the Purple Shirt Dragon King of Mingjiao, but I didn't expect you to subdue her." There was also some strange meaning in his tone of playfulness.

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly said with a serious face: "Although Dai Qisi is beautiful, but she is very cruel, how can you rest assured. If you let her sit in the palace, you don't worry about her taking the opportunity to do some unfavorable things with her power. Huh?"

Gebi smiled lightly: "There is still a younger sister over there. She is now in charge of the Huanyiyuan, and there is nothing in the Daxing Mansion that can't hide from her; what's more, Qiu Qianren is now appointed as the deputy inspector of the palace and secretly controlled it. Part of the forbidden army in the palace, even if she has any thoughts, she can't overcome the big waves."

"Oh," Song Qingshu glanced at her unexpectedly, "I didn't expect you to be so good at checks and balances."

Gebi sighed faintly: "After all, I came from a royal family, and I know more or less under the influence of my ears, but I would rather never use these skills for the rest of my life."

Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted her a few words, and then asked, "Why let Qiu Qianren be the deputy inspector of the palace, instead of Mr. Ouyang?"

Gebi did not answer yet, but Ouyang Feng said first: "I have never regarded fame and fortune so much, but Qiu Qianren is keen on this, and he just takes what he needs."

"So that's the case." Song Qingshu suddenly felt like he was about to say something, and suddenly looked towards the door with feeling in his heart.

There was a rush of footsteps, and a guard said at the door: "Marshal, the matter is not good!" Just because Gobi took off the mask, now the door of the study is closed, and no one is seen.

"What's the panic?" Gobi asked while putting on the mask again.

"General Pucha led a number of ministers and led his descendants to the direction of the palace." The guard quickly reported.

"What!" The three people in the room were all surprised. The general Pucha in the other party's mouth was Pucha Ahute, the head of the Pucha family, and the left deputy in front of the temple was checking.

The three major families of the Jin Kingdom, Tudan, Pucha, and Tangkuo. The Hailing Rebellion led to the decline of the Tudan family and Tang Kuo’s family replaced it. However, Pucha’s family was also loyal to the royal family at the time, and later brought troops back to Beijing to quell Yanliang’s rebellion. Zhong played an important role, so Pu Cha's family also rose up after the event. Although the benefits were not as good as Tang Kuo's, they were not much worse.

The power of the Kingdom of Jin was originally held by the emperor, the Taizu family, the Taizong family, the Zhaowang Wanyan Honglie family, and the three major families. Now the emperor is stiffened by Li Daitao, and the real power figures of the Taizu and Taizong families have been eliminated. In addition to the seven or eighty eight at the time of the coup of Yan Liang, Zhao Wang Wanyan Honglie's line had long since declined, and the Tudan family was implicated by Wan Yanliang, and now it can be regarded as the Pu Cha family and Tang Kuo family in charge of the Jin Kingdom.

Only by thoroughly cleaning this vein, Song Qingshu can be regarded as completely in control of the Kingdom of Jin, but Pu Cha's family is deeply rooted and powerful, and there is no opportunity to start. Now he did not expect the other party to take the lead.

Pucha Ahute was promoted to the front of the palace for inspection because of his merits in quelling the rebellion during the Hailing King's rebellion. Coupled with the position of the Pucha family in the army, he could cause imperial turmoil in an instant.

Song Qingshu and the trio hurriedly mobilized their troops towards the palace. Along the way, Gebi explained to Song Qingshu what happened during this period. It turns out that their sisters and Daiqisi, together with Daiqisi, gradually dissolved the possession of the Pucha family. Military power, for example, Pucha Ahute was promoted to check, but the forbidden army in the palace was mostly in the hands of a family of generals in the Tang Kuo family headed by Qiu Qianren. They have always had no response. Who knows that as soon as they do. So big.

"Don't blame yourself, let's talk about the situation later, although this is a crisis, it may not be an opportunity." Gobi always felt that she had messed up, and Song Qingshu kept comforting her along the way.

Gebi smiled bitterly, how she didn't know that this was a comforting word, after all, an old fox like Pucha Ahute, if he did not move, he must have a certainty of victory when he moved. It is estimated that it will be difficult to be good after a while.

The group rushed all the way and soon entered the palace, and found that Pucha Ahute and a group of court officials were blocking the front of the inner court with soldiers. On the other side, Qiu Qianren led his trusted troops to block them, and the two sides were at war, as if they would fight at any time.

"Ahute, you are so courageous, you actually dared to lead soldiers into the palace, are you planning to rebel!" Gobi restored Tang Kuobian's appearance at this time, as if he had instantly restored Tang Kuobian's temperament, and stepped forward and shouted sternly. .

Song Qingshu shouldn't show up at this time, so he changed his appearance and hid secretly to wait for an opportunity.

Hearing Gebi's accusations, Pucha Ahute's mouth was filled with an insignificant smile, as if he had been stalemate with Qiu Qianren here without ordering an attack, just to wait for him to come: "Rebellion? What if this in the palace is really true." The emperor, then I am naturally considered a rebellion, but if the emperor in the palace is a fake!"

As soon as this remark came out, the world was shocked, and there was an uproar in the field. Whether it was the officials under Pucha Ahute or the officials in Tang Kuo's line of defense, they all exploded.

"Ahute, what kind of **** are you!" An official of the Tang Kuo family scolded. After all, Jin Guo has been in charge of the Central Plains for a short time, and the Chinese is not so complete. Many times the speech style still retains the initial rudeness, but this At that time, no one cared about his tone, and they looked at Pucha Ahute in horror, even the people of their faction were no exception.

Everyone in the field subconsciously thought he was crazy, except Song Qingshu, Gebi and others, who looked at each other in amazement, not knowing where there was a mistake, and the other party found a flaw.

Seeing "Tang Kuobian" in horror, Pucha Ahute seemed more confident, and said, "Tang Kuobian, dare you answer some of my questions!"

Gebi calmed himself down: "What's the problem?"

"Since the Hailing coup, why did the emperor stay simple and rarely show up on weekdays, and even Queen Pei Man was beaten into the cold palace when he heard it?" Pucha Ahu's words did arouse many ministers' thoughts. For a period of time, when I saw the emperor, it was very rare. Few people did not see Empress Pei Man again. Although some people had doubts before, they didn't think about it elsewhere. Now being guided by such a way, I instantly felt that the emperor might be under house arrest.

"Last time the Hailing rebels were in chaos, many ministers knew that the emperor was seriously injured. During this time, I was mainly restoring my body. It is normal to live in a deep and simple way." Gebi explained calmly, "As for Pei Man The queen, she was involved in rebellion with the Hailing Rebel Antong, so she was beaten into the cold palace because she didn't deliberately announce it because of the royal face."

These remarks are reasonable and reasonable, but many people have dispelled their doubts. Who knows that Pucha Ahute was prepared for a long time, and he did not hurriedly proceed to the next question: "Then why the emperor did not favor his concubines in his daily life for nearly a year. Record? How can a normal man not touch a woman for a year? What's more, our emperor has never been unhappy with girls!"

Song Qingshu secretly frowned in the dark. After all, Gobi and Daiqisi were not as capable of considering all these details as Dongfang Muxue did, so that they left others with a handle. I had the opportunity to remind them, but it was a pity that they were in Yangzhou not long after. Being poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua, panicking like a mourning dog, naturally didn't have the time to take care of things here.

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