Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1486: Bet everything

Gebi's voice was cold and cold: "Ahute, you are so bold. The personal notes are royal secrets. Except for the living quarters, even the emperor can't look through the notes at will. You dare to get the historian to look through the personal notes!"

Pucha Ahute seemed to have expected that she would question this way, and replied calmly: "That's because I was worried about Daikin's national fortune. If it turns out that I was unreasonably worried, I am willing to take the charge of peeking at the personal notes. Tang Kuobian, now you should always explain."

Before Gobi had time to answer, Pucha Ahute continued: "You won't say that it is because the emperor has injuries on his body that make him unable to favor his concubine? What are the injuries that are so serious? I brought a few of them this time. The famous doctors from the capital come and ask them to give the emperor a treatment."

"Asshole, don't you believe in the diagnosis of Taiyuan Hospital?" someone else under Gobi retorted.

"I can naturally trust the medical skills of the imperial doctors, but the imperial hospital is under your control of Tang Kuobian. I doubt whether they dare to tell the truth." Pucha Ahute once again pointed the finger at Tang Kuobian.

Gebi's heart trembled. The Taiyuan Hospital was indeed subdued by her all kinds of coercion and temptation, otherwise the emperor's so-called "injury" could not be concealed at all.

"You're slander!" Gobi didn't speak. Naturally, there was an official under his command who helped to quarrel. Soon the supporters of the two sides quarreled together.

"There is another evidence." Pu Cha Ahu shouted loudly, and the scene fell silent for an instant, all waiting for his new evidence.

"Bring people up!" The crowd separated, and a few soldiers walked out with a few people dressed as housekeepers, and some people recognized them as the people of the imperial dining room with sharp eyes.

Instantly understood the other party's calculations, Song Qingshu had to sigh Dongfang Muxue's strength at this time. For such a long time, pretending to be Kangxi, he did not reveal any flaws. After considering all aspects, he could not consider these details.

"Say what you said before in front of everyone again!" Pucha Ahute snorted.

The waiters looked up at Gobi, then lowered their heads with a guilty conscience, their eyes flickering.

"Don't be afraid, can he still dare to silence his mouth in full view?" Pucha Ahute said, "What's more, I am here. The soldiers under my command can definitely protect you well."

"Protect you well!"

"Protect you well!"


The surrounding soldiers shouted together, their voices were neat and uniform, obviously it was the peak of morale, and the faces of Tang Kuobian's camp were not very good.

After getting the assurance, the head waiter said boldly: "We are the people in the imperial dining room. We have always been in charge of the emperor’s diet. In the past, the emperor liked to drink, and he also liked to eat big goats and tiger whip. Tonic things, but after the Hailing’s change, we delivered them according to the emperor’s favorite dishes, but the emperor asked us to change them all without even moving the chopsticks. Since that day, the emperor’s tastes have been completely different, but he prefers lighter dishes. Exquisite dishes."

Song Qing's writing was weird, thinking that Yan Quan used to have a heavy taste, and she often eats things like sheep treasures. I am afraid that the harem consumes too much and needs to eat these things to replenish energy.

It's hard for Gobi, I guess I almost felt nauseous when I saw this thing. As for the later Dai Qisi, she would definitely not like to eat sheep and tiger whip.

Looking at Gobi, she saw her frowning, which was obviously an unpleasant memory.

"Have you heard," Pucha Ahuter said loudly at this time. "A person's other things will change, but the tastes and preferences will never become so completely different. The most likely thing is that the person is not the one before. people!"

A group of people followed his line of sight and looked at Tang Kuobian. Even many people under Tang Kuobian's group showed hesitation in their eyes, and they were obviously shaken.

After all, Gebi is just a female stream. Although she also knows a little bit of power, she is a flower in a greenhouse. She has never experienced such a battle. The other party is pressing harder and harder to make her more and more panicked. She just feels a blank in her mind. The conspiracy of the emperor's minds here can't even be read.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu's voice was secretly transmitted at this time, and when he heard his voice, Gobi gradually calmed down.

"Ahute, you really have a bad heart. You are secretly checking the emperor’s personal notes, and you are investigating the emperor’s close attendants. Is this something a courtier can do? Have you long been a courtier? Heart!" Gebi condemned righteously.

"Hahaha, so far you are still thinking about other things," Pucha Ahute looked up to the sky and smiled, "Ahute's loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon, and Emperor Taizong can understand when he is alive in the sky. All I have done is for the sake of Daikin's world, and I don't want the world of Taizu Emperor Taizong to fall into the hands of outsiders!"

Gobi sneered: "You keep saying that for the big gold, but the Emperor Taizu established the iron law in the past, and the foreign ministers colluded with the servants, and the crime is punished! Now you are buying the living quarters and the servants who are in charge of the emperor's food and beverages Collusion is already guilty of treason!"

Pucha Ahute's face changed slightly. He didn't expect to be opposed by the opponent's general. The Taizu's establishment had made such a rule, but in fact it was in vain. Which of the power ministers of each generation did not buy the eyeliner in the palace? It is difficult to find evidence for this kind of thing, and the emperor also opened one eye and closed one eye, so that he was careless and on a whim to clarify the relationship between the two parties.

However, he was full of confidence this time and was not affected by this episode for long: "Hmph, if it proves that the emperor is not a person, I am willing to accept punishment. But if it proves that the emperor is a person..." He paused, and his tone was adamant: "Master Tang Kuo, this is a serious crime for the Jiu Clan."

"You don't have to deliberately arouse me. As the saying goes, those who are clear are clear. If so, let the emperor decide." Gebi bowed his hand at the court.

Seeing his calm tone, Pucha Ahute hesitated, but he quickly reacted: "Huh, bluff!"

He was ninety-nine percent certain that the one in the palace was a fake, and as long as that person's true face was revealed, naturally no one would pursue his overstepping.

Gebi suddenly said, "I don't know how you want to prove the authenticity of the emperor, Ahute?"

Pucha Ahute smiled and waved his hand and introduced to the people behind him: "This is the emperor's nanny back then, this is the **** chief who returned home from the palace before, and these are the royal uncles in the clan. They all grew up watching the emperor, so naturally they won’t recognize the wrong person."

Gebi was secretly frightened, and the other party was really well prepared. This is to force people to death: "You found these people. What if they ignorant of their conscience and talk about it?"

Pucha Ahute sneered: "These are the most respected seniors in my big golden country. I can't help them because of my face. I only heard that the emperor might be stiffened by Li Daitao, so I agreed to come. check it out."

At this time, the elders also criticized Gobi. By the way, looking back at the scenery of the year, Gobi gradually remembered that although these people are not high-ranking people, all of them are very qualified. To some extent Can indeed control the direction of public opinion.

"I don't know if Qingshu can handle it." Gobi looked worriedly towards the inner court.

At this time Song Qingshu had already sneaked into the inner palace. The emperor's bedroom was kept tightly guarded by Wan Yanping and the people from the Huanyiyuan, while Wan Yanping was in the room to discuss various countermeasures with Dai Qisi.

It's a pity that Pucha Ahu came here specially prepared, and the news from the outside became more and more unfavorable to them, leaving the faces of several women covered with sorrow.

"Who?" After all, Dai Qisi's martial arts is higher, and she quickly realized that it was wrong, and looked dignifiedly somewhere not far away.

Wan Yanping was shocked, she also pulled out the short knife around her waist and turned around, knowing that the outside is all guarded by the masters of the clothing courtyard, how terrible it is that the other party can sneak in.

"It's been a long time since I saw each other. Why do you just greet me like this as soon as you meet?" Song Qingshu smiled and walked out from the shadows.

"Brother-in-law!" The dignity on Wan Yanping's face instantly turned into joy, and she leaped into his arms with joy.

"Ping'er~" Song Qingshu hugged the girl's slightly trembling body, and she secretly sighed in her heart. She knew that I was not the real Wan Yanping, but she still didn't want to change her words. It must be a memory of the obsession in her heart.

Dai Qisi was the famous purple shirt dragon king in the arena, which attracted countless people in the rivers and lakes. In the court, it was the peach-blossom lady with all kinds of style, so many princes and grandchildren competed. Therefore, compared with Wan Yanping, she is much more reserved, and the relationship between her and Song Qingshu is more like each other's needs. The feelings are not so pure, so it is difficult to express the true feelings like a girl.

Song Qingshu noticed that there was a beautiful woman next to her, and recognized her as the Huiyue envoy of the Persian Mingjiao. Miaofengshi and Liuyunshi died in the coup of Hailing King. She was the only survivor, Dai Ye Si led Song Qingshu's mission back to Daxing Mansion, and there was a shortage of manpower by her side, so she released Huiyue Envoy and took some means to conquer it.

"Now the situation is a bit tricky. This time Pucha Ahu is here specially prepared, I am afraid it will not be easy to deal with it." When the two of them were almost hugging each other, Dai Qisi gave a light cough and said.

"I came here this time to deal with this matter," Song Qingshu gave her a relieved look, "leave it to me next."

"What are you going to do?" Dai Qisi became curious. Judging from the news that she had just received, the other party had found all the nurses and eunuchs around Wan Yanquan when she was a child. Many physiological characteristics cannot be disguised at all.

Especially now that Wanyanquan has become a pile of bones, and it is impossible to imitate it temporarily.

"The soldiers are here to block the water and the earth, there is always a way to deal with it." Song Qingshu did not reveal the plan and the plan, the more it was, the more mysterious it made Daiqisi and the others.

"I'll talk about other things later. Let's start disguising me first." This time, Daiqisi is a woman again. Wouldn't it be exposed right away if she wants to be checked later? So Song Qingshu can only do it by himself.

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