Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1492: Crown Princess (second more)

"Princess Cheng'an?" Hearing this name, Song Qingshu's original anger suddenly disappeared without a trace. He subconsciously looked behind, and saw a team of knights in fresh clothes and angry horses surrounded by a gorgeous carriage, followed by them. Those servants and servants, and behind them were a group of armored soldiers, who could see how shrewd and powerful they were.

Song Qingshu tried his best to look into the carriage, but no matter how high his martial arts was, he couldn't see through the wall, and couldn't see if it was Yelu Nanxian inside.

"Smelly boy, look at it, believe it or not, I dug your eyes." The knight saw Song Qingshu ignore him, and instead looked towards the carriage with a pair of eyes, he couldn't help being furious.

Song Qingshu was secretly angry, and at this moment a faint voice came from the carriage: "Forget it, let's go."

Song Qingshu was overjoyed when he heard that it was indeed Yelu Nanxian's voice, but what made him strange was that the previous Yelu Nanxian's voice was soft and pleasant, with a transcendent temperament. Although the voice is still sweet, it is less than usual. The agility inside, there are a few more dispirited depressions.

It's a pity that Yelu Nanxian didn't speak again after saying a word, and he didn't mean to show up at all, and the curtain of the carriage was not pulled up at all.

As Song Qingshu was in a daze, Zhao Min came to him and gloated and said, "Tsk, the majestic King Qi, one of the best in martial arts in the world, was actually bullied by a soldier."

"The dog bit you, do you want to bite it back?" Song Qingshu said nonchalantly.

"Although I won't bite it back, but at least I will give it a stick." Zhao Min snorted, and flicked a stone on the knight's leg with his finger. The horse stood upright after being frightened, and the knight was caught off guard. He fell to the ground and his mouth was full of blood.

"Chuck~" Zhao Min let out a burst of laughter like silver bells, "I feel comfortable now."

"With direct complaints, the princess is really a hero of the female middle school." Song Qingshu couldn't help but gave a thumbs up.

"I'm still angry with you~"

"Didn't you all talk to me?"

"Who tells you to speak doesn't mean you are not angry?"


The two of them quarreled and entered the city like this, and unknowingly came to Zhao Min's private house.

Seeing the ancient rocks in the garden, the clear stream and the clear stream, and the few rooms in the garden, Song Qingshu couldn't help but exclaimed: "There is such an elegant place in the north, and the princess is indeed an elegant person."

"This is actually just a so-so." Zhao Min seemed to be just telling a normal thing.

When Song Qingshu thought that she could create a Green Willow Villa in the desert, he felt that the manor in front of him was nothing.

Zhao Min led Song Qingshu to settle in the garden, and then took him to the study. A servant had long served tea. Tea is the best Longjing in the south of the Yangtze River. Song Qingshu had to sigh that these top nobles would really enjoy it. The house here is Zhao Min. I don’t have to come once a year, but all the things I prepare are all good. It’s a luxury.

As for those servants, Song Qingshu, they didn't treat them as ordinary servants. To be selected as servants in the secret stronghold here in Beijing, all of them must be top secret agents in Mongolia.

Song Qingshu quietly felt the breathing rhythm of these people, and as expected, all of them were not weak in martial arts.

After leaving the screen, Zhao Min said, "Apart from knowing that Murong Jingyue is in Beijing, do you have any other information?"

Song Qingshu knew that this was what she was most concerned about, and for a while, she put away her cynical expression: "When he got the news, he should pretend to be a Khitan official, but I don't know who he is pretending to be."

"Greatly hidden in the dynasty, it's no wonder that I launched all the information networks of the Ruyang Palace and couldn't find him. It turns out that he is hiding in the Liao Kingdom." Zhao Min said angrily. She had found three possible places before, but it was a pity. It turned out that they were all false afterwards. Now that he wanted to come to the court of Khitan, his ally in Mongolia, he really coincided with the words "black under the lamp".

"But although the Khitan is now in decline, there are no one thousand or eight hundred officials in the capital. It is not easy to find a Murong Jingyue." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

"As long as you know that he is here, you can always get him out." Zhao Min said confidently. She has been tortured enough by Murong Jingyue's poison for the past year, and she has been looking for his whereabouts. Evil fire.

Next, Zhao Min gathered the people in charge here, and prepared all kinds of Shangjingcheng materials while analyzing them, and at the same time asking them about the confidence of some officials and nobles in Shangjingcheng, Song Qingshu was a little idle on the side.

"I'll go outside to investigate and see if there will be any gains." Song Qingshu couldn't help but said.

Zhao Min frowned. She didn't think Song Qingshu would be able to find anything after this time, but seeing him staying here wouldn't help. In addition, it was a secret intelligence base in Mongolia after all, so let him stay here. There are many inconveniences here, so I agreed.

Song Qingshu came out of the garden and wandered in Shangjing for a while, and he did not gain anything except to understand the local customs here.

"Have you heard that Princess Cheng'an is about to marry the prince of Xixia!" When passing by a tavern, the chat content of a few Khitan people instantly attracted Song Qingshu.

"Princess Cheng'an's martial arts is superb and beautiful, he is really cheap Xixia's stinky boy." One of them said angrily.

Another Khitanese sighed: "It's also that my Daliao is not what it used to be, and I actually asked for Xixia, a former affiliated state."

"Xixia, the grass on the wall, had lowered his eyebrows to my Daliao before. As a result, when Jin Guo came, he immediately changed the door, so that the two-sided and treacherous country will marry Princess Cheng'an over there, so he won't lose his wife and break the army. "

"The Xixia people married Princess Cheng'an. If they don't fulfill their promise, I will fight to Lingzhou City desperately."

"Cut, if you want to have that ability, it's better to let the emperor give you the princess!"


Hearing several people’s discussions, Song Qingshu’s heart came to mind Yelu Nanxian’s decisiveness when she left. He thought of the frustration in her voice at the gate of the city just now. For a while, her heart was turbulent, and she couldn’t hold it back anymore, so she inquired on the road. When he saw the direction of Prince Wei's mansion, he rushed to that side anxiously.

The Palace of the Wei Dynasty occupies a huge house in the upper capital city, which is an inch of land and an inch of gold. Yelu Yixin's power in the Liao Kingdom can be seen. Although the Wei palace was heavily guarded, with Song Qingshu's current martial arts, the palace is free to come and go, and it is not difficult to sneak into the palace under the cover of night.

All sorts of infiltrations over the years have made Song Qingshu an expert in architectural layout. After taking a rough look, he guessed where his family members were. After searching the past, they finally found Yelu Nanxian's boudoir.

"Hey, why are there guards at the door?" Song Qingshu couldn't help being stunned when he saw the guards with knives at the entrance of the courtyard. You must know that the inner and outer houses of the official mansion are separated. The inner house is where the female family is located, and the guards are not allowed to enter the inner house.

"Did something happen?" Song Qingshu couldn't help it anymore, spurred to the extreme, and flew directly into the yard from mid-air. How did these guards expect that someone could fly over them silently and didn't know what happened. What happened.

After entering the yard, I saw Yelu Nanxian sitting on the window looking at the bright moon in the sky in a daze. At night, the cold wind hunted her clothes and fluttered, as if she would jump from above at any time. Song Qingshu was anxious and flew quickly. In the past, she threw her into the house from the window.

When she was suddenly attacked, Yelu Nanxian was also shocked and waved her hands instinctively to counterattack. Her martial arts was one of the best among the young generation of Liao, unless she met some masters who had been famous for many years, she would be safe to protect herself.

It's a pity that she just raised her hand and found that she was restrained by the other party. When she was horrified and desperate for help, she suddenly recognized the other party's appearance, and she couldn't help but startled: "Qing Shu?"

Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "If you don't think about it, don't jump off the building. It's me, and I won't let you marry Prince Xixia."

Fairy Yelunan looked weird: "Do you think I'm going to jump off the building?"

"Isn't it?" Song Qingshu also gradually realized that he might have gotten an oolong.

"Why should I jump off the building?" Yelu Nanxian pushed him away and said lightly.

"Uh, you were forced to marry Prince Xixia, and you were unable to resist, and you couldn't think about it for a while..." Song Qingshu said more and more without confidence.

Yelu Nanxian glanced at him and replied, "I volunteered."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was forced to go back instantly when his stomach was full.

Soon he reacted, and said with some irritation: "No, I can't let you marry another man."

"You are really overbearing," Yelu Nanxian frowned, "I haven't settled with you for the matter of bullying me last time. You actually came to arrange my affairs."

Song Qingshu suffocated his breath, thinking about the last time in Yangzhou, he couldn't help but said with some embarrassment: "The last thing was that I was sorry for you, but that was really an accident..."

Yelu Nanxian interrupted him: "It doesn't matter whether it is accident or deliberate, anyway, it has happened, and it's useless to talk about it."

"That's true," Song Qingshu said with a wry smile, "Sister Nanxian, you can rest assured that I will be responsible."

Yelu Nanxian's face turned red, and he took a sip: "Who wants you to be responsible!"

"That night..." Just as Song Qingshu spoke, Yelu Nanxian interrupted him: "Our women on the grassland do not have as many rules as your Han women. What happened that night happened. I don't need you to be responsible. You Don’t think that I’ll be like a Han woman with you...I will treat myself as your person."

"Of course not." Song Qingshu said sternly. How can he, a person who has passed through later generations, feel that the two parties must be together if they have a relationship? One night in future generations-love and dating shouldn't be too common.

"Okay, you can go now." Yelu Nanxian stood by the window, and the moonlight shone on her face as if she was covered with a layer of quiet glitter, "After all, I am about to become the prince of Xixia, and I can't live up to it."

Seeing her plain, watery eyes, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling a little annoyed: "Have you seen the Prince Xixia?"

"No." Yelu Nanxian shook his head.

"I haven't seen it before, why didn't he marry?" Song Qingshu said angrily.

"As the prince of a country, the identity of the other party is not considered as insulting me. What's more, Emperor Xixia is old and he will be able to ascend the throne in a few years. Then I will be the queen. Why don't you marry?" Yelu Nanxian had a slight smile on her face, as if she was telling something that had nothing to do with her.

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