Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1493: Great hidden in the dynasty (third shift)

When Song Qingshu came out of the Palace of the Wei Dynasty, the whole person was stunned. He knew that he and Yelu Nanxian did not have an oath or a love relationship. He had no reason to ask her to do this or that, but he thought that she was about to become someone else’s wife. Feeling panicked.

Especially her attitude, seeing herself as if she was seeing an ordinary friend...No, even an ordinary friend is inferior, and it hurt him even more.

But he also knows that people have their own thoughts and emotions, and they can't force it.

He went back to Zhao Min's courtyard in despair. When he saw him coming back, Zhao Min asked casually, "Have you found any clues?"

"No~" Song Qingshu shook his head, obviously a little bit distracted.

Zhao Min glanced at him strangely, but she was excited now, and didn't pay much attention to his abnormality: "Come over and see, I have some clues here."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu finally brought up a hint of spirit, knowing that Murong Jingyue is not only related to the poison in Zhao Min's body, but also Bing Xueer's murderous husband and enemy that Bing Xueer has been tracking down. If he doesn't get rid of him, Bing Xueer will be in danger for one more day. Murong Jingyue was hidden in the dark, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity to move. It would be difficult to feel at ease if he didn't get rid of it.

Zhao Min unrolled a roll of paper with the names of people densely written on it. Pointing to the names of the people on it, Zhao Min said, "This is a list of all the important officials of the Khitan court."

Looking at the well-organized names above, not only names, but also official positions, and some brief comments, Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire: "Your efficiency is really high."

"Of course, this princess will have no disadvantages," Zhao Min smiled triumphantly, "I will give you a general outline so that you won't be confused next."

"Okay." Although Song Qingshu had heard about the courts of the Liao Kingdom in the Kingdom of Jin before, he only knew a few well-known people among them, and the rest of the civil and military officials were completely smeared.

"Emperor Yelu Hongji of the Liao Kingdom does not need to be introduced. I believe that Murong Jingyue has no such ability to impersonate him." Zhao Min briefly commented, and Song Qingshu secretly nodded. He didn't think Murong Jingyue could do it.

Zhao Min continued: "Although the Liao Kingdom is now in decline, there are still many concubines in the harem, but only three are important, the empress Xiao Guanyin, the concubine Xiao Zhonghui, and the concubine Yuan Xiao Yingying."

Song Qingshu secretly thought, Su Quan also said that she had come to Liao, and she didn't know where she was now.

"Queen Xiao Guanyin, the country is beautiful, and good at piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, is the daughter of Beifu Prime Minister Xiao Pidi, she is now the most favored." Zhao Min pointed to a person's name and introduced.

Song Qingshu felt that Xiao Guanyin's name was familiar, and suddenly remembered that she was the queen who died in an unjust case in history, and she didn't know if she would have that tragic ending in this world.

"Wen Concubine Xiao Zhonghui, is the cousin of Empress Xiao Guanyin, and the daughter of the fifth room of the uncle, she is charming and lively, and has always been loved by the emperor." Zhao Min continued to introduce.

"Xiao Zhonghui?" Song Qingshu frowned. The name felt so familiar. It seemed to be the name of the heroine of a certain golden book. I wonder if it was the same person.

"Yuan Concubine Xiao Yingying is the sister of Xiao Fengxian, the privy envoy of the South Court. She is also very popular with the emperor because of her prosperous family and her extraordinary appearance." Zhao Min commented.

Xiao Fengxian's name Song Qingshu was impressed. First, he was a heavy minister of the Liao Kingdom, and secondly, he was easily associated with Lu Fengxian of the Three Kingdoms, so he was deeply impressed. According to information from the Huanyiyuan, this man appeared to be a loyal minister, but he was actually very ambitious. Generation.

"The prince is still very young now, don't mention it, but the two princesses are already married. Princess Zhao’s horse is Xiao Yuduwo, who was the brand seal Langjun at the time." Seeing Song Qingshu’s doubts, Zhao Min explained. , "Paiyin Langjun is similar to a secretary, staying with the emperor to help with some clerical matters."

Seeing Song Qingshu's understanding, Zhao Min went on to say: "Princess Wei's horse is the Du Wei Xiao Xiamo. This person is my key observation object. I suspect that he is probably Murong Jingyue."

"Why?" Song Qingshu asked strangely. Why did so many officials Zhao Min single out him?

"Because this Xiao Xiamo had been in obscurity before, and when the emperor recruited Princess Wei, he suddenly emerged, defeating powerful competitors from all walks of life, and became a horseman." Zhao Min replied.

Song Qingshu agrees. Like reading novels in previous lives, the protagonist is often unknown at first, but suddenly he is born out of nowhere, and is often traversed...

Zhao Min suddenly looked at him with a weird expression: "Speaking of which, although the previous Song Qingshu was considered to be the leader of the younger generation in the rivers and lakes, it is far from the top. As a result, you soared into the sky after the lion slaughter conference... Isn't it someone pretending to be?"

Song Qingshu's heart jumped. Zhao Min was really smart. He could guess eight to nine at random, but he didn't want the biggest secret to be revealed, so he hurriedly snorted: "I went through the lion slaughter conference and got to the bottom of it. Can’t look at it with the eyes of the past.”

"That's true," Zhao Min smiled lightly. She just said casually, without taking it to heart. "In addition to Xiao Xiamo, there is another very suspicious person. Xiao Shiyi, also known as Xiao Shishilang." (Note: The prototype of Xiao Shishilang here is Xiao Shisan, the deputy inspector of the Dianqian Division in the history of Liao.)

Because of the influence of the Northern Song Dynasty, whether it is the Liao State or the Jin State, there are many shadows of the Northern Song Dynasty in the official system. For example, this Dianqian Division is one of them.

Song Qingshu was drinking water and almost squirted out when he heard Xiao Shishilang's name.

Zhao Min didn't know why he reacted so strongly, and explained to himself: "Xiao Shiyilang is very powerful in martial arts, but no one knows his origins, it is too mysterious."

Song Qingshu thought that Xiao Shiyilang was not a member of the Golden Book World, and it was indeed very likely that Murong Jingyue had pretended to be, but after another thought, Xue Yiren and Shen Bijun had both come out before, and it seemed reasonable that many Xiao Shilangang were also reasonable. For a while, I couldn't help but get a little tangled.

Zhao Min didn’t know that thunder was rolling in his mind at this time, and continued to explain to him the situation of the Khitan court: "The highest authority in the Liao Kingdom is the North Privy Council, and the North Privy Envoy Yelvrenxian, now he has been in the northwest for a long time to counter the rebellion. The power of the North Privy Council fell into the hands of the second-in-command, the Privy Councilor of the North Court, Yelu Yixin. By the way, he was the father of Yelu Nanxian, the lord of Chengan."

Song Qingshu nodded, he already knew this.

Zhao Min went on to say: "The third commander knows about the privy affairs of the North Court, Xiao Yuli, his niece is married to Yelu Yixin's son; the fourth commander is the deputy envoy of the North Court, Xiao Weixin has always been upright and does not have a party with Yelu Yixin. It’s a pity that he is old and his role is limited; Tongzhi Beiyuan Privy Councilor Zhang Xiaojie was also pulled up by Yelu Yixin with one hand. It can be said that the North Privy Council is now under the control of Yelu Yixin."

Song Qingshu was puzzled: "Since Yelu Yixin is so powerful, why would he let his aunt's daughter go to marry him? Isn't it easy to find a princess in Shangjing?"

"I don't quite understand this either," Zhao Min shook his head. "Presumably he wanted to take the opportunity to get a relationship with Xixia. This foreign alliance can consolidate his power even more."

Song Qingshu thought about it, but only this explanation. Last time in Yelu Yixin, Yangzhou, he didn't hesitate to use Yelu Nanxian's life to buy time for himself. It can be seen that his nature is thin and he has no affection between father and daughter. What he wants in his heart is how to maximize the utility of his daughter.

"The South Privy Council is the site of Xiao Fengxian. His sister is the Emperor's Yuan concubine, and his younger brother is Xiao Sixian, the capital of the army. The real strength is not under Yelv Yixin." Zhao Min commented.

Song Qingshu learned from the intelligence of the Kingdom of Jin that there are three most important military forces in the upper capital of the Liao Kingdom. One is the Dianqian Division, which is similar to the Imperial Forest Army of the Han Dynasty, which guards the palace; the other is that all palaces are deployed and control the palaces. The army is the most elite unit that is directly loyal to the emperor; the third is the Commanding Army Division, a local garrison in the capital, responsible for the defense of the capital.

Now that the two brothers Xiao Fengxian are in charge of the South Privy Council and the other in charge of the guards of the capital, they cannot be underestimated.

Because the official system of the Liao Kingdom often had the north and the south, Song Qingshu initially thought that the north was the official who was in charge of the Khitan people, and the one who took the south was the official who was in charge of the Han people. Later, it was learned from the intelligence of the Jin that this was not the case. It is called the Han'er Privy Council, etc. It is difficult to be the actual power center. Whether it is the Southern Privy Council or the Southern Prime Minister's Mansion, it is still in charge of the Khitan tribe, and has nothing to do with the Han people.

The reason why the North and South Privy Councils are divided is because the North Privy Council specializes in military affairs and the South Privy Council specializes in ordinary civil affairs.

The reason for the division of the North and South Prime Minister’s Mansion is because there are many Khitan tribes. There were 20 tribes at the founding of the country, which expanded to 34 in the middle period, and even 48 in the later period. The North Prime Minister’s Mansion governs the fifth, sixth, Wuwei, and Nirvana. , Tulu ranging from 28 military and political matters; Southern Prime Minister's Mansion has jurisdiction over the military and political matters of 16 departments including the B room, Chute, Tuju, and Pin.

The famous North Yard King and South Yard King are actually another name for the Fifth House and the Sixth House. The North Yard is in charge of the military and political affairs of the Fifth House, and the South Yard is in charge of the military and political affairs of the Sixth House. Of the tribe, so the power is much greater than the leaders of other tribes.

Zhao Min suddenly stood up: "The information of the Liao Kingdom's ruling and opposition parties is roughly the same as yours. Now let's start the investigation from Xiao Xiamo, Duma Duwei, to see if he is pretending to be Murong Jingyue."

Song Qingshu asked suspiciously: "Why don't you start the investigation from Xiao Shishilang?" Compared to Xiao Xiamo, he felt that Xiao Shishilang had more doubts.

Zhao Min held a secret letter and proclaimed: "Because I learned that Xiao Xiamo did not return to the mansion after coming out of the palace, but sneakily walked towards the outskirts of the city, which seemed very suspicious, since I ran into it. Now, then start with him."

"It seems that it's all fate, so let's start with him." Song Qingshu was secretly surprised. Zhao Min's intelligence network inserted in the Liao Kingdom was really powerful, and the whereabouts of a squadron was always concerned.


Thanks to book friends who shine like diamonds, Haoyue janny, Quan Zhen Zhao Zhijing, Lu Chuan is the truth, black fins and white fins, dapeng1987, Mo Ge Bumu, Wang Yisheng, and other book friends for their support and monthly pass,

In addition, the monk had to complain, shining like a diamond, your head looks a bit familiar...

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