Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1494: Amazing four people (fourth more)

Song Qingshu and Zhao Min went all the way to a small courtyard in the south of the city, where someone had been waiting for them.

"Are you sure that Xiao Xia was wiped in here?" Zhao Min asked lightly. At this moment, Princess Shaomin's demeanor was undoubtedly evident.

The man replied: "The subordinate followed him all the way to here, it is definitely him."

"How long has he been in?" Zhao Min asked.

"About a stick of incense," the man replied.

Zhao Min waved his hand: "You go back first, leave it to us here."

The man looked hesitant: "Princess, Xiao Xia is quite good at martial arts, you are alone..."

Zhao Min pointed at Song Qingshu, "Is there him." Song Qingshu's chest was firm and he looked very energetic.

The man glanced at Song Qingshu. Although he didn't know him and looked like a dude, he didn't say anything. Instead, he trusted the master's judgment and walked away silently.

"You're pretty strict under your command," Song Qingshu said thoughtfully.

"They just need to strictly obey my orders." Zhao Min faintly replied, and then greeted him to walk into the yard.

Song Qingshu chased up and reminded: "Be careful of ambushes."

Zhao Min stopped and agreed with his judgment: "You take me in." She had seen Song Qingshu's light work, knowing that he was carrying it, and even Longtan Tiger's Den would not find two people inside.

Song Qingshu nodded, put her arms around her soft waist, and sneaked into the small yard quietly. Hug and hugs between the two are nothing new. There have been more intimate actions, so neither of them noticed anything wrong with the hugs.

But as soon as he entered the yard, Song Qingshu found that he was too worried. There was no ambush here, not even guards. The whole yard was lit by black lights, and only one room was faintly lighted.

Song Qingshu took Zhao Min to the side of the room, poke a hole in the window and looked in.

"Ah~" A woman's coquettish voice suddenly came from inside, which made Song Qingshu's hand tremble and almost didn't hit the window. Zhao Min beside him was also taken aback: "What sound?"

Song Qingshu had a vague guess in his heart, but he still needed to confirm it, and made a silent action to Zhao Min, and then he went to the window and looked in.

I saw the light inside was dim, the bed was turned red and waved, and it was faintly visible that a burly man was pressing on a woman and doing something indescribable. The woman’s white legs were kicking, obviously also extremely moving. --Emotion, the sound just now came out uncontrollably.

"What happened inside?" Zhao Min asked hurriedly when he noticed that Song Qingshu's expression became more and more weird, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's nothing." Song Qingshu didn't know how to explain it, but he couldn't help but appraise it in his heart. Well, although she couldn't see the woman's appearance, her skin was quite white.

Zhao Min couldn't restrain his curiosity, and tried to push him away to watch it, but Song Qingshu didn't move at all: "You still don't watch it, you will regret it."

"What's the selling point?" The more Song Qingshu said like this, the more curious Zhao Min became. Seeing that he couldn't push it, he simply reopened a hole in the window and lowered his head to move up.

"Ah!" Zhao Min exclaimed, shrinking back instantly as if he had been scalded, and his face was already flushed with shame.

Song Qingshu spread his hands together: "I told you not to look at it. Who told you not to believe me."

Zhao Min was immediately annoyed, and Fenquan greeted him directly: "You bastard, deliberately digging holes for me to pick, deliberately seeing me make a fool of myself."

"I obviously told you not to watch it," Song Qingshu's smile suddenly condensed, and he instantly held Zhao Min's hand, pushing her to the shadow next to her.

Zhao Min was shocked. The first reaction thought Song Qingshu had appreciated the images inside, which caused the blood to churn. The beast---Xing Dafa wanted to do that nasty thing to herself, but she quickly realized that the other party should not be such a person. .

Sure enough, Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and whispered, "Quiet, someone is coming."

Zhao Min also noticed that someone had walked into the yard, and hurriedly closed his lips, for fear that the sound would startle him, but in such a quiet environment, his body was several times more sensitive than usual, and he could even clearly feel Song Qingshu’s breathing. It sprayed on her skin, and her face flushed.

In order to divert her attention, she hurriedly looked towards the courtyard gate, and saw a middle-aged man with dark eyes coming in, and a stubborn and unshaven man next to him, but the whole person looked like an open-minded and unrestrained man. sense.

"Who is this man?" Song Qingshu and Zhao Min had the same suspicion at the same time. They recognized the shady middle-aged man, and it was Yelv Yixin who had been discussing before.

In order to avoid being discovered by them, Song Qingshu led Zhao Min to the back of the room, and then let go of Zhao Min's hand. Zhao Min's face was delicate, and he gave him a blank smile: "It turns out that the romantic and suave Prince Song used These methods are used to take advantage of other girls."

Song Qingshu didn't show any embarrassment. Instead, he returned: "We have both embraced and kissed, do you still use your hand to take advantage?"

When Zhao Min heard that Liu eyebrows were about to stand up, Song Qingshu hurriedly pulled her to the window: "They went in."

After all, curiosity prevailed in his heart, Zhao Min glared at him, and then leaned on the window and looked at it.

The door was kicked open, and the two people on the bed were obviously frightened. Xiao Xia pulled the quilt over the woman's body, and she got up while wearing a belt. Zhao Min took a sip and hurriedly don’t. Overdo it.

"Which little laozi..." Xiao Xia moaned halfway, and suddenly recognized Yelvyixin who had come in, and swallowed the second half of the words abruptly. Although he is a squad, Yelvyixin's power is overwhelming, how dare he casually swallow it. offend.

"Master Ma is at ease." Yelu Yixin glanced at the woman on the bed, and said without a smile.

As soon as his voice fell, the figure of the man next to him rushed to the bed, and the woman fell on the bed. At this time, the man returned to the place, as if he hadn't moved from beginning to end.

"Fast body style." Song Qingshu secretly admired, although not as good as herself and Dongfang Muxue, it is also a top-notch effort in the arena.

Seeing the woman lying on the bed knowing her life or death, Xiao Xiamo was shocked and angry: "Xiao Shiyilang, what are you doing!"

"Xiao Shillang?" Hearing his words, the two outside were shocked, and even the shy Zhao Min looked into the room again.

"It turns out that he is Xiao Shishilang." Looking at this undressed man, Song Qingshu secretly nodded, with a chic and unruly air, which fits Xiao Shishilang's personality quite well.

"Don't worry she's okay, just fainted." Xiao Shillang shrugged, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"What does Wang Wei mean?" Although she was afraid of Yelv Yixin, Xiao Xiamo was still angry and looked at Yelv Yixin who was aside coldly.

"It's not interesting, mainly because the next words are not convenient for her to hear," Yeluyi paused and laughed. "You also know this is for her good."

Xiao Xiamo knew that the other party was telling the truth, and in many cases, the more she knew, the easier she would be killed.

"What on earth does Wang Wei want to say?" Xiao Xiamo frowned.

Yelu Yixin didn't rush to answer, but rather recounted a past event somewhat impenetrably: "Do you know how the king of Lanling County Xiao Hengde died?"

Xiao Xiamo didn't understand what he meant, but she still replied, "It's not because of the death of the Princess of the Yue Kingdom. He missed his wife and became ill. Didn't he die soon?"

"That's just a lie to outsiders," Yelu Yixin sneered. "Back then, the king of Lanling County and the maid of the court confided in illicit affairs, causing his wife, Princess Yueguo, to die in anger. Empress Dowager Xiao was furious and gave her death secretly because It was about the royal face, so it was claimed that he died of illness because he missed his wife."

Xiao Xiamo changed her face slightly: "What are you telling me about?"

Yelu Yixin sighed: "Some people just don't learn the lessons of history. How similar the situation of the cohort is now to the king of Lanling County." As he said, he glanced at the woman on the bed. "The cohort won't tell me this. A woman is a princess, right?"

Xiao Xia snorted, "Ask it knowingly."

Yelu Yixin continued: "Back then, Xiao Heng Degui was the king of Lanling County, and the Queen Mother said that he gave him death. Now you are just a captain, do you think the Queen Mother will be merciful?"

Xiao Xiamo's face changed drastically: "Are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, it's just an analysis of the facts for you." Yelu Yixin smiled lightly.

Xiao Xiamo said, "What the **** do you want me to do!" He is not stupid, knowing that Yelu Yixin came here deliberately and did not report, he must have taken the opportunity to threaten him to do something for him.

"The horse is indeed a wise man." Yelu Yixin smiled, "The horse must have heard that the guardian of the Taibao Yelucha has accused the palaces of deploying Yeluqi to support the King of Jin for rebellion recently."

Song Qingshu was shocked. First, he was surprised that Yelvqi was able to hold such an important position at a young age, and secondly, he was in a crisis of treason. You must know that for the emperors of all dynasties, treason was the most fearful of them. Those who are involved will have their skin peeled off if they die.

"Isn't it because there is no evidence?" Xiao Xia snorted, "Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a false accusation. Ye Luqi was frustrated and mad to support him in his infancy, Jin Wang Shang?"

"Sometimes it is not so important whether it is wronged or the truth of the matter." Yelu Yixin's eyes flickered, like a poisonous snake choosing someone to eat, "If the consort is his accomplice and accuse him of rebellion, no Is there evidence? With the seed planted before, the emperor absolutely cannot tolerate him."

Xiao Xia wiped out her anger and smiled back: "Are you crazy or you treat me stupidly, confuse me with other women, and I am involved in a treason case. This is a big crime to punish the Jiu Clan."

"You see this person first." Yelu Yixin clapped his hands, and soon the door was opened from the outside, and a woman walked in slowly. At this moment, all the people in the room not only stopped moving, they almost even stopped moving. Breathing has stopped, and they have never seen such a beautiful person in their lives.


Thanks to Bingo Big Bingguo, Bai Hailang, Wei Mo, old lie to me, abcppp, memories of the northern hemisphere, fantasy dreams, **** yyh, o546213, boring fat man, Yangyang LoV, xingyue_cj, book friends 37708600, Wang Yisheng, etc. Reward and monthly ticket support from enthusiastic book friends

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