Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1496: There is no way out of doubt (second)

"Why?" Song Qingshu asked puzzledly.

"Since the Shen family has been destroyed, where can she go if you save her?" Zhao Min asked, "What's more, there was a faint will of death in her eyes just now. Being threatened by someone in her parents' family, there was no resistance. After you rescued her, she found that her Shen family was gone. Would you say that she could not think of committing suicide for a while?"

"That's true," Song Qingshu nodded, "but it is always dangerous to let her be a girl **** in the devil's cave."

"You mean to say that this is a girl who is so full of the country and the city, right?" Zhao Min said with a smile, "Don't worry, if other things happen, she might be in danger of being chaste and insecure, but Yeluyi Since Xin intends to dedicate him to the emperor in the future, she will never let anyone ruin her body before this, otherwise he will fall short."

Seeing that Song Qingshu was still hesitating, Zhao Min continued: "Don’t forget what the purpose of your trip is. Although Yelu Yixin is a traitor, as long as his plan succeeds, the Liao Kingdom will be in chaos. At that time, the pressure of your Golden State will be It will be easy to understand, maybe you can take the opportunity to conquer these talents like Yelvqi for your own use, why not do it?"

After all, Song Qingshu was no longer the impulsive young man who was reckless, realizing that if he saved Shen Bijun at this time, he would be horrified, and Yelvyixin's plan would be rejected indefinitely, so that the Liao Kingdom would not be chaotic and would naturally send troops south...

"The princess made a point, so let's sit and watch it change for the time being." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice.

Zhao Min pursed his lips and smiled: "Sitting and watching its changes does not mean that nothing can be done. Didn't I mention to you that the other suspected candidate is Xiao Shilang? This person is of unknown origin and mysterious identity, you Take the opportunity to test him and see what secrets he has."

Song Qingshu hesitated and said: "I just saw that Xiao Shilang has the generosity and tragedy of Yan and Zhao. Such a character is really not like Murong Jingyue's vile character."

Zhao Min is also a little worried: "I don’t think it looks like it, but I don’t know what I know. Maybe Murong Jingyue deliberately pretended to be like this. It’s better to investigate. I think Xiao Shiyilang's martial arts is quite high. If I go with you, it will only pull you back. I won't accompany you. I will go back and look for other clues."

"Alright, be careful on the road." Song Qingshu ordered.

Zhao Min smiled sweetly: "Don't worry, I have many ways to save my life, besides, isn't there the Tasha Wuhen you taught? It's always okay to escape."

Song Qingshu knew that she was resourceful, so he didn't need to worry. After saying goodbye to her with a smile, he chased in the direction Xiao Shilang had just taken.

While on the road, Song Qingshu couldn't help thinking secretly: Although the Liao Kingdom was very good for me, it was not good for Mongolia. Zhao Min is so smart, didn't he think of this?

Thinking of the woman in the original book who gave up everything for love, Song Qingshu was surprised and delighted. Did she unknowingly take me so seriously...

Although Xiao Shiyilang walked a lot first, Song Qingshu's effort to pursue it with all his might, it didn't take long for him to faintly catch up with their convoy. Yelu Yixin didn't know where to go at this time, and only Xiao Shiyilang was driving a carriage to **** Shen Bijun.

Song Qingshu did not rush to the past. After all, Shen Bijun is with him now. If he spreads his hands to Yelu Yixin's ears at this time, it will let him know that the conspiracy just now has been exposed. This is not what Song Qingshu wants to see.

"Ah~" Suddenly Shen Bijun's terrified scream came from the carriage. Song Qingshu's heart jumped when he heard it, and he subconsciously wanted to rush over.

But at this time, Xiao Shiyilang got closer, and instantly turned around and raised the curtain of the car to see what happened inside. At this moment, a cold light flashed in the night sky, and Shen Bijun, who was hiding behind the door of the car, took the jade hairpin and slammed it down. .

This time was quick and urgent, and when things happened suddenly, if it were an ordinary person, I would have been recruited, but how could Xiao Shilang who often roll around on the verge of life and death be tricked by her little girl? She grabbed her wrist in an instant, and the other hand instinctively patted the opponent.

"Why are you!" At this time, Xiao Shiyilang finally saw Shen Bijun's appearance, and hurriedly moved his palm a foot to the side, hitting a big hole in the carriage wall instantly.

"You kill me!" Shen Bijun raised his head and looked at him rather stubbornly.

"You have been very cooperative during this period of time. It turns out that you want to find a chance to escape." Xiao Shiyilang let go of his hand and smiled bitterly. On weekdays, there are many guards around her, and she has no chance to escape. Now, in the dead of night, Xiao Shiyilang is alone. As long as he is killed, he can escape successfully, but it is a pity that the long-planned blow failed.

"Huh~" Shen Bijun turned away and ignored him.

Xiao Shiyilang frowned, and suddenly said: "It's fine for you to attack me. Don't take risks with other people. They don't have such a good temper as me."

Hearing what he said, Shen Bijun looked back at him in amazement, as if he could not figure out why he said such words.

Song Qingshu, who was hiding in the dark, looked at all of this with a smile but a smile. It seemed as if it were the original book. Xiao Shiyilang fell in love with Shen Bijun unknowingly. It is right to think about it. Such a fairy-like woman who is out of the ordinary, gets along day and night It's hard for a man not to fall.

Next, Xiao Shiyilang and Shen Bijun came to a secret house. Song Qingshu noticed that the outside seemed peaceful, but there were many secret whistles inside. It seemed that this was the place where Shen Bijun was detained on weekdays.

Song Qingshu just remembered this place, and didn't mean to go in, so as not to get rid of the trouble.

After about a moment of fragrant incense, Xiao Shiyilang came out of it without accident. Song Qingshu secretly nodded: "Yelüyixin wants to dedicate Shen Bijun to the emperor. He will definitely not allow a man to stay with her."

After quietly following Xiao Shishilang all the way, he could see that he was a little lost at this moment, and if he shot at this time, he would surely be able to succeed very easily.

"Everyone says that confidantes are a disaster. Although there is a suspicion of throwing the pot on a woman, there is a certain truth. Since ancient times, they have been heroes and saddened by beauty." Song Qingshu can easily guess that Xiao Shiyilang must be for Shen Bijun at this time. It’s annoying, on the one hand, the woman I love, and on the other hand, the lord who is so kind to me, how should I choose? Do you really want to watch your beloved woman marry other men?

In a short period of time, Song Qingshu's mind was filled with a drama of sin-debt-relationship and dog blood. While gloating, he suddenly thought of Yelu Nanxian's marriage contract and couldn't laugh anymore.

The next two depressed men walked silently one after the other. Seeing that they were about to walk to the palace, Song Qingshu suddenly realized that Xiao Shiliang was the deputy inspector of the palace in the palace. At this time, I was afraid that he was going to the palace for shifts. It's too late if you don't do it.

So the body shape flashed and grabbed him. Although Xiao Shilang was a little lost because of Shen Bijun's affairs, he was also a top expert. He noticed that something was wrong and rolled to the ground. At the same time, he pulled out the scimitar at his waist and moved back. Wave.

A snow-trained sword light suddenly slashed behind him in a sweeping gesture.

Song Qingshu had to admire that this move was both defensive and offensive, and it blended perfectly. It really deserved to be the super master with the sword in the original book.

However, with Song Qingshu's current cultivation base, and the sneak attack took the lead, how could he be hurt by this amazing knife? In fact, as long as he wants to, he can be subdued within a few tricks under the premise of a sneak attack, but on the one hand, he wants to try the opponent's martial arts skills, and on the other hand, he does not want to reveal his identity.

After all, with such top-notch martial arts as Xiao Shilang, if you can subdue him within a few strokes, there are not many people in the world who have this ability. If you get rid of a lot of older seniors, his identity is about to be revealed, he doesn't want to. Striking the grass to startle the snake, alarming Murong Jingyue in the dark.

The two of you came and I fought dozens of moves. Song Qingshu secretly frowned. Xiao Shishilang's martial arts skills are of his own. Most of his accomplishments are in swordsmanship. He has fought against Murong Jingyue before, knowing that his martial arts are extensive. It's a little messy, but now Xiao Shishilang is specialized and sophisticated, obviously not a genre.

There was still some unwillingness to give up. Song Qingshu finally made a killer move to make sure that he was pulled off his face. Xiao Shishilang was shocked that the scimitar in his hand bloomed with an astonishing light. At this time, even if he splashed water over it, he would not miss it. One drop, unfortunately, still couldn't stop the opponent's hand.

Song Qingshu's hand was like a guest from outside, ignoring his defense and grabbed his face.

"Huh?" By touching his face so directly, Song Qingshu naturally distinguished that he didn't wear a human-leather mask or something like that. It seemed that he was not Murong Jingyue.

Being caught directly on the face by the opponent, Xiao Shiyilang originally thought he was bound to die. After all, a master of this level could easily grab and crush a stone. His head was not as hard as a stone.

Originally closed his eyes and waited for death, who knew that there was no movement after a long time. When he opened his eyes, the person was no longer visible. Xiao Shillang couldn't help but be surprised. If it weren't for some of the ragged clothes to prove the fierce fight just now, he thought I met a ghost myself.

He went straight back to Zhao Min's residence. Zhao Min was thinking hard in the study, and when he saw him coming back, he hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "It's not Murong Jingyue."

Zhao Min showed such an expression as expected, but still can't hide his disappointment: "It seems that all our clues are broken. I combed through these lists again and didn't see any new suspicious characters.

Song Qingshu quickly comforted: "Murong Jingyue is treacherous and cunning. If he is so easy to find out, he won't be able to hide in Liao for so long without attracting attention. Don't worry, since we are now in the capital, the fox will always show its tail."

"I hope so." Zhao Min shuddered at the thought of a corpse worm lurking in her head.


Thanks to book friends 53494589, Autumn's Monologue, Huang Wanying 0, pdrewer, Extraordinary Mars, leye2595, Early Morning, Age Hafeng, Book Friends 31145287, Boy Wuhenwindy, Great Sword Stop Dragon Car, Lion 201310, Oath Lucky, Hypocritical Nnn , Y Rijiu Shengqing Y and other enthusiastic book friends to join and monthly

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