Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1497: Scarlet Reaper (third more)

That night, the two of them gathered together to analyze the hundreds of civil and military officials in the capital city, but unfortunately they still had nothing to gain in the middle of the night. In the end, because they were too sleepy, the two fell asleep in the study unknowingly.

On the second day, Zhao Min woke up earlier and was surprised at first. When he saw Song Qingshu sleeping on the opposite table, a faint smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Tiptoed and ran out to freshen up. Zhao Min noticed the weird eyes when people looked at her. He was still a little puzzled at first, but he quickly reacted. It turned out that these servants were shocked that she was sleeping in a room with a man.

Although the two did not have physical contact in the house, these people outside didn't know. From their point of view, Zhao Min was obviously sleeping with Song Qingshu.

Zhao Min's cheeks reddened, and a hint of shame flashed in his eyes, but such a misunderstanding was inconvenient to explain. Wouldn't it be possible to catch a servant and say that nothing happened between her and Song Qingshu last night?

On the one hand, people would not believe it, and on the other hand, she couldn't afford to lose this person.

After hurriedly freshening up, he came back and found that the instigator was still asleep. Zhao Min walked over and kicked him on his stool without being angry: "Lazy pig, get up!"

Song Qingshu was frightened awake in an instant. If it weren't for his martial arts, this might have caused him to fall to the ground: "What is the situation?"

Seeing the shiny water stains on the corners of his mouth, Zhao Min threw the towel in his hand to him with a look of disgust: "It's disgusting that such a big person is drooling while sleeping." When she said this, her face blushed. She was in the same situation when she got up just now.

Song Qingshu smiled and wiped the corners of his mouth with a towel: "I can get the princess to serve and wash, I don't know it is the blessing of several years of cultivation." While talking, he suddenly smelled the faint fragrance on the towel, and he couldn't help but said with a weird expression. Fragrant, wouldn't you use it?"

Zhao Min realized that he had just thrown his things to him, secretly embarrassed, but couldn't admit it: "How could it be mine? It's Aunt Wu who cooks in the yard."

"Oh, in that case, I'll use it to wipe my feet." Song Qingshu said deliberately.

"Dare you!" Zhao Min's eyebrows were upset by these words. Seeing Song Qingshu's smirking eyes, she immediately understood that she had been tricked by him.

"Asshole~" Zhao Min scolded, but couldn't help but laugh first, "I don't bother to care about you. After washing up, I went out to taste the delicacies of Shangjing."

Soon the two appeared on the street in the city, tasting all kinds of special delicacies in Shangjing, because last night they thought about it for so long and did not think of any clues. They are now very tacitly not talking about Murong Jingyue's disappointment. It was a complete vacation. The two have a rare opportunity to relax, so they cherish it very much.

It’s a pity that after enjoying it for a while, Zhao Min’s men ran over and took a look at Song Qingshu. The man hesitated again and again. After experiencing the events of last night, they had already assumed that this person was the uncle of their Ruyang Palace. Don't hide it from him. However, Zhao Min had always been extremely strict with his orders, and he was worried about being dealt with by Zhao Min afterwards. In the end, he didn't say it publicly but went to Zhao Min's side and whispered a report.

"What happened?" When the person left, Song Qingshu asked casually. It was not difficult to eavesdrop with his skill, but out of respect, he did not eavesdrop on the other party's conversation.

"The Southern Song Dynasty mission is coming to a small town thirty miles outside of the city. They could have entered Beijing today, but the Southern Song Dynasty people seem to pay more attention to good times and good times. They plan to take a rest outside the city for one night and enter the city early tomorrow morning. "Zhao Min replied.

"The Southern Song Dynasty Mission..." Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, knowing that this was to discuss sending troops from the north and the south to attack the Kingdom of Jin.

"To disrupt the peace talks today is the best opportunity. If they are watched by all parties after they enter the city, coupled with the protection of the various armies of the Liao State, the difficulty of doing what they want to do will be more than doubled. "

Song Qing's writing is weird: "Are you suggesting that I should do something?"

Zhao Min smiled: "I didn't say anything."

Song Qingshu finally couldn't help being curious. He looked at her with scorching eyes and asked: "It stands to reason that the Song-Liao Alliance dispatched troops to attack the Kingdom of Jin is the most beneficial to your Mongolia, why are you helping me like this?"

Zhao Min's face turned red, and he looked away: "You don't have to think about something you don't have. I'm not helping you, but myself."

"Help yourself?" Song Qingshu wondered.

"It’s good for Mongolia but not necessarily good for Ruyang Palace. Over the years, I have faintly noticed that Dahan has begun to be jealous of my father. It’s just that he still needs his father to help him navigate the Central Plains, so I didn’t do it. But if the Central Plains The country of Jin, the most powerful enemy here, has collapsed, and things like Niao Jian Gong Zang have to be guarded against." Zhao Min said while looking north, his eyes full of worry.

It seems that the power struggle in Mongolia has also reached a white-hot stage...Song Qingshu secretly thought, but joked: "It seems that you are planning to raise self-respect."

"Don't say it so badly," Zhao Min gave him an angry look. "Self-preservation always requires wisdom. So, are you going?"

"Go, of course I want to go," Song Qingshu knew what the purpose of his trip northward was. Of course, he couldn't make Song Liao alliance so easily. "Will you accompany me?"

Zhao Min's face blushed, don't turn his face: "It's not my business what I do with you."

"That's true," Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "Then we will split up. I will stop the Southern Song Dynasty mission, and you will continue to investigate Murong Jingyue's whereabouts."

"Okay." Zhao Min was also simply, without any muddle-headedness.

After parting with Zhao Min, Song Qingshu rushed all the way to the small town outside the city. The 30-mile road was not far. Because it was still early, he deliberately slowed down, lest it was the best time for the envoy in the early morning. .

About an hour later, he finally rushed to the small town. The Liao State dispatched people to arrange for the Southern Song delegation to stay at the station. Song Qingshu secretly investigated and roughly figured out the scale of the delegation.

There were not many people sent this time in the Southern Song Dynasty, only about 20 people, obviously for the purpose of making the target smaller and less likely to be found by the enemy. Except for the chief and deputy envoys, they are all good players from a hundred miles. It seems that Song Ting also attaches great importance to the safety of the mission.

"I don't know how to stop the alliance between the two countries." Song Qingshu hid in a tree, distressed. In fact, he already had an answer in his heart, but he never wanted to face it.

To destroy the alliance between the two countries, the simplest way is to kill the mission team. More advanced methods can deliberately let go of one or two people, and finally blame the Khitan people.

At that time, even if Song Ting disregarded the predecessors and sent a new delegation, he would be able to buy a few months more time after time. And you can continue to kill until the two countries are suspicious of each other, then you're done.

But Song Qingshu is not such a cruel and easy to kill person, especially for his own interests in the Kingdom of Jin, he always can't get past that hurdle in his heart when he kills Song people.

"If Zhao Min is here, I would be ridiculing my wife's benevolence again." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

Suddenly, his expression moved, and he subconsciously hid in the bushes. It didn't take long for a masked man to burst in from outside and sneak into the post quietly all the way.

"This figure seems to be familiar?" Song Qingshu was puzzled, but for a while, he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

While having a headache, there was a burst of whispers from inside. Although it stopped abruptly, Song Qingshu instantly heard that it was a scream before death.

"This person..." Song Qingshu was startled, hesitating to go and take a look. The Khitan warriors at the post station were obviously also startled, and they hurried over here with their weapons.

At this moment, the man in black had walked out of the room, and a drop of blood slowly leaked out of the sword in his hand.

Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, he had recognized this sword, it was Xue Yiren's sword!

At this time, the group of Khitan warriors found that the people of the Southern Song Dynasty mission were lying in a pool of blood, and they were all in horror, screaming and rushing towards the murderer.

A flash of blood flashed in the air, and Xue Yiren's sword was like the sickle of the **** of death, shining with blood-red and poignant rays, harvesting one life after another.

About the effort of sticking incense, there were no living people in the station. Xue Yiren took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood from the sword, slowly retracted the sword into its sheath, and walked out leisurely, as if nothing happened just now. general.

Song Qingshu quietly went to the room to investigate, and found that the people in the Song Kingdom mission were killed with a sword. Many guards' knives had just been drawn, and there was still horror in his eyes, as if he did not expect the other party's sword to be so fast. .

"Xue Yiren is a member of the Imperial City Division, why do you want to kill the court's mission?" Song Qingshu was shocked, and the development of this plot was a bit beyond his expectation.

The more I thought about it, the more suspicious it became, Song Qingshu finally decided to follow up and have a look. Xue Yiren's light work is very good. At this moment, the kung fu has left the town for a few miles, but it is also because Song Qingshu is so light and unparalleled, it is difficult to gradually catch up with him.

Seeing Xue Yiren’s back, Song Qingshu slowed down. Xue Yiren’s swordsmanship is already one of the best in the world. If he really wants to fight against him, he can’t catch him for a while, and his character is tough, and most of them can’t tell from him. What, it's better to follow him secretly to see where he is going and who is behind him, let's find out.

Xue Yiren served in the Imperial City Department, not only martial arts extraordinary, but also good at tracking concealment, but also thanks to Song Qingshu's current cultivation base has reached the realm, he can follow behind him unconsciously, but this is the case. He was almost spotted two or three times halfway through.

"Huh, actually entered the upper capital?" Seeing the city gate in the distance, Song Qingshu's heart became more and more uncertain, "Could it be that Xue Yiren and the Liao people colluded?"

However, he quickly rejected this speculation. Now it makes no sense to kill the Song Kingdom from the perspective of the Liao Kingdom, but Xue Yiren can't always sacrifice his life for the Jin Kingdom, right?

Song Qingshu, as the highest level in the Kingdom of Jin, naturally knew that this was impossible, so he became more and more curious about Xue Yiren's motives.

Following Xue Yiren all the way into the city, I saw him walking around, and soon came to a secluded house.


Thank you for the support and monthly pass of enthusiastic bookmates such as the lost horse prince, book friend 53494589, the old driver of autumn name, will be Li, pdrewer and so on

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