Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1498: Rumors that disappeared

Song Qingshu quietly followed him in, only to see him walk into a room, and his voice soon came: "My task has been completed, and the rest is up to you."

"Who is he talking to?" Song Qingshu was secretly frightened, and quietly pierced the window to look in, only to see a man and a woman in the room besides Xue Yiren.

The man is nearly middle-aged, but handsome and refined, while the women are much younger, charming and very charming.

Song Qingshu was surprised because he recognized the identities of these two people. The middle-aged man was Jia Zhen from Jia Mansion, and that charming and graceful woman was actually Qin Keqing, the youngest grandmother of Ning Guo Mansion!

Thinking of spending the spring and evening with Wu Tiande as Wu Tiande in Lin'an by accident, and recalling the charming and amorous feelings during that period, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling stunned.

A woman is the flesh and blood of water. This sentence has been most perfectly embodied in Qin Keqing. Her soft and her whispers are all existences that can make men completely crazy. Song Qingshu has experienced Hua Cong, and now I think about it. Also unforgettable.

"Why did she appear here?" Song Qingshu ignored Jia Zhen directly, leaving only the bright and charming figure in his mind.

At this time, only Jia Zhen replied: "Our mission this time is half completed, and the rest is to investigate the mandarin duck knife."

"Mandarin duck knife?" Song Qingshu was startled. He didn't expect to hear these three words again. Because he had read the original work, he had always thought that the secret of the mandarin duck sword invincible was a big scam, but he didn't expect that the world would still be like this. Many people have been thrown into it.

"These are your business, I'm only responsible for killing people." Xue Yiren replied coldly, as if he didn't care about other things at all.

Song Qingshu secretly wondered, Xue Yi is a member of the Imperial City Department, why would he mix with the Jia family and kill the court's mission? Isn't this blatant treason?

Fortunately, Song Qingshu stayed in the Southern Song Dynasty for a period of time. He also knew about the various forces in Lin'an. He quickly realized that although Xue Yiren was an official of the Imperial City Division, he was also a member of the Xue family.

You must know that Jia, Xue, Shi, and Wang’s four families have always been in the same spirit, and the biggest winner of the downfall of Wan Qiong is Jia Sidao’s political enemy Han Tong, and this Northern Expedition was organized by Han Qi, if the Northern Expedition is successful , Han Tong was already the first person in the dynasty, and coupled with his military exploits, wouldn't it be too prestigious? What does Jia Sidao fight with him?

Therefore, the entire Southern Song Dynasty may hope that Han Tong’s Northern Expedition will succeed, but the Jia family does not want it. Naturally, it will do everything possible to destroy the Northern Expedition. The most effective way is to destroy the alliance between the Southern Song Dynasty and the Liao. The country’s success in coping with the Northern Expedition of the Song Kingdom was much higher.

Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing: "The ancients have a saying, meat eaters despise, and I am sincere! The first consideration for these people in high positions is by no means the country's people, but their own power and interests, which is really disheartening. "But he also understands that this is human nature, and there is nothing to be contemptuous of.

When Xue Yiren left, Qin Keqing said to Jia Zhen: "It's getting late, I want to rest."

Jia Zhen grinned and said with a smile: "Now there are no outsiders, why can Qing be so productive?" While talking, he tried to hug her.

Song Qingshu frowned and raised her fingers unknowingly, ready to give him a lesson at any time. Although he and Qin Keqing have no feelings, after all, he is a woman who has skin close to him. How can he tolerate being caught by other men? bully?

Fortunately, Qin Keqing reacted quickly and hid without showing a trace: "Although he is in a foreign country now, the one who should avoid suspicion is to avoid suspicion."

Jia Zhen frowned and was about to step forward. Suddenly remembering something, her eyes fell involuntarily between her legs and her face instantly became ugly.

He remembered the nightmarish experience during this period. He didn't know when he found that he hadn't reacted to the beauty underneath. At the beginning, he didn't take it to heart. He just thought it was too much alcohol. If your body is empty, just take care of it.

But who knows that after taking a lot of tonics and abstinence for a long time, he found a concubine Ji when he thought it was almost done, but who knew there was still no reaction at all, he panicked and found the doctor secretly. After checking, I learned that I had lost that ability.

Because Song Qingshu's soul-changing-fa would erase his memory at the time, Jia Zhen didn't know what was going on, only that she was greedy for flowers-sex caused this thing to be abolished, and she was angry and embarrassed for a while. He deliberately concealed this matter while secretly looking for various remedies for treatment.

Although Jia Sidao’s task was assigned this time, he actually planned to come out to relax, to see if he would get better, not to mention the bright and charming daughter-in-law who came with him. You must know that every time he touches Jia Zhen would be extremely "excited" about her body. Some time ago, there were so many people in Lin'an, and he couldn't get started for a while. Now when he comes to a foreign country, he naturally has no worries.

But what he never expected was that he had just hinted to Qin Keqing that the other party had rejected him directly. This was fine, and what made him desperate was that he found that even if he met Qin Keqing, his body still had no reaction at all.

So after Qin Keqing rejected him righteously, Jia Zhen didn't have the time to say anything, but left in despair.

Qin Keqing didn't expect to dismiss him so easily, and for a while couldn't help but froze in place.

Song Qingshu originally wanted to go in and ask her something, but after another thought, Qin Keqing only had a relationship with the fake "Wu Tiande" for one night. She didn't know herself when she went in. It would be difficult for her to talk for free, and she didn't pay much attention. It's easy to get rid of the grass and startle the snake.

Thinking that the information that should be obtained from the previous dialogue had been obtained, Song Qingshu finally took a deep look at the charming-charming young woman in the room and left quietly.

When returning to the other hospital, Zhao Min gave him an unexpected look: "Why have you been there for so long?"

"A word is hard to say." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

"What's hard to say," Zhao Min glanced at him contemptuously. "I just got news that all the members of the Southern Song Dynasty mission had been killed by a mysterious person. Originally, I thought you were a little indecisive, but I didn't expect you to be ruthless. It really makes people look different."

There was a strange surprise in her voice, as if she had some appreciation and some loss.

"That person is not me..." Song Qingshu laughed bitterly, and roughly recounted what had just happened.

"Xue Yiren?" Zhao Min breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this answer, and didn't know why. He glanced at Song Qingshu without revealing a trace before continuing, "Mostly, it is the power struggle between Jia Sidao and Han Tong... "Her analysis is roughly the same as Song Qingshu's previous guess.

"I've got another news..." Song Qingshu hesitated, and recounted what he had heard about the mandarin duck knife, and said in a mocking tone, "Are these people crazy, right? Believe this kind of nonsense?"

"It's not necessarily nonsense," Zhao Min said suddenly.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu looked at her curiously, waiting for the following.

Zhao Min said: "In fact, I have recently received similar information that the legendary mandarin duck sword will appear in Shangjing. I didn't take it seriously at the beginning, but now I heard you mention the Jia family. Then, I suddenly realized that things are not that simple."

"You also got the information of Yuanyang Dao?" Song Qingshu asked in surprise.

Zhao Min got up and came to the window, looking at the sunset in the sky, and narrated in a distant voice: "I don't know when there has been a rumor in the rivers and lakes that the person who gets the secret of the mandarin duck knife can be invincible. In the world. Although there is no head and tail, but I don’t know why, everyone believes it. Among them, there are many respectable predecessors in the world. I heard that there was a **** storm in the fight for this knife. About 20 years ago, the mandarin duck knife Suddenly disappeared without a trace, and this rumor was slowly forgotten, but recently I don’t know why it has started to rise again."

Song Qingshu thought that most of the Mandarin Duck Sword fell into the hands of the Shen family twenty years ago. Later, the people of the Shen family devoted themselves to researching, but unfortunately they never got the chance to crack the secret. Finally, the secret leaked. Shen Bijun was robbed and the Shen family was also destroyed.

"What does the Mandarin Duck Sword look like?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

Zhao Min shook his head: "No one knows. It is said that all the people who have seen the mandarin duck knife are dead."

"So mysterious?" Song Qing showed surprise in writing, and suddenly realized a problem. Jia Sidao had so many capable people and strangers. Why did he send Jia Zhen, a playboy, and Qin Keqing, who has no power to hold a chicken, to pick it up? Second task?

It's nothing more than Jia Zhen. Although she is a bit good-looking, she also has the ability. What exactly did Qin Keqing come here for? Song Qingshu did not believe in Jia Sidao to relieve Jia Zhen's boredom on the road. There must be a reason why she must come.

Song Qingshu didn't take the Mandarin Duck Sword seriously before, so he didn't think about it. Now, assuming that the legend of the Mandarin Duck Sword is true, he suddenly keenly realized Qin Keqing's suspicion here.

After chatting with Zhao Min and returning to his room, Song Qingshu hesitated for a long time, and finally made up his mind to find some disguised materials from the package, and then disguised as Wu Tiande again, and then quietly disappeared. In the night sky.

Besides, after Qin Keqing forced Jia Zhen to retreat, she lay in bed early to rest, but couldn't fall asleep. Once she closed her eyes during this period, all the images that appeared in her mind were those that night.

Was red-waves, idiotic-wrapped in the neck, the man’s strong arms, the oppressive masculine aura...Qin Keqing blushed so quickly that he bleeds, and he pulled the quilt over his head with shame. Rolling around on the bed consciously.

"Oh, I was conquered in that way..." Thinking of certain scenes that night, Qin Keqing's long and charming eyes quickly seeped out-water came, "But the bed-Kung fu is also kung fu. ~"

At this moment, she suddenly felt a warm hand touching her back, Qin Keqing was shocked, thinking that Jia Zhen had sneaked in, but when she lifted the quilt, she saw the man in front of her, she couldn't help but laugh. Get up: "I was asleep, but I dreamed of him again."

Song Qingshu was startled, but she didn't expect this to happen. Just as she was about to speak, Qin Keqing suddenly stretched out her arms and hugged him directly, and his unusually soft body came up immediately: "It's hard to dream of you, then come. A sweet dream."


Thanks to the king of meat pigeons, the prince of losing horses, Valentine_mm, tuoyuziyou, Huang Wanying 0, Mingxin, Ming, Throwing Cups, Space Shuttle, Dou Wei, Book Friends 53494589, Extraordinary Mars, leye2595, Boy Wuhenwindy, Dawn, etc. The support of enthusiastic book friends and monthly ticket support.

I helped my friend move home for a day, and only came back after nine o'clock, and I was exhausted.

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