Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1499: The secret of the mandarin duck knife

Song Qingshu was startled. The reason why he changed his face to look like "Wu Tiande" was mainly because it made it easier to gain her trust and then get information from her. How could she know that she would react like this.

He is not Liu Xiahui, but it is a bit out of place at this moment. Zhao Min is anxious at home, so why is he embarrassed to go outside to look for Liu?

"Is the madam dreaming?" Song Qingshu pushed Qin Keqing away and asked gently.

A trace of dazedness flashed in Qin Keqing's eyes, and he suddenly woke up, sat upright with a loud noise, and was so embarrassed that he could not find a place to get in.

Song Qingshu was worried about irritating her, so he stopped talking, just looked at her with a smile.

"Why are you here?" After a long time, Qin Keqing barely calmed down, and curiosity prevailed in her heart. You must know that he has been appointed by the court to take charge of Sichuan's military power. He should have taken office now, how could he appear thousands of miles away. Here.

"Because I miss my wife." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"Hate~" Qin Keqing shrank back and suddenly turned pale, "How do you know who I am?" She is not stupid. If the other party can find this place, how can she not know that she is the young lady of Jia's house?

Song Qingshu stretched out her hand and stroked the hair between her temples: "The young lady of Ningguo Mansion is the most beautiful in the capital. The men in Lin'an want to kiss Fangze. Wouldn't I know him?"

Qin Keqing was embarrassed when she heard it, but she still had a hint of pride besides being ashamed. After all, which woman did not want to be praised for being beautiful? Even if this beauty will bring her misfortune...

Looking at the beard on Song Qingshu's face, Qin Keqing's eyes were shining brightly: "You have a beard for a while, and you don't have a beard for a while, which face is you?"

Song Qingshu was stunned, and then remembered that the night visitor Jia's Mansion had met her with her original appearance, and then she recognized the same aura when she spent the night with her as Wu Tiande, and because of too much recent events. , As a result, I forgot this.

"I knew that I didn't change clothes specially." Song Qingshu was so depressed, it turned out to be doing some useless work after half a day.

Qin Keqing stroked his cheek: "Who are you?" She lives in a wealthy family, how can she not understand how strange the waves are at this level, thinking of the mysterious identity of the other party, maybe deliberately approaching herself, and then thinking of this The series of possible consequences that would be triggered suddenly became extremely cold in my heart.

"It was an accident that you and I met, so why bother to get to the bottom? It's not good for anyone." Song Qingshu has a delicate relationship with Jia Sidao Group. If Qin Keqing knows his identity, even if Qin Keqing keeps a secret for him, Under the methods of Jia Sidao and others, he didn't believe that Qin Keqing could resist, and when his identity was revealed, it would be troublesome.

"But you clearly know who I am!" Qin Keqing bit her lip and looked at him a little angrily, but she was charming-bone Tiancheng, even if she was angry, she was charming-extremely charming.

"Just treat me as a thief." Song Qingshu replied.

Qin Keqing pursed her mouth and murmured: "Where is the heart thief, it is clear that it is a pick-flower-thief."

Song Qingshu had a black line and had to explain: "Please rest assured, Madam, I will never do anything to harm or threaten Madam."

Qin Keqing stared at her blankly. This familiar and unfamiliar man was full of mystery. She didn't even know the other party's name, but she didn't know why. At this time, she was willing to believe the other party's words, as if there was a strange magic in his voice. .

"Why isn't the madam in Lin'an city, but ran to this bitter cold place?" Song Qingshu pretended to inadvertently ask, although Shangjing is also a big city, after all, it is not as livable as the south of the Yangtze River.

"Hey, there is still no reason to come." Qin Keqing showed a look of helplessness between her eyebrows.

"Is it for the Mandarin Duck Sword?" Song Qingshu asked suddenly.

Qin Keqing instantly became vigilant: "How do you know?"

"Guess." Song Qingshu regrets it. He knew that he wouldn't pretend to be a gentleman at the beginning, and he relived the old feelings with her directly. It would be easier than now to ask questions when you are happy.

Although Qin Keqing is weak, she is not stupid. She quickly guessed what she was coming from. She rolled her eyes and thought about it: "It's too unfair to answer your questions. Let's ask each other questions one by one. Guarantee never to hide."

Song Qingshu was startled, and said with a wry smile: "All right then."

"I'll ask first," Qin Keqing said rushingly, afraid of losing money, "Are you Wu Tiande?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "No." There is no need to hide this from her.

"It's no wonder that Wu Tiande was not affected the last time in the palace competition." After thinking of Jia Sidao angrily asking whether he did his best that night, Qin Keqing couldn't help but flushed, and at the same time the questions he had always been answered were answered.

"Since you have finished asking, it's my turn now," Song Qingshu laughed. "To investigate the whereabouts of Yuanyangdao, there are so many capable people and strangers under Jia Mansion, why should you let the young grandma go out in person?"

"Because my mother saw Mandarin Duck Swords back then." Qin Keqing was shocked when he said a word.

"What, did your mother have seen a mandarin duck knife?" Song Qingshu was shocked, knowing that the mandarin duck knife is extremely mysterious in the rivers and lakes. There are always legends. He has never heard of the real thing. Now he doesn't even know what the mandarin duck knife looks like.

"Yeah." Qin Keqing nodded, her brows couldn't help being proud of her mother.

Song Qingshu was a little skeptical at first, but thinking that her mother was Fang La's daughter, Princess Jinzhi, she might have seen it: "What does the Mandarin Duck Sword look like?"

Qin Keqing shook her head: "You have another problem."

Song Qingshu then remembered the rules agreed by both parties: "Then ask."

Qin Keqing stared at him with scorching eyes: "I want to know what you really look like."

"Didn't you see it last time?" Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

"Who knows if that will be your other face?" Qin Keqing's tone was a little bit resentful.

Song Qingshu sighed and took off the human-skin mask on his face: "The main reason for wearing the mask is that you are more familiar with this face."

Looking closely at the man in front of him with his sword eyebrows into his temples, his lines were tough, many times more handsome than Wu Tiande's appearance before. Qin Keqing couldn't help but blush. Although she was deeply impressed by "Wu Tiande" that night, she was never I don't like to wear a beard, and it hurts her. Now that I see his original appearance, I can't help but have a wish.

"I like this face a little bit better..." Qin Keqing murmured quickly and inaudibly. Seeing the surprised eyes of the other party, he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "It's time for you to ask questions."

Song Qingshu shrugged: "Didn't I already ask just now?"

"Oh," Qin Keqing was a little flustered, "The Mandarin Duck Sword is not a knife, but a female and a male sword. It is divided into a Mandarin Sword and a Duck Sword. My mother has only seen Duck Swords."

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