Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1501: Big Uncle and Stunning-Young Woman

"It's no wonder you got up so early that you caught fire inexplicably." Song Qingshu's face was filled with an inexplicable smile.

"Is it funny?" Seeing his hippie smiling face, Zhao Min only felt an evil fire rising from his chest and abdomen.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "I didn't go out to fool around last night. I came back very early."

Zhao Min snorted and didn't say much, and went directly to his side, both faces almost coming together.

Looking at her piercable skin close up, Song Qingshu sighed in her heart that Zhao Min grew up in Mongolia, and her skin was even fairer and finer than that of a Jiangnan woman. She was indeed a life-long existence of Zhong Lingxiu, the grace of God.

At such a close distance, Song Qingshu could even smell the fragrance of her hair, and her heart could not help but jumped up, as if it had become an innocent little place again-male: "What does she mean? Kiss me, but it's not like her character...Should I take the initiative?"

While Song Qingshu was struggling with gains and losses, Zhao Min wrinkled her nose and smelled it all the way down. When she smelled his left chest and sleeves, she couldn't help but sneer again and again: "There is the fragrance of other women on him, don't you say last night I went to compete with other girls."

Suddenly, Song Qingshu knew that he wanted to go wrong. As for the fragrance on his body, I am afraid that he had left Qin Keqing with him yesterday.

Zhao Min stood up straight and said faintly: "The Chuyanfang rouge gouache that I still used, it seems that the woman should come from Zhongming Ding Shijia, and sometimes I have to sigh that the woman you are looking for has good taste. "

Song Qingshu naturally knew that she was not boasting herself, and couldn't help but smile again and again. Zhao Min actually guessed Qin Keqing's identity with such a clue. Such a smart woman is really love-hate intertwined, and she is definitely a great achievement. The talent of Wang Zuozhi, but if he really marries home, he won’t even be able to hide it from her...

"I'm really wronged. Didn't I think that you were still waiting for me yesterday, so I came back without doing anything. Who knows that you are already asleep when you come back." Song Qing said helplessly, staggering his hands.

Zhao Min's face was reddened, and turned away a little unnaturally: "Who is waiting for you."

Looking at her blushing and charming appearance, Song Qingshu secretly sighed, if she were to be placed in the world of the second dimension of the future generations, she would definitely be an arrogant eldest lady.

"Princess..." At this moment, Zhao Min's subordinates ran in from a distance. They wanted to say something, but when they saw Song Qingshu next to them, they closed their mouths instantly.

Zhao Min frowned: "If you have anything to say directly, he is not an outsider."

Song Qingshu's expression moved, and he didn't say anything, but there was a hint of warmth in his heart.

There was a look of surprise under the hand, and then he replied: "The latest news, the members of the Xixia delegation have entered the Wei Palace."

"Yelü Yixin?" Zhao Min murmured, "Now he is in the imperial court, and he is also the father of Princess Cheng'an. It makes sense for Xixia's people to visit him. You continue to send people to monitor, and be careful not to startle the snake."

"Yes!" The man bowed and quietly retreated.

Zhao Min didn't take it seriously, but Song Qingshu on the side frowned secretly, thinking that Yelu Nanxian was about to marry Prince Xixia he was very upset. This upset has nothing to do with love, but is determined by something carved deep in the male gene.

"I'll go out for a while." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, since he was hit by himself this time, how could he destroy the marriage between the two countries.

"Good." Zhao Min replied lightly.

Song Qingshu hurriedly walked two steps out, then suddenly stopped and looked back at Zhao Min with a smile but a smile: "Almost hit the princess's plan."

The corner of Zhao Min's mouth rose slightly: "What are my plans."

"The main reason is that you promised too readily to reveal the flaws," Song Qingshu snorted. "You obviously want to know what Xixia and Liao Kingdom are discussing, but the Wei Palace is heavily guarded and your subordinates can't go in and investigate at all. He hit me with an idea, deliberately pretending to be indifferent, and at the same time deliberately or unintentionally mentioning Yelu Nanxian's marriage to stimulate me, knowing that because of my temper, I must take the initiative to investigate.

Zhao Min sighed: "Sometimes I still feel a little more relaxed around Zhang Wuji. When I am with you, I always feel like I am with an old fox." Now the relationship between the two is extraordinary, and Zhang Wuji is like an ordinary person. I'm not afraid of any taboo topics.

Song Qingshu snorted with a straight face, "I am an old fox, and you are a thousand-year-old fox."

Zhao Min smiled brilliantly, obviously satisfied with the title: "Since you have seen through the tricks of the little girl, are you going or not?"

"Of course..." Song Qingshu raised his voice, and finally frustrated, "Yes." Yang Mou is so helpless, you know everything, but you will still get in.

Song Qingshu had been to the Wei Palace before, and this time it was considered a familiar road, but it was still necessary to be cautious when sneaking in in broad daylight. Of course, for other masters of the rivers and lakes, if they wanted to sneak into the heavily guarded Wei Palace, it would be impossible to be cautious.

After entering the Wei Palace, Song Qingshu quickly found the place where Yeluyixin met the Xixia people from the direction where the people brought tea and water, and quietly looked in by the window.

Naturally, Yelvyixin sat in the middle hall. In addition, there were a few unknown officials sitting in the room. Some belonged to the Liao State and some belonged to Xixia. It must be Yelvyixin’s confidant and Xixia’s envoy.

But what surprised him was that there were a few old acquaintances in the room. At the top of the room was a woman in white clothes wearing a tulle. Even if she was covering her face, she could see her eyes full of autumn water and the looming ones. With ice muscle and snow skin, coupled with her slim and attractive figure, she knew she was a stunning beauty at first glance.

"Menggu?" Song Qingshu was quickly relieved after the initial surprise. Li Qinglu was in charge of Yipintang. Before investigating the Southern Song intelligence, it still appeared in Lin'an. Now it is natural to come to Shangjing for the marriage of Xixia and Liao.

"Huh, I want to see the sister-in-law for your emperor brother, this time I will definitely let you go home." Song Qingshu naturally understood the purpose of her trip, and her heart became more irritable.

As for the few people around her, they are the acquaintances among the acquaintances, the four villains headed by Duan Yanqing.

"Among the nations, Xixia is the weakest, and Duan Yanqing is barely regarded as a top master in the world. The others are a bit far behind." Song Qingshu secretly thought, but soon realized that Xixia's number one master is not someone else. It was Li Qiushui, who was hidden in the deep palace, and Li Qinglu, who was taught by one hand, could hold the scene.

The people inside were talking about some details of the wedding. When Song Qingshu was upset when he heard it, suddenly a man came in from the outside, crying and crying all the way: "Father, you have to be the master of the child."

"What the hell?" Song Qingshu looked intently, and saw that the man was about twenty years old. He was born quite handsome, but his feet were vacant, and there was a faint blue and black color between his brows. He was obviously hollowed out by the color of wine. , But now the most striking thing is that his clothes are in tatters, his face is blue and purple, and he was obviously beaten.

"Father, you have to be the master for me." The man held Yelu Yixin's leg and howled.

The room was still discussing enthusiastically before. At this moment, the effort quieted down. Song Qingshu's mouth twitched outside the window, thinking that this was Nanxian's brother Yelusui?

I heard from Zhao Min that Yelu Yixin has a son and a daughter, and the daughter is naturally Yelu Nanxian, and the son is Yelu Suiya. I heard that the special dandy kid fights with eagles and dogs and hangs on fireworks all day. However, in Song Qingshu's view, this is a common problem with dudes, who knows how strange it is.

Yelu Yixin obviously couldn't hold on to his face, quietly glanced at the faces of the people in Xixia, and said angrily: "You bastard, don't look at what place it is, I have guests here!"

Yelusui also found out that there were other people in the room. He didn't take it seriously when he saw them, but when his eyes fell on Li Qinglu, he suddenly showed awe-inspiring expression. The whole person was stunned there with his mouth wide open. I can't say a word.

Li Qinglu didn't get angry either, she smiled and said, "Wang Wei doesn't have to be angry. It's obvious that Young Master Ling was beaten up like this, so let's listen to Young Master Ling and talk about what happened.

"Let the princess laugh," Yelu Yixin's face looked better, and kicked his son. "Stand up and talk."

Yelusui also woke up from the surprise just now. After this reminder, the tragic experience just now prevailed, and hurriedly said: "Father, it is like this. Today I was walking on the street with someone, and suddenly I came across a Woman, although I look at the bun of a woman who is older than me and combed, it is really stunning on earth. With that face and figure, no one of your concubines can compare to her, and this is the princess. Maybe it can be evenly divided..."

"Shut up and talk about the point!" Yelu Yixin interrupted him hurriedly, his expression gloomy and dripping with water.

Everyone in Xixia looked weird, even Li Qinglu’s smile froze on his faces, Song Qingshu outside the window almost laughed out, he found that he somewhat liked this eldest brother of Huobao - he had already assumed that Yelu Nanxian was his own woman, and naturally loved the house and Wu He also regarded Yelusui as the eldest brother.

Yelusui was also scared by his father and didn't dare to chew, and hurriedly said: "Then I went forward and thought... I wanted to make friends with her. Who knew that she didn't give face at all and beat me severely."

Hearing his words, everyone in the room sneered. Even if they didn’t see it in person, they could imagine what it was like at that time. It must be that Yelv Sui also saw that they were pretty, so they went forward to molested him, but I didn’t expect that beautiful girl-women unexpectedly. He is a master of martial arts, not only did he not be taken advantage of but beat him severely.

"Things that are not useful, have a group of you big men beaten by a woman?" Yelu Yixin naturally knew that every time his son went out, he would bring a group of house thugs and the like, and he would definitely rush into the fight.

Yelusui was also immediately anxious: "If she hadn't had a sword that was cut like mud in her hand, how could we not be able to beat her!"

Hearing what he said, Li Qinglu, who was not far away, instantly lit up.

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