Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1502: Sisters who are sick

Although Li Qinglu quickly concealed the past, how could his momentary reaction be concealed from Song Qingshu, who had been observing the situation inside the house?

"Li Qinglu is in charge of Xixia Yipin Hall, and martial arts is a leader of the younger generation. Why can she be so ghoulish?" Song Qingshu thoughtfully, "A sword that cuts iron like mud..."

"A group of you guys can't beat a woman and have a strange weapon?" Yelu Yixin looked like he hated iron and steel, "Get out of here!"

Li Qinglu promptly persuaded him: "Wang Wei doesn't need to blame Ling-Gongzi. There are so many capable people and strangers in the arena, and there are also weapon advantages. It is no wonder that the Prince suffers a loss."

Hearing her speaking for herself, Yelv Sui immediately cast a grateful look, thinking that this princess Xixia is not only beautiful, but also so considerate.

"Well, for the sake of Princess Yinchuan, I'll spare you this time, don't hurry up, don't delay our talk about business." Yeluyi gave his son a hard look.

Yelusui had no choice but to walk out sadly. After coming out, he kept muttering: "My father has become more and more severe recently. Is it because it's not easy to stand up for me in front of outsiders?"

At this time, Li Qinglu in the room made a look without showing a trace. There was already a subordinate who understood, and quietly followed out. All this was not hidden from Song Qingshu's eyes, he hesitated, and I couldn't hear any valuable information. , Then quietly followed.

I saw that Xixia people quietly caught up with Yelv Suiye, and asked about the information about the woman he met before. Because Li Qinglu just helped to speak, Yelv Sui also had enough affection for Xixia people, and soon he was emotionally moved. What happened before is described in more detail.

Song Qingshu frowned secretly, thinking that Li Qinglu cared about this matter so much, could it be possible that he wanted to stand up for Yelusui, in order to please Yelu Yixin? However, he quickly denied this speculation. She was a grand princess after all, and she was too low profile by bullying men and women on behalf of the dude to please others.

While he was in doubt, there was a movement from the hall, Song Qingshu hurriedly flashed aside, it turned out that Xixia and his party had come out, and Yelu Yixin even sent them to the door in order to show their friendship.

Song Qingshu hesitated, and finally decided to quietly follow Li Qinglu and the others to see what she was doing. After all, everything before was really abnormal.

Let’s also say that at this time on the outskirts of the capital, a beautiful young woman in aquamarine fur-blue dress suddenly stopped: "Your Excellency has been with me for so long, should I show up too?" The voice was crisp and soft, obviously a very gentle voice Woman.

"The little girl is really good at martial arts, she can actually find my whereabouts." After a burst of laughter, a man in black jumped from a nearby tree. Although it was daytime, he was still covered with a black scarf, but from With the exposed gray hair, he can see that he is not young anymore.

A blush flashed across the young woman’s delicate face, thinking how old her child was, she actually called her little girl, but she also understood that this man in black might be too young to call her little girl, “I don’t know. Why did senior follow me all the way?"

The man in black smiled and said, "There is nothing else, just want to take a look at the sword carried by the lady." While speaking, he pointed to the knife on her back.

The young woman changed slightly, and replied neither humble nor arrogant: "This is the legacy of her ancestors, and I hope you forgive me for the inconvenience." How can she not see that the other party came with the knife for this? It's just a scene.

"That's really a shame..." The black-clothed man sighed, and moved before he could finish speaking. The whole person was like a black big peng bird, rushing towards the young woman overwhelmingly.

The young woman was obviously on guard, a silver bell and gold cable flicked at the other side at an incredible angle, and the man in black had a shock in his heart, so he had to change direction halfway and escape the blow.

The young woman did not stop, the silver bell and golden lock in her hand was like a dragon in the cloud, and he did not attack the opponent, causing the man in black to exclaim again and again: "The little girl's martial arts has reached such a realm. It is really amazing."

The young woman was not at all happy, because she had already pushed the long rope in her hand to the extreme, but it was a pity that she couldn't help her. Obviously, the man in black had more martial arts than her.

Sure enough, after this period of time, the man in black had spotted the number of her moves, and suddenly his figure flashed, causing the young woman's attacks to fail in succession, and several breathing times had already been within three feet of her.

At such a short distance, the long cable was no longer useful. The young woman was panicked and pulled out the long knife behind her back. The blade was only half a foot exposed. She saw Leng Sensen blasting out with a blue light, and waited for it. The blade was pulled out of the sheath, and the cold light flickered. Rao did not dare to stand up to the front with the martial arts of the man in black, and retreated ten feet away with a strange cry.

Looking at the flickering cold light on the knife, the man in black admired: "It really is the legendary sword."

The young woman frowned, thinking that although the knife of Xianfu was also a rare good knife, it was far less famous in the world than Dragon Saber, and she didn't know why this person was so concerned about this knife.

"Have the little girl heard the story of guilt?" The man in black was not in a hurry to make a move, instead he spoke.

"Naturally." The young woman snorted, and at the same time, she was on guard. The man in black in front of her was very high in martial arts. If she was the previous self, I am afraid that she would no longer be an opponent. Thanks to the person who passed the master's supreme divine arts to herself, this can support this. Long. Thinking of the process of cultivating that magical skill, a charming blush suddenly appeared on the beautiful face of the young woman.

Rao is that the man in black is already old, and can't help feeling a little lost at this time: "It's really stunning on earth."

But after all, he has been turbulent, and soon thought of the purpose of his trip, and said: "This knife is not something you can own. Reluctantly keeping it in your hand will only bring disaster to you."

The young woman sneered again and again: "I can't have it, can you have it?"

Standing with his hand in black, the man in black proudly said: "The old man naturally has the ability to hold this knife."

The young woman said angrily: "How can you give the old husband's relics to others? If you have the ability, you can take them yourself!"

The black-clothed man's eyes turned cold: "The old man is offended." He shot again, his speed and palm wind were twice as fast as before. The young woman was able to support with the sword in her hand at first, but it was twenty. After a few moves, her shots have begun to sluggish, as if she would be hit by the opponent's attack at any time.

After a few more moves, the man in black finally spotted a flaw and pressed a palm on the blade. The young woman fell to the ground like thunder.

The man in black didn't give her a chance to breathe this time, and directly attacked and tried to take the knife off. At this time, the young woman's body was full of blood, and it would take at least three breaths to regain her combat strength. Resistance?

Seeing that the man in black was about to succeed, there was a scream from a short distance, and the man in black swept a golden object and shot it.

He didn't dare to hold big, so he could only give up the offense. He turned over and grabbed the past. He looked at the golden dart sticking in the side tree, and suddenly changed his color: "Golden Snake Cone!"

"Sister Bingxueer, are you okay." At this time, a woman with beautiful eyebrows, jade cheeks and cherry lips went to hold the young woman, although she herself combed the young woman's hair bun, but her face was white and red. It is really whiter than a girl-pink and tender.

"Qingqing, is it you?" The young woman was surprised and delighted. At this moment, she had already adjusted the true energy in her body, but what made her even more happy was that she met an acquaintance at this time.

It turns out that this young woman is Bing Xue'er, the widow of Hu Yidao, who has been gone for a long time. After she was separated from Song Qingshu, she had been secretly searching for clues to the murder of her husband and enemy Murong Jingyue. As soon as she entered the city, she met a gangster who came forward to molest her. After she taught the other party, she thought of those family members who claimed that he was the son of King Wei. Knowing that Yelu Yixin's power was overwhelming, she planned to go out of the city to hide in order to avoid trouble. In the limelight, who knows that he was entangled by this mysterious man in black not long after he left the city.

As for the other woman with white skin and red skin, it is naturally Xia Qingqing. At the beginning, she was going to find Dongfang Muxue to hold Yuan Chengzhi's vengeance, but from Dongfang Muxue's mouth, she learned that Yuan Chengzhi was probably not dead, and she was surprised and delighted with Dongfang Muxue. They returned to Yanjing together and started investigating Yuan Chengzhi's information while helping the other party to deal with political affairs. Finally, it was found that someone had seen someone very similar to Yuan Chengzhi in Shangjing, so she set off to rush here.

Along the way, I was thinking about what Dongfang Muxue said to her, even if I found Yuan Chengzhi, can you go back to the past and have a new life with him?

Xia Qingqing was also very confused. For countless nights, she had been asking herself, if Yuan Chengzhi was still alive, who would she choose between him and Song Qingshu, although she sensibly told herself that she was Mrs. Yuan, she found that Song Qingshu had completely occupied her own. Atrium, even though he is very carefree and glib...

"I'm really a bad woman..." Although she had a choice in her heart, she decided to come to Beijing to determine Yuan Chengzhi's whereabouts and completely end her past. When I was suffering from gains and losses, I suddenly heard the sound of fighting not far away. I ran over and found that one of them was Bing Xue'er. When they first met Song Qingshu, they met, although they knew she was the widow of Hu Yidao. , But also know the relationship between her and Song Qingshu.

Because the two are both widows, they have some pity for the same illness. Although the two women are now rivals in love to some extent, they have no intention of being jealous at all, and instead introduce each other as confidants.

Seeing Bing Xue'er in danger, how could Xia Qingqing stand by and just shoot out a few golden snake cones to rescue her.

"Golden Snake Sword!" Seeing the gleaming sword in Xia Qingqing's hand, the man in black hesitated for an instant. He wasn't afraid of the new Xia Qingqing. Although she was not weak in martial arts, the two women were not their opponents together. He was afraid of the man behind Xia Qingqing-Song Qingshu, the king of the snake.

Although Song Qingshu and Xia Qingqing have never made a public relationship, everyone is not blind, more or less guessed, there is always some rumor, but because Song Qingshu has been too strong over the years, no one thinks anything is wrong. , On the contrary, I think it is only natural for Xia Qingqing to follow him. A beauty is worthy of a hero.

"Since your Excellency recognizes the Golden Snake Sword, do you want to continue fighting?" Xia Qingqing was also afraid of this person's martial arts, for fear that it would make him anxious to come to death.

The man in black showed hesitation, but his gaze fell on the treasure in Bing Xueer's hand, and finally his eyes became firm again: "The old man is asking for this knife. Seeing the face of the Golden Snake King, take the knife. Leave it to me, I promise not to hurt your hair."

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