Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1503: Catch it all

Bing Xueer frowned and said, "I just said that this is the relic of the ancestor, how can I give it to you?" In order to avenge her husband, she has been traveling north and south to check the news of Murong Jingyue, who passed by Cangzhou not long ago. At that time, I worshipped Hu Yidao and deliberately dug out the Lengyue Baodao buried in her husband’s tomb, intending to use this sword to avenge the enemy.

What's more, the Hu family's sword technique is more powerful with this knife, and Hu Fei has gradually grown up. If you want to pass this knife to him in the future, how can you give it to others?

"Then you can't blame me." The man in black sneered. He had already made up his mind. As the saying goes, the emperor is far away. No matter how high Song Qingshu's martial arts is, it is impossible to know what happened thousands of miles away. Unconsciously.

The figure in black flashed, and instantly attacked the two women. Bing Xueer and Xia Qingqing had been prepared for a while, and greeted them with their swords and swords.

Bing Xueer has learned the "Jade-Female Heart Sutra" of the ancient tomb school's most advanced martial arts, and also learned part of the "Nine Yin Scriptures". Xia Qingqing has been with Song Qingshu for a longer time and has received several pointers. The martial arts have made greater progress. The two women have already been among the world's top masters. If it hadn't been for the martial arts of the black man who was opposite, they would have already beaten him.

However, the man in black became more and more frightened as he fought. One sword technique was upright and majestic, and the other was strange and unusual. The combination of these two swords and swords really doubled his power. Although his martial arts is much higher than any one, he is better than two. People work together, but how come after hundreds of moves.

At this moment, the man in black suddenly frowned. He jumped out of the ring and stopped attacking. Instead, looking to the west, Bing Xue'er and Xia Qingqing leaned against each other, and looked over there while concentrating on guard.

I saw a slender girl with a light veil leading a group of ferocious people on horseback and leaning over here. This group of people was obviously the people in the first class hall headed by Li Qinglu.

"Huh?" Seeing the mysterious man in black, Li Qinglu frowned. She learned about Bing Xue'er from Yelu Suiye, and then inquired all the way to Chengdong, who knew that there were other masters present.

At this time, the man in black was also uncertain, standing in place with his hand holding his hand, and no longer making a move. Although he was arrogant in martial arts, he was not too stupid to be a snipe and clam fighting for fishermen's profit. He did not understand the origin of these Xixia people. Before, he had made up his mind not to shoot anymore.

Song Qingshu, who was far behind Li Qinglu, also recognized Bing Xue'er and Xia Qingqing at this time. He couldn't help but be surprised and happy, especially Bing Xue'er. It's probably been more than a year since the last separation.

But he didn't rush up to recognize each other. This time he came to the capital in secret. Now that there are so many people with mixed eyes, it is really inconvenient to show up.

"Let's take a look at what the Xixia people are thinking." Song Qingshu became more confused when he thought that Li Qinglu and others had come to Bingxue'er.

"You go on, we just passed by." After the initial astonishment, Li Qinglu smiled and wanted to leave.

"Humph!" No matter it was the man in black or the two daughters of Bingxue'er, no one believed her nonsense.

Seeing that he hadn't fooled him, Li Qinglu stopped and said to the man in black, "I don't know what your deeds are doing?" She could see that the man in black had a strong martial arts, and it would be best to not provoke him.

"I don't know what the girl is doing?" said the black-clothed urn angrily.

Li Qinglu smiled lightly: "This lady just bullied a friend of mine. My friend has a lot of things he doesn't care about, but I always want to take her back to apologize to my friend." She recognized Bing Xueer's bun and knew it. She is already married, not to mention that because of her age, it is impossible to call each other a little girl like the old man in black.

Song Qingshu curled his lips. There were a lot of adults. It was obvious that Yelv Sui couldn't beat Bing Xueer. As for asking her to apologize, it was just a rhetoric, and ghosts believed.

"But why does Li Qinglu have to look for Bing Xueer?" Song Qingshu was silent.

The black-clothed man snorted coldly, "It seems that everyone has the same intention, so why conceal it." Naturally, he didn't believe Li Qinglu's nonsense.

Li Qinglu smiled sweetly, and didn't think it was ridiculous: "Anyone who pays attention to a first-come-first-served one, since the predecessor comes first, then the predecessor first." She saw that the two sides were fighting before, and obviously did not want to intervene now.

The man in black sneered a few times: "The old man needs to rest when he gets old, so let's change your young man."

Xia Qingqing was furious when she heard the two pushing them to treat them as lambs to be slaughtered, but although she was angry, she was not stupid. She knew that both of them were martial arts high-powered generations, and could not be forced to outwit: "We are golden snakes The people of the camp, especially this wife of the Golden Snake King, if you dare to offend, the Golden Snake Camp will not be able to spare you."

Bing Xueer was ashamed, thinking that she was the survivor of Big Brother Hu, why say I belong to Song Qingshu... Xia Qingqing on the side stuck her tongue out. She was ashamed to say about the relationship with Song Qingshu, so she had to put Bing Xueer. It's coming out.

"Good sister, I will plead with you afterwards." Xia Qingqing hurriedly explained in a low voice in her ear.

Bing Xueer bit her lip, but couldn't get angry at her. Knowing that this was the wisest way, now only expecting Song Qingshu's name to be able to bluff the other party.

Song Qingshu, hiding in the dark, seemed as comfortable as eating ginseng fruit. He thought that Qingqing was a good lady, and knew that he would play out his man's sign at a critical moment.

The black-clothed man's eyes flickered. Before he decided to take action with confidence that he could completely subdue the two women, and the news could not be spread, but now that a large group of people like Xixia are present, he asked himself if he didn't have the ability to get them all done, so he got up. Temporarily retreated mind.

"Golden Snake King, is this the newly sealed King Qi?" Li Qinglu suddenly snorted, thinking of the situation when she was played by the other party outside Lin'an City, even if she was covered in her face, she could still see a layer of dizziness on her face. Red, I don't know if it is ashamed or angry.

"But King Yishan, how can I be afraid when I was founded in Xixia for a hundred years?" Li Qinglu snorted coldly, "Come here, arrested these two women for me."

She has always looked calm and gentle, but when she heard Song Qingshu, she suddenly became impetuous and ordered directly to do it.

Who knew that Duan Yanqing and others looked at one person and did not move. Instead, they stepped forward and whispered to her: "Princess, the surname Song is not easy to provoke, or forget it." In the beginning, there were back and forth, but when they arrived at the back, they couldn't even see Song Qingshu's taillight, and naturally they could no longer have the thought of being opposed to him.

"What are you afraid of," Li Qinglu said angrily, "Xixia and the Golden Snake Camp are thousands of miles away, and there are several countries in between. Are you still afraid that he will bring troops to fight?"

Ye Erniang on the side smiled bitterly: "It's not afraid to lead soldiers, but he has martial arts skills, in case he comes to Xixia alone to avenge..."

Li Qinglu snorted coldly: "That's because he has thrown himself into the net, not to mention that I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Xixia, and even the masters of Yipintang don't know where it is. What's more, there is a concubine with supernatural powers.

He in the cloud next to him opened his mouth, but didn't say anything, but he slandered in his heart: Although the Toffee is high in martial arts, she may not be the opponent of the surname Song. Of course, the concubine was an omnipotent existence in the eyes of Xixia people, and he dared not say this in public.

"If you don't do it, can you let this princess take the action in person?" Li Qinglu couldn't help it at last, and there was a touch of sorrow in her tone.

Duan Yanqing glanced at each other. After all, they were eating Yipintang's meal, and in desperation they had to prepare to attack the two women.

In the dark, Song Qingshu frowned and picked up a few stones to help secretly. Suddenly, he moved in his heart and looked back not far away.

Everyone in the field obviously also noticed the strangeness, and they turned their heads, only to hear a rush of horseshoes, a group of Qidan cavalry rushed over, and they surrounded the field in a few breaths.

The first cavalry of that team was a young knight with extraordinary valor. There was a gentle atmosphere between his brows, not like a general on the battlefield, but more like a handsome gentleman.

Song Qingshu has recognized that the knight leader is Yelvqi. Recalling the previous conversation between Yelvyixin and Ma Xiaoxiamo, it seems that Yelvqi has now been promoted to the deployment of all palaces, and he is in charge of the emperor’s army at such an age. It is really a future. Unlimited.

"What does the general mean?" Li Qinglu hadn't seen Yelvqi before, but recognized that the opponent was the cavalry of Liao, so he didn't panic at all.

"Who are you?" Yelvqi frowned as he looked at the weird costumes of these people.

The person from Yipintang came forward and replied: "We are the Xixia envoy, and this is Princess Yinchuan of our country."

"Xixia Mission?" Yeluqi frowned, "As far as I know, shouldn't the Xixia Mission be in Xuanhuiyuan in the city? How could it appear here?"

"This..." Li Qinglu and the others were suddenly speechless, because they had just returned to Xuanhuiyuan to hide their eyes and ears, and then ran out secretly. They wanted to catch Bingxue'er and leave, but they didn't know it would lead to so many things.

Ye Luqi continued to examine his eyes, and saw the black-clothed man's heart stunned. At first glance, this costume was not a good person. When he saw the two daughters of Xia Qingqing, he couldn't help but be shocked: "Mrs. Yuan!"

"Young Master Yelu." Xia Qingqing also replied.

Before, Yelvqi and Xiao Feng helped the Golden Snake Camp against the Manchu encirclement and suppression army. At that time, the two sides had dealt with each other and naturally recognized each other.

Yelvqi wanted to say something, but after hesitating, he waved his hand: "Come here, take all these people back."

Li Qinglu and the others were immediately furious: "We are the Xixia mission, and you dare to catch it. Are you afraid of affecting the diplomatic relations between the two countries?"

"In this extraordinary period, if you are naturally found out by the Xixia mission after returning,” Yeluqi paused, as if to explain to Xia Qingqing, “Now the Song Dynasty mission is robbed and killed, and the emperor is furious. They are all deployed to investigate the matter with full authority. All suspicious persons in and outside the city will be arrested for interrogation during this period. Please forgive me."

Surrounded by a group of cavalry, Li Qinglu snorted while looking at the gleaming crossbow in the opponent's hand. After all, she gave up the resistance: "Huh, this princess will let you give me an explanation later!"

Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer glanced at each other, and did not resist after all. After all, facing so many heavily armed cavalry, it was useless for them to resist, not to mention the relationship between Yelvqi and being taken away by them might not be a bad thing.

But what surprised everyone was the man in black. Everyone looked at him in broad daylight. He was obviously an evil person. They all thought he would rush out by martial arts, so these cavalrymen in Liao had at least half their attention. It was all on him, but no one thought that he didn't resist at all, and calmly let people put him on the shackles.

"Hey, it's really weird." Song Qingshu, who was hiding in a tree not far away, was surprised.

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